Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Brazilian grapetree: Dear NtFs, Dear no-more-monotheism-or-polytheism f/Friends, and Dear atheist Quakers, Possible names for un-programmed NtF Quaker Meeting meditation, Recalling 'Silent Meeting in the Manner of Friends / Quakers' on the sign in front of the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting house in the mid-1970s. I'm wishing Google Streetview with time slider was a little further along so we could check the history of this, You can see the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting Google Streetview TIME SLIDER function here 10 different years between 2007 and 2017, Registering as a CO - Conscientious Objector when Selective Service / pre-draft was instituted in around 1979; the American War in Vietnam's draft still fresh in people's mind, Am an appreciator re Quakers and now NtFs in questioning the law by protesting it when it's wrong, but am also a Friendly appreciator of both laws, as well as psychiatry (for Quakers / Friends), when the laws are just and protect victims, For me, language matters (as someone who is Jacque Lacan MD inclined) * * * Hi Heartsong and All, Will we live forever?, Re Longevity and Harbin, see MIT video on Longevity + and re a realistic virtual earth, (all MIT / Harvard professors / researchers), Stanford undergraduate honors' thesis on Harbin Hot Springs


Dear NtFs, Dear no-more-monotheism-or-polytheism f/Friends, and Dear atheist Quakers,

Am seeing / exploring the idea of online Meeting House's as places for NtF meditation as well.
'Silent Meeting in the Manner of Friends / Quakers' is what I recall on the sign in front of the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting house in the mid-1970s. I'm wishing Google Streetview with time slider - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Pittsburgh+Friends+Meeting+House/@40.4491804,-79.9458531,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOJseRoFIKS1wIq0yDX2dQ21wUJLjeFmoPIuKZB!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOJseRoFIKS1wIq0yDX2dQ21wUJLjeFmoPIuKZB%3Dw152-h86-k-no!7i2560!8i1440!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xa5b9300d754b86da!8m2!3d40.4491804!4d-79.9458531 - was a little further along so we could check the history of this with ever increasing accuracy ... (Emailed about this in these 2 NtF threads as well - "[NTF-talk] New and Interested" ... and ... "Nontheist Friendly 'NtF Conversation about Meditation'")

You can see the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting  Google Streetview TIME SLIDER function here 10 different years between 2007 and 2017 ~ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Pittsburgh+Friends+Meeting+House/@40.4493857,-79.9461755,3a,75y,129.24h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sEn5CXeuhYMvLFYk6pmd_pg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xa5b9300d754b86da!8m2!3d40.4491804!4d-79.9458531 ~ and this is the Meeting House from in front of which I used to head to Peace Marches and Anti-War rallies in Washington DC in the 1970s as a teen (before registering as a CO when Selective Service / pre-draft was instituted in around 1979; the American War in Vietnam's draft still fresh in people's mind, - and with all those American lives lost so tragically, by an out of control war machine, for a craziness). Am an appreciator re Quakers and now NtFs in questioning the law by protesting it when it's wrong, but am also a Friendly appreciator of both laws, as well as psychiatry (for Quakers / Friends), when the laws are just and protect victims, and are broken by Friends creating victims.

Possible names for un-programmed NtF Quaker Meeting meditation, besides 'Silent Meeting in the Manner of Friends

And both "Silent Communion / Communitas in the manner of Friends" and "Friends' Meeting" work for me too. Appreciating as an anthropologist the "communitas' word ... and a heightened experience of liminality (Victor Turner). (Am curious in an ongoing way (as I've written before) about how to elicit 'loving bliss neurophysiology' in Friends' Meeting as well).

For me, language matters (as someone who is Jacque Lacan MD inclined as well), and building on Quaker / Friends' language has much merit re NtFS, but Google Time Slider, for example, doesn't go back to the 1700, 1800s and 1900s that I've seen either yet. (Am hoping World Univ & Sch can facilitate this for Meeting House places, STEM field sites, and classrooms + ).

Friendly regards, Scott

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nontheist_Friends_(atheist_Quakers%3F) -

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Quakers_-_Religious_Society_of_Friends -

~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~


The 'NtF Friendly Conversation about Meditation' is here too 

* * *

Hi Sunheart, and All,

Re Longevity and Harbin, you might find this MIT video on Longevity + fascinating - https://www.facebook.com/xapiensatMIT/videos/347012609252421/UzpfSTgyNDEzMDU2MToxMDE2MTM3ODMzNTI5MDU2Mg/ ... I enjoyed the first two speakers, esp. Patti Maes, then David Sinclair ... and am waiting to listen to George Church and Ed Boyden (all MIT / Harvard professors / researchers). Much relevance for thinking about Harbin as well.

I'm also attaching Chloe Conger's 2000 Stanford undergraduate honors' thesis, for all of your interest.

Will we live forever? Check out two thees two articles - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/lesser-celandine-university-on.html  (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/longevity) ... and then re-visit the MIT video above, as well ... 

Jaima, Scott

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Re Longevity and Harbin, see MIT video on Longevity + https://www.facebook.com/xapiensatMIT/videos/347012609252421/UzpfSTgyNDEzMDU2MToxMDE2MTM3ODMzNTI5MDU2Mg/& excerpt of Chloe Conger's 2000 Stanford undergraduate honors' thesis https://web.archive.org/web/20070125003710/http://www.stanford.edu/dept/anthroCASA/pdf/newsletterV2.pdf
Will we live forever? Check out two thees two articles - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/lesser-celandine-university-on.html (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/longevity)


In what ways could we best add @geochurch & @eboyden3 presentations here to a #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualUniverse @WorldUnivAndSch Re Longevity and Harbin, see MIT video on Longevity + https://www.facebook.com/xapiensatMIT/videos/347012609252421/UzpfSTgyNDEzMDU2MToxMDE2MTM3ODMzNTI5MDU2Mg/ & re https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy ? https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1105592029508071424 -


In what ways could we add @GeoChurch & @eboyden3 presentations here to a #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualUniverse w/ Langs @sgkmacleod Re Longevity & @HarbinBook, see MIT video on Longevity + https://www.facebook.com/xapiensatMIT/videos/347012609252421/UzpfSTgyNDEzMDU2MToxMDE2MTM3ODMzNTI5MDU2Mg/& re https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy ? https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1105592029508071424 -




Dragon Blood Tree: BPPE as further envisioning of WUaS in writing ... Am balking a bit, so seeking to make some headway today in writing this (with its forms/ database) with this approach, in lieu of wrangling it * * * Application for Approval to Operate for an Institution Non Accredited - https://www.bppe.ca.gov/forms_pubs/approval_nonaccredited.pdf - 1.1 INSTITUTION Name of Institution: World University and School 1.7 MISSION AND OBJECTIVES (5 C.C.R. SECTION 71170) Describe in detail the institution's mission and objectives

Previous: Brazilian grapetree: Dear NtFs, Dear no-more-monotheism-or-polytheism f/Friends, and Dear atheist Quakers, Possible names for un-programmed NtF Quaker Meeting meditation, Recalling 'Silent Meeting in the Manner of Friends / Quakers' on the sign in front of the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting house in the mid-1970s. I'm wishing Google Streetview with time slider was a little further along so we could check the history of this, You can see the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting Google Streetview TIME SLIDER function here 10 different years between 2007 and 2017, Registering as a CO - Conscientious Objector when Selective Service / pre-draft was instituted in around 1979; the American War in Vietnam's draft still fresh in people's mind, Am an appreciator re Quakers and now NtFs in questioning the law by protesting it when it's wrong, but am also a Friendly appreciator of both laws, as well as psychiatry (for Quakers / Friends), when the laws are just and protect victims, For me, language matters (as someone who is Jacque Lacan MD inclined) * * * Hi Heartsong and All, Will we live forever?, Re Longevity and Harbin, see MIT video on Longevity + and re a realistic virtual earth, (all MIT / Harvard professors / researchers), Stanford undergraduate honors' thesis on Harbin Hot Springs

Hi M,

How's your week going? How are you? How's your writing project for this evening going as well? And what are you writing about theme-wise for tonight and in general this course?

Writing the CA BPPE application this morning as envisioning WUaS further may help me past 'writer's block,''balking' at this, or 'application block' ... but asking Larry for help came to mind overnight as well ... what did George A. do with his kids (e.g. with John not 'getting' a hematology course, which could get him into Med Sch, for ex.? - which I recall George talking about)  or with analysands too, in such situations ? ('Inhibitory coping strategies' to use John Money's idea? ... and while George appreciated John Money when we talked on the phone not too many years ago, he didn't engage John Money's thinking to actively (in the way he engaged Jacques Lacan MD's thinking, for example), that I know of, in his practice as a thinking psychiatrist, or with raising his kids) ... Not sure what George would do ... language, wait, watch/observe ... become a problem solver analytically and in conversation with John or analysands, for ex.

The Ca BPPE licensing app is actually an excellent structure for realizing World Univ & Sch further, and with a Calif BPPE smart reader - Dianne A - and the App is doable ... it's also a pretty big licensing 'writing' project ... not like a daily blog post which has an end each day (but also not as big as writing 'Naked Harbin Ethnography') ... and I'm hoping to turn the beginnings of this app into a blog post today even ...

Claiming the NSF award will be part of this CA BPPE license writing process ... potentially beneficially for graduate student instructors, as well as accreditation and salary-wise too ...

BPPE as further envisioning of WUaS in writing ... Am balking a bit, so seeking to make some headway today (with its forms/ database) with this approach, in lieu of 'wrangling' it ...

Glad to have met Stanford's / Sun Microsystem's Andy Bechtelsheim (who also studied at CMU in late '70s, and Munich's TUM's Manfred Broy, - both are from Bavaria, and Prof Broy lives in / teaches in Garching at TUM (in a related field to my course) where I lived with the Quaker family the Kruegers in 81-82. and Richard Socher with a Stanford PhD in CS is a lead at the impressive Salesforce (and also from Germany) and amazing.... They all are really smart and loosely in my field re IT and online WUaS. The Stanford class / 'mini-Summit' was on European software ... This Stanford event - https://events.stanford.edu/events/826/82624/ - had many interesting speakers but didn't include the Progressive MEP Julia Reda (who was invited) ... and re Europe WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Europe - and Software - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Software_Libraries ...

What are you up to today and this week?

L, Scott

Well, an additional approach to a big writing project such as California's BPPE licensing application is to take things one step at a time, break things to do down into component parts, "the journey of a thousand leagues begins with a step" (to paraphrase Lao Tzu - https://terebess.hu/english/tao/gia.html - re a Taoist approach too).

So here's another first step to the writing the BPPE licensing application - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/dragon-blood-tree-bppe-as-further.html ...

WUaS already had a Mission, so am beginning by re-formulating this, and adding objectives ... 

* * * 

Application for Approval to Operate for an Institution Non Accredited
https://www.bppe.ca.gov/forms_pubs/approval_nonaccredited.pdf -


Name of Institution: World University and School

Describe in detail the institution's mission and objectives



World University and School's mission is free education, courses, and degrees in all known languages. World University and School (http://worlduniversityandschool.org - like Wikipedia with best CC OpenCourseWare) seeks also to facilitate all levels of teaching and learning through open, editable wikis. WUaS plans to accredit at the university and high school levels to offer online degrees and diplomas in all countries' main languages. WUaS’s wiki will involve open and editable teaching and learning but also non-editable courses prepared under a Creative Commons’ license. WUaS will facilitate the use of free CC courses as credits toward degrees. Due to the rapid spread of broadband worldwide, WUaS plans to make this accessible to underserved parts of the world and to poor people everywhere. WUaS will explore the possibility of using universal translators to extend the project automatically to any language with time.

Welcome to World University and School, a global, virtual, open, free-to-students, university and school, - with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare, Creative Commons' licensed, degrees planned e.g. bachelor, Ph.D., law, M.D., & Music School, as well as I.B. diplomas - and which engages great universities', such as Yale, MIT, other Ivy League Schools, Stanford, U.C. Berkeley, Oxford, T.U.M., Sorbonne, L.M.U., Juilliard Music School, Cambridge, Collège de France, Cal Tech, B.T.U., University of Chicago, etc., free, online, CC, content. WUaS is like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare, and is especially for the developing world, and for everyone. WUaS is planning to be in all 7,106+ languages and 242+ countries; Wikipedia, by way of comparison, is in 285 languages. Add your course or class here now, and take any course or class you want. World University and School will be in all languages and subjects, focusing, to begin with, on the countries that One Laptop Per Child is also engaging - e.g. Rwanda, Ethiopia, Colombia, Haiti, Mexico, Peru, USA (Birmingham, Alabama), Uruguay, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Cambodia, & Papua New Guinea +.

We need your help. Please support the World University and School Foundation by donating today.

The planned World University and School Foundation, will be a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to the development, growth, and distribution of free, teaching and learning content, and to making available the full content of this wiki-based (to start) university and school to the developing world, and everyone, free of charge.

We're seeking to build an endowment of U.S. $1.5 million (in 2009 dollars) in the next 10 years.

Quaker-informed World University and School engages Friendly, monthly, business meeting process in which you are welcome to participate. Here's how: "ACCESS to Business Meeting Online Monthly at WUaS" - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2012/12/wuas-business-meeting-online-access.html.

See too:

One_Laptop_per_Child_-_XO_Laptop_-_$100_Laptop_-_MIT -


* *

In licensing with the state of California's Bureau for Private Education



Boojum Tree: Agenda and News for World Univ & Sch open monthly business meeting - Sat. 3/16/19 - 9 am PT


Dear Universitians and friends,

Thank you for your support of World Univ & Sch.

Please join us at our open (hour-long) World Univ & Sch @WorldUnivAndSch monthly business meeting this Saturday, March 16th, 2018 (now on 3rd Saturdays), at 9 am Pacific Time, electronically, in a Google group video Hangout, if interested people email WUaS about this info@worlduniversityandschool.org.

(World Univ & Sch -


World University's open monthly business meeting Agenda for March 16th, 2019 - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2019/03/agenda-and-news-for-world-univ-sch-open.html

The next WUaS Monthly Business Meeting will meet NEWLY on the 3rd / THIRD Saturday, on April 20th, 2019. 

Sincerely, Scott

- Languages - World Univ - https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/

News and Agenda

Having attended a day-long state of Calfiornia's BPPE workshop on behalf of WUaS on 2/20/19, the opportunity to license World Univ & Sch after about 11 years has emerged by writing the licensing application - https://www.bppe.ca.gov/forms_pubs/approval_nonaccredited.pdf - an amazing milestone ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/dragon-blood-tree-bppe-as-further.html ... 

See: too:
CA BPPE licensing - Green light -

Accreditation, and seeking ~500 online undergraduate students for this autumn to follow 

World Univ & Sch
... is an online university providing free degrees in all languages ... https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages  ... (Languages-World Univ: @sgkmacleod) .. and from all countries - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States… - @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress ... licensing & accrediting first in the state of California

Scratch 3.0 language & Lego Robotics 

World Univ & Sch seeks to STANDARDIZE on Lego robotics for engineering degrees from home in many languages ...

and with a focus too on the Scratch 3 programming language (e.g. https://scratch.mit.edu/users/ScottWorldUnivAndSch/)

- For languages: with Scratch 3's Language Add On / Extension - https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/41424/ - so that learners in other languages can program, with

- Potentially with (Lego) Brick Streetview in Google Streetview (on the realistic virtual earth side) - https://experiments.withgoogle.com/brick-street-view and https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/brick-street-view-turns-google-maps-into-lego/ (not there with Scratch yet) and for eventual 1-1 direct correspondence, and with Scratch!

