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Pendle Hill: Online non-theist Quaker un-programmed F/friends' Meetings, First one on August 16th in a Google group video Hangout, All are welcome, Emails with Oz


Hi Robin, Annette, Marie, Rosemary and NtFriends, 

So glad to hear of your potential interest in an online non-theist Quaker un-programmed F/friends' Meetings. 

Here's the public event invitation - https://plus.google.com/+ScottMacLeodRainbow/posts/Pn4eCRhsfrz . 

And this is the nicest G+ events' page, but I don't think I can share it publicly yet ... 

I've posted my initial email to all of you and some further information about other online Quaker Meetings in this blog post - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/08/california-oaks-quaker-meeting-in.html . 

Rosemary, I'm planning to hold/facilitate this Nt Friends Meeting this August 16th at 8am PDT in a Google Hangout then head to the Friends' Meeting I regularly attend in SF soon after this. 

Marie, you'll find my somewhat fulsome engagement with NtFs - particularly vis-a-vis NtF language and eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology in atheist Quaker ways, over the years, in these blog labels - 
among other blog labels here 
... and also in this Google group archive, and in any archives that precede this. Not entirely sure what you are meaning with your email.  

Annette and Robin and friends, what are some potential weekend east coast (EDT) times that could work schedule-wise for you to meet for about 30 minutes in a Google group video Hangout for Nt Friends' Meeting explorations? 

In terms of this NtF online Quaker Meeting, I see NtF language as a kind of musical score, metaphorically, that differs from un-programmed Quakers' musical scores in each individual Meeting, and, in an innovative way perhaps, am also interested in engaging/exploring the related un-programmed (improvisational?) musical scores of Grateful Dead and Raga concerts, for example, among other bliss-producing (for me) improvisational musical scores vis-a-vis Nt Friends' online Quaker Meetings ... at least in terms of what I think of as the de facto relaxation response or releasing action meditation that occurs in Friends' Meetings in widespread ways and the Quaker sharing in language which has lead, as I see it, to so much caring and sharing over the centuries. But I'd like to explore this in the form of sitting in silence together and sharing as moved as Friends seem to have done since the 1650s.

Hoping to explore this online in NtFriends' Meetings in, for example, Google group video Hangouts.

Friendly greetings, 

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 7:20 AM, Robin Alpern <Robin.Alpern@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Scott,

I'm very interested in experimenting with Google hangout for NTF meeting.  I've used hangouts a lot for business meetings.

Sunday morning I attend my monthly Meeting for Worship, so I can't join you then.  But please do keep me in mind for future.

Robin Alpern
Scarsdale/Amawalk Monthly Meeting; Purchase Quarterly Meeting; New York Yearly Meeting, USA

On Sunday, August 9, 2015 at 6:38:53 PM UTC-4, Scott MacLeod wrote:
Dear Nontheist Friends/Quakers,

I'm writing to explore developing an online NtF Quaker Meeting in a Google group video Hangout, first as a kind of experiment in truth, - and especially as a NtF Friendly leading.

Nontheist Quakers in Wikipedia -

Nontheist Friends (atheist Quakers) -

I'm also curious to contribute to facilitating and developing a language for Nontheist Friendly Quaker Meeting itself, and perhaps coming into Quakerly conversation with the online Quaker Meetings in this blog post below ... as we NtFs have so fulsomely over these many years.

I'd like to hold the first Meeting line next Sunday, August 16th, at 8am PDT (California time), which is 11am Eastern Daylight Time, and 4pm - tea time - in the British Isles and Scotland, for example, for about 30 minutes. (See, too - http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html).

If you're interested in participating, I think Google group video Hangouts work better if you add people back, so please add me on here -

I may eventually initiate this from this G+ Profile page as well - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MeetingWorldUniversityFriends/posts - so please add this as well.

I've posted some information about other online Quaker Meetings in this blog post - 

Would you like to join in this? (Please let me know if you'd like assistance with Google group video Hangouts beforehand as well).

I'll email this to the general list in a while as well, and welcome your feedback about this - or simply join in. 

Friendly regards,



We'll look forward to your letter being read by many Friends this summer, and many more in libraries of the future.


---------- Original Message ----------
From: Scott MacLeod 
Subject: Nontheistic Ffriends Forum Letter for Friends Journal
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 21:45:29 -0500

Dear Friends Journal,

I'm posting below, and attaching a PDF for, a letter to the Friends Journal forum, with a due date of today.

