Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Southern Cassowary: Wikimedia Foundation Language Engineering Team, Thanks - a truly universal translator will be far-reaching especially if it's CC and robust - that's World University's plan and goal, Apertium and MediaWiki Content Translation, All online museums in all languages, In preparing to donate CC WUaS to Wikidata, World University would like to explore developing this in Wikidata.


Hi Liam, 

Nice to meet and talk with you (and all) earlier today with the  Wikimedia Foundation Language Engineering Team 

Great and informative Wikimedia Foundation Language Engineering Team conversation for Wikipedia translation now in 289 languages today .... I enjoyed participating in this meeting and mentioning preparing to give CC World University and School - 
http://worlduniversityandschool.org - to Wikidata re translation, best STEM CC OCW (CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC YALE OYC) and potentially for ALL 7941 languages - 
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Languages -
and even possibly a universal translator - 
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Universal_Translator - too. Thank you WMF Language Engineering online team!

I'm curious whether you Liam think a CC Universal Translator might be possible - 
https://plus.google.com/+ScottMacLeodRainbow/posts/XZkqXrjMt5p - emerging out of this group in part? What do you think - and with Europeana? 

Best regards,

Hi Scott, 

I think that if you can manage to create a truly universal translator, not only will you be a very rich man and nobel-prize winner, you'll have moved humanity into the StarTrek age!
In the mean time, the Wikimedia Language Engineering team uses Apertium https://www.apertium.org/ as the inbuilt Machine Translation service within the Content Translation Tool that they build. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Content_translation
This is the only truly open source machine translation system out there (google translate, by contrast is free, but not open). I suggest you might want to get in touch with Apertium therefore, because they're always looking for more people to help add languages to their system. 


Hi Liam, 

Thanks - a truly universal translator will be far-reaching especially if it's CC and robust - that's World University's plan and goal.

I enjoyed your 2010 Wikipedia video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6tAnFqYMvo . Concerning your museum focus in this video, here too is the main CC WUaS's Museums' wiki page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Museums as a kind of template - planned for wiki-aggregating all museums with some free open online content, and potentially in all 7941+ languages / 257+ countries, and then planning to add this content to a film-realistic interactive 3D CC virtual earth (paralleling Google Street View / Earth / SL / Open Sim), and with linked open data. And in preparing to donate CC WUaS to Wikidata, World University would like to explore developing this in Wikidata.

Thanks too for the information about CC Apertium, World University and School will probably explore getting in touch with Apertium after we donate WUaS to Wikidata and then develop a further road map for CC WUaS's Universal Translator. 

Thanks and regards,


Dear Runa and Magnus (and Liam, Len and Larry), 

Thaanks for a great WMF Language Engineering online meeting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW5l7fNeMQg on Wednesday. Magnus, you were mentioned in this video conference a number of times, so I'm including you in this email as well, as a key and innovative Wikidata tool developer. 

In preparing to make a present of CC wiki World University and School, which is like Wikipedia in 289 languages with best STEM CC OpenCourseWare (e.g. accrediting on CC MIT OCW in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC) and planned in all 7,941+ languages and 257+ countries, for CC Wikidata's third birthday, I'd like to follow with an inquiry about how best to do this with the WMF Language Engineering team. 

I'm curious too to explore how best to develop CC MIT OCW in CC Wikipedia/Wikidata, if as Pau Giner seemed to suggest in the video conference, that turning all these into Wikipedia pages might make less sense that working with these pages as they currently are directly in Wikidata, if possible - and similarly with CC World University and School's 720 wiki pages. 

I don't have WMF Language Engineering Team members Pau, Santhosh's or Nikolas's emails for example to follow up with them about this either. I'm also including a Wikipedian, Len Tower, in Somerville, Massachusetts, who has edited the Wikipedia MIT OCW page some, and may know that community, and Larry Viehland, who is working on CC World University and School with me. Both Len and Larry went to MIT at the same time in Cambridge, MA, in the late 1960s and know each other a little. As MIT graduates Len and Larry may be able to facilitate working with CC MIT OCW in Wikidata as well. 

Since many of you are experienced Wikipedians I'm writing also to inquire how you would suggest best developing MIT OpenCourseWare  in Wikipedia/Wikidata and especially on the educational side of Wikipedia?

World University's intention to make it easier to enjoy MIT OCW in its 7 languages and to explore extending MIT OCW's ~ 2300 courses in English in Wikidata into all its 289 languages if at all possible, and with machine learning and artificial intelligence in Wikidata as well. We'd like to get in touch with the Wikipedia OpenCourseWare community in addition to the Languages' engineering team about this further as well. if possible. Runa and Magnus, what is the best way to develop CC MIT OpenCourseWare's 7 languages and CC World University' 720 pages in Wikipedia/Wikidata's 289 languages, and especially on the educational side of Wikipedia?

The WMF Languages Engineering team and Wikidata are impressive and growing organizations, and Wikidata is an amazing development in general, and I'm a relative newby to all of this - and am seeking to learn some Wikidata ways in the process of sending this inquiry to you. Thank you. 

Best regards,



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