- With TensorFlow for Machine Learning re Scratch and Lego too? Found this only - 

See - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/marmalade-bush-streptosolen-jamesonii.html - and for the WUaS Live Open Hangouts meeting on Mondays, which are recorded here too - https://youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch.

Financial reportx:
CFO Larry Viehland's hard drive on his laptop died Monday night.  Since nothing changed recently, you can use the reportx at the end of January.

WUaS continues to seek to facilitate Universal Basic Income experiments 

Begin w SINGLE CryptoCurrency FROM California, which currency could eventually become backed by some portion of central banks in all ~200 countries’ official languages?


See, too, MIT DCI Director Neha Narula's recent talk including mention of a ternary currency re cryptography questions -

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  
- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 



California Sister butterfly (Adelpha californica): Power just went out in Canyon, so Wi-Fi too (but not phone internet 2nd signal) re getting out WUaS MBM News & Agenda, Main Canyon 94516 road is closed today * * * A kind of mini-ethnography of technologies used in daily life today


Power just went out in Canyon, so Wi-Fi too (but not 2nd phone internet signal) busy busy & there was email earlier saying too main Canyon 94516 road is closed today WUaS MBM News & Agenda > - - -

Power just went out in Canyon, so Wi-Fi too (but not 2nd phone internet signal) busy busy & there was email earlier saying too main Canyon 94516 road is closed today WUaS MBM News & Agenda https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1106386787482517504… > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States… - @WUaSPress - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/boojum-tree-agenda-and-news-for-world.html?m=0… -

scottmacleod added,


Please join us at our open (hour-long) World Univ & Sch @WorldUnivAndSch monthly business meeting this Saturday, March 16th, 2018, at 9 am Pacific Time, electronically, in a Google group video Hangout, if interested people email WUaS about this info@worlduniversityandschool.org.


* * * 

HI Scott,

We had a really warm day today, in the high sixties which prompted me to do some work in the yard.  It was fun and then I stayed out and read some of the New Yorker before supper.  

I had a little GI bug earlier this week; that is gone, thank goodness and maybe, just maybe spring is really here.

All’s well here.



Hi M,

Good to hear! Thanks for letting me know that you're better, and glad you got outside today and are reading as well.

Still circulating here ...

Glad to have met very impressive Brett McGurk (https://twitter.com/brett_mcgurk) yesterday, a new distinguished Stanford lecturer, in conversation with Jason Rezaian (@jrezaian) a
senior Washington Post editor (with Iranian background) -

https://twitter.com/FSIStanford/status/1106005792128299010 - where Brett is from the US State Dept too, and was born in Pittsburgh, and who may also have some military experience at the State Dept too - although probably not as GI. Very impressive conversation about Jason's new book.


Moving along steadily with the WUaS News and Agenda ...

Happy upcoming birthday, by the way, Ma!

L, Scott


Hi M,

Tweeted about Brett McGurk and Jason Rezaian's book conversation here, as well as Iran WUaS in Farsi ...

https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1106055089205141504 ...

Thanks so much Jason Rezaian @jrezaian (& @brett_mcgurk @FSIStanford Payne Distinguished Lecturer) for your great conversation about your new book "The Prisoner" (To @WUaSPress /bookstore) Here are the beginning Iran WUaS
… in Farsi https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Persian_language
… ~

You'll find a number of related Tweets about Jason and Brett around the above Tweet here https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/ :)

What, Ma, might you teach at Iran World Univ and Sch (which will also be in English?:) ... this is the wiki idea where we call can become teachers and learning, simply by clicking "edit" this page ... here, too ... https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects (find
the JS Bach page, and see if there are any MIT OCW courses there) ...

On with getting out the remaining WUaS News and Agenda here ... sent this from Stanford to 488 people on the A list ... now for the remaining ...

What are you up to this weekend? And are you out walking with friends currently? :)

... nice dancing here re SCD by some folks in the Boston area ...

https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1105535227093381120 :)

L, Scott

- Scott MacLeod


Hi M,

Power out so no wifi, and road closed I had read, ... Seeking to get out the WUaS News and Agenda, I drove down to see if road had opened, but still blocked with tree workers and big machines in front of a woman's house (Maggie from Massachusetts who had adopted some black kids from Haiti ... but who may have changed in moving to Canyon, from her liberal MA values) who once came to a few yoga classes I taught in Canyon. A worker said they could move everything in 10 minutes, but I said I'd come back in an hour. A bit uncentered, I went for a walk on ridge road ... where I am now ...  attention brought outwardly in a beautiful place (from Web)  ... almost stepped on a beautiful butterfly, and 2 minutes later, came upon some wild turkeys, which then ran off road ... so sitting now with view, attention returns to phone with battery almost out ... beautiful here ... may meditate since temperature shade/sun and place are good for this here, then walk farther ...

Time to meditate on a mid-day walk, due to power outage / road closure. Continuing to circulate ...

All's well here, and have a great weekend. L, Scott


Hi M,

Full road blockage for possibly 5-6 hours 'mire' ... a new guy said ... Maybe they're putting in / adding a new router system to Canyon. .... feels Canyon messy ...

Time to get a bicycle that I can then add a smartphone power generator to, and then a Zap electric DX motor (like I had in the '90s) ...

May walk out now anyway through beautiful "Indian valley" ... long walk ... seeking electricity too ... I think I can possibly send some WUaS emails from my smartphone first actually.

L, Scott


Afternoon, ma mere,

I walked down into the beautiful quiet valley (Indian Valley) to the east of the ridge where I live, thinking I'd walk into Moraga (which on the longer way/ road via the Post Office would take 1:23 minutes, per Google Maps) and found healthy scared-of-humans' cattle.

I had walked here before, down as far as the fence before the road pretty near the Valley Viste staging area park, but this time a gate midway down was more tightly fastened, - so I don't think I'll proceed. Instead I walked to the right toward the creek - thinkng communing with nature ala Gary Snyder-wise, and my hiking the Pacific Crest Trail - along a partly decrepit fence which the startled cattle had broken thru when I came to get to the herd on the other side, when I had come along, sighted the burbling creek, and sat down on a big old tree stump that had been sawn some years ago. Here I write on my smartphone in gmail, with brand new backup battery, but w/o internet signal (amazing I.T.) AND type with one finger. Time to get a second new battery, since all other lithium ion batteries I have have swollen with age, and this new one feels longer lasting than swollen ones. Probably won't head to Moraga over field afterall, probably will get a new used bicycle (have already inquired from Byron today) as a back up, and for movement (but won't use it that much currently to avoid crushing my perineal area for one) but eventually use it more, and to get into Moraga and back at first.

I can use this phone as a wifi hot spot, so if I didn't have to worry about battery life / lack of power I could continue to work today. Might possibly explore the pedal power electricity generator below called KTor. No signal in this Indian valley, but phone wifi signal on the ridge.

 ... am curious re his language about thinking in terms even of husbandry,  ... of becoming a husband that is ... which is a way if thinking I haven't explored but which probably has a long farming history (in our family too).

Creek, sunny day, light sprinkling in among lots of green varied trees bushes, completely natural all around ... no internet or road and nice day ... out for a walk ... a Haiku-ish to emerge?

Keeping an eye on the battery life ... couldn't email WUaS MBM agenda/news from meeting@worlduniversityandschool.org on smartphone (may need to download an add on for these special email addresses in Google Suite / for Education -since exclamation marks started appearing for these 3 wuas accounts a few weeks ago) ... will hope internet and power come on fairly soon.

Getting into the mind of this valley, this nature, slow steady evolutionary biology all around, and out of the information technology human constructed Work world I swim in gazing at the box, developing WORLD UNIV & SCH and my actual-virtual Harbin project. May photograph stump.

Could change focus too to artistic one, and take photos (except re battery life). :) ... exploring consciousness questions here too ... (in ongoing way re eluciting loving bliss neurophysiology creatively too), Ma :)

Taking a 'sit and meditate' approach too re ' ecology of life questions' I'm asking these days (where the agency I have now includes, still, walking to Moraga either by field or road +++)

Pulled books by Manuel Castells off shelf this morning when power went off ... reading as an alternative to interactivity of internet when power's off? Still am liking interactivity of Web over book reading :)

May write BPPE app durther today - that which I can ... before computer dies

May do too some inverted restorative yoga poses soon ...

'Took a walk' (with lift in right Birkenstock to keep hips even, since my left leg is longer than right - helpful and worth it) ...

In writing modality kind of re centering, Ma ... may get hair cut by April 2 ... might be an opening re possibly becoming a husband even ... on to handstand / shoulderstsnd soon too ... and BPPE app.

Interesting Universal Basic Income panel yesterday at Stanford ... I asked at close about Calif state and Stockton exp. and bank cards delivering $500 ... and possibly into a single cryptocurrency backed by many central banks. WUAS would like to help with thus ... on with BPPE

Earlier in a Stanford Law SVDX meeting, I had asked about both Boards and blockchain ledger, as well as a cryptocurrency that was trinary or ternary (rather than in binary, which is what much of the internet runs on) which MIT's Neha Narula had mentioned in this video - - and, further, re my questions, where a SINGLE cryptocurrency with blockchain ledger could be backed by some percentage of ~200 countries' central banks -  since no one had touched on these questions whatsever in a panel on cybersecurity and publicly traded companies' Boards. either of these.

How was your day? How are you? What's up this weekend for you?

Much l, Scott

To Ed, Byron, Larry, Jiin,

Power just went out in Canyon, so Wi-Fi too (but not 2nd phone internet signal) ... busy busy here ... not sure what's in the air, and there was an email earlier saying too that main Canyon road is closed today (but just saw a car go by) ...  will seek still to get out the WUaS News and Agenda (sent 488 from Stanford yesterday) to remaining people on lists when wifi is working again. Active on Twitter re MBM+ -

https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1106386787482517504 ... looking into pedal powered electricity generator charger ... has potential:


https://www.k-tor.com/pedal-powered-generator/ ... how's your day going, Ed?

Hi M,

Have gas in my car ... re re-charging phone and calling and even hot spot  ... drove out on the back dirt road until I got phone signal (I don't get phone-internet signal where I park, but do in house-let), turned on smartphone T-mobile hot spot, with car on, thus charging smart phone ... and connected smartphone with laptop and it works ... fairly good wifi speed too :)

Hadn't thought of this earlier today ... re consciousness questions even ... so Now I should be able to send WUaS MBM emails, and work on CA BPPE licensing app from car ... :) (will keep a bit more gas in car in future just in case for such cases ... and get bicycle and re recharging smartphone too - "All About The Best Dynamo USB Chargers For Bicycle Touring and Bikepacking" - https://www.cyclingabout.com/best-dynamo-usb-chargers-bicycle-touring-bikepacking/ - with some new terminology too, when riding into Moraga too). The bicycling community has been very creative with generating goods and products for bicyclists!

Nice day too sitting in my running car (where hybrid engine is sometimes quite on this ridge with pretty views to west and east ...

How was your day, M?


Hi M,

Nice J.S. Bach St. John's Passion - https://youtu.be/zMf9XDQBAaI ...

Am now charging both laptop and smartphone from a splitter in a power adapter in the lighter socket from my running Toyota Prius hybrid 2005 ... and with hot spot on smartphone connecting me to internet on laptop ... pretty great engineering ...

And could be a good argument for a hybrid hippy van that gets 100/mpg with shower ... without any electro-voltaic fields, which I felt for 6-12 months when I first got this vehicle, with a newly installed
batter system ...

Husbandry re having a family ? Or ...

L, Scott

Yay, road opened around 5:35 pm and I left, When I got back, power was on :) ... freezer is refreezing things after around 8 hours of no electricity, Ma ... a bit discombobulating, but also happening less these years  !



Silver birch bark: Minutes for Monthly Business Meeting - World Univ & Sch 3/16/19 Video


Caesalpinia pulcherrima: Knowledge--consciousness * * * (and my idea: put networking video camera computers on neurons inside the head/in the brain - re awareness and subjectivity questions?)


... where consciousness as awareness isn't, for example, reconcilable re the first "I said" (e.g. subjective experience - what you say, feel, think, and remember etc) and third person "she he it observed and said" perspectives (e.g. what scientists, neurologists, brain scientists study, measure and model) ...

and could we begin to explore these questions of how consciousness works anew in a realistic virtual earth for brain science ... am thinking Google Streetview with time slider with Tom Dean's brain modeling and at the atomic and cellular levels with an algorithm of quantum computing approach ... and by building out / making ...

And, I find it fascinating how communication itself can expand one's understanding of consciousness

* * *
A way into consciousness questions, especially this image ... (and my idea: put networking video camera computers on neurons inside the head/in the brain - re awareness and subjectivity questions?)

Lovely reflection on how science fiction ‘conquered the world’  
“We create an immersive simulation of the future that we can all experience and look back on, so that we might decide together whether we want these dreams to come true after all.”




Bark (botany): Immortality - or reversing aging - via gene editing * * * World Univ & Sch Hangout, News, Minutes 3/16/19


Anita, and NtFs,

A bit 'out of the box,' but these MIT and Harvard researchers are researching what appears to be possibly immortality - or reversing aging - via gene editing:
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/lesser-celandine-university-on.html
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/brazilian-grapetree-dear-ntfs-no-more.html
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/longevity
David Sinclair, Harvard researcher (originally from Australia), is the 'go to' person - https://twitter.com/Harvard/status/1107418841058078720
And here's a panel conversation with MIT and Harvard researchers' George Church, Ed Boyden, Patti Maes, David Sinclair and others about this -  https://www.facebook.com/xapiensatMIT/videos/347012609252421/UzpfSTgyNDEzMDU2MToxMDE2MTM3ODMzNTI5MDU2Mg/ ...

Further reason for NtF/friends / Quakers to escalate involvement in the Peace Movement - and now via the Internet - to help reduce mortality from war of both soldiers and civilians.

Cheers, Scott

* * * 

World Univ & Sch Hangout, News, Minutes 3/16/19


Here are the Longevity and WUaS Foundation wiki subjects mentioned in WUaS Live Hangout on Air - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Longevity and https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Foundation ... And here is the WUaS Monthly Business Meeting from Saturday March 16, 2019 with video - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/boojum-tree-agenda-and-news-for-world.html ...



Red-tailed hawk: MIT and Harvard professors are researching what appears to be immortality - or reversing aging - via gene editing * * * Grandpa, Sandy Brown, as a Scottish Unitarian? ... Planning on releasing my first recording - "Honey in the Bag" - Scottish small pipes' CD in 2020 ... (with some other projects before this: A) next book of poetry ahead this year, and maybe in 2019 beginning too, B) my Stanford-MIT STEM ethos comparison book since the 1960s in STS studies ... and hopefully, C) beginning my next actual-virtual Harbin book with realistic virtual earth in 2019) * * * Interesting post about 'consciousness' (how does it work? how to explain it?)

