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Gilbert's Potoroo: A realistic proposal about preparing to donate CC WUaS to CC Wikidata for their 3rd birthday in late October invitation, World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education


Dear sporadic Universitians,

I'm very glad to have attended Wikidata open office hours this morning in Freenode (IRC), and for World University and School to have been invited by Lydia at Wikidata to write down a realistic proposal about preparing to donate CC WUaS to CC Wikidata for their 3rd birthday in late October:

i recommend taking the time to write a realistic proposal down in detail."


This transcript is below (as is the link to the Wikimedia Foundation's Languages Engineering Team video meeting WUaS attended last Wednesday, where we also explored some of these issues), plus much more.

Best, Scott

17:48:23 Thank you for the clarification
17:49:19 more questions?
17:49:30Lydia_WMDE: how are we going to specify plural words for units?
17:49:31 My hope is that Librarybase will eventually make itself redundant and everything it will contain will be put into Wikidata, but that will depend on what Wikidata will agree to accept.
17:49:32 I have two items/questions: 1) in what ways were Wikidatans here involved in this IBM-Wikipedia recent conversation - http://techcrunch.com/2015/09/21/ibm-watson-wont-be-replacing-humans-any-time-soon/ - “about the accuracy of Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia. In just a few seconds, Watson then reviewed all of the articles on Wikipedia to determine if it was a reliable source or not. After reviewing the body of
17:49:33 evidence, it concluded that it was in fact an accurate source of information”? What was involved in this for Wikidata? dennyvrandecic: the person in the picture besides IBM’s Director of Research Dr. John Kelly looks a little like you? What new code had to be written if any for this project? How easy would it be to extend this to other languages? And 2) …
17:49:57sjoerddebruin: i'd like us to move to unit symbols instead
17:50:43 Ah, nice.
17:50:49 Everything is better than this.
17:50:57 :)
17:51:02 yeah it's still rough
17:51:18 Where are the unit bot imports!?! :(
17:51:19Scott_WUaS: no that's not me :)
17:51:22 but i opted for doing a rough version earlier since i know it was holding back wikidata
17:51:30 2) In preparing to make a present of CC wiki World University and School, which is like Wikipedia/Wikidata in 289 languages with best STEM CC OpenCourseWare (e.g. accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC) and planned in all 7,941+ languages and 257+ countries, for CC Wikidata's third birthday, I'd like to follow with an inquiry about how best to do this in these office hours. I just spoke with the WMF
17:51:30 Languages Engineering Team about this last Wednesday - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW5l7fNeMQg- and have been in touch also with Magnus Manske
17:51:32 :)
17:51:36sjoerddebruin: dexbot at least is importing
17:51:43 :O
17:51:55 are unit symbols supposed to be localised?
17:52:40 e.g. with a special item for the symbol or a multilingualtext on the unit's item?
17:53:23 I would make sense if they were
17:53:34ricordisamoa: supposed to be in our plan you mean? we've not gotten there yet to settle on details
17:53:46 I guess Greeks use lambda and Cyrillic uses their L for liter
17:53:46 ok thx
17:53:54 2) (cont.) This would also involve exploring developing CC MIT OCW in CC Wikipedia/Wikidata (and CC WUaS too). Would it make sense to turn all parts of a MIT OCW course into Wikipedia pages for translation reasons into all 200+ countries’ main langauges?
17:56:22Scott_WUaS: you're asking this question a lot :) I think no-one has any meaningful answer because it is very vague on what you are actually trying to do and how. i recommend taking the time to write a realistic proposal down in detail.
17:57:16 more questions? we have about 5 minutes left
17:57:18Lydia_WMDE: Thanks, Lydia! (I hope too WUaS might be a growth story for WMDE for example)
17:57:24 will do
17:57:27 great
17:58:12 ok then i have one:
17:58:27 are you all excited about wikidata's 3rd birthday late next month?
17:58:28 :D
17:58:37 Still making plans for it.
17:58:41* Lydia_WMDEcan't really believe it's 3 years already
17:58:43 yes
17:59:06 What will the online birthday cakes look like ? :) - in javascript ?
17:59:12 haha
17:59:19 we'll see!


- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  
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- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. 



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