Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Rare flowers of India: 'Pure Democracy,' Per Rainie and Wellman's "Networked," their argument is specific for Networked Individualism as a new development in social theory vis-a-vis the internet, Whereas Manual Castells brings individualism vis-a-vis communalism into conversation, theoretically - see http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/people/Castells/castells-con6.html - Rainie and Wellman characterize something new between the two, thanks to the information age and the internet.

Next: Northern loon: In revising my actual / virtual Harbin Hot Spring's 9 chapters' manuscript (without having built a virtual Harbin as field site for comparative, ethnographic research, in this first book), I wanted to revisit the definitions of - 'actual,' 'communication,' 'counterculture,' 'culture,' 'cyber-,' 'digital,' 'information,' 'technology,' 'information technology,' 'multimedia,' 'real,' 'Techne,' 'virtual,' 'virtual world,' and 'visionary' - in the online, Chambers 21st Century dictionary, "... my current working definitions of 'virtual' from about draft manuscript p 15 of 400 pages in my book," To the definition of technology above, I would add that technologies often facilitate reproducibility or replication, Innovations in 'defining' and generating definitions is creative; In what ways is the act of 'defining' a creation of virtuality, language-wise?, In virtual Harbin, with interactive movie realism from our home bath tubs with its correspondent relaxation response, perhaps in REI Glacier Glasses, in what ways will we be able to explore kinds of oneness and harmonizing effects that people experience in the Harbin warm pool and at Harbin?

Jim, and All, great!

On a personal note, I think that your 'Pure Democracy' involving the internet involves an every-vote-counts approach, and that while as a whole (e.g. a given collective vote) they are one ("I would melt into the system losing all semblance of individualism"), each person, or voice, who votes is an individual vote and each voice (your "a thought within the human consciousness") is a significant consciousness. The distributed internet, - accessible via the familiar nodes of laptops, desktops and mobile phones +, - now in all 242 + countries, extends such collective consciousness in the form of group decision-making, and eventually voting (both metaphorically and actually), via communication power, among many other ways.

Per Rainie and Wellman's "Networked," their argument is specific for Networked Individualism as a new development in social theory vis-a-vis the internet. See their chart on page 38 in Chapter 2, distinguishing between Group-Centered Society and Network Individualism. How to come richly into conversation with this chart is something I think we'll find fruitful for this course.

Whereas Manual Castells brings individualism vis-a-vis communalism into conversation, theoretically and sociologically, i.e. as social theory - see http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/people/Castells/castells-con6.html - Rainie and Wellman characterize something new between the two, thanks to the information age and the internet.


Hi 'Information Technology and the Network Society' course friends around the world, 

Very nice to see all of you in both Second Life and in a G+ Hangout. 

2nd hour -  
Aparna (India), Swati (India), Jessika (Indonesia), Khushboo (India), myself (SF Bay Area - west coast), Cristian (Brazil), and afterward Bilal/Max (Germany), were all able to meet in the Google + group video Hangout = 7 people. ... which is great and amazing. Sound and image qualities were quite good. Here's the video of this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ7cBgNnkJY - with more - introductions and conversation - in the second half (accessible here eventually - https://www.youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch).

1st hour - 
Aparna, Swati, Jessika, Khushboo, myself, Cristian, Bilal/Max AND Jim (Massachusetts - East Coast) were all able to meet on Harvard's island in Second Life = 8 people.

You'll find the definition of technology I mentioned at the end of the G+ Hangout here - http://socinfotech.pbworks.com/w/page/30045719/InfoTechSoc1_2010FA - and accessible here - http://socinfotech.pbworks.com/w/page/17175578/FrontPage . 

I invite you to read Chapter 1 of Rainie and Wellman's "Networked" for next Thursday's course meeting beginning at 7am PDT (west coast time). 

And please share a paragraph (toward a certificate) about your 'I.T. and Network Society' research interests and how they might dovetail with this course to - information-technology-and-the-network-society@googlegroups.com - which is asking: 

What is information technology, broadly conceived? How did it develop? Who did it? What has been the process of diffusion into the economy and society? How and why did the Network Society take shape? What of the implications of networks in the Information Age? In this course, we’ll analyze the interaction between society and contemporary information technologies, in a multicultural and comparative perspective. In doing so, we’ll examine what data and evidence are in the social sciences, how it is used, and how it is interpreted (http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2013/09/information-technology-and-network.html). 

And please take this course as an opportunity to write further, weekly or daily even (http://www.blogger.com/ ? - are any of you already blogging), vis-a-vis your various, academic, research questions, and share this in the IT at NS Google Group ... information-technology-and-the-network-society@googlegroups.com ... which, of course, you can then use in your own academic research. 

I hope we can all find ours ways into an academic writing / generativity (in video, too?) modality, as well in this course.  



Northern loon: In revising my actual / virtual Harbin Hot Spring's 9 chapters' manuscript (without having built a virtual Harbin as field site for comparative, ethnographic research, in this first book), I wanted to revisit the definitions of - 'actual,' 'communication,' 'counterculture,' 'culture,' 'cyber-,' 'digital,' 'information,' 'technology,' 'information technology,' 'multimedia,' 'real,' 'Techne,' 'virtual,' 'virtual world,' and 'visionary' - in the online, Chambers 21st Century dictionary, "... my current working definitions of 'virtual' from about draft manuscript p 15 of 400 pages in my book," To the definition of technology above, I would add that technologies often facilitate reproducibility or replication, Innovations in 'defining' and generating definitions is creative; In what ways is the act of 'defining' a creation of virtuality, language-wise?, In virtual Harbin, with interactive movie realism from our home bath tubs with its correspondent relaxation response, perhaps in REI Glacier Glasses, in what ways will we be able to explore kinds of oneness and harmonizing effects that people experience in the Harbin warm pool and at Harbin?


In revising my actual / virtual Harbin Hot Springs' 9 chapters' manuscript (without having built a virtual Harbin as field site for comparative, ethnographic research, in this first book), I wanted to revisit the definitions of:

- actual, communication, counterculture, culture, cyber-, digital, information, technology, information technology, multimedia, real, Techne, virtual, virtual world, visionary -

in the online, Chambers 21st Century dictionary {e.g. http://www.chambers.co.uk/search.php?query=virtual&title=21st} (by contrast to mostly Apple dictionary 2.x definitions on my MacBook Pro laptop), which I also explored in different ways in my July 9, 2013 blog entry here:

"Loulu: Anthropology of virtual worlds, the Virtual and Techne for Boellstorff, Boellstorff video interview, Defining and thinking through the Virtual vis-a-vis information in my Harbin ethnographic book" (I've posted again Tom Boellstorff's video interview about some of these questions below).


(See also - in my August 18, 2013 blog entry -

"Akia - Wikstroemia uva-ursi: In looking up the word 'virtual' in the great "Chamber's Twentieth Century Dictionary" (1901), I came across the entries of 'virtu' and 'virtue,' in which I found some relevant definitions, Under the entry 'virtue,' ... [a few definitions in] 'virtual' - "having virtue or efficacy: having the efficacy without the material part: in effect though not in fact; unreal but capable of being considered as real for some purposes" ... [and a few definitions further along] 'virtuality,' - "essential nature; potentiality," Defining and thinking through the 'Virtual'"



Here are my current working definitions of 'virtual' from about draft manuscript p 15 of 400 pages in my book:

"Virtual Harbin in this book refers to 6 aspects of conceiving of the virtual (the virtual is defined in my manuscript on pp. 39, 76, 122-123, 377,  … ), as

a) “computing slang referring or relating to interaction, connection, use, etc. via the Internet” (Chambers’ 21st century dictionary online: http://www.chambers.co.uk/search.php?query=virtual&title=21st );

b) “something not physical, but created by software to appear so” (Apple dictionary 2.x), both metaphorically, and especially vis-a-vis Harbin Hot Springs, as visionary, too; visionary here includes giving shape or form to what could be in a shared sense among human bodyminds in culture, and in Harbin's counterculture, vis-a-vis its pool area, can give this form in virtual expressions”;

c) as something “that is so in essence or effect, although not formally or actually,” so something not physical, but also “almost” or “nearly as described”;

d) “One useful definition of “virtual” is “a philosophical term meaning 'not actually, but as if'” (Boellstorff 2008:377?) especially vis-a-vis digitally constructed and informational processes, and

e) primatologically, “ … referring or relating to interaction, connection, use,” again, but here in my interpretation, symbolically or language-wise, and across primate species that use symbols (e.g. humans, orangutans, chimpanzees, and gorillas, for example);

f) "having virtue or efficacy: having the efficacy without the material part: in effect though not in fact; unreal but capable of being considered as real for some purposes" ... [and a few definitions further along] 'virtuality,' - "essential nature; potentiality," (Chambers, 1956, within the definition of “virtue”)."