Thank you!

Friendly greetings,

Dear Friends,

As a nontheistic f/Friend and a member of San Francisco Friends’ Meeting, I greatly appreciate Quaker vision and community and caring, as well as the centering and gathering of unprogrammed Quaker Meeting
with F/friends. My positive experiences with a) evolutionary biology (thinking about this as salutary, personal experience), and b) the, for me, parallel-with-Quaker-Meeting, ‘relaxation response meditation, as
biology’ in the Harbin Hot Springs’ warm pool (my actual anthropological field site for ethnographic books that I’m writing), inform my nontheistic Quakerism and move me toward nontheistically Friendly shared
seasoning. The notion of God -- for me among Quakers since the mid-1970s -- has never held much meaning, whatsoever, and I’m sympathetic, and find some unity, with the more than a decade-long active
conversation focusing on ‘nontheism’ on the nontheistic Friends’ email list, as well as in face-to-face NtF gatherings.

I continue to learn to experience centeredness and gathering while connecting inwardly in unprogrammed Quaker Meeting, and among Friends generally, in the light of nontheistic f/Friendliness - which I
personally think of and experience as f/Friendly biological 'relaxation response’ meditations. And it's particularly the enjoyable parallels between a) soaking in the Harbin warm pool, and b) sitting in Quaker
Meeting, in what I'm calling, again, their "de facto 'relaxation response’ meditations, biologically," that are significant for me and that I'll continue to enjoy exploring with Friends.

Scott MacLeod
San Francisco, CA

PO Box 442
Canyon, CA 94516

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- Tel. 415 480 4577 - P.O. Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- http://scottmacleod.com/worlduniversityandschool.html - worldunivandsch@scottmacleod.com
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare (not endorsed by MIT OCW) - incorporated as a nonprofit effective April 2010.

March 16, 2014


Thanks for your ever so skillful edits. I might have added the word 'neurophysiologically,' in lieu of one 'biologically,' a theme, and focus of inquiry, I'm exploring vis-a-vis Quaker Meeting, omega 3s, the Harbin 
warm pool and especially MDMA, and in many other ways, but am happy there's a chance this may get published in FJ. 

I hope your 'poetry' does as well. 


March 17, 2014


Thanks for your ever so skillful edits. I might have added the word 'neurophysiologically,' in lieu of one 'biologically,' a theme, and focus of inquiry, I'm exploring vis-a-vis Quaker Meeting, omega 3s, the Harbin 
warm pool and especially MDMA, and in many other ways, but am happy there's a chance this may get published in FJ. 

I hope your 'poetry' does as well. 


Hi Os, 

Thanks. I have fond memories of taking MDMA about 4-5 times in around 1981 - the neurochemistry and biology of intense love - but also of an intensity in my jaws toward the end of each journey (on the beautiful, Reed campus, not a rehab center), which might have made me a little wary of it ... but remarkable and even wondrous experiences, nevertheless, in hindsight ... and due to molecules in conjunction with individuals' neurobiologies, but possibly with a similar effect for all, in terms of affective euphoria, love and ecstasy, for 75% of those who take it ... I suspect I could learn more from such neurochemistry 
journeying, but have stayed away from that and alcohol, too, basically, for more than 30 years. 

As you may glean, biology and neurophysiology are significant to my thinking, especially about love and meditation, and other aspects I might also think of a cultural (or even countercultural, perhaps) - but love or meditation, for example, do not seem that considered in Quakerly / Friendly culture/discourse/language in terms of biology and neurophysiology, - perhaps due to the specific religious culture or Quakerism, as it unfolds through the centuries. 

Concerning FJ and submitting to them, the form that Martin and Friends Journal asked me to fill out also asked whether my writing had been published anywhere else, and my letter was, in a sense, through sharing versions of it in the NTF email lists, which I wrote on the form, ... but I have also posted two different versions of it to my personal blog, which I didn't say. Shall I take these versions down, I wonder? I'm posting Martin's email below, for information's sake, about possible publication timing, which letter you possibly also received. 