Next: The sugar bag bee (& other BEEs): Releasing my "Honey in the Bag" Scottish small pipes' CD in 2020 ~ re 'Brìghde Chaimbeul: The Reeling review – ancient Gaelic drones' thread * * * Some further small pipes'"Honey in the Bag" musings, Don't hear much great folk rock around the SF Bay Area these days (e.g. Jethro Tull's 'Bourree,' Steeleye Span, Fairport Convention, Pentangle - all from the '60s/'70s' chaotic dream of 'counterculture' ... and re rock and roll ... an emergent alternative culture then THAT generated an amazing music (how does a culture generate a music? :), Seems possible to play and explore folk rock building out of Open Band (Berkeley) creatively and as exploration While "Hair," the musical (1967), isn't folk rock, I'll call it tribal rock and roll * * * Both Gordon Duncan and Stuart Liddell start strong, and almost kind of accelerate ... and they both pipe so so well, with such great GHB energy

Monday, March 18, 2019

Thank you, M!

I don't think of Grandpa, Sandy Brown, as a Scottish Unitarian, but I could - and re even this Aberdeen (on the NE coast) Scotland Unitarian Tweet - 

(Having lived two full years in Scotland, this announcement is very Scottish culturally; and with many roots in Maine in the U.S., my grandfather, ACB, felt phenotypically like he's 'out of the same mold' as other Scots I know... am thinking here in particular of Alex W, a Scottish Country Dancer who grew up in Glasgow - it's sometimes uncanny how much Alex reminds me of my mother's father in so many ways with his facial structure being only a little different - and also of SCD teacher, Linda H, who grew up outside Edinburgh in North Berwick :).

Started a second Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/sgkmacleod/ (after this older one, with its World Univ & Sch focus https://www.pinterest.com/scottmacleod100/world-university-and-school/& https://www.pinterest.com/scottmacleod100/), and partly to explore this social media site further. 

Just made an appt. for 5000 mile maintenance tomorrow ($29.95 with promotion, I think - good price). 'Maint Reqd' light came on a few days ago at 4500 miles on schedule, after I had added a fair amount of oil about 2 weeks ago after seeing the red exclamation mark in a triangle. Adding oil in my old car at red exclamation mark in triangle appears to be the answer to this mystery signal ... and re the now familiar 'Maint Reqd' light. May get car washed this afternoon (and since the days are warming here on the ridge).

You might find this 'immortality' email to the Quaker non-theist Friends' email list this morning interesting: 

"Anita, and NtFs, 

A bit 'out of the box,' but these MIT and Harvard researchers are researching what appears to be possibly immortality - or reversing aging - via gene editing: 
David Sinclair, Harvard researcher (originally from Australia), is the 'go to' person - https://twitter.com/Harvard/status/1107418841058078720 
And here's a panel conversation with MIT and Harvard researchers' George Church, Ed Boyden, Patti Maes, David Sinclair and others about this - https://www.facebook.com/xapiensatMIT/videos/347012609252421/UzpfSTgyNDEzMDU2MToxMDE2MTM3ODMzNTI5MDU2Mg/ ... 

Further reason for NtF/friends / Quakers to escalate involvement in the Peace Movement - and now via the Internet - to help reduce mortality from war of both soldiers and civilians.

Cheers, Scott"
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/bark-botany-immortality-or-reversing.html - 

Stanford's on spring break ... time to get WUaS minutes out from home (which I outlined verbally in this mornings' WUaS Hangout on Air - )

Am planning on releasing my first recording - "Honey in the Bag" - Scottish small pipes' CD in 2020, for ongoing conceiving and playing tunes therein ... (with some other projects before this: A) next book of poetry ahead this year, and maybe in 2019 beginning too B) my Stanford-MIT STEM ethos comparison book since the '60s in STS studies ... and hopefully C) beginning my next actual-virtual Harbin book with realistic virtual earth in 2019)

May play through "Honey in the Bag" tunes this evening before SCD in the pretty courtyard at St. Clement's and before similar SCD parties ... 

L, Scott

* * *

Interesting post about 'consciousness' (how does it work? how to explain it?) ...

Caesalpinia pulcherrima: Knowledge--consciousness * * * (and my idea: put networking video camera computers on neurons inside the head/in the brain - re awareness and subjectivity questions?) * * * "In "What is it Like to Be a Bat?", Nagel argues that consciousness has essential to it a subjective character, a what it is like aspect. He states that "an organism has conscious mental states if and only if there is something that it is like to be that organism—something it is like for the organism""


(See, too - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/consciousness/)



The sugar bag bee (& other BEEs): Releasing my "Honey in the Bag" Scottish small pipes' CD in 2020 ~ re 'Brìghde Chaimbeul: The Reeling review – ancient Gaelic drones' thread * * * Some further small pipes'"Honey in the Bag" musings, Don't hear much great folk rock around the SF Bay Area these days (e.g. Jethro Tull's 'Bourree,' Steeleye Span, Fairport Convention, Pentangle - all from the '60s/'70s' chaotic dream of 'counterculture' ... and re rock and roll ... an emergent alternative culture then THAT generated an amazing music (how does a culture generate a music? :), Seems possible to play and explore folk rock building out of Open Band (Berkeley) creatively and as exploration While "Hair," the musical (1967), isn't folk rock, I'll call it tribal rock and roll * * * Both Gordon Duncan and Stuart Liddell start strong, and almost kind of accelerate ... and they both pipe so so well, with such great GHB energy


Some further small pipes'"Honey in the Bag" musings (upcoming 'CD' - how best to engage I.T. - information technologies - in the interim as well?):

If there's one Scottish piping CD that stands out for me, it's Gordon Duncan's GHB 'Thunderstruck' ... how to riff with this in "Honey in the Bag" I'm asking myself? Here's the tune -

Thunderstruck-Gordon Duncan

https://youtu.be/_EwDlUHoDFo - but I can't find the whole CD album online.

I don't hear much folk rock around the SF Bay Area these days (e.g. Jethro Tull's 'Bourree,' Steeleye Span, Fairport Convention, Pentangle - all from the '60s/'70s' chaotic dream of 'counterculture' ... and re rock and roll ... an emergent alternative culture then THAT generated an amazing music (how does a culture generate a music? :) ... and what is our current 2020 culture generating thru us music-wise? ... and in what ways can we generate culture - like the Grateful Dead did at concerts? ... seems to have been of a time and place and zeitgeist ... yet, the Allman Brother's 40th ann. celebration rocks amazingly (with possibly only Greg playing as one of the original Allman Bros. in this) ...

The Allman Brothers Band - HD (40th Anniversary - Full Concert)

https://youtu.be/yB-7YnSgv1A ...

Seems possible to play and explore folk rock building out of Open Band creatively and as exploration ... And also to explore adding a folk rock element to my upcoming small pipes' CD ... would involve a change in thinking ... or consciousness ... as exploration ...

Droning over to Norway here :)

John Barleycorn greetings, and warm muscial regards,

Scott (Leody where Mac means son, I've read:)

(am enjoying Stu Allen & friends' tracks 2-5+ here and their John Barleycorn - https://archive.org/details/SAMH2019-02-18.StuAllenFriends2019-02-18.flac16/StuAllenFriends2019-03-18d1T05.flac ...)

- https://amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity -

While "Hair," the musical (1967), isn't folk rock, I'll call it tribal rock and roll, re them "hippie folk" on Broadway :) -

From the original Broadway Cast Recording of "Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical"...

Hair - Original Broadway Cast - Air



* *
Very great Mason's Apron and The Blue Cloud from Stuart Liddell as well .. . :)

Stuart Liddell (solo) - The Blue Cloud, Mason's Apron


Both Gordon Duncan and Stuart Liddell start strong, and almost kind of accelerate ... and they both pipe so so well, with such great GHB energy ...

 * * *

Gobies: Scott MacLeod's "Honey in the Bag" upcoming CD Tune List, Scottish small pipes' GHB bagpipe music and tunes I like a lot * * * Brìghde Chaimbeul's debut CD "The Reeling" * * * Just searched on: Can I make a CD from recording to youtube? Seems so * * * Stanford Law Blockchain Copyright Exchange (BCE) presentation and re the entertainment industry ... Am curious how you'd envision suggesting using BCE for Brìghde Chaimbeul's debut CD "The Reeling" on a C Scottish small pipes' chanter which she just put on Spotify, Stanford Law Blockchain Copyright Exchange (BCE) presentation: I think the 'building blocks' of such a system would be a Spotify music streaming app and an Indiegogo crowd funding app, and then Jiarui choosing one of two main blockchain BCE systems available to him as coder



Honey bees - Natural History 1



Zostera: Wild World Wide Web Wold ~ Deep in the data set weeds

Next: Lingcod: Methinks that what makes anthropology different from history is field work - or even newly per "Naked Harbin Ethnography"'pool play' - and participant-observation (and the questions we ask as well), And that this goes on in NHE, Chloe's Stanford Honor's undergrad thesis, and in the new online ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy social science method * * * Looks like virtual Harbin is already open: Visit the Harbin Gate here http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg but has a long way to go * * * Have you checked out "time slider" functionality in Google Street View? ... Still in baby form, you can toggle at the Gate between 2007 (with the little red FIRETRUCK) and 2012 * * * Visiting Harbin by slipping my smartphone with Street View into a digital mask like Google Cardboard (yet waterproof!:) ... and doing more pool play or field work * * * Am hoping that Peter Norvig and Stanford's Larry Leifer will help with all the related machine learning (and neurodance) - Check out around 38 mins a possible building of the virtual Harbin warm pool * * * 'to say in language something one thinks might be difficult to say, because one's inhibited from saying it for some reason, can be therapeutic, and even help one understand one's own unconscious (re Lacan too and to to Psychoanalysis at WUaS)' * * * Yogini Angela Farmer: "Yes we lived a few miles only from the first home of the Quakers in Buckinghamshire"
Previous: The sugar bag bee (& other BEEs): Releasing my "Honey in the Bag" Scottish small pipes' CD in 2020 ~ re 'Brìghde Chaimbeul: The Reeling review – ancient Gaelic drones' thread * * * Some further small pipes'"Honey in the Bag" musings, Don't hear much great folk rock around the SF Bay Area these days (e.g. Jethro Tull's 'Bourree,' Steeleye Span, Fairport Convention, Pentangle - all from the '60s/'70s' chaotic dream of 'counterculture' ... and re rock and roll ... an emergent alternative culture then THAT generated an amazing music (how does a culture generate a music? :), Seems possible to play and explore folk rock building out of Open Band (Berkeley) creatively and as exploration While "Hair," the musical (1967), isn't folk rock, I'll call it tribal rock and roll * * * Both Gordon Duncan and Stuart Liddell start strong, and almost kind of accelerate ... and they both pipe so so well, with such great GHB energy

Deep in the data set weeds,
We wade on,
Machine learning in Web

(Wild World Wide Web Wold)

#Haiku-ish #Haikuish... Languages-WorldUniv @scottmacleod
@sgkmacleod ( @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress )
To @HarbinBook ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1108892479334473728 -



Lingcod: Methinks that what makes anthropology different from history is field work - or even newly per "Naked Harbin Ethnography"'pool play' - and participant-observation (and the questions we ask as well), And that this goes on in NHE, Chloe's Stanford Honor's undergrad thesis, and in the new online ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy social science method * * * Looks like virtual Harbin is already open: Visit the Harbin Gate here http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg but has a long way to go * * * Have you checked out "time slider" functionality in Google Street View? ... Still in baby form, you can toggle at the Gate between 2007 (with the little red FIRETRUCK) and 2012 * * * Visiting Harbin by slipping my smartphone with Street View into a digital mask like Google Cardboard (yet waterproof!:) ... and doing more pool play or field work * * * Am hoping that Peter Norvig and Stanford's Larry Leifer will help with all the related machine learning (and neurodance) - Check out around 38 mins a possible building of the virtual Harbin warm pool * * * 'to say in language something one thinks might be difficult to say, because one's inhibited from saying it for some reason, can be therapeutic, and even help one understand one's own unconscious (re Lacan too and to to Psychoanalysis at WUaS)' * * * Yogini Angela Farmer: "Yes we lived a few miles only from the first home of the Quakers in Buckinghamshire"


Thanks so much for your email, Sunheart! Blessings!

Methinks that what makes anthropology different from history is field work - or even newly per my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book ... 'pool play' - and participant-observation (and the questions we ask as well) ... and that this goes on in NHE, Chloe's Stanford Honor's undergrad thesis (here's an excerpt - https://web.archive.org/web/20070125003710/http://www.stanford.edu/dept/anthroCASA/pdf/newsletterV2.pdf) and in the new online ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy social science method (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy) ... re ...

Looks like virtual Harbin is already open: Visit the Harbin Gate here http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg but has a long way to go & you still can't get in Gate in this #RealisticVirtualHarbin So hop in your bath tub & read 'Naked Harbin Ethnography'https://amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity +2 other Harbin books

~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1100063049329725442

Have you checked out "time slider" functionality in Google Street View? ... Still in baby form, you can toggle at the Gate between 2007 (with the little red FIRETRUCK) and 2012 - http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ... and I'm thinking of adding to Street View my pic of the Harbin gatehouse after the fire fro''round 2015 ... and seeking to soak from home in bath tub while visiting realistic virtual Harbin itself now, in 2015 ... (since the pools themselves weren't destroyed, but Harbin was pretty devastated and seems pretty bleak in the aftermath) ... and in 2012 and 2007 (and eventually in 1978 and '84 + + + ) ... by slipping my smartphone with Street View into a digital mask like Google Cardboard (yet waterproof!:) ... and doing more pool play or field work - and ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy too - both virtually and actually (if and when I can head up to Harbin again) ... (More books to come, with the 'book' newly re-conceived online ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/12/leaf-re-conceiving-book-printable-on.html) ... I'm a hoping that Peter Norvig and Stanford's Larry Leifer will help with all the related machine learning (and neurodance)  - Check out around 38 mins a possible building of the virtual Harbin warm pool -

Peter Norvig: How Computers Learn

https://youtu.be/T1O3ikmTEdA (accessible from here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/02/elaeis-guineensis-bright-red-oil-palm.html) ...

Jaima, Scott

'to say in language something one thinks might be difficult to say, because one's inhibited from saying it for some reason, can be therapeutic, and even help one understand one's own unconscious (re Lacan too http://www.critical-theory.com/this-so-called-crisis-it-does-not-exist-jacques-lacan-on-psychoanalysis-in-1974/…) & to Psychoanalysis @ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis…' ~



I had to short-circuit the long-history/changes of "Harbin [community]aka a place where lots of people visit,  The ashes of 2015,  indicate the illusion of your historical tome' , since [ out-with-the-old; in-with-the-new ] erase the mind/social entity called [? what you wrote about ?] ... I am soaking in the hot/cold/warm pools... attempting a body-healing experience... the sociology story is erased in the "ashes"... Blessings... Sunheart


Hey Sunheart, .. re my email just now (and which I blogged about as well - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/lingcod-methinks-that-what-makes.html)...