- actual, communication, counterculture, culture, cyber-, digital, information, technology, information technology, multimedia, real, Techne, virtual, virtual world, visionary -

actual adj 1 existing as fact; real. 2 not imagined, estimated or guessed. 3 current; present.
ETYMOLOGY: 14c as actuel, meaning 'demonstrated by one's actions': from Latin actualis.

communication noun 1 a the process or act of communicating; b the exchanging or imparting of ideas and information, etc. 2 a piece of information, a letter or a message. 3 social contact. 4 (communications) the various electronic processes by which information is conveyed from one person or place to another, especially by means of wires, cables or radio waves. 5 (communications) means or routes used for moving troops or supplies. 6 (communications) the science and activity of transmitting information, etc.

counter-culture noun a culture or way of life that deliberately rejects the perceived social norm.

culture noun 1 the customs, ideas, values, etc of a particular civilization, society or social group, especially at a particular time. 2 appreciation of art, music, literature, etc. 3 improvement and development through care and training • beauty culture. 4 also in compounds the cultivation of eg plants, trees, animals, etc, especially for commercial purposes • horticulture. 5 biol a population of micro-organisms (especially bacteria), cells or tissues grown in a culture medium usually for scientific study or medical diagnosis. verb (cultured, culturing) to grow (micro-organisms, cells, tissues, etc) in a culture medium for study.
ETYMOLOGY: 15c: from Latin cultura, from colere to cherish or practise.

cyber- combining form denoting computers or computer networks, especially the Internet • cyberspace • cybercafe • cyberbabble.
ETYMOLOGY: From cybernetic.

digital adj 1 showing numerical information in the form of a set of digits, rather than by means of a pointer on a dial, eg as on a digital watch. 2 denoting a process or a device that operates by processing information that is supplied and stored in the form of a series of binary digits • digital recording • digital computer. 3 electronics denoting an electronic circuit that responds to and produces signals which at any given time are in one of two possible states. 4 belonging to or involving digits in any way. Compare analogue.

information noun 1 knowledge gained or given; facts; news. Often shortened to info. 2 the communicating or receiving of knowledge. Also as adj • information desk • information centre. 3 especially N Amer directory enquiries. 4 especially telecomm, computing a signal or character which represents data. 5 law an accusation made before a court or magistrate. informational adj.
ETYMOLOGY: 14c: from Latin informatio conception of an idea.

technology noun (technologies) 1 the practical use of scientific knowledge in industry and everyday life. 2 practical sciences as a group. 3 the technical skills and achievements of a particular time in history, of civilization or a group of people. technological adj. technologically adverb. technologist noun someone skilled in technology and its applications.
ETYMOLOGY: 17c: from Greek technologia systematic treatment, from techne 'art' or 'skill'.

information technology noun, computing (abbreviation IT) the use, study or production of a range of technologies (especially computer systems, digital electronics and telecommunications) to store, process and transmit information.

multimedia adj 1 in entertainment, education, etc: involving the use of a combination of different media, eg TV, radio, slides, hi-fi, visual arts. 2 computing said of a computer system: able to present and manipulate data in a variety of forms, eg text, graphics and sound, often simultaneously. singular noun a number of different media taken collectively.

real adj 1 actually or physically existing; not imaginary. 2 actual; true • the real reason. 3 not imitation; genuine; authentic • real leather. 4 a great, important or serious; b deserving to be so called • a real problem. 5 law consisting of or relating to immoveable property, such as land and houses. See also real property. 6 said of income, etc: measured in terms of its buying power rather than its nominal value • in real terms. 7 math involving or containing only real numbers. adverb, N Amer, Scots really; very • real nice. realness noun. for real slang in reality; seriously. get real! originally N Amer slang, usually exclamation be realistic! the real McCoy see under McCoy.
ETYMOLOGY: 15c: from French réel, from Latin realis, from res thing.

Techne -

No exact matches for Techne, but the following may be helpful.
technetium noun, chem (symbol Tc, atomic number 43) a radioactive metallic element that was first produced artificially by bombarding molybdenum with neutrons (now produced from uranium and plutonium), used in nuclear medicine for diagnostic purposes.
ETYMOLOGY: 1940s: Latin, from Greek technetos artificial.

virtual -

virtual adj 1 being so in effect or in practice, but not in name • a virtual state of war. 2 nearly so; almost but not quite • the virtual collapse of the steel industry. 3 computing slang referring or relating to interaction, connection, use, etc via the Internet • pay by virtual money. 4 computing said of memory or storage: appearing to be internal but actually transfer-red a segment at a time as required from (and to) back-up storage into (and out of) the smaller internal memory.
ETYMOLOGY: 17c in sense 1: from Latin virtualis, related to virtue.

virtual world -

cyberpet noun an electronic device that simulates the behaviour and requirements of a pet. Also called virtual pet.

virtual adj 1 being so in effect or in practice, but not in name • a virtual state of war. 2 nearly so; almost but not quite • the virtual collapse of the steel industry. 3 computing slang referring or relating to interaction, connection, use, etc via the Internet • pay by virtual money. 4 computing said of memory or storage: appearing to be internal but actually transfer-red a segment at a time as required from (and to) back-up storage into (and out of) the smaller internal memory.
ETYMOLOGY: 17c in sense 1: from Latin virtualis, related to virtue.

virtually adverb 1 in practice, though not strictly speaking • was virtually in charge. 2 almost; nearly.

virtual reality noun (abbreviation VR) a computer simulation of a real or artificial environment that gives the user the impression of actually being within the environment and interacting with it, eg by way of a special visor that contains two tiny television screens and special gloves fitted with sensors, which are worn by the user.

visionary adj 1 showing or marked by great foresight or imagination. 2 possible only in the imagination; impracticable; fanciful. 3 capable of seeing supernatural images or apparitions.

Tom Boellstorff talks about "Coming of Age in Second Life"



Definitions are very fungible and can be also quite varied for any given word, and also change through time (e.g. the word 'virtual' in Chambers has changed a lot in its various editions in the past century or so, and differ from the Apple dictionary definitions)

To the definition of technology above, I would add that technologies often facilitate reproducibility or replication by tools.

Innovations in 'defining,' and generating definitions, are creative.

In what ways is the act of 'defining' a creation of virtuality, or a creation of 'the virtual,' language-wise?


In virtual Harbin, with interactive movie realism from our home bath tubs with its correspondent relaxation response, perhaps in REI Glacier Glasses (or the in Oculus Rift goggles), in what ways will we be able to explore kinds of oneness and harmonizing effects that people already actually experience in the Harbin warm pool and while visiting Harbin, for example, and socially, as well?


Nilgai: Khajuraho, Harbin Hot Spring's field notes as poetry, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, UC Berkeley talk on Khajuraho

Previous: Northern loon: In revising my actual / virtual Harbin Hot Spring's 9 chapters' manuscript (without having built a virtual Harbin as field site for comparative, ethnographic research, in this first book), I wanted to revisit the definitions of - 'actual,' 'communication,' 'counterculture,' 'culture,' 'cyber-,' 'digital,' 'information,' 'technology,' 'information technology,' 'multimedia,' 'real,' 'Techne,' 'virtual,' 'virtual world,' and 'visionary' - in the online, Chambers 21st Century dictionary, "... my current working definitions of 'virtual' from about draft manuscript p 15 of 400 pages in my book," To the definition of technology above, I would add that technologies often facilitate reproducibility or replication, Innovations in 'defining' and generating definitions is creative; In what ways is the act of 'defining' a creation of virtuality, language-wise?, In virtual Harbin, with interactive movie realism from our home bath tubs with its correspondent relaxation response, perhaps in REI Glacier Glasses, in what ways will we be able to explore kinds of oneness and harmonizing effects that people experience in the Harbin warm pool and at Harbin?

Hello Sari,

Very nice to meet you and nice to talk about Khajuraho in the UC Berkeley anthropology department, especially vis-a-vis your talk there (yesterday - http://www.tourismstudies.org/news_archive/Vijayakumar2013.htm), and vis-a-vis the conference in Switzerland on "Tourism Imaginaire.'

