Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Seaside gilia (Gilia millefoliata): Google Deep Brain's "AlphaFold 3 predicts the structure and interactions of all of life’s molecules" - WOW: "#AlphaFold3 takes us beyond proteins to a broad spectrum of biomolecules. This leap could unlock more transformative science" - to accelerate #WUaSDrugDesign & #WUaSgenomics research"-Steps to #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #ForProteins #ForPharmaceuticals #AgingReversalMachine? * * * Stanford Law CodeX Mtg (5/9 @1.30p PT): Tower; Maind Logics * * * WUaS accreditation further with MSCHE Middle States Commission on Higher Education - "Have you and your institution been thinking about #AI? Join us for “Harnessing the Power of AI in Higher Education” on May 14" and @ #MSCHE & w #WUaSaccreditation seek reimbursement from 50 US states'& all ~200 countries' Depts. of Ed. Departments of Education (re $63000 / yr from rich countries and per - https://sfs.mit.edu/undergraduate-students/the-cost-of-attendance/annual-student-budget/) * * * Fettes' College high school in Edinburgh, Scotland, "Drinks and Canapés" on W 4/10/24 in Washington DC. Just following up with a little further Scottish bagpiping - and just posted the following to https://fettescommunity.org/feed ... Just playing on #ScottishSmallPipes the pretty "His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie" #Piobaireachd from "#HoneyPiobaireachd" album & WUaS accreditation re Scotland WUaS

Previous: Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness, NM: How ~200 https://ocw.mit.edu/ - centric #WUaSunivs will grow with AI & ML THNX! #PeterNorvig for #ToolifyAIWUaS ~ "Expanding #MITOCW thru ML #LanguageDiversity Creating a #RealisticVirtualEarth Exploring Bliss in a #VirtualHarbin #HotSprings" https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 THNX! #PeterNorvig for #ToolifyAIWUaS ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Expanding #MITOCW thru ML #LanguageDiversity Creating a #RealisticVirtualEarth Exploring Bliss in a #VirtualHarbin #HotSprings" * * * In #GStreetView w #TimeSlider? @clmorgan #VirtualÇatalhöyük https://colleen-morgan.com/2008/10/10/catalhoyuk-in-second-life-update/ grows (& re http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/colchicum-stanford-complexity-of-open.html & #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook)>#PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology w #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics #WUaSHumanoidRobotics #THR3s ? * * * Just playing on #ScottishSmallPipes the pretty "His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie" #Piobaireachd from "#HoneyPiobaireachd" album https://scottmacleodpiobaireachdscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/ (https://youtu.be/p4utkMgygIE) Code @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSMachineLearning #GeminiAI for feedback from http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm ?

Google Deep Brain's "AlphaFold 3 predicts the structure and interactions of all of life’s molecules" -

WOW: "#AlphaFold3 takes us beyond proteins to a broad spectrum of biomolecules. This leap could unlock more transformative science" - to accelerate #WUaSDrugDesign & #WUaSgenomics research"-Steps to #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #ForProteins #ForPharmaceuticals #AgingReversalMachine? 

Google Deep Brain's "AlphaFold 3 predicts the structure and interactions of all of life’s molecules" -

WOW: "#AlphaFold3 takes us beyond proteins to a broad spectrum of biomolecules. This leap could unlock more transformative science" - to accelerate #WUaSDrugDesign & #WUaSgenomics research"-Steps to #RealisticVirtualEarthFor #ForProteins #ForPharmaceuticals #AgingReversalMachine?

Retweeting - 

1.8M+ researchers have used @GoogleDeepMind’s AlphaFold protein predictions in their work on vaccine development, cancer treatment + more. AlphaFold 3 is the latest breakthrough, predicting the structures + interactions of all of life’s molecules with unprecedented accuracy. We’re sharing access to these capabilities through AlphaFold Server to enable other scientific discoveries. blog.google/technology/ai/…

AlphaFold 3 predicts the structure and interactions of all of life’s molecules
May 08, 2024

Introducing AlphaFold 3, a new AI model developed by Google DeepMind and Isomorphic Labs. By accurately predicting the structure of proteins, DNA, RNA, ligands and more, and how they interact, we hope it will transform our understanding of the biological world and drug discovery.

Google DeepMind AlphaFold team
Isomorphic Labs


In what ways @HankGreelyLSJU @johncumbers All could #AlphaFold3 be emerging #CSvocabulary to also predict #GeneExpression -https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-deepmind-isomorphic-alphafold-3-ai-model/#future-cell-biology& in building a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics >https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 eg in #GStreetView w #TimeSlider #GCellView #GAtomView ?