Just emailed and heard back (see below) from Yogini Angela Farmer on Lesvos, Greece (who teaches Yoga at Harbin sometimes - but we can't take this course, of course:). Asked Angela at the close:

Can you figure out how to get into virtual Harbin here
~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (so we can soak from our bath tubs?) ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~
"walk" down the road 4 "miles" to middletown ca and "amble" around the streets there ~ http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/12/armeria-maritima-seasons-greetings-2018.html ~

Sunheart: can you help us begin to build a realistic virtual Harbin inside the Harbin gate? :)

Kind regards, Scott

* * * 

Sunday, March 17, '19:

Thank you  dear Scott

Yes we lived a few miles only from the first home of the Quakers in Buckinghamshire
Thank you for the quote.
 With few words, more silence and listening to our soul’s wisdom, we could indeed all live peacefully .... sisters and brothers, sharing the amazing gifts of  life.
His-story has been made from guns and war, suppression and killing.  Our-story would be told silently from the heart.

Much love from beautiful Eftalou,

Saturday, March 16, '19:


Dear Angela,

To paraphrase George Fox (founder of Quakerism) - where Friends/Quakers have some roots in your neck of the woods of Buckinghamshire, Angela :) - "there is one, even yoga and meditation teacher ... who can speak to my condition" ... ("There is one, even Christ Jesus, that can speak to thy condition"; and when I heard it my heart did leap for joy,"https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/George_Fox).


(realizing you might not have great internet wifi on Lesvos, so 'om' ;)
L, Scott

Can you figure out how to get into virtual Harbin here
~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (so we can soak from our bath tubs?) ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~
"walk" down the road 4 "miles" to middletown ca and "amble" around the streets there ~ http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/12/armeria-maritima-seasons-greetings-2018.html ~

* * * 
See, too:

Sri Lanka Rock: Actual / Virtual Harbin Ethnography's Works Cited - Bibliography - References (Updatable)

http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/10/sri-lanka-rock-actual-virtual-harbin.html -


Brazilian grapetree: Dear NtFs, Dear no-more-monotheism-or-polytheism f/Friends, and Dear atheist Quakers, Possible names for un-programmed NtF Quaker Meeting meditation, Recalling 'Silent Meeting in the Manner of Friends / Quakers' on the sign in front of the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting house in the mid-1970s. I'm wishing Google Streetview with time slider was a little further along so we could check the history of this, You can see the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting Google Streetview TIME SLIDER function here 10 different years between 2007 and 2017, Registering as a CO - Conscientious Objector when Selective Service / pre-draft was instituted in around 1979; the American War in Vietnam's draft still fresh in people's mind, Am an appreciator re Quakers and now NtFs in questioning the law by protesting it when it's wrong, but am also a Friendly appreciator of both laws, as well as psychiatry (for Quakers / Friends), when the laws are just and protect victims, For me, language matters (as someone who is Jacque Lacan MD inclined) * * * Hi Heartsong and All, Will we live forever?, Re Longevity and Harbin, see MIT video on Longevity + and re a realistic virtual earth, (all MIT / Harvard professors / researchers), Stanford undergraduate honors' thesis on Harbin Hot Springs

http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/brazilian-grapetree-dear-ntfs-no-more.html -



Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Parks: Began the following Pinterest 'Boards' by searching on the approximately 10 languages I've heard MIT OCW (see below) has been translated into ... * * * A realistic virtual earth for Lego robotics too? ... The idea is to code a Lego Robotics' train (MindstormsEV3 or WeDo2) in Google Street View with BRICK STREET VIEW from, for example, the Harbin Hot Springs' gate house ~ to "travel" down the road 4 "miles" to Middletown CA and so we could get out virtually and "amble" around the streets there, Check out "walking" from the Harbin gate to Middletown "4 miles" ... :)

Previous: Lingcod: Methinks that what makes anthropology different from history is field work - or even newly per "Naked Harbin Ethnography"'pool play' - and participant-observation (and the questions we ask as well), And that this goes on in NHE, Chloe's Stanford Honor's undergrad thesis, and in the new online ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy social science method * * * Looks like virtual Harbin is already open: Visit the Harbin Gate here http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg but has a long way to go * * * Have you checked out "time slider" functionality in Google Street View? ... Still in baby form, you can toggle at the Gate between 2007 (with the little red FIRETRUCK) and 2012 * * * Visiting Harbin by slipping my smartphone with Street View into a digital mask like Google Cardboard (yet waterproof!:) ... and doing more pool play or field work * * * Am hoping that Peter Norvig and Stanford's Larry Leifer will help with all the related machine learning (and neurodance) - Check out around 38 mins a possible building of the virtual Harbin warm pool * * * 'to say in language something one thinks might be difficult to say, because one's inhibited from saying it for some reason, can be therapeutic, and even help one understand one's own unconscious (re Lacan too and to to Psychoanalysis at WUaS)' * * * Yogini Angela Farmer: "Yes we lived a few miles only from the first home of the Quakers in Buckinghamshire"

Began the following Pinterest 'Boards' by searching on the approximately 10 languages I've heard MIT OCW (see below) has been translated into since 1999 ...

... with their World Univ & Sch foci https://www.pinterest.com/scottmacleod100/world-university-and-school/ & https://www.pinterest.com/scottmacleod100/), 

You'll find most of the languages below here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages - or countries - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - here as wiki schools or beginning online universities re its nation state ...


Spanish - 

Argentina World University and School


Portuguese - 

Brazil World University and School


Spanish - 

Chile World University and School


Mandarin Chinese - 

China World University and School


Spanish - 

Colombia World University and School


Spanish - 

Ecuador World University and School


English - 

England World University and School


French - 

France World University and School


German - 

Germany World University and School


Greek - 

Greece World University and School


Hindi - 

India World University and School


Persian / Farsi -

Iran World University and School


Swahili -

Kenya World University and School


Korean - 

Korea World University and School


Spanish - 

Mexico World University and School


Spanish - 

Peru World University and School

Tagalog -

Philippines World University and School


Turkish -

Turkey World University and School


Russian - 

Ukraine World University and School


* * 

MIT OCW sources for some of the above languages: 



Started a second Pinterest too - https://www.pinterest.com/sgkmacleod/

* * * 

A realistic virtual earth for Lego robotics too? ... The idea is to code a Lego Robotics' train (MindstormsEV3 or WeDo2) in Google Street View with BRICK STREET VIEW from, for example, the Harbin Hot Springs' gate house - http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook) ~ to
"travel" down the road 4 "miles" to Middletown CA and so we could get out virtually and "amble" around the streets there (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/12/armeria-maritima-seasons-greetings-2018.html) ~ Check out "walking" from the Harbin gate to Middletown "4 miles" ... :)

A #RealisticVirtualEarth for Lego robotics too? The idea is to code a Lego Robotics’ train (MindstormsEV3 or WeDo2) in Google Street View with BRICK STREET VIEW from, for ex, Harbin Hot Springs' gate house http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg @HarbinBook to Middletown CA Have you walked this?


Sound on! Let's gather our early learners and celebrate ! Can your students put the action bricks in the right sequence in order to play "Are you sleeping Brother John"?


Lego WeDo2 train https://youtu.be/ZleWktI1y10


Searched: Lego Robotics train (MindstormsEV3 or WeDo2) in Google Street View with BRICK STREET VIEW ~ http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/11/marine-life-robot-like-this-with-its.html #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics #ActualVirtualRobotics https://www.google.com/maps/about/behind-the-scenes/streetview/treks/petra/#explore-overviewhttps://www.wired.co.uk/article/lego-google-streetviewhttps://www.google.com/maps/about/behind-the-scenes/streetview/treks/miniatur-wunderland/https://www.theverge.com/2013/11/26/5147124/google-street-view-interactive-transit-map ~




Ashoka tree: Yoga Mac Flower G+ posts - Scott MacLeod (YogaMacFlower) * * * Saving the posts from my Yoga Mac Flower G+ profile here (since the consumer G+ is closing down on April 2, 2019) ... so here's 2012 to 2015 ...


Saving the posts from my Yoga Mac Flower G+ profile here (since the consumer G+ is closing down on April 2, 2019) ... so here's 2012 to 2015 ...


Yoga Mac Flower G+ posts
Scott MacLeod (YogaMacFlower)
yoga: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ScottMacLeodYogaMacFlower (was: https://plus.google.com/u/0/114745337283538691852/posts) and  
yoga: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ScottMacLeodYogaMacFlower (was: https://plus.google.com/u/0/114745337283538691852/posts and was posted here: http://scottmacleod.com/).

* * *
December 31, 2015

Sirsasana ... to Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at WUaS? Planned in many languages ...:)
thisgirlsylvia: I photographed some beautiful yoga attire from...

December 30, 2015

Season’s Greetings 2015 and Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!, Love in this holiday season in the context of this old world we live in? Caring and Loving, Loving Bliss, Peace and Social Justice, CC World University and School, Actual / virtual Harbin ethnographic book ~http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html, Making Music, Generative year for ideas in terms of blog posts, Happy New Year and best wishes to all of you and your loved ones in this holiday season! ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/12/redcurrant-seasons-greetings-2015-and.html ... 
Season’s Greetings 2015 and Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!, Love in this holiday season in the context of this old world we live in? Caring and Loving, Loving Bliss, Peace and Social Justice, CC World University and School, Actual / virtual Harbin ethnographic book ~http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html, Making Music, Generative year for ideas in terms of blog posts, Happy New Year and best wishes to all of you and your loved ones in this holiday season! ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/12/redcurrant-seasons-greetings-2015-and.html ... 

December 30, 2015

Victor's Yogic Art ... see the chickadee here too? ... http://www.angela-victor.com/blogs/victor/how-save-desperate-world ? (on a hand held)

December 30, 2015

To Meditation or Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation ~ at WUaS? Planned in many languages ...:)
girlsdoingyoga: sugarissweetlove: Meditate  •*¨*•♫♪ .

December 29, 2015

Grateful Dead October 17,18,&19 1974 Winterland San Francisco CA


December 29, 2015

Relevant to Yoga, too ... "A History of Privacy" ... To Privacy wiki subject at WUaS http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Privacy ? Planned in many languages ... 
Thoughtful essay by tech journalist Greg Ferenstein considers the history of privacy in human homes and culture, and makes the case that privacy was a fleeting 20th century phenomenon, already disappearing. (Via Ethan Zuckerman.)

December 29, 2015

To Partner Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at WUaS? Planned in many languages ...:)

December 19, 2015

A wee reversal? 
Originally shared by Scott MacLeod
Duck love cats

December 19, 2015

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana in College too ... re Self care in College ... see too The_College_at_World_University_and_School ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School ...seeking applications next autumn for best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare Creative Commons' licensed FREE degrees ... first in English then UN, large and CC MIT OCW languages ... 

December 19, 2015

Self care in College ... see too The_College_at_World_University_and_School ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School ...seeking applications next autumn for best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare Creative Commons' licensed degrees ... first in English then UN, large and CC MIT OCW languages ...
"As college students, we sacrifice our mental and physical wellness in exchange for bragging rights to the 'I just pulled an all-nighter!' accolade."

December 19, 2015
Yoga in College ... what's this pose in Sanskrit again? ... re Self care in College ... see too The_College_at_World_University_and_School ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School ...seeking applications next autumn for best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare Creative Commons' licensed FREE degrees ... first in English then UN, large and CC MIT OCW languages ... 

December 18, 2015

Is Yoga asana a kind of building of one's own machine re Linus Torvalds' observation below ... To Hardware_Resource_Possibilities http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Hardware_Resource_Possibilities
I used to think that I was good at building my own machines. I may have to re-think that.

I've pretty much always put together my own hardware, originally because it was cheaper to build your own system (which hasn't been true for a while now), and lately mainly because I end up having somewhat odd hardware - I've had access to development boards from Intel etc, so my machines tend to be these Frankenstein's monsters of random parts put together.

But recently I decided that I'd want to upgrade to a Skylake CPU and get rid of all my legacy stuff in favor of just a M.2 NVMe SSD. No more silly DVD drives, no more SATA disks.

And it turns out you can only take your Frankenstein hardware so far. My old power supply I was getting a bit suspicious of, and decided to finally upgrade for a fanless one, and my lovely old case with sound dampening panels didn't have USB3 ports, and honestly, without any rotational media the sound dampening probably didn't matter that much any more.

So I decided to pretty much upgrade everything. Go for really quiet fans etc. I went so far as even upgrade my mouse, because while I enjoy my Logitech MX Anywhere mouse, I decided that if I'm upgrading my machine, I'm getting the MX 2 Anywhere that is rechargeable rather than changing batteries every two months or whatever.

I'm now on week two of my upgrade, simply because I'm so completely disorganized. Just putting the machine together took something like four hours, because I noticed much too late that I couldn't actually mount the nice big (and quiet) fan with the motherboard in place, so I had to disassemble it all again and start from scratch, and in the meantime I misplaced one of the hex nuts for the fan.

And that was after I had delayed the build by several days just because I hadn't realized the USB issue with my old case, and then hadn't gotten a fan with my CPU, and...

But it's all good now. Almost. The mouse should arrive tomorrow, and my new machine should finally be all ready. I'm already using it with the old mouse, and refusing to change batteries despite the warning red light. It can damn well last one more day.

But next time I might just decide to go and get a pre-packaged machine rather than think I'm competent with hardware. Because I clearly am not.

December 15, 2015

Yoga comes up now and again at wiki World University and School, for which here are the recent minutes and agenda ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/12/pavonia-plant-minutes-for-december-12.html ... 
December 12, 2015

Enjoying Victor's new yogic-art ... http://www.angela-victor.com/blogs/victor/we-are-very-small ... 

December 12, 2015

s It Possible to Love All Humanity? -

December 12, 2015

See you online at 11:00 am PT (California time) soon in about 10 minutes in a Google group video Hangout for English speaking practice ...
See you online at 11:00 am PST (California time) soon in a Google group video Hangout for English speaking practice ...

Next week on Sat. 12/12 ESL will return to group video Hangouts (on the WUaS Google-verified side from this G+ page - https://plus.google.com/+ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/posts - associated with this email address, also Google-verified -sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org).


Let's plan to use the same ESL video call link - https://hangouts.google.com/call/pmtnc5kkmece55ednf63xjdbvaa ...


December 12, 2015

To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga at WUaS? Planned in many languages ...:)
healthglows: What a beautiful surprise when a friend sends you...

December 12, 2015

To Black Studies at WUaS ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Black_Studies ? Planned in many languages ...
Members of the MIT Black Students' Union and the Black Graduate Student Association are working together with MIT's senior administration to find ways to make the Institute more welcoming and inclusive for all.