When I looked through my blog again, I found first only one reference to Khajoraho in a poem as field notes :) I wrote in 2010, -

"The Minarets and Lake Ediza: Harbin Poem Field Notes"
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/12/minarets-and-lake-ediza-harbin-poem.html -

which also touches on aspects of Harbin that I appreciate, and ethnographically especially.

And then I searched my blog again under Khajuraho and found a few further entries (and a few unpublished ones, including an interview with Ishvara, Harbin's founder :):

"Fish: Who are those Harbin artisans - (are they French? - yes, some are) - who keep the Harbin waters clean, Spiritual and Intimate?" -

http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/09/fish-who-are-those-harbin-artisans-are.html -

"Wilson's Bird of Paradise: Friends' Dalton Letter" ...
http://scottmacleod.com/daltonletter.htm ... can be helpful ... & enjoyable" -

http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2011/04/friends-dalton-letter.html -

(I've since changed the spelling to khajuraho for all of my blog entries).

Looking forward to your talk, and see you perhaps before then.

Regards and Namaste, :)

I also added you in academia.edu and you can see my Harbin talk at Cal in the Gifford room from last year.


Hi Scott,

It was very nice to meet you too. And it was great to know that you have visited Khajuraho. Looking forward to talk more about it soon.
Your poem on Harbin is a wonderful read. The idea of a virtual Harbin is enticing. I will try to read more from your blog soon. So many interesting things under the categories list.

Thank you for adding me on academia.edu. I definitely want to see your last year's talk.

More soon,

Hi Sari,

Thanks for your email.

I enjoyed this video -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oczaIplm9k - and music on your Tumblr page - "Remembering Raghav Sreyas" ( here http://life-in-the-bay.tumblr.com/post/29066881204/ethereal-the-music-is-so-disturbingly-good-that ) ... I enjoy Raga too a lot ... esp. Ravi Shankar's (see the Raga category, for example, in my blog).

Here's the Khajuraho 15 minute video in the Treasures of the World series in German, I mentioned :

Khajuraho, Indien, Folge 171
Liebesspiele für die Götter (Love play of the Gods)

(I critiqued other Schaetze der Welt videos and their representations of some Middle Eastern UNESCO WHS for a peer-reviewed chapter I wrote, published in 2006).

And in terms of internet video representation, here's a fairly typical Youtube with more views than many:

India - Khajuraho Erotic Temples - Travel - Jim Rogers World Adventure -

I like the Khajuraho video that is linked to in my poem video notes -

"The Minarets and Lake Ediza: Harbin Poem Field Notes"
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/12/minarets-and-lake-ediza-harbin-poem.html -

but none of the videos I know of are like being there, yet the videos often provide much information and video of things I might not have otherwise seen, for example. All are stimulating and somehow beautiful though, in their representation of sublime Khajuraho. It's an interesting field site for a life time of study :) as is Harbin :)

How to 'realize' the bliss (if blissful they are) of such representations in novel and exploratory ways are interesting questions, both ethnographically and in life (touristically too?) - and perhaps of Khajuraho as well as Harbin. More about this later perhaps.

If I can be of help in any way with your presentation (which is already written, it looked like), please let me know.

Happy Khajuraho,

Hi Sari,

I like this video because it's reflective and it presents an appreciative and thoughtful point of view, both eastern and western, about Khajuraho -
https://myspace.com/theloveplayofthegods/video/the-love-play-of-the-gods-trailer/107381214 .

What do you think of this video?

It might be interesting to meet Dr. Shobita Punja, - http://ncf.nic.in/ncf_contactus.htm - the historian in this film at some point, as well as Dr. Vikram Prakash at the University of Washington, for learning academically about Khajuraho - http://faculty.washington.edu/vprakash/ . Do you know either of them?

It's interesting to me how a specific culture - Chola and the Chandelas - about 1,000 years ago, produced these temples, in the context of age-old vedic culture of India, with such connectednesses, yet also ascetic and chaste traditions (which I associate with many/most spiritual traditions and religions ). This culture, in my interpretation, created a kind of opening to represent the erotic sublimely in art and religious sculpture, and in what is now India.

Any interest in hearing/attending some of these upcoming, UC Berkeley Philosophy talks with Crispin Wright on next Monday (at 4), T (at 4), W (at 3), or Th (at 4), and / or meeting for a coffee before or after? (On Monday I give a bagpipe lesson in the early evening, so probably won't be at Cal that day).


Philosophy lectures and colloquia at Cal can be very far-reaching, and another interesting culture.

In the video on your Tumblr site, - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oczaIplm9k - I also appreciate somehow the beautiful fuzziness and related connectednesses of its music, as well as a kind of vision or thinking, which I associate with amazing, mother India (which I've only visited twice :).

Do you know Ravi Shankar's CD "Three Ragas" from the late 1950s? It's a particular favorite of mine, and generates a kind of bliss in itself. :)

What moves you particularly about Khajuraho (which I may hear in your upcoming talk)? What generates bliss for you there?  ... might be a fun conversation to develop, musically even somehow. Do you play a musical instrument?

Friendly regards,


Hi Sari,
I enjoyed your UC Berkeley talk yesterday, as well as your description of it on the Tourism Studies' page (http://www.tourismstudies.org/news_archive/Vijayakumar2013.htm) which I've posted below.
Let's stay in communication. Nice to meet A, as well.

Following Flâneurs in Phantasmagoric Temples

Swetha Vijayakumar 
(MS Student, Architecture, UC Berkeley)
Friday, September 20, 5:00 PM
Gifford Room, 221 Kroeber Hall
University of California, Berkeley
While most temples in India are considered to be sacred sites for pilgrimage and worship, a group of temples at Khajuraho, a small town in central India, is an anomaly. The distinguishing feature of these temples is the thousands of erotic carvings that saturate its exterior walls. The mystifying carvings, often referred to as the mithuna sculptures, depict men and women in various explicitly sexual forms. Although one of the temples remains to be a pilgrimage site at the local level, in the last four decades, the entire group has gained much international recognition solely for its erotic sculptures. In this project, I study the tourism industry at Khajuraho which is a unique amalgamation of religion, culture, and eroticism. Deifying eroticism and promoting tourism usinsensual imagery by an otherwise puritanical government in a fairly conservative Indian society is complextricky and riddled witcontradictions. Khajuraho thrives on this dichotomy obeindamned as pornography antransgressinoIndiaculture on one hand, anothothebeinendorsetinternational touristand Indian urbaelites as an epitome of Indian liberalness - as the quintessential KamasutraTempleAlong with briefly discussing Khajuraho's history and the myths surrounding the temple's unique sculptures, this presentation will trace the evolution of an isolated town into a major tourist attraction, and analyze the social, cultural, and environmental impacts of a rapidly burgeoning tourism. I will explore the complex gender issues at play, and the different perceptions of foreign and Indian tourists towards exhibitionism using the theoretical frameworks of gaze and voyeurism. In doing so, I draw from advertisement strategies, marketing of tourist arts and souvenirs, and the trade of prostitution that is rampant around Khajuraho's tourist village.

Speaker Bio:
Swetha Vijayakumar is a MS student in the department of architecture at University of California, Berkeley. She is pursuing an interdisciplinary degree in History of Architecture and Environmental Design in Developing Countries. Her research interests include cultural ecologies of Hindu pilgrimage sites in South Asia, evolution of contemporary Indian temple architecture, and the traditional-modern dialectic in built environments. As a part of her thesis, she is currently studying 'spiritual theme parks' and 'touristic pilgrimages' in 21st century India. She has a Bachelor of Architecture degree from RV College of Engineering in India."



Water vole: "Problem-Solving, and Kant’s Metaphor of the Light Dove in Flight," How to elicit qualities of 'loving bliss' neurophysiology (think MDMA, but naturally), when and as one wants?, Wiki, subject page for this at World University and School Enjoyed Kant's 'flight' metaphor, as well as the Robert Frost poem


Hi Richard (founder of Academia.edu and philosopher), 

Thanks for this great posting. 

"Problem-Solving, and Kant’s Metaphor of the Light Dove in Flight"

How to elicit qualities of 'loving bliss' neurophysiology (think MDMA, but naturally), when and as one wants, like a cello bow stroke (by Ma playing Bach), or an on-off switch, or turning various dials for intensity, etc., are interesting questions I'm exploring, both in writing, as well as experientially. Here's a wiki, subject page for this at World University and School ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Loving_Bliss_(eliciting_this_neurophysiology) ... (which is for open teaching and learning, and like Wikipedia with MIT OCW). Enjoyed Kant's 'flight' metaphor, as well as the Robert Frost poem. 