Retweeting - 

Another indication of the complexity of gene expression, in this case in regard to splicing. My sense in this (very interesting) paper is that we still lack the vocabulary to talk about the organizational and spatiotemporal processes here. #HowLifeWorks 

* *.* 

Stanford Law CodeX Mtg (5/9 @1.30p PT): Tower; Maind Logics 

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

5:55 PM (3 hours ago)
to dbearnunocportoRolandcodex_group_meetings
Dear Roland, Diego, Claudia, All, 

Thanks Diego and Claudia for your timely and topical Maind Logics - https://maind.io/#/ - Stanford Law CodeX presentation. 

Here's the question I asked in the text chat during your presentation, and potentially regarding giving speakers of minority languages in Mexico entrepreneurship opportunities with contracts as well - 

"With Mexico having "294 languages, including 284 indigenous languages, and Spanish is the official language" AND "The Mexican government uses Spanish in the majority of its proceedings, however it recognizes 68 national languages" do you see potential in expanding Maind - https://maind.io/#/ - beyond Spanish with artificial intelligence, and large language models, for contract automation? World Univ & Sch's Beginning Mexico Law Sch at WUAS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Mexico_Law_School_at_WUaS (from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School) - seeks to be in ALL languages in Mexico, and indeed in all 7164 known living languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages - and would be interested in exploring how to create new markets for Maind for example in the future"  

MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch also seeks to offer online WUaS degrees in Mexico - Law, Bachelor, PhD, MD, IB high school or similar, AA and Masters' degrees - to students in their homes, and as WUaS seeks to build out major online universities in all ~25 out of 200 countries in the world (per the Olympics) where Spanish is an official language. 

Gracias, all the best, thank you,
Scott GK MacLeod 

A new #MexicoWUaS #WUaSuniversity 1st courses in Spanish: "CS FIRST: Un plan de estudios que facilita la enseñanza de la programación y la hace divertida de aprender: https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/es/home & #MITOCW Spanish courses https://mitocw.ups.edu.ec/courses/translated-courses/https://mitocw.ups.edu.ec/courses/translated-courses/spanish/ >https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Mexico #WUaSMexico ~


By way of news and updates, and ~200 planned online law schools in all 200 countries from here and see the ~9 beginning ones part way down - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School - and 50 in the US - eg https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Iowa_Law_School_at_WUaS - and as Large Language Models too, at CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch, and an inquiry to Stanford Law Codex and Roland and Meghan especially, please see -  

With INCREDIBLE article https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 could #PeterNorvig further develop ~200 #WUaSUnivs w "Expanding #MITOCW thru ML
Language Diversity"& #RolandVogl @CodeXStanford develop ~250+ online #WUaSLawSchs & @Joseph_C_Wu & @jonc101x
~250+ online #WUaSMedSchs > #VirtualEarth?
With INCREDIBLE article https://t.co/JbwTJBF1jU could #PeterNorvig further develop ~200 #WUaSUnivs w "Expanding #MITOCW thru ML
Language Diversity"& #RolandVogl @CodeXStanford develop ~250+ online #WUaSLawSchs & @Joseph_C_Wu & @jonc101x
~250+ online #WUaSMedSchs > #VirtualEarth? https://t.co/lbXLAlPo1h

— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) May 7, 2024





* * * 

WUaS accreditation further with MSCHE Middle States Commission on Higher Education - "Have you and your institution been thinking about #AI? Join us for “Harnessing the Power of AI in Higher Education” on May 14" and @ #MSCHE & w #WUaSaccreditation seek reimbursement from 50 US states'& all ~200 countries' Depts. of Ed. Departments of Education (re $63000 / yr from rich countries and per - https://sfs.mit.edu/undergraduate-students/the-cost-of-attendance/annual-student-budget/).

Thanks! Looking forward to 5/14 as @WorldUnivAndSch grows major online #WUaSUnivs in all ~200 countries & in languages - https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 - #ConnieClifton #IdnaCorbett @ #MSCHE & w #WUaSaccreditation seek reimbursement from 50 US states'& all ~200 countries' Depts. of Ed.

 Departments of Education (re $63000 / yr from rich countries and per - https://sfs.mit.edu/undergraduate-students/the-cost-of-attendance/annual-student-budget/).



Retweeting - 

Have you and your institution been thinking about #AI? Join us for “Harnessing the Power of AI in Higher Education” on May 14.

Register: https://msche.org/event/harnessing-the-power-of-ai-in-higher-education/

#HigherEd #MSCHEWebinars


MSCHE Middle States Commission on Higher Education 

Registered on Sat 5/4/24 ...