December 11, 2015

Africa World University and School  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Africa with Yoga at WUaS http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga at WUaS? Planned in many languages ...:) Planned in many languages ...:)
Why Africa should be even more important to the rest of the world: http://virg.in/4WIGX

December 11, 2015

Questions from India about World University and School and Answers from Scott MacLeod in the San Francisco Bay Area
December 10, 2015

Questions from India about World University and School and Answers from Scott MacLeod in Berkeley (longer version)
Questions from India about World University and School and Answers from Scott MacLeod in Berkeley (longer version)
Hi Scott! 
1.Q-How did u get this idea?
2.Who all signed first?
3.Pl.List the courses you offer.
4.How did you get top ivy league Univarsities, sign up with you?
5.What technologies do you use?
6.What is the role of Wikipedia?
7.How do you get funds?
8.Is it OK to meet all your expenses?
9.What are your future plans?
10.Whey  are you not accepting appreciation offering to teacher, from students, who have used your mode of learning?
11.What is your advise and suggestions for Indian educational institutions? That is for now.
All the best, Always to All,

December 9, 2015

Buddhism ... To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga at WUaS? Planned in many languages ... interesting meditation His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Rinpoche are doing ... To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation too? 
His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Ganden Tripa Rizong Rinpoche offering a butter lamp during the inauguration of the new Office and Residence of the Ganden Throneholder (Gaden Trithok Khang) in Mundgod, Karnataka, India on December 8, 2015. (Photo by Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL)

December 7, 2015

That's urdhva dhanurasana (upward bow or wheel  pose - an intense - backbend) and not setu bandha sarvangasana (restorative - bridge pose) ... To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga at WUaS? Planned in many languages ... 
davidstrawnga: Today’s photography shoutout goes to Quintavius...

December 7, 2015

Exploratorium SF for community and awareness

December 7, 2015

MMmmm, beautiful ... India:)
Sharing fireworks with the Lord - Mahakal, Ujjain
#diwali  #mahakaleshwar  #ujjain 

December 7, 2015

Business and Climate Change and Yoga? 

December 7, 2015

This Dwarka video is also not of the quality World University and School will focus on in seeking to become the Harvard of the Internet and in all countries' main languages, accrediting on CC MIT OCW and CC Yale OYC. Let's stay in touch about such great course ware since there isn't nearly enough of it yet at MIT OCW, as you'll see here - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Archaeology - for an undergraduate major or Ph.D. in archaeology, with only 5 courses at MIT OCW (http://search.mit.edu/search?site=ocw&client=mit&getfields=*&output=xml_no_dtd&proxystylesheet=http%3A%2F%2Focw.mit.edu%2Fsearch%2Fgoogle-ocw.xsl&requiredfields=WT%252Ecg_s%3ACourse+Home|WT%252Ecg_s%3AResource+Home&sectionlimit=WT%252Ecg_s%3ACourse+Home|WT%252Ecg_s%3AResource+Home&as_dt=i&oe=utf-8&departmentName=web&filter=0&courseName=&q=archaeology&btnG.x=19&btnG.y=9) - and no archaeology department! CC WUaS will also focus on digital/virtual archaeology, and in many languages, of which you're one of the world's leading faculty experts.


December 5, 2015

Very enjoyable Yoga ... deep releasing here ... To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga at WUaS? Planned in many languages ... 

December 5, 2015

Languages' Yoga in poetry? (Yoga can have an explicit focus on grammar and language) ... Very beautiful poetry in the Serbian language, Suzana! Eventually WUaS will add this to Serbia World University and School, planned in Serbian - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States - and to Poetry http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Poetry ! Thank you
Here you can listen for a bit my native language. This is a Serbian poetry - I love it so much. It is called "kaži mi kaži - tell me, tell me".
Here you are the lyrics in English and Serbian:

December 5, 2015

Making Paris relevant to the real-world is a challenge – but it’s important; many of the targets and words here are just hot air without money

December 2, 2015

A kind of Yoga narrative ... to http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga at WUaS? Planned in many languages ... 

Govardhanodharanam - Narayaneeyam Dasakam 63


November 29, 2015

Hmmm ... #Dwarka#Atlantis of the East
Just had an educational and enjoyable time watching: #Dwarka: #Atlantis of the East


November 26, 2015

Graceful Yoga? ... To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga at WUaS? Planned in many languages ... 

November 22, 2015

4 special gifts including a companion meditation album for all pre-orders of my Actual~Virtual "Naked Harbin" Book. PRE-ORDER AT
http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html before February 14th and quickly receive 4 free bonus gifts!

November 21, 2015

To the Happiness wiki subject for open teaching and learning at World University and School ... "5 special gifts including a companion meditation album for all pre-orders! www.emmaseppala.com/book" .
5 special gifts including a companion meditation album for all pre-orders! www.emmaseppala.com/book

November 20, 2015

That's Archbishop Desmond Tutu of post-Apartheid South Africa whom Richard Branson is kissing ... (I met Tutu once on SAS:) ... all in a Yoga day ... 
Togetherness unites us, gives us much-needed support, and encourages us to love one another: http://virg.in/qot

November 20, 2015

English Speaking Learning in a group video call meets tomorrow Sat. Nov 21 at 11 am Pacific Time. All are welcome.



November 20, 2015

Yoga, sex and happiness ? ... C'est possible? (yoga has a curious ascetic meme (replicating cultural unit here) tradition ... ), Thank you Mr. Mao! 

November 18, 2015

To "Educate a Girl" ... To Women's_and_Gender_Studieshttp://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Women%27s_and_Gender_Studies? Planned in most countries' languages with free best STEM CC OCW online degrees, and high school diplomas, as well.

November 18, 2015

Can World University and School design the online Taj Mahal in all 7,938 languages and 200 countries with an Universal Translator and which is beautiful ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/11/lotus-flower-in-garlands-what-cc-wuas.html ... perhaps together with virtual worlds for STEM research - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/11/waters-36-slides-from-uc-berkeley-talk.html - for all for Libraries and Museums ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/11/lions-in-trees-all-libraries-all.html ... such as in Google Street View with film-realistic avatars?
Originally shared by Scott MacLeod (Musical-Aphilo)
कुछ प्रश्न:

बाहर से आने वाले मुग़ल और अन्य आक्रमणकारी सुल्तानों के बारे में दावा किया जाता है लिखित इतिहास में, कि उन्होंने भारत में अपने देशों की अद्भुत चित्रकला और वास्तुकला का विस्तार किया, भिन्न-भिन्न स्थान पर इमारतें इत्यादि बना कर। इस विषय में कुछ प्रश्न:

१) क्या वे अपने साथ कारीगरों की फौजें लेकर आये थे जिन्होंने यह बड़ी बड़ी इमारतें खड़ी कर दीं?
२) यदि वह कला सचमुच में उनके देश की थी तो उसके समान कोई इमारत वहां क्यों नहीं मिलती?
३) उनके आने से पहले क्या भारत में कोई भी भव्य इमारत नहीं थी? यदि थी तो वे कहाँ गयीं?

इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर हम सब जानते हैं, किन्तु फिर भी कोई कुछ नहीं बोलता क्यों कि राष्ट्रपिता गांधी ने हमें किसी का दिल न दुखाने का आदेश दिया था, और हम आज तक उसे निभाते आ रहे हैं, चाहे उसका मूल्य हमारा आत्मसम्मान ही क्यों न हो।

अब तो न गांधी रहे, न उनके नाम की सरकार, अब वह समय आ गया है कि हम अपनी संस्कृति को उचित नाम से पहचानें, अपने सम्मान को पुनः प्राप्त करें। आइये हम सब मिल कर एक अनुरोध करें सरकार से कि वे हमारे मंदिरों को मुक्त कराएं और अन्य प्राचीन स्मारकों, जैसे की ध्रुव-स्तम्भ (क़ुतुब-मीनार), तेजोमहालय (ताज-महल) आदि को भी उनकी प्राचीन पहचान उपलब्ध कराएं।

November 17, 2015

“When the ice on the mountains melt, the sea level rises and causes flooding” http://buff.ly/20RArR9
“When the ice on the mountains melt, the sea level rises and causes flooding” http://buff.ly/20RArR9

November 17, 2015

A Talk about Jarvis Jay Masters with Angela and Victor ... https://www.ihanuman.com/features/talk-about-jarvis-jay-masters-angela-and-victor ...

November 17, 2015

Headstand in Yoga  ~ To Yoga at World University ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ... Planned in many languages  ~ big and small and very nice ... :)  


November 16, 2015

To Marine_Science or Interspecies_Communications, Species at World University and School ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Interspecies_Communications or http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Species or http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Marine_Science ... Yoga is beautiful, strange, graceful and magnificent too ... 
Beautiful, strange, graceful, magnificent—LESS THAN 2 WEEKS LEFT to see our "Whales" exhibit!

From giant articulated skeletons to a life-size blue whale heart (crawl on in), it's an unbelievable look at Earth's largest living mammals. calacade.my/1MRPBLN

November 16, 2015

Hanumanasana with Backbend in Yoga  ~ To Yoga at World University ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ... Planned in many languages  ~ big and small and very nice ... :)  

November 16, 2015
garlands ~ jasmine, champaka, lotus, lilies, ashoka, nerium/oleander, chrysanthemum, roses, hibiscus, pinwheel flowers, manoranjini etc., Quite transformative & beautiful too ! :) re Yoga too ... Happy Diwali ... and toward India World University and School and its Law School too planned in Hindi and other main languages with legal systems in India! ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/11/garlands-jasmine-champaka-lotus-lilies.html ... 

November 14, 2015

Quite transformative & beautiful too ! :) re Yoga too ... Happy Diwali ... and toward India World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/India - and its Law School too ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/India_Law_School_at_WUaS ... planned in Hindi and other main languages with legal systems in India!
Sharing fireworks with the Lord - Mahakal, Ujjain
#diwali  #mahakaleshwar  #ujjain 

November 14, 2015

Democratizing Education ... and with yoga too! 
Google I/O 2015 - Democratizing Education


November 14, 2015

See you online at 11:00 am PT (California time) soon in a Google group video Hangout for English speaking practice ... in 20 minutes

This week on Sat. 11/14 ESL will return to group video Hangouts (on the WUaS Google-verified side from this G+ page - https://plus.google.com/+ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/posts - associated with this email address - sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org(which is also Google-verified).

See you online at 11:00 am PT (California time) soon in a Google group video Hangout for English speaking practice ... in 20 minutes

This week on Sat. 11/14 ESL will return to group video Hangouts (on the WUaS Google-verified side from this G+ page - https://plus.google.com/+ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/posts - associated with this email address - sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org(which is also Google-verified).


November 13, 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015 open online Monthly Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School at 9am PST  ... http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2015/11/november-14-2015-monthly-business.html… Want to help create online schools - and for yoga too - and universities in all languages? 

November 13, 2015

:) To Caring and Loving wiki subject for open teaching and learning at World University and School ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Caring_and_Loving ? Thank you CTO Megan Smith!
A message from U.S. Chief Technology Officer Megan Smith '86, 'SM '88 on #WorldKindnessDay : Be kind to yourself, and to one another.


November 11, 2015

Happy Diwali ... and toward India World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/India - and its Law School too ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/India_Law_School_at_WUaS ... planned in Hindi and other main languages with legal systems in India!
'Come out into the broad open light of day, come out from the little narrow paths, for how can the infinite soul rest content to live and die in small ruts? Come out into the universe of Light. Everything in the universe is yours, stretch out your arms and embrace it with love. If you ever felt you wanted to do that, you have felt God.'
- Swami Vivekananda
#kalipuja  #diwali  #swamivivekananda 

November 9, 2015

Victor and Angela  "Yoga and Us" ... http://www.angela-victor.com/blogs/victor/yoga-and-us ... from 1986 (they're funny:)

November 9, 2015

November 9, 2015

November 7, 2015

Yoga happens at Harbin ...

Naked Harbin and Ethno-Wiki-Virtual-World-Graphy:

Sharing a New Digital Methodology with Tourism Studies, Science & the Social Sciences ~

Methodologies for Ethnographically Studying Virtual Place: Virtual Harbin

36 slides from UC Berkeley talk on F 11/6/15



My video recording in a Hangouts on Air didn't work out, so no video.
Naked Harbin and Ethno-Wiki-Virtual-World-Graphy:

Sharing a New Digital Methodology with Tourism Studies, Science & the Social Sciences ~

Methodologies for Ethnographically Studying Virtual Place: Virtual Harbin

36 slides from UC Berkeley talk on F 11/6/15



My video recording in a Hangouts on Air didn't work out, so no video.

November 7, 2015

... supported Half Moon Pose (nice!) ... as partner-work ... and with Iyengar ... yogic thinking ...
Guruji in contemplation.

November 6, 2015

ah, Panda friend playing ... Lovely~~~ rolling yoga ... 
Baby panda rolling in the grass.

November 6, 2015

To Meditation at World University and School?
Originally shared by Jessica Mullen
Daily Meditation - You Are Wanted Here

November 5, 2015

Backbends in Yoga  ~ To Yoga at World University ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga  ~ big and small and nice ... :) 
November 5, 2015

Backbends in Yoga  ~ To Yoga at World University ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga  ~ big and small and very nice ... :) 
November 5, 2015

Backbends in Yoga  ~ To Yoga at World University ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga  ~ big and small and nice ... :) 

November 5, 2015

Backbends in Yoga  ~ To Yoga at World University ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga  ~ big and small ... 

November 5, 2015

Great to be asking this ... To Bangladesh World University and School http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Bangladesh (not yet in Bangla) or United_Nations WUaS http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/United_Nations? Planned in cou ntires' mail languages plus many more ... yoga-wise esp
"We are not against coal-based power plants, because we need power for development... but the question is that why the power plant should be set up near the Sundarbans, a world heritage site?"

November 4, 2015

:)) 3.140715ish ... big pie :)) ... which is kinda yoga too ...

November 3, 2015

We gave away CC World University and School to CC Wikidata last week ... yup ... the whole thing (& for co-development) ... CC is curious however ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/10/wild-bactrian-camel-wikidata-donation.html and http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2015/10/donation-of-cc-world-university-school.html ... a pretty good yoga approach to life too ... 
Giving away Virgin America flights to unsuspecting travellers – that’s what I call Working Hard, Hawai’ing Hard http://virg.in/whhh

November 3, 2019

November 3, 2019

Go with the flow. ... and for meditation too ... To Yoga  ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga  and Meditation  ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation ~ at World University?
 ~ at World University?

November 3, 2015

November 3, 2015

Rainbow Lorikeet: Wow ... "Computer, respond to this email" from Google, Re focusing on developing a possible Universal Translator, I see 4 possible structures/ontologies for an universal translator: 1) based on Wiktionary 2) something emerging out of Wikidata 3) something emerging out of Google Translate (with all of Google's infrastructure and commercialization possibilities) and 4) something emerging out of Watson/BlueMix, but this Google Email development just jumped to the top of my list, and inter-lingually especially ...http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/11/rainbow-lorikeet-wow-computer-respond.html ... a different kind of yogic union ... 

November 2, 2015

The American Yoga ReVolution with Iyengar disciples Manouso Manos and Patricia Walden  ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pJc9UEi210 ... To Yoga  ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University? 