Northern Goshawk: If the Network Society unfolds in the information age as it seems to be doing, - emerging from the two industrial revolutions (since at least the early 1700s), Copyright, Creative Commons' Law and beginning Law Schools


James, and Information Technology and the Network Society participants,

Very interesting! And if the Network Society unfolds in the information age as it seems to be doing, - emerging from the two industrial revolutions (since at least the early 1700s), the emergence of printing press in the late 1400s in western Europe (see Manuel Castells' "The Internet Galaxy"), and related changes in thinking, all of which we'll begin to explore in this Thursdays second hour - with some semiconductor implants (heart and medicine-related, etc. http://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/news/20050727/chip-implants-better-care-privacy-scare) already becoming widespread, might not the Network Society just continue to expand 500 years ahead, building on industrialization, and communication thanks to literacy and (significantly STEM centric) idea-sharing, now on the web, and related developments in reasoning and knowledge-generation? 

Are you up for helping to facilitate a conversation about chapter 1 in "Networked" this Thursday, James, on Harvard's island, which I invite everyone to read?

Keep reading "Networked" everyone, and again please watch Boellstorff's interview -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XkZMXtDEWM . He's a Stanford Ph.D. anthropologist and professor at the University of California, and his "Coming of Life in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human" (Princeton 2008) is an important anthropological contribution to the social science conversation about virtual worlds and digital technologies, and methodologically especially. (And have you all watched the UC Berkeley Manuel Castells' Globetrotter video? - http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/people/Castells/). 

And please add your paragraph of introduction per your research interests (toward a course certificate).  

Talk with you all online Thursday at 7 am PDT. :)



If it isn't there already:  http://yarchive.net/macaulay/copyright.html  My favorite explanation of the problem.



James, and All,

Great ideas, James, and more later about your most recent 'Interest.' post in our Google Group, but I just noticed on your G+ Profile page - ... - your posting about Copyright, and I'd like to invite all of you to check out the wiki, Copyright page at World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Copyright - as an example of a Subject page, for open, wiki, teaching and learning. (WUaS is planning online Law Schools in all or many of the 242+ countries in the world, and here's the beginning of it in English - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Law_School ... and here's the Creative Commons' Law wiki page at WUaS, as well - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Creative_Commons_Law). I've added the article you posted - https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/09/copyright-industries-pushing-search-engine-voluntary-agreements-despite-risks - to both of these pages.

Also, let's please all 'Follow' each other in G+ Profiles and begin to converse on our G+ profile pages vis-a-vis this "Information Technology and the Network Society" course.

Want to start an online, MIT OCW-centric, Creative Commons' licensed university, with free, MIT-centric, university degrees planned, in your country (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States) or language (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Languages)? Begin to develop it at WUaS, in a main language there.




I added this important Copyright speech from 1841 in Britain - A SPEECH DELIVERED IN A COMMITTEE OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS ON THE 6TH OF APRIL 1842 ... http://yarchive.net/macaulay/copyright.html (for those of us who want to think through and understand Copyright's origins, and legal philosophy) - to the Copyright, wiki, Subject page at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Copyright

It's an important speech in intellectual (and legal and copyright) history ... please read!



Curare: In search of a host - hosted by Harvard?, Added both 'Curarium' and 'metaLAB (at) Harvard' (and a few other web sites you mentioned) to wiki World University and School's Library Resources' - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Library_Resources - and Museums' - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Museums - subject pages (and others), which are extensible and planned for all 7,105+ languages and 242+ countries, each a wiki page to begin


Dear Jeffrey, Matthew and Pablo,

Thanks for an engaging, timely and topical talk today about Curarium at Harvard - http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/events/luncheon/2013/9/metalab - which I viewed from the San Francisco Bay Area.

I've added both 'Curarium' and 'metaLAB (at) Harvard' (and a few other web sites you mentioned) to wiki World University and School's Library Resources' - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Library_Resources - and Museums' - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Museums - subject pages (and others), which are extensible and planned for all 7,105+ languages and 242+ countries, each a wiki page to begin; Wikipedia, by way of comparison is in 285 languages, and we all wrote it, (as we all know). C.C. WUaS is like C.C. Wikipedia with C.C. MIT OCW, and is accrediting to offer Creative Commons' licensed, online, MIT OCW-centric, university degrees in many languages and countries (accrediting for planning purposes on - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/ - see also - http://scottmacleod.com/worlduniversityandschool.html).

I see many far-reaching collaboration possibilities between Curarium and WUaS in your planning for Curarium, first and foremost being WUaS's all-languages' (7,105+) focus. And in WUaS planning on using Wikidata with its focus on C.C. Wikicommons, WUaS will also take an items' approach as we grow our database in inter-lingual Wikidata, which could well articulate remarkably with Curarium's approaches (with some of its content licensed by Harvard Regents).

Creative Commons' licensed WUaS is in search of a host as well as developers, and while planning to develop in the new, inter-lingual, C.C. Wikidata database, as a back end, with C.C. MediaWiki (like Wikipedia) as a front end, moving on from our current Wikia wiki (with about 617 wiki pages), WUaS would like to inquire whether you would be open to communicating further about and exploring such potential collaborations?

I participated in Harvard Law Professor Charlie Nesson's "CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion" course in 2006, and also met with Yochai Benkler for a half hour in his office around the time of this course. I know a number of other Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University friends, as well, including John Palfrey, Colin Maclay and Becca Nesson.

MIT OCW-centric, startup World University and School (as wiki) would like (is planning) to become the online Harvard / MIT / Stanford / Yale / Cambridge / plus other greatest universities (see WUaS's wiki list - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Courses#University_course_listings) of the internet and in all languages and countries.

Thank you again for your fascinating presentation.

All the best,


Newly hatched green turtle: Practicing - Playing a Musical Instrument, "4 Concentrate when you practice. Yo-yo Ma says join feelings into your music when you feel bad, to integrate your feelings with your mind and body"


Hi M, 

Just exploring enjoying music-playing when feelings of discontent emerge ... 

I've been practicing (my bagpipes) for about 2 hours now, and observed, in the middle of it, old feelings of discontent, which probably go back to my ages 6-12 and practicing the piano (and even also doing homework). It's interesting to think through, with awareness of feelings, of how to navigate such 'weather,' now that I'd like to bring my piping up a level every year. 

Here's one place for sharing ideas about this ... 

And Marsalis and Ma offer some sound guidelines in a related vein - 

which I only connected with in the past few weeks, in their item 4 - 

"4 Concentrate when you practice.
Yo-yo says join feelings into your music when you feel bad, to integrate your feelings with your mind and body" - 

which  explicitly addresses the question of feelings when practicing. Sometimes when I've felt discontent in general recently, I've sung to join feelings with singing, per Yo-yo Ma, and even let the singing become the feelings, which has been transformative (when I've really joined the feelings and the singing), - and good.

Just exploring reflexively the psychology (my own) of playing regularly, for learning's sake, and may add these ideas to WUaS's Playing / Practicing wiki page (being aware of language, and learning to play daily, in lieu of the word practice, can have merit) via a blog entry. (There are already many good ideas there). I'd like to bring this all toward great happiness through music-making ... which will involve, even as my technique improves, a change and development of thinking, and ways of playing together. :)

Curious about your thoughts about some of this ... since we share a love of making music, and the value of practicing, as well. While everyone, and every child, is different, family dynamics influence approaches to focusing musically, so further conversation with you could help us co-understand such questions, and help us both make music more happily, as we grow better at it, as well. :)



European tree frog: What are 'Individualism' and 'Society' for Rainie and Wellman?, Quotes,"This is the era of free agents and the spirit of personal agency. But is not the World According to ME-it is not a world of autonomous and increasingly isolated individualists. Rather, it is the World According to the Connected Me ... ", Manuel Castells' brings individualism vis-a-vis communalism into conversation and Rainie and Wellman characterize something new between the two, thanks to the information age and the internet


Hi, All, 

What are 'Individualism' and 'Society' for Lee Rainie and Barry Wellman in their book "Networked: The New Social Operating System" (MIT 2012)? 