How exciting to both author and publish a nontheist Friends' book - yours - and as a scientist, and to have it up and available for purchase online already! You are a focused and skillful writer! The cover is beautiful, too ... I haven't yet been to MonteVerde, but would love to go. How was dropping in to the Quaker world there for 20 years for you? I almost just added your new book as reference to both the 'Nontheist Friends (atheist Quakers?)', as well as the 'Quakers' wiki subject page at World University and School (here - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nontheist_Friends_(atheist_Quakers%3F) - and here - 
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Quakers_-_Religious_Society_of_Friends ) but thought I would wait to ask you if it would be ok to do so, especially since these wiki pages for open teaching and learning aren't yet that active (so they wouldn't necessarily help get the word out that much). I look forward to looking through it! Have you thought of creating a 3 minute Youtube video, or similar, characterizing it, by simply talking to your web camera for free, and posting it? I think that might help it to reach another potentially interested audience. It's very exciting to give birth to so many aspects of a book :) I'm so glad your thinking through science from a NtF Quaker perspective. (After looking through it a little, I also wondered whether I might add it to WUaS's 'Philosophy of Science,' wiki, subject page ). I'm curious to see too how online, public, Quaker Libraries take shape relative to larger endeavors like DPLA and Europeana - the latter accessible here at WUaS Library Resources ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Library_Resources ... 
while some former - e.g. Earlham, Haverford, Swarthmore, and Bryn Mawr's beginnings - are accessible on the above Quaker wiki page - and how this will effect Quaker book selling (I worked in the Pendle Hill Bookstore for some years ... might be worth contacting a bunch of Quaker bookshops), - and especially for QaNT :)

I enjoy your writings in general, as well, and look forward to seeing how you begin to introduce this book to Quaker bookstores, for example, - and vis-a-vis my first, Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic book, which I hope will be published within the year (with the making of the virtual Harbin the focus of a second, ethnographic volume). 

Nice to be communicating, and thanks for your ongoing NtF creativity :)

Several points lead me to respond, so I'll quote you...

but have stayed away from that and alcohol, too, basically, for more than 30 years.
That's a major relief to read. Wise choice. Bobby Fisher was asked if he had tried brain altering chemicals and he said his neurobehavioral accommodation was such a delicate one, and so important to him, that he would never assault it that way. I took acid or mushrooms about six times over a period of many years, never more because it was an obviously dangerous jolt. Stayed away from cocaine and heroin because I knew it would be a temptation the rest of my life (I pick up habits easily), and I avoid all but a little alcohol because it makes me sick. However THC was a good friend for about 30 years, but finally it was clearly disturbing my performing at peak level (not just while racing to the bottom of the baggie, but a week or more anticipating that and the same pulling my behavioral horses back into their traces). Tho an addict of THC consumption when available I was not an addict of shopping for it and so it was a manageable issue. I'm happy to still be an addict but not a user these last 19yrs 4mo 6da 20hrs.
the form that Martin and Friends Journal asked me to fill out also asked whether my writing had been published anywhere else, and my letter was, in a sense, through sharing versions of it in the NTF email lists, which I wrote on the form, ... but I have also posted two different versions of it to my personal blog, which I didn't say. Shall I take these versions down, I wonder?
My guess is that email lists, like letters we mail each other, are private correspondence. Some blogs function as private messages circulated among friends (tho technically open to the public) and some are similar to online newspapers. I assume your blog is the former until there is clear evidence it is something much bigger. As a courtesy, and to avoid possible confusion, I would avoid pre-publication posting on your blog. Afterwards, I do not publish online something of mine that FJ has published for six months or a year. I think they ask authors of articles if we wish to retain the copyright (and I said yes), but I don't think that is done with letters. Later, when I post online or re-publish any of my writings from their pages I ask them if it would be O.K. to do it with a note like this: "Published in Friends Journal, July 2009, 55(7), 5. © Friends Publishing Corporation. Reprinted with permission. To subscribe, see: www.friendsjournal.org" They have always immediately replied yes.