November 2, 2015

To "Photography" at World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Photography? Planned in most countries' main languages ... how to build developing wiki design possibilities into this Photography wiki "school" as well as in all pages and to make online World University and School one of the most beautiful campuses ever ... and in relation to yoga? 
"Reflections, Surface"
by Karin Lisa Atkinson
"The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature. "
~ Joseph Campbell, 1904-1987
(Born: White Plains, New York)

“I live there ... Far above the song-filled clouds, where the dewdrops touch my skin so bare ... I live there.”
~ Sanober Khan
(Born: Mumbai, India)

“There is a perfection in everything that cannot be owned.”
~ Anaïs Nin, 1903-1977
(Born: Neuilly-sur-Seine, Nanterre, France)

"Reflections, Surface"
by Karin Lisa Atkinson
Location: Kona, Hawai'i
Camera: Nikon CoolPix (pocket camera)
Conditions: Sunset, Autumn, wind, no tripod, no flash

#naturephotography  #naturemonday  #btpanimalpro +BTP Animal Pro  #btpotherpro +BTP Other Pro +BTP Macro Pro  #btpmacropro  #hqspmacro +HQSP Macro  #hqspanimals  #hqspportraits +HQSP Animals +HQSP Promotion +HQSP Portraits  #macrophotography  #macro4all  #macromonday  #macroaddict +Macro4All +MacroAddict  #showyourbestwork  #animalphotography  #wildlifephotography  #wildlifewednesday  #bellesphotos +Belles photos +Daily Belle Photo  #themagicoflight +The-Magic-Of-Light Photography +Nature Photography  #artistphotographeramateurorprofessional +Soothing Photography  #soothingphotography 

November 1, 2015

This could be a Buddhist painting too of a Bodhisattva in many incarnations .... 

November 1, 2015

November 1, 2015

Dr. Laura Ahearn - Love Letters and Marriage in Nepal -  - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYOg39_g2Ng - anthropology video, and hers is the first book read in the CC MIT OpenCourseWare Introduction to Anthropology course - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/anthropology/21a-00-introduction-to-anthropology-spring-2013/readings/ - and - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Anthropology ... Create a new focus on Anthropology and Yoga, in addition to the anthropology of yoga in Nepal?
Dr. Laura Ahearn - Love Letters and Marriage in Nepal -  - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYOg39_g2Ng - anthropology video, and hers is the first book read in the CC MIT OpenCourseWare Introduction to Anthropology course - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/anthropology/21a-00-introduction-to-anthropology-spring-2013/readings/ - and - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Anthropology ...

November 1, 2015

To Yoga and Namaste ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University? 
We're kicking off a month of gratitude—and you can join in! (P.S. We'll share our fave reader posts on Thanksgiving Day.) #yjgratitudechallenge

October 31, 2015

October 30, 2015

To Media_Lab_at_World_University_and_School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Media_Lab_at_World_University_and_School and Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology_-_MIT http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology_-_MIT ? Planned in all countries' main languages plus ... and for yoga? 
In celebration of the +MIT Media Lab's 30th anniversary, +LEGO and the +The LEGO Foundation unveiled a model of the lab constructed out of Lego bricks!

Watch a video about MIT's collaboration with LEGO, empowering children to be creative thinkers: http://mitsha.re/U2nU0


October 29, 2015

October 29, 2015

October 28, 2015

:) ... ah, yoga daily ... 

October 28, 2015

To Yoga and reading ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University? Planned in many languages ....

October 28, 2015

Hiking yoga here ... too ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University? Planned in many languages .... Cool ... 

October 23, 2015

To Yoga in the Light ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University? Planned in many languages ....

October 22, 2015

To the Media_Lab_at_World_University_and_School ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Media_Lab_at_World_University_and_School (and to Syria Arab Republic World University and School when it's begun, and in Arabic ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Arabic_language) ... Planned in most countries' main languages ... and re Yoga too ... 

October 22, 2015

Le Boogie Woogie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XngXWmVQ-B0 - bien aussi :) ... new subject in the Music School at World University and School ... music yoga? 
Le Boogie Woogie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XngXWmVQ-B0 - bien aussi :) ... new subject in the Music School at World University and School

October 22, 2015

Furthur into Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University?

October 19, 2015

New Art today by Yoga Victor Van Kooten ... http://www.angela-victor.com/blogs/victor/senses-are-part-creation ... And to inner body yoga :) ... http://www.angela-victor.com ... yes furthur into Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University?

October 17, 2015

Thanks, Juan! To Teaching at World University http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Teaching? :)

October 17, 2015

To Meditation at World University http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation? :)
Originally shared by Jessica Mullen
Daily Meditation - Every Decision You Make Is the Right One

October 15, 2015

And yoga :) ... http://www.angela-victor.com ... yes to Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University?

October 15, 2015

And PLAY yoga :) ... http://www.angela-victor.com ... yes furthur into Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University?

October 15, 2015

And re Yoga? ... To Finding_/_creating_a_job_you_really_love wiki subject for open teaching and learning http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Finding_/_creating_a_job_you_really_love at World University and School? Planned in many languages ...
Originally shared by Scott MacLeod (Helianth)

How to find work you love
Shared publicly

October 13, 2015

B. K. S. Iyengar in Utah in 1984 during his visit on the occasion of the First International Iyengar Yoga Convention in San Francisco. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjMa6VM4XeE Posted by +Michael Lucey (https://plus.google.com/116697741454141992034/about)

October 13, 2015

I really like and find funny the shoes in this portrait of Margaret Hamilton, - http://www.wired.com/2015/10/margaret-hamilton-nasa-apollo/ -who wrote the code that put a man on the moon, and her take-no-prisoners hippy look ... among the modern abstract art ... :)
I really like and find funny the shoes in this portrait of Margaret Hamilton, - http://www.wired.com/2015/10/margaret-hamilton-nasa-apollo/ -who wrote the code that put a man on the moon, and her take-no-prisoners hippy look ... among the modern abstract art ... :)

October 13, 2015

Actual~Virtual Naked Harbin ~ New Website for "Naked Harbin" Book ~ Promoting My Upcoming Ethnography ~

http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html ~

October 13, 2015

Thanks for sharing these! To India World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/India?  - Not yet in Hindi or Sanskrit
Originally shared by Kalamalini Sundararajan
charana shrunga rahitha nataraja shiva stothram

October 13, 2015

To Meditation ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation ~ at World University?
"Some time ago, the San Francisco school district was looking for a way to help some of the troubled teens in their schools. After much deliberation, they decided to implement a pioneering program simply called “quiet time,” where students had the opportunity to practice transcendental meditation twice daily for 15 minutes."

October 12, 2015

To Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University?

October 9, 2015

And PLAY yoga :) yes further to Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University?

October 9, 2015

MMmmm .. partner yoga work with grounding ... further to Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University?

October 8, 2015

And further to Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University?

October 8, 2015

Releasing poses in Yoga are great ~ To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University?

October 8, 2015

To Yoga also ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University?
libelulasesinas: I really love this place …. It connects me...

October 8, 2015

To Yoga also ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University?
libelulasesinas: I really love this place …. It connects me...

October 8, 2015

To Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University?

October 6, 2015

To Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~ at World University?
Fight off Monday stress + insomnia with this bedtime sequence.

October 5, 2015

To FREE The_College_at_World_University_and_School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School ... Planned in many languages ... and with Yoga wiki subject pages for open teaching and learning ... 
You got it wrong. Free college is paid by the people who earn a lot.. because they went to college!!
October 3, 2015

Interesting kinds of Yoga ~ To Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga at World University?
Voting is the basis for democracy; it's a vital part of how citizens connect with government. Our January issue will look at how Friends engage in the political process: voting, lobbying, electoral campaigns, local vs national issues. What are Quakers doing in these areas? How can we be an influential voice? Deadline to submit is October 19.
October 3, 2015

Interesting kinds of Yoga ~ To Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga at World University?

September 27, 2015

September 27, 2015

Got a question about tonight’s #SuperBloodMoon? Use #askNASA and watch our live broadcast on NASA Television: http://www.nasa.gov/nasatv

September 27, 2015

Beech trees: Open Band Berkeley (@TheOpenBand)- SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING - Animation ... Scottish Country Dancing at World University, The BBBS aka the Bees also known as the bees knees but not the beetles - new name? ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/09/beech-trees-open-band-berkeley.html ... {ANIMATION SEEMS TO BE VISIBLE IN SAFARI BROWSER ONLY}

September 26, 2015

Open Band Berkeley (@TheOpenBand)- SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING - Animation ...

September 25, 2015

To Yoga at WUaS ?
Don't covet what isn't yours—including the extra blocks in class (you know who you are.)

September 25, 2015

Sal Khan on this yoga page ... To Yoga at WUaS ?
Sign up to join Sal Khan's chat with three Google Science Fair finalists about how science drives progress: goo.gl/xaLqBB.

And if you share their passion for big ideas, register for the Breakthrough Junior Challenge at breakthroughjuniorchallenge.org.

September 24, 2015

On the beach Yoga ... To Yoga at World University ? To Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga at WUaS?

September 19, 2015

To Yoga at World University ? I practice Yoga Mudrasana every morning, and find it deeply centering...  

September 16, 2015

September 15, 2015

To Native_Americans http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Native_Americans (or Native American Languages - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Native_American_Languages) at World University ?

"The elders declare that the sun rises at a different position now, not where it used to previously. They also have longer daylight to hunt now, the sun is much higher than earlier, and it gets warmer much quickly. Other elders across the north also confirmed the same thing about the sky changing when interviewed.

They also alleged that the position of sun, moon and stars have all changed causing changes in the temperature. This has also affected the wind and it is very difficult to predict the weather now and according to them predicting weather is necessary in the Arctic."
"The elders declare that the sun rises at a different position now, not where it used to previously. They also have longer daylight to hunt now, the sun is much higher than earlier, and it gets warmer much quickly. Other elders across the north also confirmed the same thing about the sky changing when interviewed.

They also alleged that the position of sun, moon and stars have all changed causing changes in the temperature. This has also affected the wind and it is very difficult to predict the weather now and according to them predicting weather is necessary in the Arctic."

September 10, 2015

Angela Farmer's Yoga ... inspiring :)
Angela Farmer - The Feminine Unfolding

September 10, 2015

September 10, 2015

Enjoy Angela's Yoga :)
Angela Farmer demonstrates Nadi Sodhana


September 10, 2015

Take 10 minutes today to relax‎—#YJChallenge‬ Day 10.

September 7, 2015

“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.”‎—#YJChallenge‬ Day 7

September 7, 2015

September 7, 2015

September 5, 2015

Duane Allman & Eric Clapton 1970 - Studio Jams 1 thru 6
not officially nosebleed territory ... but I though Clapton was God ... I don't want to get into it ...
Duane Allman & Eric Clapton 1970 - Studio Jams 1 thru 6
not officially nosebleed territory ... but I though Clapton was God ... I don't want to get into it ...
A kind of Rock and Roll Yoga ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Rock_and_Roll ... music for connecting
Originally shared by Scott MacLeod (Helianth) - 1 comment
Duane Allman & Eric Clapton 1970 - Studio Jams 1 thu 6 ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u_HmIg6V4M ...
Duane Allman & Eric Clapton 1970 - Studio Jams 1 thu 6
Shared publicly

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September 5, 2015

September 5, 2015

For Yoga too ? ... Inspiring use of social media in teaching archaeology - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaQzXLW3EV8 - Thank you Sara Perry ... To Archaeology  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Archaeology at WUaS ? Planned in many languages ... 
inspiring use of social media in teaching archaeology - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaQzXLW3EV8 - Thank you Sara Perry ... To Archaeology  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Archaeology at WUaS ? Planned in many languages ... 

September 5, 2015

Meditation ~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation
Originally shared by Jessica Mullen
Daily Meditation - Forget Your Worries Completely video

August 27, 2015

Very lovely ... :)
Originally shared by Scott MacLeod (Helianth)

Saffron rose

August 25, 2015

There's Yoga at Harbin & Check Out My Upcoming "Naked Harbin" Book~ My Upcoming Ethnography ~
http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html ~

August 25, 2015

Updating my Yoga site ... http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm

August 24, 2015

Might be fun in a swimming pool too ... 
I posted a GIF of this guy a few days back ... this is the rest of it or so it seems ...


August 24, 2015

There's Yoga at Harbin ...

Siganus puellus: Naked Harbin ~ New Website for 'Naked Harbin' Book ~ Promoting My Upcoming Ethnography ~
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/08/siganus-puellus-naked-harbin-new.html ~
http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html ~
August 21, 2015

David Lynch visionary filmmaker-fascinating interview in Australia  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGd6lnYTTY8 re Meditation at 5 mins. http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation

August 19, 2015

Just did headstand and sboulderstand Mmm :8-) ...
Check the Yoga subject at World University ... and share some of what ypu love about yoga here ...

August 18, 2015

To Interspecies_Communications http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Interspecies_Communications ? Planned even for different species ... (A kind of yoga?) 

August 18, 2015

To Yoga y at World University http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ? In many Languages ...

August 12, 2015

To Yoga at World University ...  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ?

Or to Meditation at World University ...  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation ? :) - in English and planned in other languages ....

August 12, 2015

To Yoga at World University ...  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ?

Or to Meditation at World University ...  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation ? :) - in English and planned in other languages ....

August 9, 2015

August 9, 2015

Great music snippet and visuals ...
Just got back from our neighbors' annual outdoor concert two houses away -- their property is sloped in a natural amphitheater, a perfect setting for outdoor music and seating. Something to aspire to host myself, one of these summers!

August 8, 2015

To Meditation at World University ...  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation ? :) Or to the "Loving and Caring" wiki page - Caring and Loving: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Caring_and_Loving - in English and planned in other languages ....

Daily Meditation - Everything Is Okay Right Now

August 8, 2015

To Quakers at World University http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Quakers_-_Religious_Society_of_Friends ? Planned in many languages ...  
Quaker Institute for the Future - Annual Gathering - at Berkeley' Pacific School of Religion

August 5, 2015

Your Breath is Your Guide ... To Meditation at World University ...  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation ? :)The Pranayama page isn't yet begun in English or other languages ....

July 29, 2015

Yoga dreams too ... World University and School will become all 200 countries of our wiki co-dreaming (co-teaching)
"The call now is for each of us to ask ourselves: are we doing all we can to help build the country of our dreams?" ~ #NelsonMandela​ during the Intercultural Eid Celebration, Johannesburg, South Africa, 30 January 1998 #LivingTheLegacy#RememberMadiba


July 28, 2015

To Meditation at World University http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation ? Planned in many languages

Daily Meditation - Be Infinite video

July 28, 2015

To Yoga at World University - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ? Planned in many languages ... 
Staying home this summer? Maybe it's time for a yoga staycation—here's how.

July 20, 2015

To Yoga at World University - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ? Planned in many languages ... 

July 20, 2015

To Meditation at World University http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation ? Planned in many languages
Daily Meditation - You're In a Great Mood Today video

July 20, 2015

#OTD in 1969, one giant leap for mankind was taken when the Apollo 11 astronauts landed on the Moon. Learn more: http://go.nasa.gov/1ebWflN

The Apollo missions blazed a path for human exploration to the moon and today we're working on our #NextGiantLeap to extend that path to near-Earth asteroids, Mars and beyond. Find out more: http://go.nasa.gov/1ebWfCt

July 20, 2015

Not just kinda rad, Panah Rad ... To Electric_and_Hybrid_Vehicles at World University - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Electric_and_Hybrid_Vehicles ? Planned in many languages.