Here are some of our quotes from their text thus far: 

For Rainie and Wellman "the individual is at the autonomous center just as she is reaching out from her computer" ... within "social network operating systems and all mobile systems" ... (in the context of the "social network operating system" which for them is a) personal, b) multiuser, c) multitasking and d) multithreaded) (p. 7).

"Moving among relationships and milieus, networked individuals can fashion their own complex identities depending on their passions, beliefs, lifestyles, professional associations, work interests, hobbies or any number of other personal characteristics. These relationships often depend on context, which provides networked individuals an opportunity to present different faces in different circumstances online" (p. 19). 

They write: "This is the era of free agents and the spirit of personal agency. But is not the World According to ME-it is not a world of autonomous and increasingly isolated individualists. Rather, it is the World According to the Connected Me, where people armed with potent technology tools can extend their networks far beyond what was possible in the past and where they face new constraints and challenges that are outgrowths of networked life" (p. 19).

What are other quotes about individualism and society from Chapter 1 to help focus our conversation, in some detail. 

Now, while these definitions may diverge significantly from what we think ourselves about "individualism", or what we have learned about individuals or selves, growing up in our own unique cultures (identity-wise), they do provide an approach to explain much data about the information age, particularly per Rainie's Pew Center for Internet and American Life, which we'll get to. 

And I'll repost here (from September 19th) where I think some of these questions are coming from in terms of asking sociologically how the information age is developing, per Manuel Castells, and Rainie and Wellman. 

"Per Rainie and Wellman's "Networked," their argument is specific for Networked Individualism as a new development in social theory vis-a-vis the internet. See their chart on page 38 in Chapter 2, distinguishing between Group-Centered Society and Network Individualism. How to come richly into conversation with this chart is something I think we'll find fruitful for this course.

Whereas Manual Castells brings individualism vis-a-vis communalism into conversation, theoretically - see http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/people/Castells/castells-con6.html - Rainie and Wellman characterize something new between the two, thanks to the information age and the internet."

What do you think? And how can such questions inform your research, as well as your writings? 


Network Society - 

Whooping Crane: Tim Cummings on Scottish smallpipes, Music Playing Spaces in G+ group video Hangouts, where we mute ourselves, text occasionally, and develop what we're playing musically for an hour, will hopefully develop into online real time music-making and jamming, as the internet's ~ 1 second lag in video conferencing ends, Musically networking here online ... (check out, as well, World University and School's beginning, online, free, open, wiki Music School, and, as an example, the 'Scottish smallpipes and borderpipes' page).


Hi Tim,

Just heard your enjoyable piping on Youtube when listening to various Scottish Smallpipes - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc1eIYHM_vw - might here be aiming for a set of Walsh's A/D combo in wood at some point.

I and a piping friend occasionally hold online Music Playing Spaces in G+ group video Hangouts, where we mute ourselves, text occasionally, and develop what we're playing musically for an hour. They happen somewhat spontaneously and at different times, and mostly in California time.

Here are some URLs about this - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2012/06/music-playing-spaces-on-wednesdays-and.html and http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2011/12/egret-music-playing-practicing-online.html and and example - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX79AzS-c4Q - which was recorded.

They happen occasionally, and will hopefully develop into online real time music-making and jamming, as the internet's ~ 1 second lag in video conferencing ends.

If you have a G+ Profile page (which I'll see by sending this email), I'll let you know in Vermont occasionally when they're happening if you're interested - https://plus.google.com/u/0/112822712931339453961/posts - and you could even simply join the hangout if you were around at the time from this page, by clicking "Join Hangout".

They may begin to start happening more regularly MWF at 4 pm PDT (7 pm EDT) next week, (and possibly vis-a-vis the Prince Charles Pipe Band's Grades 4 & 5 pipers as well, but actually will probably just remain open, online, Music Playing Spaces ... it's all just unfolding. :)

Musically networking here online ... (check out, as well, World University and School's beginning online, free, open, wiki Music School -  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Music_School - and, as an example, the 'Scottish smallpipes and borderpipes' page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Scottish_smallpipes_and_borderpipes).

Happy piping,

Online Music Playing Space … example



Gray-necked Rockfowl: Friendly Meeting for Meditation Online (in the manner of nontheist f/Friends and Quakers)


Dear nontheist f/Friends, 

Friendly Meeting for Meditation Online (in the manner of nontheist f/Friends and Quakers) ~ all are welcome. 

I'm planning to send an invitation to a once a month 'Friendly Meeting for Meditation Online (in the manner of nontheist f/Friends, NtFs and Quakers)' for 15 minutes from 7:45 am to 8 am Pacific Time tomorrow, November 9th, - a little prior to this time - in a G + group video Hangout, in this email thread, as a kind of NtFriendly experiment. (Here's a time converter - http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html).

Simply click the URL in the email tomorrow ... or "Join Hangout" from my G+ Profile page ... https://plus.google.com/u/0/118114165587746804948/posts ... and come check out, too, what a G+ Hangout is like, in addition to sharing meditation with sharing in this NtF Meeting. People can share in voice if inspired, as in Quaker Meeting, as well as in group texting.  

I'm inspired by both San Francisco Friends' School's once a month, all-school Quaker Meeting, which I attended for the first time on Wednesday (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/11/northern-gannets-ntf-wuas-ffriendly.html), as well as San Francisco Friends' Meeting unprogrammed Quaker Meeting before Monthly Business Meeting (... and tomorrow's meeting also precedes Quaker-informed, MIT OCW-centric World University and School's online, open, hour-long, monthly business meeting also in a G+ Hangout - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2013/11/november-9-2013-wuas-monthly-business.html - with a different G+ profile for joining the Hangout - WUaS is STEM-centric, secular, atheist, and friendly as we've discussed in the monthly business meeting a few years ago), in being NtF lead to initiate this unprogrammed Quaker NtF Meeting online.

A Quaker-informed (think SPICES) relaxation response meditation and vis-a-vis a similar meditation deepened in warm water in the Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool, for example, or in one's own bathtub, can be very enjoyable and salutary. 

Invitation to attend or participate to come tomorrow. 

With f/Friendly regards, 


White-necked Rockfowl: November 9 2013 Monthly Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School


November 9, 2013 Monthly Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School

World University and School
{Open} Business Meeting – Agenda (hour-long meeting)
Saturday,  November 9, 2013
9 am, Pacific Time

1. Welcome and Greetings

1.1 News:

World University and School is seeking its first high school applicants this autumn 2013 to matriculate online next autumn 2014, first in English, for free, Creative Commons' licensed, MIT OCW-centric (not endorsed by MIT), undergraduate, online, accredited, bachelor degrees. WUaS is planning for our students to be up to speed, should they wish to apply to MIT for a year, for example, during their studies. Please let high school students know, and use the MIT application information here -  

1.2 Minutes

2. Committees

2.1 Planning committee

see Master plan and Business plan below

The WUaS Business Plan is updated - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Business_Plan

2.2 Finance

Treasurer's report for October 2013


2.3 Information Technology




2.4 WUaS Outreach

Friends / Quakers


2.5 Hiring planning

2.6 Fundraising

- looking for a new WUaS Board member to focus WUaS fundraising

2.7 Nominating committee

Seeking committee members, facilitators and recorders

2.8 Languages' and Countries’ committee

2.9 Accreditation committee

3. WUaS Master Plan

4. WUaS Business Plan

5.  WUaS Board

- is looking for a new Board member to focus WUaS fundraising

6. New WUaS pages and updates

a. Updates:

b. New pages:

Poland -

Philippines -

Chile -

c. Blog entries:

November 9, 2013 WUaS Monthly Business Meeting for World University and School

Applying to World University and School which is seeking its first high school applicants this autumn 2013 to matriculate online next autumn 2014

Gray-necked Rockfowl: Friendly Meeting for Meditation Online (in the manner of nontheist f/Friends and Quakers)

Northern Gannets: NtF WUaS f/Friendly Meeting for Meditation this Saturday, and 2nd Saturdays of the month for 15 minutes, preceding WUaS monthly business meeting

Corncrake: "The Fight for the Future: How People Defeated Hollywood and Saved the Internet--For Now," How to keep the internet 'free' legally internationally, across all 242+ countries? What kind of global culture will help generate this, realizing that internet freedom of speech, is different from US 1st Amendment freedom of speech in the information age? World University & School is planning accredited, online, Law Schools in all 242 + countries

Scottish raptors: Bagpipe playing and planning, and toward a top quartet (and possibly in a Google + group video Hangout, and in real, real time), and eventually with top pipers, Learning Piobaireachd beauty

Annona reticulata - seeds - Red Custard-Apple: Collaborating with 'Friends School in Ramallah' (which began in 1869), now an International Baccalaureate high school + which is taught in both English and Arabic, and explore how Quakerly to network WUaS with them in developing the online MIT OCW-centric WUaS, I.B. schools, first in English?