How was dropping in to the Quaker world there for 20 years for you?
That's like asking "how was it being married 20 years?" Monteverde was extraordinary, complex, sometimes too much. In ways, like camping in a mindblowing setting (for 20 years), or like spending years on a journey to the east in Marco Polo's time. Now, being 72, I like living where things work. Recent pictures are atwww.picasaweb.google.com/oscresson
I almost just added your new book as reference to ... but thought I would wait to ask you if it would be ok to do so
Good call. Don't tell anyone until we can also say/write that they can buy it from QuakerBooks. I imagine they will be quick to decide. When you read about it on our list and website, then go ahead.
Have you thought of creating a 3 minute Youtube video, or similar, characterizing it, by simply talking to your web camera for free, and posting it?
No way, Scottay. My preference is to have no contact with other people and I only make exceptions to help special projects through writing or, ugh, in person. No video, but posted announcements will be fine after QuakerBooks acts.
I'm so glad you're thinking through science from a NtF Quaker perspective.
It staggers me to see new age anti-science so prominent in QEW, the only U. S. Quaker science related organization. Addressing that has been a multi-year project and is ongoing (sigh). Science has been my love as long as I can remember (specifically since the age of six or seven). For those who care, it's important that my assertions are not about the universe but about our methods of studying the universe (e.g. our methods are wholly deterministic, but I do not need to go further and say whether the universe is wholly deterministic.) This is the "methodological naturalism" of Quaker philosopher and biologist Robert T. Pennock (an interesting person I need to meet some day) and the philosophy of science of B. F. Skinner (who I met and studied, and whose closest colleagues I worked and studied with for many years).
Nice to be communicating, and thanks for your ongoing NtF creativity :)

Yes. Likewise.

March 18, 2014


Great :) and thanks. I took down the versions of my FJ letter from here -


- and here -


More later,

- Scott MacLeod

March 29, 2014

Hi Os, 

Thanks for your great email below. And I'm glad you're focusing well the upcoming NtF book so capably, - and with a Friendly, connected understanding of so many people and their interests on the NtF email lists. 

Perhaps when I'm up in Oregon on the coast sometime, naturally  ... great learning possibilities, as well as explorations of love, care and loving bliss can unfold, :) ...in ways that move across thresholds of boundedness ... I enjoy visiting Multnomah Monthly Meeting in Portland again and again.

I'm skeptical that Friends Journal will publish my brief letter to its Forum, due to what I perceive as a kind of closing of the Quaker mind and even vis-a-vis QMeeting-informed-explorations ... but thanks for your great editorial suggestions!

I'd love to visit Monteverde at some point, and possibly linger there for awhile, but I'm even more interested in dropping in around the world visiting UNESCO World Heritage Sites, as well as alighting at Quaker Meetings all over (and perhaps also to let Friends know of free, MIT, CC WUaS). Your photos are so great ... nice to go there 'virtually' ... is that your son in some of them?

Quakers and science have so many potentially interesting articulations, but somehow this gets lost in QMeetings' process through time . Would you like to be the initial science publisher at World University and School Press - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Academic_Press_at_World_University_and_School#World_University_and_School_Links - vis-a-vis MIT OCW ... http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm - and WUaS's STEM focus ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/STEM_Education_-_Science,_Technologies,_Engineering_and_Mathematics#World_University_and_School_Links - and to help get the WUaS Press up and running? WUaS would like to become the MIT / Harvard / Haverford / Swarthmore / Cambridge / Oxford of the internet, and pay salaries, accordingly, but WUaS needs help becoming financially operational. 

In a related vein, in my blog post today, I was wondering about how specific Societies might adopt and develop specific wiki subject pages at WUaS, eg Nontheist Friends or the American Chemical Society - 

"Beach Sheoak - casuarina equisetifolia: Different Societies to adopt specific WUaS, wiki, subject pages, - that are becoming schools? For example, the Nontheist Friends' (atheist Quakers?) wiki subject page at WUaS, an open school in the making, might be flourishingly adopted by the Nontheist Friends' group, Similarly the MIT OCW-centric, Chemistry, wiki, subject page might readily be adopted, for example by American Chemical Society, which has a significant education focus, ... even as WUaS seeks to develop further collaboration with MIT, especially as WUaS grows into all 7,105 languages and 242 countries, Similarly with Physics, Biology, Mathematics, plus ..." ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/03/beach-sheoak-casuarina-equisetifolia.html 

- as a form of organization. MIT OCW-centricity and seeking Friendly high achievers for free, online university are remarkable openings and potential leadings.  

May I add as QaNT reference your book to WUaS's NtF page now that you've announced it on the list ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nontheist_Friends_(atheist_Quakers%3F) ?

I'm heading in three main directions these days (in addition to wanting to begin a family ... with AEW or similar? ... 2-3 kids) ... namely: WUaS, my actual/virtual Harbin book project, and Piping / music (keyboard) ... informed by exploring how to generate loving biss neurophysiology naturally ... 