July 20, 2015

Kinda Rad ... To Athletics,_Physical_Education_and_Recreation http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Athletics,_Physical_Education_and_Recreation ( or in a subject you create ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects ... in a language of your choice ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Languages)? Planned in many languages ... 
I think I have seen this guy before. Quite talented :)

July 20, 2015

How would one of the bear trainers in this compound explain this bear's behavior? Is the person in the cube provoking him/her by videoing the bear, and is the bear trying to change this situation? Is the bear female or male? The bear doesn't look angry. Is this a way to exercise the bear? What's the principle at work? (I may add this to wiki World University - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Species or http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Behavior or http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Studies all accessible here - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects - and planned in many languages as schools).

July 20, 2015

Rampage ... more powerful than a Grizzly ... how do the trainers do this? Check out too "Species" at World University - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Species for open teaching and learning. 

July 20, 2015

Bears are pretty powerful too ... but not as powerful than an Elephant (see yesterday's post here) ... how do the trainers do this? Check out too "Species" at World University - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Species for open teaching and learning. 

July 2, 2015

Sweet ... To Meditation at WUaS ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation ? Planned in many languages ...

Daily Meditation - You Get to Choose Your Next Thought video

June 18, 2015

June 18, 2015

Such great piping - Stuart Liddell - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1tUuBSQC2k ... add this to the Great Highland Bagpipe wiki Subject page at World University and School http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Highland_Bagpipe ? Planned in many languages ...
Such great piping - Stuart Liddell - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1tUuBSQC2k ... add this to the Great Highland Bagpipe wiki Subject page at World University and School http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Highland_Bagpipe ? Planned in many languages ...

June 18, 2015

Enjoying Yoga Teacher Yogi Victor van Kooten's new painting ... http://www.angela-victor.com/blogs/victor/spring-thought

June 18, 2015

Enjoying Yoga Teacher Victor van Kooten's new painting ... http://www.angela-victor.com/blogs/victor/we-are-all-driftwood

June 18, 2015

Scott MacLeod was tagged in Scott MacLeod's album.

Aunt Mary Brown's memorial celebration in Eastern Oregon

About 35 family photos ... Ted Brown, Alden Briscoe, Jane MacLeod, Ann Brown, Sandy MacLeod, Scott MacLeod which I think were archived ...

The first photo is captioned:

'Bud Cockrell (a friend of Ted Brown's since the late 1950s and his student too), Alden Briscoe (my first cousin once removed), Sandy MacLeod (my brother) in the house that Ted Brown built at Wisdom Creek Ranch in eastern Oregon between Union and Medical Springs.'

May 26, 2015

A third state of consciousness? This article describes something I have heard before - that it is not our nature to sleep in a single eight hour shift, but rather in two shorter sessions of different kinds of sleep, with a kind of third state of consciousness between the two.

I have been in that third state - but not very often - perhaps once a year.   In it, I am awake - even alert in a way - but don't really care about anything.  I usually walk outside.  I can still think, but more slowly - it is hard to describe.

This article describes how to conjure this state.   Not something I can do in my life at the moment, but it is going on the bucket list.  

May 12, 2015

To wiki Meditation at World University and School ...  http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation ... planned for many languages; is meditation a kind of music? :)
April 29, 2015

"Daily Meditation - Feel Good About Yourself"

April 13, 2015


March 31, 2015

Great ... to Yoga at WUaS perhaps ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ...

March 31, 2015

Great ... Yoga learning too ... and at WUaS perhaps ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ...?
"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela​ during an address at the Planetarium, Johannesburg, South Africa, 16 July 2003 #LivingTheLegacy #NelsonMandela#Literacy


March 31, 2015

Check out the new A&V photo here which Victor just posted ... they're funny :)


Natarajasana for two ...

Love, Scott

March 19, 2015

Great, Jessica ... added your fun video to the Meditation wiki subject school at WUaS ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation ...  (see, too - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga) ...

Mullen, Jessica. 2015. [https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JessicaMullen1111/posts/248EFQnZWGEDaily Meditation - Invite Fun Into Your Life]. Austin, TX: plus.google.com/u/0/+JessicaMullen1111/posts/248EFQnZWGE .


March 4, 2015

Yoga jobs too potentially ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ... and ... A significant jobs' producer around the world - by exporting free CC online degrees with best STEM-centric education (eg MIT OCW and Yale OYC ... and edX?) via wiki World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/? Can WUaS create 1 million academic jobs (twice the size of IBM) and careers and become the Harvard Stanford Oxbridge of the internet in all 7,870 + languages and 242 + countries? 
FACT: American exports supported more than 11.7 million U.S. jobs in 2014. Find out how President Obama is fighting for a trade deal that helps American workers and protects our environment → http://go.wh.gov/CCFb1z#LeadOnTrade

March 4, 2015

Cool Angela and Victor yoga web site ... http://www.angela-victor.com ... 

February 24, 2015

Cool ... yogic too perhaps
Check out this killer concept for Hungarian banknotes created by a graphic design student for her MA degree project. Currency, copperplate etchings, uv lights, flora & fauna, and an abundance of passion.

February 13, 2015

Great, President Obama ... World University and School, in a related vein, would eventually like to offer an online hospital (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Hospital) and medical school (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Medical_School) ... and in large languages (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Languages) plus. Thank you! ...
The White House originally shared:

February 7, 2015

Helix aspersa: Heart Consciousness Church which owns Harbin is celebrating its 40th anniversary (1975-2015) this month, Happy Valentine's Day Harbin!, HARBIN 40th ANNIVERSARY PUBLICATION - "Heart Consciousness Church: 1975-2015 - 40 Years of Living the Future", Harbin's history grows ~ and as an unaffiliated church, but, although you can meet the ministers ..., Curious how such celebrations will find their ways into a virtual Harbin, My 400 page Harbin ethnographic manuscript comes into conversation with Boellstorff's book, a virtual Harbin - from your own bathtubs - in interactive movie-realism and in 3D, in digital goggles? ... and for yoga too? ) ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/02/helix-aspersa-heart-consciousness.html

February 7, 2015

February 2, 2015

Share, share, share ... :)
Well, You strung me along till the pt, 9 of ? , finally got the message. The circular entertainment of jive curling back on itself, like the " long-con" .  Alien Faux Scientist, thanks for the illusion "I told you it would all make sense" .. The Mathematics of Crap is still the mathematics of CRAP.... Literally "high school level " of wasting clarity, for attention to ego-possibilities of grasp. I shall now fall on my ego-sword.  Aaarg ! 

January 28, 2015

Related UC Berkeley Harbin talk abstract  - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8gur9SMPlw

Abstract for UC Berkeley talk "Naked, Virtual Harbin" today, 2 Nov 2012


January 28, 2015

Wild and beautiful, Draxtor! ... will look to add to Machinima at WUaS ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Machinima_Videos_%28Making%29... How about Angela and Victor teaching Yoga in such virtual creations? 

January 28, 2015

Far-reaching (and enjoyable and funny) photos ... in Mother India! :)
President Obama just became the first U.S. President to join the people of India on Republic Day to celebrate the anniversary of their constitution. Check out photos from the President and First Lady's trip to India → http://go.wh.gov/nNJz2f

January 26, 2015

Have you checked out Victor and Angela's web site ever - http://www.angela-victor.com

I like their thinking, - Per Angela's blog post here check out what "The Year of the Horse" (which ends on 2/18/2015) means in the Chinese Zodiac / astrology ...  
http://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/social_customs/zodiac/horse.htm ...a culturally relative astrology I should think anthropologically too ... 

Just heard from Stanford University Press that they won't publish my 400 page Harbin ethnographic manuscript ... will try University of Chicago Press next I think ... 

Jaima! Scott

January 24, 2015

First C.C. World University and School pages with best STEM-centric C.C. OCW and C.C. Wikipedias in those  languages ... check out the Yoga wiki school at WUaS too ... 
Vicuña: First WUaS pages with OpenCourseWare and Wikipedias in those languages, Momentous because these are the very beginnings of best STEM-centric universities in those languages with two main CC resources, And, of course, you can teach here, since WUaS is wiki ... Chinese, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish World Universities - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/01/vicuna-first-wuas-pages-with.html .

January 1, 2015

* *
December 29, 2014

May have to skip some of these trends for 2015. Read on and you will see why! 

December 28, 2014

Kite flyer on xmas tree with piano ...
Kite flyer on xmas tree with piano ...

December 24, 2014

May add to ... the "Economics" and "Meditation" wiki subjects at WUaS ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Meditation ...
This article does an excellent job of explaining an important idea of economics. Say there's a shortage of something that people want, such as water. There are two basic ways to allocate it: using market mechanisms, by raising the price of the scarce good, or using control mechanisms, by saying "OK, everyone gets this much, and that's it."

You often hear it said that "markets are efficient," and that's true: market mechanisms allocate resources far more efficiently than control mechanisms. (In control mechanisms, some people get more than they want, some people get less than they want, and nobody can trade, so pretty much everyone ends up unhappy.) However, there's another side to this, which is fairly obvious if you think about it: if you try to distribute water by raising its price, then the poor have to cut down on their usage, but the rich, for whom the change in price matters less, don't.

The reason for this is what's called the "declining marginal utility of money" -- that is, if you have a million dollars, $100 is no big deal, but if you're living paycheck-to-paycheck, the same $100 means rather a lot.

In particular, markets are very efficient at distributing dollars and water, using the principle that how much people are willing to spend on something is a good indicator of how much they want it -- but when the dollars themselves aren't distributed uniformly, they can be very bad at distributing happiness (or to be technical, what economists call "utility") and water.

What this means in practice is that price-based distribution systems work well in highly equal societies, but increasingly poorly in unequal societies. What this means is that in an unequal society, you're stuck with two lousy options for distributing resources, pricing and control, neither of which efficiently distribute resources. Reducing that inequality increases the efficiency of markets. (Which, as any economist will tell you, ends up making everybody richer -- inefficiencies are resources which we simply lose to stupidity)

December 19, 2014

Picconia excelsa: BPPE (state of California initial accreditation), MIT OCW Audio-Video courses - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/ , Posted below a list of MIT OCW audio-video courses to submit to the Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) in the state of California, and as the first step for WUaS accreditation in English, "Admissions" at WUaS -
Picconia excelsa: BPPE (state of California initial accreditation), MIT OCW Audio-Video courses - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/ , Posted below a list of MIT OCW audio-video courses to submit to the Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) in the state of California, and as the first step for WUaS accreditation in English, "Admissions" at WUaS

December 13, 2014

Pittosporum: Melody tripping? No melody?, Know melody? Grateful Dead, Vikram Gandhi's "Kumaré,""Hi Victor, Just riffed with your and Angela's "Who are we anyway?," Vikram on the Colbert Report ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/11/pittosporum-melody-tripping-no-melody.html ... 

November 18, 2014

Hi Angela & Victor,

Just riffed with your "Who are we anyway? ~ Who am I?" ~ in my Web writing today ~ http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/11/abalone-deciphery-our-nest-your-poem.html .

Enjoying your blog posts/web site - and will look to see this film on video -

Victor ... check out Vikram Gandhi on the Colbert Report ...
http://thecolbertreport.cc.com/videos/3cxwny/vikram-gandhi .. Vikram is so NY yoga ... :)


November 16, 2014

Enjoying Victor's new inner yoga painting "The sea inside us" ... http://angela-victor.com/blogs/victor/sea-inside-us ... from Eftalou, Greece :)

October 28, 2014

When Angela and Victor's yoga web site was "forbidden" on the internet ...
actual / virtual Harbin ethnographic manuscript - Innovative ethnography with countercultural themes
 ~ http://angela-victor.com/ :), On with loving bliss neurophysiology eliciting particularly with generative music-making ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/10/anthoceros-when-angela-and-victors-yoga.html

October 21, 2014

Poetry with some yoga in it ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/poetry ... check out the Yoga labels as well :)

October 4, 2014

In what ways might this be yoga? Yoga as ecology? 
And now I want to share with you one of the most interesting short videos I've seen in a while. It's about the idea of trophic cascades: how a small change to an ecosystem can lead to tremendous consequences. In this case, the change was the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone in the 1990's, after a 70-year absence.

The direct effects of the wolves were small: the wolves eat a few deer, but apart from that mostly keep to themselves. But the indirect effects were huge.

It started because the deer, who had been running roughshod over the entire park, quickly figured out that places like valleys were not good places to be a deer when there are wolves about. This led to trees being able to grow in those areas for the first time in decades.

The effects of that are complex and profound, and I encourage you to watch the video, because I can't possibly summarize it better than it does. Everything from the animals to the plants to the very physical geography of the rivers was changed.

The key lesson of this is that ecosystems are connected. You can't make a single change to one and expect it not to have consequences, including very far-reaching ones of a sort you couldn't ever have predicted. This is a general property of all large, strongly-interacting systems, including societies, and it's worth keeping in mind whenever things change.

September 16, 2014


August 28, 2014

Lovely note from yogini Angela Farmer ... http://web.archive.org/web/20080828222354/http://www.angela-victor.com/AngelaHarbinNote05.pdf ... 

August 26, 2014

"B. K. S. Iyengar, Who Helped Bring Yoga to the West, Dies at 95" by Ellen ... http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/21/world/asia/bks-iyengar-who-helped-bring-yoga-to-west-dies-at-95.html ... added this to WUaS's wiki Yoga page ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga#Select_Video_and_Audio ...

August 5, 2014

Hi Angela, 

Thanks for an inspiring Future of Yoga talk with Laura Cornell today from London, which I heard from Canyon in the SF Bay Area. 

Here's a recent blog post of mine - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/08/anax-imperator-dragonfly-angelas-blog.html - about your blog post Angela - http://www.angela-victor.com/blogs/maurice/year-horse - and creating a virtual Harbin with interactive movie realism, and even as an ethnographic field site for pool play from our home bathtubs, and for meditation :)

Heading to Harbin just now for pool play and field work :)


August 3, 2014

Bhodgaya, India ... January 2014

August 3, 2014

August  2, 2014

The Future of Yoga free online conference from Monday, August 4-6 - http://futureofyogasummit.com/angelafarmer ...  and Angela Farmer will be in a conference call on Tuesday, August 5 at noon, pacific time, as part of this ...  "The Yoga of Unwinding Ourselves for the Future" - http://futureofyogasummit.com/program/31 ... added to http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga#Select_Conferences_Online ...

June 17, 2014

Sweet yoga ... finding a way to explore it daily is enjoyable indeed ...

... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ...

Happy yoga, 
~ http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm

Aug 18, 2014

Restorative Yoga tomorrow, Saturday 4/19, in Canyon at 11am ...


Happy yoga,

April 9, 2014

Wonderful Angela Farmer video ... Angela Farmer. The Feminine Unfolding :)

March 25, 2014

Burnout to Bliss Yoga Class with Nicky ... 


Burnout to Bliss Yoga Class with Nicky from David Procyshyn on Vimeo.