Tragopan: Steps to elicit the relaxation response, per Herbert Benson MD, Quakers, Nontheist f/Friends and a de facto relaxation response in Meeting, Relaxation response in warm water and at Harbin

Clivia seeds: Applying to World University and School which is seeking its first high school applicants this autumn 2013 to matriculate online next autumn 2014

Philippine Eagle: An amazing, interlingual, Wikidata database - for Wikipedia's 285 languages+, that we all wrote together as group, knowledge generation!

Gray fox in Palo Alto baylands: The Innovation Intermission with Cheryl Contee, Harvard talk, How to create or generate a flourishing culture of STEM - Science, Technology, Education and Mathematics - learning among African Americans, and among people of color, and online, and around the world, and well after the 1960s?, how can we generate a culture of learning, and especially among people of color, through open, free, online, highest quality MIT OCW-centric, education, and in the Bay Area, for example?

Woodland stream, PA: Friendly sharing ... Quaker-informed, MIT OCW-centric World University and School, BPPE forms, (like FGC, AFSC and FCNL's paid, service work), Quaker colleges, But all of this requires monies, and organization, that WUaS does yet have

Helices in nature: What would a F/friendly informed MIT OCW-centric philosophy of science and of STEM school (at WUaS), perhaps complementing the Stanford School of Philosophy of Science, and in many languages, with engaged, high level discussion, and many book publications, look like? :)) Generative Quaker opportunity :)

California tiger salamander: Notes from the Stanford School of Philosophy of Science conference at Stanford on October 25 and 26, 2013

Bonobo gaze: Glad to have found this recent essay about Bonobos chimpanzee by naturalist writer David Quammen, Our ongoing primatological narratives about this peaceful chimpanzee ... interesting science, Added this to the Bonobo chimpanzee, wiki, subject page at WUaS, What can humans learn from Bonobo about care and nonharming?

Olduvai and geological rifts: 'Game Changers: Trip Hawkins with the New York Times' John Markoff' - and World University and School

Marvelous Spatuletail: 'Hum 101' - WUaS's first year, required, undergraduate course, to teach critical thinking, 'Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation' and WUaS's possible points of articulation and shared innovations, International Baccalaureate, Art, child's play, and fundraising

Senegal Bushbaby: Timely and topical Harvard Berkman talk on Nollywood and film in Nigeria ... "The New Nollywood" - http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/events/luncheon/2013/10/nollywood ... which I added to World University and School's 'Nigeria,' wiki, subject page ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nigeria ... eventually planned for all 521 languages there

California condor: What's anthropological agency? I heard a fascinating, Anthropology talk yesterday at Stanford, which suggested that food in Bengal, India, was an actant, or had agency, What's an agent anthropologically?, What's agency philosophically? What's agency for robotics? When can we say that a robot has achieved various degrees of autonomous causation? What's agency for digital bots such as avatars in virtual worlds?

Laughing Kookaburra: "Stanford University Roundtable: Are You Happy Now?" video, Far-reaching and germane conversation about happiness from knowledgeable and Stanford perspectives

Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise - Cicinnurus respublica: To sing and make music joyously online together at WUaS, Chanticleer~Wade In The Water (Spiritual), Joseph Jennings, Singing Harmony Links, Virtual Choir - World University Music School (planned as wiki for all languages and all instruments)

Spoon-billed sandpiper: Fieldwork ideas, in Indonesia and Harbin, Language-learning vis-a-vis learning about culture

Point Lobos, underwater, ecological abundance: Looks like ObamaCare in California will cost $1 per month, for those under a certain income level, after tax subsidies ... great and incredible, added some resources on ObamaCare and California to the 'Medicine,' wiki, subject page at WUaS, and which will also dovetail with World University and School's online Medical School

Grizzly: What is a wiki, and vis-a-vis World University and School?, "Information Technology and the Network Society" course

Senegalese cattle: Email correspondance, Music, Dance, Electric car to reverse global warming, Good, WUaS, annual business meeting this past Saturday, "Age of Innocence" by Edith Wharton, Nice combination of book and film ... might be a great approach for a whole MIT OCW-centric course at online WUaS, Wharton Business School at Penn founded by Quaker, Founding Quaker-informed WUaS, - and planned in all languages and countries

Eastern Pennsylvania woodland forests: Quaker business practices inform WUaS monthly business meetings, and planned for all languages and countries, See this Forbes' Magazine article on "Doing Business The Quaker Way," (See also - Beyond Majority Rule: Voteless Decisions in the Religious Society of Friends (1996 (1983) 2nd ed.)), Both are here at the Quakers' wiki, subject page at WUaS as references, While WUaS is secular and nontheist and friendly - and WUaS is also MIT OCW, STEM-centric - WUaS plans to organize its Language-country universities' management-wise into their own monthly business meetings

Cuillins and Scotland: Check out this 'traditional' pipe band music medley from the Field Marshall Montgomery pipe band who were winners at the 'Worlds' this year again, and which is also somehow very lyrical, beautiful, and they're all 'one-ing' with each other, and are also somehow serene and relaxed, ... and they're some of the best, individual pipers in the world, as a band, How do they create such fine, relaxed, group piping? Grateful Dead 'space' in music in piping?

Bearberry: October 12, 2013 Annual Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School - Online, open, WUaS, monthly business meetings meet in a G+ Hangout on the 2nd Saturdays of the month from 9am-10am PDT

7. SF f/Friends/Quaker WUaS developments

Glad to have met with head of school Cathy Hunter at San Francisco Friends' School for about 30 minutes on Wednesday, November 6, 2013, with ongoing conversation about Friendly collaboration aheads - perhaps for BPPE accreditation, WASC senior accreditation and International Baccalaureate online accreditation, and in U.N. languages after English -

8. Closure

9. Next Meeting - Saturday, December 14, 2013, 9 am Pacific Time

Scott MacLeod

President and Head Clerk



Great Indian Bustard: ... WUaS Free University ... Free, online universities aggregated ... It's WUaS's plans for degrees that distinguishes us, for example, from Khan Academy, edX (umbrella for MITx and HarvardX and WellesleyX, etc.), and Stanford Coursera (also an umbrella of many universities' courseware)


Hi Scott,

Have you seen this free online university? I suppose there are a few of them out their...

Hi Jeff, 

Thanks - had a 30 minute Google + Hangout chat with Khan Academy's Partnership person about a month ago, and we're staying in touch. 

WUaS is accrediting to offer free (since C.C. - Creative Commons' licensed), online, MIT OCW-centric (http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/), university degrees and with plans for many, many languages and countries. In addition, WUaS is wiki with plans for online schools in all 7,105 languages and 242 countries, whereas Wikipedia, which we all wrote, is in 285 languages, and they've just designed and deployed the new, amazing, C.C., interlingual, Wikidata database. 

You'll find all the free, online universities and related schools here at WUaS's Course listings' aggregates on the main Courses' wiki page - 

Khan Academy isn't planning to offer free degrees whatsoever, let alone bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees as well as I.B. diplomas. And it's WUaS's plans for degrees that distinguishes us, for example, from Khan Academy, edX (umbrella for MITx and HarvardX and WellesleyX, etc.), and Stanford Coursera (also an umbrella of many universities' courseware). 

Let me know other good ideas that come to you, or if I can answer any other questions. 

Playing my bagpipes at a wedding today at Grace Cathedral tomorrow in SF, after WUaS's open, online, hour-long, monthly business meeting at 9 am PST - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2013/11/november-9-2013-wuas-monthly-business.html - in which you're welcome to participate.  



Kagu - Rhynochetos jubatus (New Caledonia): A f/Friendly Quaker WUaS solar electric car? Bagpiping in the Golden Gate Park but not quite Grateful Dead bliss or space today yet:), Solar Vehicle, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - World University and School Links


Not many parking spots for my, or a f/Friendly Quaker WUaS solar electric, car 

down at Ocean Beach near the Beach House in San Francisco in the afternoon, 

but plenty of surfing opportunities, 

and a few folks in one phase of surfing or another ... 