Still looking for ways to grow WUaS significantly ... here's a possibly very relevant set of ideas I came across today in the LinkedIn social networking site from a fundraising group mailing - 
http://thefbooksite.com/2014/02/03/how-to-start-a-movement/ ... I like the video especially ... it's only actually 3 minutes long, and I posted this video a few years ago to my blog, as a great (and positive) example of a meme (replicating, cultural unit, as a first definition only).

Os ... very nice to be communicating with you :)

Friendly sympathies, 

Hi Scott,
Have you spoken with members of Multnomah Meeting about their current relations with members of Redwood Friends Church? The joint worship sharing group they had that Margery Post Abbott described in Pendle Hill pamphlet #323 is one of the only ones I know of. We have just begun such a process here in eastern Iowa.
As to Monteverde, there is a meeting and a Friends school there ( http://mfschool.org/ and http://vimeo.com/64059061 ), and another fine bilingual school, the Creative Learning Center ( aka Cloud Forest School http://cloudforestschool.org/ ). The pictures show my great-nephew and others show his sister. The older pictures show two girls, and their Costa Rican relatives, for whom I was a temporary but important foster father about 15 to 20 years ago.
Thank you for thinking of me regarding the World University activities. Right now I am trying to do less, not more. There are many worthy efforts that have to get along without the (mixed) blessing of our participation. You certainly have caught a wave. I just saw that Coursera has over 7 million students!! That's phenomenal. Thirty and more years ago behavioral psychologists developed courses that emphasized practices similar to ones I read about today: arranging it so that students go through at various rates all reaching high performance (instead of what is thought to be right and necessary: going through at one rate and reaching various levels of performance); use of written material to pass along critical information rather than relying on everyone being present and listening and taking notes during lectures supposedly appropriate to the needs of everyone in the room (the etiology of "lecture" shows what a primitive word and concept it is: it dates from the days before printing when the way you got the course text was to go to a "lectura" which was the professor reading from his notes; in Spanish today "lectura" means "reading"); exams when each student is ready rather than when the prof says its time for everyone; relying on motivation derived from the usefulness of the material rather than the threat of grades, and so on. There was even a university in Monterrey Mexico that adopted this approach in its entire curriculum (I think it is the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Education, which now has a related project: NROC,
http://www.montereyinstitute.org/ ).
Now what is this line about: "(in addition to wanting to begin a family ... with AEW or similar? ... 2-3 kids)". Who or what is AEW!?

Hi Os, 

I'll explore talking with Marge about some of this. I can't make the Reed reunion this year in June after all, although I signed up for a free room in time, due to piping for a wedding at Grace Cathedral in SF, so I may have to call the Abbotts (and Reed, too!:). I'll look for the pamphlet tomorrow at SFFM. Reed College is right across the street from Reedwood Friends' Church, as you may know. 

Thanks for the video and great Friendly-related educational links that I'll look to add to related WUaS wiki pages, and beginning, online schools and universities, for example, here - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Quakers_-_Religious_Society_of_Friends - and here - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Mexico - plus. 

There are a lot of flourishing online educational projects these days. I think WUaS's MIT OCW- and great universities-centricity, as well as our all-languages and all-countries, wiki schools for open, online teaching and learning, as well as accredited universities for free, C.C. degrees in large languages/countries, will distinguish us, and perhaps attract the highest achieving and thinking/thoughtful (hopefully f/Friendly, as well) students, - in the world. Free and MIT in all languages opens great possibilities for learners and students, - and open wiki schools can help to generate much creativity in teaching and learning. 

Amy Whittle (or similar), with whom I've corresponded only a little 5 years ago, and who, at that time, invited me up to Lake Tahoe, but later called meeting off, in an email is who AEW refers to. I see a 'soul' / personality in photos I potentially would like to be with for a long time, and perhaps with whom to have children. You can see a picture of her here, for example - 
http://www.aapca1.org/storage/april-2014/April%20Web%20version%202-12-14%20Final.pdf - but I'm awaiting an invitation or similar to say hi face-to-face, - or to meet someone else who might be 

You seem inspired (and are inspiring in a f/Friendly way) in your NtF and Quakerly engagements and writings ... I hope you can find a degree of measure with such Friendliness with all your good ideas. 



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