Dear sporadic Universitians,
Happy holidays! I just called a friend and former Reed College housemate, who's also now a faculty member at Reed College, to inquire if I can stay with them to teach a course at Reed College's Paideia (which means "education, broadly construed" in Greek) - 10 days or so of open teaching at Reed every January, - by instructors, students, faculty, the wider Reed community, who want to teach about something they know or enjoy. I'm very glad for this opportunity to share about CC MIT OCW wiki WUaS at Reed, especially where Steve Jobs' matriculated, took that calligraphy class in the mid-1970s, and in Portland, Oregon, where Steve hung out for about 2 years then as well. I'm attaching again the Paideia schedule, and here below is the 2 hour course description. I hope too to video parts of one of the days, or both, for the web.
And here's the course description:
MIT OCWcentric wiki World University and School: How Reedies can wikiteach here and eventually develop WUaS as interns
Scott MacLeod [alum ‘85], 1pm-3pm
A Paideia course on how Reedies can teach and develop Creative Commons’ licensed WUaS, which is like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare, in wikisubjects that they love. This course will share in a handson manner 1) how to curate, edit, add to and develop a WUaS wiki subject page to develop further expertise in that area, 2) how to start a new WUaS wiki subject page as a creative opportunity, 3) how to begin teaching in a Google + group video Hangout and 4) possibly in 3D interactive virtual worlds, if there’s interest and time.
WUaS would like to hire eventually Reedies (students plus) to help student-develop WUaS with time.
As WUaS begins to reach out like this, please don't hesitate to let us know of other places we might talk to potentially creative students like Reedies.
Best regards,
Lots happening in my blog and on Twitter about WUaS as well -
Hi D,
Thanks for your ideas again below, about which Universitians have talked many times in WUaS monthly business meeting (in the manner of F/friends) and about which we've already minuted many items.
As you and I have talked about a couple of times, WUaS is planning to go the CC free route as a CC MIT OCW-centric wiki online accrediting University and School, and per, for example, this article "This Country Just Abolished College Tuition Fees" - education/2014/10/01/3574551/ germany-free-college-tuition/.
How to get on governments, both federal and regional education budget lines (American K-12 education is mostly free, for example), is a question and approach WUaS has to build a track record for.
Please participate in monthly business meeting on January 12th if inclined. If you'd like to read WUaS past business meeting minutes, or get a summary of this conversation, please let me know, as well.
Thanks again.
Happy holidays!
Friendly greetings,