... was just bagpiping in the Golden Gate Park enjoyably earlier 

but not quite Grateful Dead bliss or space today yet :)


Solar Vehicle - 

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - World University and School Links - 

http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Electric_and_Hybrid_Vehicles#World_University_and_School_Links - 

Grateful Dead - World University and School Links - 

http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Grateful_Dead#World_University_and_School_Links - 

Loving Bliss (eliciting this neurophysiology) - 


Nontheist Friends (atheist Quakers) - 

Quakers - Religious Society of Friends - 


Venezuealan mountains from an airplane: LOW COST Airplane Ticket vendor list, Internet Ticket Purchasing Strategies, Traveling, And here's Google Flights ...


Reposting this from November 2011 

Hi All,

I've posted a fairly extensive list of low cost air ticket vendors and their web sites below. I think they all compete around a kind of base fare, but there are probably deals for people who look persistently.
What vendors would you add to this list?

November 10, 2013: 

Some new sites and ideas: 

Airfarewatchdog - 

FareCompare - 

Try searching for tickets on Tuesdays at 3 pm. 

Try buying flights on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, when tickets are generally cheapest. 

Some highly rated airlines - 

Virgin America, Southwest Airlines, JetBlue Airways, Hawaiian Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Frontier Airlines

November 4, 2011: 

Inexpensive air travel:
(check out the airfares in the boxes in the travel section of the paper editions of major Sunday newspapers, too).

Cheap Fares

Cheap Air

Cheap Seats - 800 451 7200

Cheap Tickets - 800 377 1000


Southwest - US

Last Minute Travel - 800 401 4829

Ryanair - Europe

Easyjet - Europe


Spirit Air

Frontier airlines

Virgin Atlantic


Europe (and from US)

Amazing Low fares - 888 478 0808 - (outside US)





STA Travel


TFI tours - 800 745 8000

The airlines themselves

Student travel agencies

Here's the New York Times' CyberNavigator's
Travel section:

And here's Google Flights ...

What vendors would you add to this list?

Scott MacLeod

World University and School

Sunbittern - Stavenn Eurypiga Helias: Talking Piobaireachd, Building on Angus MacLellan's note durations on the CoP Tutor Vol. 4 CD in "The Company's Lament" and "MacKintosh's Banner" toward further beauty, perhaps doing what Yo yo Ma does ever so beautifully and wondrously with the Bach Cello Suites, which also have a sad tonal aspect to them, like Piobaireachd, Liking Kenny MacLean's and Jack Lee's playing of "The Desperate Battle" here at WUaS's Piobaireachd wiki page, Do you teach "The Desperate Battle"?, Scottish smallpipe comparisons


Hi Lore,

(Per your email ... Great ... see you today, Tuesday, November 12th, at 8:20 GMT (which is 12:20pm PST I think, but I'll check).

(I just played a nice, afternoon, wedding gig with good energy and Piobaireachd at Grace Cathedral and the Pacific-Union Club at the top of downtown SF on Saturday).

11pm for a gig is real musicians' territory :)

Stephen MacNeil on various Scottish smallpipes for comparison:

Jigs on Walsh Blackwood Smallpipes

Hornpipe on McCallum Blackwood Smallpipes in "A"

"Hector the Hero" on Shepherd Smallpipes in the Key of D

(Accessible with more here -

Walsh smallpipes' sound mellower and more sonorous than MacCallum's,
but MacCallum smallpipes sound mellower than in other videos here, as well as a little somehow clearer. 

How would you compare them?

And about Tam Muirhead - 

Am aiming to have mostly memorized Carradale Bay Pts 1 and 2 by tomorrow, and would love to make a slow and a fast recording of you in our lesson, if possible!

See you online tomorrow. 


- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare (not endorsed by MIT OCW) - incorporated as a nonprofit effective April 2010.


Would love, too, to talk today about building on Angus MacLellan's note durations on the CoP CD in "The Company's Lament" and "MacKintosh's Banner" toward further beauty, perhaps doing what Yo yo Ma does ever so beautifully and wondrously with the Bach Cello Suites, which also have a sad tonal aspect to them, like Piobaireachd. 

Liking Kenny MacLean's and Jack Lee's playing of "The Desperate Battle" - 

'The Desperate Battle- Piobaireachd' played by Kenny MacLean

'Kieran Blais - An Cath Gailbeach / The Desperate Battle (Piobaireachd)' played by Jack Lee

Do you teach "The Desperate Battle"?

After focusing on a tune, "Carradale Bay" we then talked about smallpipes. 

We wondered whether the above Stephen MacNeill playing of MacCallum smallpipes had been engineered to sound more sonorous than what we both were sometimes have heard as harsh sounding MacCallum smallpipes, and then played this video of Fred Morrison playing 

Fred Morrison - Smallpipes in A playing 'The Hard Drive'

where MacCallum smallpipes did sound harsher. 

In the course of our lesson, and concerning playing Piobaireachd in terms of beauty and vis-a-vis "The Desperate Battle," Lore suggested bringing singing to Piobaireachd, and mentioned Allan MacDonald and Margaret Stewart's 2 CDs (compact disks), and also mentioned this ... 

Piobaireachd in singing, Canntaireachd

Mulhearn, John, with (featuring) Allan MacDonald. 2009. [https://soundcloud.com/john-mulhearn/the-desperate-battle-of-the The Desperate Battle of the Birds (feat. Allan MacDonald) - John Mulhearn (2009)]. Glasgow, Britain: soundcloud.com/john-mulhearn/the-desperate-battle-of-the.

... with beautiful singing of "The Desperate Battle" ... 

... and which I added to the Piobaireachd wiki page for WUaS... 


Phoebastria albatrus: Tourism Studies' books, "The Road to Oxiana" (1937), "Abroad" (1982), WUaS's bookstore which needs students, WUaS 'Library Resources' wiki page to focus on developing text to audio to open up listening time vis-a-vis reading time vis-a-vis DPLA or Europeana Library, etc., eventually, Surfing movie "Riding Giants" film (2004), Steeleye Span Youtube channel, Maddy Pryor soars, WUaS Folk Rock Music wiki page



I just added Robert Byron's book "The Road to Oxiana" (Oxford 1937) here to the Tourism Studies' wiki, subject page at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Tourism_Studies - having added Fussell's book "Abroad" (Oxford 1982) earlier, when you last mentioned it.

Would like to find these books in text to audio format also at the DPLA or Europeana Library, etc., eventually - Library Resources - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Library_Resources - to open up listening time vis-a-vis reading time.

(Would hope WUaS's Bookstore - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Bookstore_/_Computer_Store_%28New_%26_Used%29_at_WUaS - could even improve on the competition eventually, with some library functions, as well as being 2% less expensive, as well as plans for all large languages eventually first).

But WUaS needs students ...

Admissions - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School -

for the bookstore / computer store to begin to operate (probably in conjunction with the SF Bay Area Quaker Earthlight bookstore).

I'm probably heading to the film at San Francisco Friends' School on Friday, and S said he might be there as well. Any chance you will go to this film?

Let's see the surfing movie "Riding Giants" together sometime :) ...

No 'Surfing,' wiki, subject page for open teaching and learning at WUaS, yet. :)

Listening presently to a SteeleyeSpan Youtube channel, - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvnvoe-jVQ4&list=RDg0TAiCgMouI&index=49 - as I further develop WUaS, while at Stanford after hearing a good Anthropology Brown Bag talk on Ethiopia by a French PostDoc who has most recently studied in England ...

Maddy Pryor soars ...

Cam Ye O'er Frae France - Steeleye Span


and at the WUaS Folk Rock Music wiki page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Folk_rock_music :)



Resplendent Quetzal: Light lumens illuminated lightly

Long-tailed Ground-Roller: WUaS's Beginning, Accreditation Plans, in English and Spanish, and then in other United Nations' languages, Online, Quaker, I.B., MIT OCW-centric High Schools in U.N. languages to begin? Just added these to WUaS's Admissions wiki page


''WUaS Accreditation Plans''

'''WUaS Accreditation Plans in English'''

Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (state of California) (BPPE). [http://www.bppe.ca.gov/forms_pubs/approval_nonaccredited.pdf Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) Application for Approval to Operate for an Institution Non Accredited]. West Sacramento, CA: bppe.ca.gov .

Distance Education and Training Council (DETC). [http://www.detc.org/ Distance Education and Training Council (DETC)]. Washington, D.C.: detc.org .