* * * 

Fettes' College high school in Edinburgh, Scotland, "Drinks and Canapés" on W 4/10/24 in Washington DC. Just following up with a little further Scottish bagpiping - and just posted the following to 
https://fettescommunity.org/feed ... Just playing on #ScottishSmallPipes the pretty "His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie" #Piobaireachd from "#HoneyPiobaireachd" album & WUaS accreditation re Scotland WUaS 

Dear George (Preston, my Kimmerghame house housemaster in 1977-78:), Brock (Landry, attorney, https://www.linkedin.com/in/brocklandry, and Fettes alum from about 66-'67), Michael (Stitt), Fettes Head of School Helen Harrison, Mrs. Melrose, Karen Jones, Fettes Community careers, (Shady Side Academy President Bart Griffith, and Head of Senior School Trixie Sabundayo Pgh PA), Member of Scottish Parliament Nicola Sturgeon, Peter Norvig (Head of Google AI, and Stanford Distinguished Education Fellow), All, 

Very nice to meet some of you at the Fettes'"Drinks and Canapés" on W 4/10/24 in Washington DC. Just following up with a little further Scottish bagpiping - and just posted the following to 
https://fettescommunity.org/feed ... 

Just playing on #ScottishSmallPipes 
the pretty "His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie" #Piobaireachd 
Code @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSMachineLearning #GeminiAI for feedback from

and expanded - 

Just playing on #ScottishSmallPipes 
the pretty "His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie" #Piobaireachd 
(hear too 
1993 William Morrison His Father's Lament for Donald MacKenzie Concert Pibroc'h Commana 29 
How best could @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSMachineLearning code #GeminiAI to even give feedback from 
"12 Guidelines for Practicing a Musical Instrument"
By Wynton Marsalis and Yo-Yo Ma

Related wiki schools at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch -


- Scott (GK MacLeod, Kimmerghame house 1978)

Again, posted the above on W May 8 2024 to 

https://fettescommunity.org/feed - 

(I've left my Reed College from ~1979 Tim Lenderking out of these emails per his request ... and what please is Mrs. Millie (Onslow?)' s email address? And thanks again for your email, Michael (Stitt)! 

Stitt, Mr MRJ

Apr 18, 2024, 3:59 AM
to me

Dear Scott,

Many thanks for your emails and my apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

I am only just back in the UK. It was wonderful to meet so many OF’s and hear the pipes. Something I was not expecting in Washington!
We talked about your ambitions in terms of World University and School. Now I am back, I am going to speak to our Head (Academic) and he

should be able to give a more informed view than I. I will get back to you shortly.

I hope you had a good trip back to Pittsburgh and that you enjoyed the event.

Best Wishes



Michael Stitt
Director of Development
Tel: +44 131 332 2281

Mob: 07471 950 034

Fettes College
Carrington Road

Fettes CollegeTwitterFlickerVimeoFacebookInstagram


And please see the PS below regarding WUaS proceeding with accreditation - with WUaS Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - with Middle States Commission on Higher Education with offices in the greater Philadelphia area (serving PA, NY, MD, DE and NJ, and the Virgin Islands etc. too, I think) and licensure with the state of Pennsylvania's department of education. 

And could someone possibly please forward these to the people at the Fettes College Drinks and Canapés' event in DC on 4/10/24? 

All the best, Scott 
- Scott GK MacLeod, 
Kimmerghame house 1978

Thanks! Looking forward to 5/14 as @WorldUnivAndSch grows major online #WUaSUnivs in all ~200 countries & in languages - https://www.toolify.ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 - #ConnieClifton #IdnaCorbett @ #MSCHE & w #WUaSaccreditation seek reimbursement from 50 US states'& all ~200 countries' Depts. of Ed.

 Departments of Education (re $63000 / yr from rich countries and per - https://sfs.mit.edu/undergraduate-students/the-cost-of-attendance/annual-student-budget/).



Retweeting - 

Have you and your institution been thinking about #AI? Join us for “Harnessing the Power of AI in Higher Education” on May 14.

Register: https://msche.org/event/harnessing-the-power-of-ai-in-higher-education/

#HigherEd #MSCHEWebinars


MSCHE Middle States Commission on Higher Education 

Registered on Sat 5/4/24 ...

Friday, April 12, 2024
Nilgiri tahr: Glad to attend the Fettes "Drinks and Canapés" on W 4/10/24 in Washington DC * Fettes Events in DC & NYC (Fettes College high school, Edinburgh, Scotland, where I studied in 1977-'78)


On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 12:20 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear George (Preston, my Kimmerghame house housemaster in 1977-78:), Brock (Landry, attorney, https://www.linkedin.com/in/brocklandry, and Fettes alum from about 66-'67), Michael (Stitt), Fettes Head of School Helen Harrison, Mrs. Melrose, Karen Jones, Fettes Community careers, (Shady Side Academy President Bart Griffith, and Head of Senior School Trixie Sabundayo Pgh PA), Member of Scottish Parliament Nicola Sturgeon, Peter Norvig (Head of Google AI, and Stanford Distinguished Education Fellow), All ... 

https://fettescommunity.org/feed - 


Glad to attend the Fettes "Drinks and Canapés" on W 4/10/24 in Washington DC * Fettes Events in DC & NYC (Fettes College high school, Edinburgh, Scotland, where I studied in 1977-'78, while living in Kimmerghame house) - Thanks for Picture on the @Fettes_Community Twitter feed: 







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