Friends Council on Education (FCE). [http://friendscouncil.org/ Friends Council on Education (FCE)]. (as Quaker online I.B. MIT OCW-centric high schools). Philadelphia, PA: friendscouncil.org .

International Baccalaureate Online Program (IB). [http://www.ibo.org/diploma/development/dponline/index.cfm International Baccalaureate Online Program (IB)]. Bethesda, MD: ibo.org/diploma/development/dponline/index.cfm .

Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC senior). [http://www.wascsenior.org/ Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC senior)]. Alameda, CA: wascsenior.org .

'''WUaS Accreditation Plans in Arabic'''

MacLeod, Scott. 2013. [http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/11/annona-reticulata-seeds-red-custard.html Collaborating with 'Friends School in Ramallah' (which began in 1869), now an International Baccalaureate high school + which is taught in both English and Arabic, and explore how Quakerly to network WUaS with them in developing the online MIT OCW-centric WUaS, I.B. schools, first in English?]. November 4. Canyon, CA: scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/11/annona-reticulata-seeds-red-custard.html .

'''WUaS Accreditation Plans in French'''

'''WUaS Accreditation Plans in Mandarin (Chinese)'''

'''WUaS Accreditation Plans in Russian'''

'''WUaS Accreditation Plans in Spanish'''

Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA). 2013. [http://www.aneca.es/ANECA Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA)]. Madrid, ES: aneca.es/ANECA .

MacLeod, Scott. 2013. [http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/10/octopi-and-chromatophores-rfc-request.html RFC - REQUEST FOR COMMENT about WUaS Organizational and Management Structure for BPPE forms, Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Mandarin, Wiki, Like Wikipedia with MIT OCW (not endorsed by MIT)]. October 5.  Canyon, CA: scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/10/octopi-and-chromatophores-rfc-request.html .

MacLeod, Scott. 2013. [http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/05/iberian-lynx-wuas-accrediting-in.html WUaS accrediting in Spanish in Spain and accrediting in Mandarin Chinese in China from a Stanford Law - Peking Law School conference at Stanford]. May 11. Canyon, CA: scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/05/iberian-lynx-wuas-accrediting-in.html .


Just added these above to World University and School's

Admissions at WUaS wiki page ...


Tatra mountains: Network and accredit with these Quaker schools around the world, and especially vis-a-vis the countries they are in?, Haven't been able yet to find Quaker schools where the language of learning is Russian, Mandarin (Chinese), or French, in the main United Nations' languages, (Friends House Moscow - http://friendshousemoscow.org/?page_id=55 ... Hong Kong Meeting - http://www.friends-hk.org/ ... France Yearly Meeting - http://fwccemes.org/fam/?mg=6), Quaker schools really care for students as individuals (vis-a-vis the 'light within' young people), creating an ethos around this, which is centuries old, and many students love Quaker schools, long after they've graduated


Networking and accrediting in conjunction with these Quaker schools around the world, and especially vis-a-vis the countries they are in, both at the high school I.B. and the C.C., MIT OCW-centric {http://video.mit.edu/channel/opencourseware/}, WUaS University levels, may make sense ...

List of Friends' schools

... haven't been able yet to find Quaker schools where the language of learning is in Russian, Mandarin (Chinese), or French in the main United Nations' languages, but there probably are Quaker Monthly or Yearly Meetings associated with these languages (Friends House Moscow - http://friendshousemoscow.org/?page_id=55 ... Hong Kong Meeting - http://www.friends-hk.org/ ... France Yearly Meeting - http://fwccemes.org/fam/?mg=6), and there's Friends World Committee for Consultation - http://www.fwccworld.org/.

Nation States at WUaS -
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States -

Languages at WUaS -

Australia[edit source | editbeta]

Belize[edit source | editbeta]

Bolivia[edit source | editbeta]

Bolivian Friends have established several schools, which are supported from the United States by the Bolivian Quaker Education Fund.

Canada[edit source | editbeta]

defunct- Argenta Friends School, Argenta, B.C

Costa Rica[edit source | editbeta]

El Salvador[edit source | editbeta]

  • Instituto Teológico de los Amigos de El Salvador, San SalvadorEl Salvador, a ministerial training institute under the care of Iglesia de los Amigos en El Salvador.

Great Britain[edit source | editbeta]

For Northern Ireland, see Ireland below

Secondary Schools[edit source | editbeta]

  • Ackworth School, England. "founded in 1779 by John Fothergill on behalf of The Religious Society of Friends... the School Committee is still accountable to this body."[4]
  • Bootham SchoolYork, England. Majority of School Committee is appointed by Quakers in Yorkshire, formerly Yorkshire Quarterly Meeting.[5]
  • Breckenbrough School, England. Residential school for boys with behavioral and emotional conditions. A "registered charitable trust school with a Quaker... trusteeship."[6]
  • Leighton Park SchoolReading, England. Independent Quaker boarding and day school. Founded in 1890 in part to replace Grove House School inTottenham, London.
  • The Mount School, York, England, independent Friends school for girls, founded by Yorkshire Quakers.
  • Friends School Saffron Walden, England, the oldest Friends School, founded 1702, under the care of Britain Yearly Meeting which indirectly appoints the school's Board of Governors through the Friends School Saffron Walden General Meeting (FSSWGM).[7]
  • Sibford School, England, independent Friends school
  • Sidcot School, England. "The School’s... Governing Body, is largely appointed by representatives from Quaker meetings in the South West of England."[8]
Non-Friends Schools with Friends Connections
Defunct Friends Schools

Other institutions[edit source | editbeta]

Honduras[edit source | editbeta]

  • Instituto Biblico Jorge Fox, San Marcos OcotepequeHonduras, a ministerial training institute under the care of Junta Annual Amigos de Honduras.

Ireland (including Northern Ireland)[edit source | editbeta]

Jamaica[edit source | editbeta]

Japan[edit source | editbeta]

Kenya[edit source | editbeta]

All Quaker schools and yearly meetings in Kenya are affiliated with Friends United Meeting. Note that the Friends World Committee for Consultation websitecounts, but does not name, many more Kenyan Friends schools than are listed here,

Lebanon[edit source | editbeta]

  • Brummana High School (BHS) in BrummanaLebanon was founded by Theophilus Waldmeier and Cybil & Eli Jones in 1873. It remains in the Friends tradition, managed by British Quakers, serving a wide area of the Middle East.

Palestinian West Bank[edit source | editbeta]

United States[edit source | editbeta]


Higher Education[edit source | editbeta]

Secondary (High) Schools[edit source | editbeta]

"Independent Quaker schools" are operated using Quaker principles and often include a majority of Quakers among trustees, but are not formally under care of a meeting.

Lower & Middle Schools[edit source | editbeta]

Note: This section lists schools with grades only below 9th grade. Schools including high school grades are listed above.

Study Centers[edit source | editbeta]

Zimbabwe[edit source | editbeta]


Glad to have found these 10 publications from Friends Council on Education (Philadelphia, PA) recently ...

Friends Council on Education. 2013. Top 10 Titles. Philadelphia, PA: Friends Council on Education.


and added them to the WUaS, Quaker wiki page ...



Look interesting to visit ...

Friends' School in Tokyo, Japan ...
http://www.friends.ac.jp/school/ and http://www.friends.ac.jp/school/ and http://www.friends.ac.jp/menu/english.html

Friends’ School, Saffron Walden,
http://www.friends.org.uk/ and http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/bsp/hi/education/08/school_tables/secondary_schools/html/881_6012.stm ...


Quaker schools really care for students as individuals (vis-a-vis the 'light within' young people), creating an ethos or culture around this, which is centuries' old, and many students love Quaker schools, long after they've graduated.


Pamir Mountains: Found this video on Kirkville's posts ... Grateful Dead "China Cat Sunflower" (OFFICIAL VIDEO) from "Sunshine Daydream," which kind of takes me there, and added some of his shares to the WUaS GD page, '"Bertha" - Sunshine Daydream - Veneta, OR 8/27/72' with some good tie action


Found this video on Kirkville's posts ... 

Grateful Dead "China Cat Sunflower" (OFFICIAL VIDEO) from "Sunshine Daydream"

 ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXLP7SDksao ...

which kind of takes me there, and added some of his shares to the WUaS GD page ...


Thanks for this too ...

... but don't tink their equipment is quite fixed yet :)

"Bertha" - Sunshine Daydream - Veneta, OR 8/27/72

... with some good tie-die action ... 


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