March 22, 2014

Glad Angela Farmer is teaching at California Institue for Integral Studies in San Francisco this April 2014 ... http://www.ciis.edu/Public_Programs/Yoga_and_Psyche_Conference_SP14/Presenters/Farmer_Angela_SP14.html ... much here on the open Yoga page at wiki World University and School of Angela and Victor's inspiring Yoga ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ...

Angela Farmer
Angela Farmer, psyche and physical practices. Approaches the soul's innate wisdom and healing, to let the body unfold, and lead students towards their inner growth and emotional balance.


March 9, 2014

One of the most enjoyable online yoga practices in video I know of - Nicky Jones' From Burnout to Bliss ... http://www.doyogawithme.com/content/burnout-bliss (and here - http://www.nickycjones.com/free-videos/) ... both of which I've added to wiki World University and School's Yoga, wiki, subject page ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ...

February 24, 2014

 Great ... Free online yoga! Anytime, anywhere... http://www.yogurus.com/ ... will add to Yoga at WUaS ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ... 

January 23, 2014

Kolkata (Calcutta), India, on my birthday about 2 weeks ago, across from the place of the parents of my best friend from high school, who spend around a month there when not in the US ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/India ...

* *
December 19, 2013

A kind of American 'yogic' vision and visionary and poet ... added this talk tohttp://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga 'Ahimsa' wiki subject and some engineering ones, creating anew the 'Industrial Engineering' web site ... 

Yale 2013 Chubb Lecture with Wendell Berry


November 16, 2013

Enjoying Angela and Victors' new, beginning blogs ... http://www.kraamer.nl/eftalou/angela-farmer ... http://www.kraamer.nl/eftalou/content/victor-van-kooten ... which you'll find at the Yoga wiki page at World University and School, like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, planned for all languages. 

October 17, 2013

The beauty and realism of yoga lies its method for creating ease, a healthy bodymind and beneficial change through playing with it; explore yoga and the relaxation response - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Relaxation_Response - and potentially in warm water! :)

September 13, 2013

Recently did shoulder stand (and a number of other inverted poses) for the first time in a little while, and I felt how nice they are, once again ... (8~)) ... MMmmmm, that regenerative yoga neurophysiology ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yogahttp://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Neurophysiology :)

August 6, 2013

Here's a gentle, easy yoga video I just found on the web which I think would be helpful for neck challenges: Yoga for Neck Pain. I've added it to World University and School's 'Yoga,' wiki, subject page, which has further helpful yoga resources, (and which we can all edit as wiki): http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga.

July 6, 2013

Found this helpful, new, restorative Yoga poses' web site - http://www.restorativeyogaposes.com/index.php/poses/ - and added it to the wiki, Yoga page in the Websites' section at free, open World University and School, where you'll also find a helpful, restorative Yoga poses' YouTube channel in the Video and Audio section - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga#Select_Video_and_Audio - all for exploring lovely Yoga in the comfort of from your computer or in your own home. :)

July 5, 2013

Yoga in the morning is sweet.

July 5, 2013

Dalai Lama's 78th birthday celebration online this evening at 8:30pm in California :)
There will be a live webcast of celebrations honoring His Holiness the Dalai Lama's 78th birthday from Sera Monastery, Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India on July 6, 2013 starting at approximately 9:00am Indian Standard Time (IST = GMT+5.30). Many of the speeches will be in Tibetan language.

For times in your region 9:00am IST on July 6th in Bylakuppe, India, is the same as 4:30am BST on July 6th in London, England; and 8:30pm PDT on July 5th in Los Angeles, California, USA.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama's 78th Birthday Celebration


June 24, 2013

World University and School is Creative Commons' licensed, and plans to offer online, Yale OYC-centric, and MIT OCW-centric university degrees ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School ... seeking 12th graders to apply this autumn and matriculate for a free, undergraduate degree (32 MIT-centric courses over 4 years) next autumn 2014. (And WUaS recently received the 'green light' from the state of California (BPPE) to begin the accreditation process, eventually in many countries and languages. (Check out, teach to and learn from the Yoga wiki subject page at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga#World_University_and_School_Links)
World University and School is Creative Commons' licensed 

(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-xOm4WWad-yc/UbpHy3dUWRI/AAAAAAAAx0c/DCFXsXMOBU4/s506-o/6.13.13%2BDont%2BPrice%2Bthe%2BMiddle%2BClass%2BOut%2Bof%2BHigher%2BEd.jpeg), and plans to offer online, Yale OYC-centric, and MIT OCW-centric university degrees ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School ... seeking 12th graders to apply this autumn and matriculate for a free, undergraduate degree (32 MIT-centric courses over 4 years) next autumn 2014. (And WUaS recently received the 'green light' from the state of California (BPPE) to begin the accreditation process, eventually in many countries and languages. 

June 24, 2013

Creative yoga practicing? ... Creative yogasana PLAYING ... explore & wiggle around in your favorite poses ... and everyday for at least 15 minutes, because then the creative play exploration can grow and flower ?  ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga#World_University_and_School_Links

May 17, 2013

Release, relax, roll around on the floor, and connect, via explorations with Yoga movement and easings ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga#World_University_and_School_Links ... tomorrow here in Canyon. Dear Yoga friends, Restorative Yoga, in Canyon (near Berkeley), meets Saturday, May 19th, 2013 from 11 am - noon, up on the ridge at 86 Ridgecrest Rd. 94516 ... http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm ... Restorative Yoga, in Canyon (near Berkeley), will take a hiatus in June, July and August 2013, and emails will announce possible classes beginning again in September. These classes explore what's wonderful in yoga. Namaste, Scott -- http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm San Francisco Bay Area - East Bay Hills 415 480 4577 yogamacflower@gmail.com World University and Schoo's wiki, 'Yoga,' subject page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga :) - with an invitation to 'edit this page' and explore yoga.

May 9, 2013

Angela and Victor's Yoga is nice .... :)
http://www.angela-victor.com/ynews.html ... 

May 3, 2013

What are the best internet resources for daily yoga-playing that you've found, and also yoga-engage daily? (For example, I relaxation-response-meditate daily, - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga#World_University_and_School_Links - first thing in the morning, doing yoga mudrasana, seated forward bend in half lotus, afterwards doing other yoga poses, but only occasionally with the internet). There's a lot of creative possibility in daily yoga-play for exploration. 

May 3, 2013

What are the best internet resources for daily yoga-playing that you've found, and also yoga-engage daily? (For example, I relaxation-response-meditate daily, - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga#World_University_and_School_Links - first thing in the morning, doing yoga mudrasana, seated forward bend in half lotus, afterwards doing other yoga poses, but only occasionally with the internet). There's a lot of creative possibility in daily yoga-play for exploration. 

April 19, 2013

It's often a series of tones (music) that can lead to bliss for me ... and for you? Turn on your favorite music (e.g. raga, kirtan, grateful dead, j.s. bach, vivaldi - you choose), or make music yourself, to explore bliss, or loving bliss, fulsomely, - as yoga - with an invitation to share what you learn here at the "Loving Bliss (eliciting this neurophysiology)" - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Loving_Bliss_(eliciting_this_neurophysiology)

April 6, 2013

Releasing daily while sitting (a kind of relaxation response meditation) is a very welcome exploration, and nicely attuning ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Relaxation_Response#World_University_and_School_Links ... let's explore this in a Google + group video Hangout with time :)

April 6, 2013

If you are a high school student actively interested in applying to MIT OCW-centric World University and School in English, or know of one, this autumn 2013 - with complete applications due by January 1, 2014, at 12 pm Pacific Time - please email WUaS now at worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com with a brief letter just saying you're interested. Here's the link to the developing Admissions office at WUaS page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School. International students are very welcome. 

March 16, 2013

Zephyr across the plains' grasses: The ecology of breathing, of steadiness or calmness, of the bodymind, via bagpiping and Yoga, Breathing is a fascinating approach to learning, Music and the neurophysiology of bliss vis-a-vis breathing In bagpiping, I've recently become newly aware of the ecology of breathing, of steadiness or calmness, of the bodymind, of knowing the tunes ... (For example, if your breathing, reflecting your bodymind, isn't steady because you haven't learned how to breathe by building stamina or 'control,' because the instrument's reeds are a little challenging, the tunes don't flow; similarly, if the tunes are challenging, this becomes reflected in the breathing and bodymind expressions, such as fingering. All of this are expressions of the ecology of breathing when bagpiping, involving learning a code or symbols - the notes - as well). These are all things yoga offers ways to learn, too, in a different way ... as well as the neurophysiology of bliss. {I get to bliss more fulsomely and readily with musical tones, than I do with yoga}. Breathing is a fascinating approach to learning ... and its 'ecology' is particularly fascinating ... ... in some ways, this is a reflection of getting the 'flow' experiences (absorbed mind, challenge at the right level, per Csikszentmihalyi) right with bliss as a goal ... with an invitation to wiki teach and learn about the ecology of breathing here at the Yoga page {and breathing pages to come} at WUaS ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ...


March 15, 2013

In bagpiping, I've recently become newly aware of the ecology, of breathing, steadiness or calmness, of the bodymind, of knowing the tunes ... all things yoga offers ways to learn ... as well as the neurophysiology of bliss ... Breathing is a fascinating approach to learning ... and its 'ecology' is particularly fascinating ... with an invitation to wiki teach and learn here ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ... concerning breathing

March 15, 2013

Yoga tomorrow in beautiful Canyon, CA, up on the ridge ... http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm ...

March 11, 2013

Yoga in the morning is sweet.

{ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga

March 3, 2013

Breathing, Angela and Victor's yoga breathing play, Victor talking about "The Breathing Body" in audio, Burnout to Bliss | DoYogaWithMe.com, Sun Salutation on YouTube, Yoga, global university ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/03/breathing-angela-and-victors-yoga.html ... 

February 15, 2013

Post Valentine's Day invitation to a date with your own relaxation response ... http://relaxationresponse.org/steps/ ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Relaxation_Response ... which can be a very delicious process to cultivate daily, ~ like kissing your inner bodymind ... {And here's World University and School's wiki, "Consciousness" subject ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Consciousness#Select_Conferences_Online ... with a thought-provoking conference happening online right now for the next few days}.

February 15, 2013

World University and School's wiki Consciousness subject ...http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Consciousness ...

Consciousness conference online (Dennett, et al.) - http://consciousnessonline.com/ - with video 'readings' - http://consciousnessonline.com/2013/02/15/on-a-phenomenal-confusion-about-access-and-consciousness/ ... great ... will add here to World University and School's wiki Consciousness subject ...http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Consciousness ... excited for when such online, philosophical conversations become even more interactive, alive and conscious! 

February 3, 2013

Burnout to Bliss ... hour-long, yoga video ... I enjoyed this online, free, yoga video when I found it recently: Nicky Jones. 2012. Burnout to Bliss. http://www.doyogawithme.com/content/burnout-bliss ... ( which you'll also find here: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga )

February 1, 2013

Home yoga? Check out (the good) Rodney Yee's AM Yoga, and check out the "Yoga" wiki page at World University and School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga - and where you can teach, edit and learn, as wiki, with growing, free video resources. I enjoyed this online, free, yoga video when I found it recently: Nicky Jones. 2012. Burnout to Bliss. http://www.doyogawithme.com/content/burnout-bliss.

January 7, 2013

Creative yoga practicing? ... Creative yogasana PLAYING ... explore & wiggle around in your favorite poses ... and everyday for at least 15 minutes, because then the creative play exploration can grow and flower ?

January 2, 2013

On New Year's Eve, after finding these yoga poses for a plugged ear on the web - http://www.livestrong.com/article/481665-yoga-for-a-plugged-ear/ - I practiced them, and with the hips higher than the head in the first, two, restorative poses (Viparita Karani - 'lake' pose, and Setubandha Sarvangasana - 'bridge' pose), I observed an immediate change two days in a row, with the pressure / stuff in my inner ears moving down and backwards. I don't usually put my body in these positions otherwise, so I was glad to find this, try the positions, and see change, - which seems like they would work with the bodymind, as it heals itself. Nothing else I've tried thus far has predictably changed my inner ear pressure. Interesting and beneficial!

* *
December 10, 2012

'Meditation is your soul getting a bath,' I just read ... like it :) ... The 'relaxation response' is a good place to begin ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Relaxation_Response ... and in a bathtub, as well ... and especially at http://harbin.org in the warm pool ...

December 8, 2012

Rif - make music improvisationally - with yogasana in water. 

November 23, 2012

In what ways can and will World University and School develop its online, Creative Commons' licensed, MIT OCW High School-centric, International Baccalaureate (I.B. - http://www.ibo.org/) schools in the six United Nations' languages (Arabic, Chinese-Mandarin, English, French, Russian, and Spanish) and probably Portuguese and possibly Swahili, to begin, to be innovative and fun, in the way teenagers enjoy ... http://ocw.mit.edu/high-school/ ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_International_Baccalaureate_Diploma_and_Programme ... and in a way which potential students like Kelvin Doe from Sierra Leone, Africa, may benefit from and enjoy immensely?

Self-taught African Teen Wows M.I.T.
Self-taught African Teen Wows M.I.T.

November 16, 2012

Bathtub, or shower, yoga can be so nice to explore on one's own, for the tranquility of the relaxation response in warm water; ... and so many benefits come for simply doing~practicing~playing with yoga movement (especially when it's pleasurable / enjoyable yogasana), - and for such a low cost. Lotus in your bathtub! :)

October 5, 2012

If yoga consciousness is about tranquility, and the relaxation response is learnable, eliciting the relaxation response in body-temperature, warm water, - in your bathtub, for example, - can open new approaches to learning tranquility in your bodymind. Asana can facilitate wondrous bodymind, neurophysiological soups, as well ~ Lotus in your bathtub!   

September 10, 2012

Play with & practice yoga fluidity, via poses ~~~ http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ~~~ 

September 9, 2012
August 25, 2012
August 17, 2012
August 1, 2012
July 27, 2012

Dear Yoga friends, Regenerative Yoga, in Canyon (near Berkeley), meets Saturday, August 25th, from 11 am - noon, up on the ridge at 86 Ridgecrest Rd. 94516 ... http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm ... These classes explore what's wonderful in yoga. Namaste, Scott -- San Francisco Bay Area - East Bay Hills 415 480 4577 yogamacflower@gmail.com... World University and Schoo's wiki, 'Yoga,' subject page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga :) - with an invitation to 'edit this page' and explore yoga.  

Regenerative Yoga, in Canyon (near Berkeley), meets Saturday, July 28, from 11 am - noon, up on the ridge at 86 Ridgecrest Rd. 94516 ... http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm ... East Bay Hills, San Francisco Bay Area ... World University and Schoo's wiki, 'Yoga,' subject page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga :) - with an invitation to 'edit this page' at WUaS ... 

July 24, 2012

... curious about generating 'la belle vie' - the good life, as culture, and which you can feel, vis-a-vis French milieus and language ... and perhaps vis-a-vis yoga, as well, {esp. Angela & Victor's yoga ... http://www.angela-victor.com/index.html } ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga ... what is it in socioculture processes that open to such flourishing living / eudaimonia ? (http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm

April 11, 2012

Hearing Narayan Desai, who had long, direct contact with Gandhi himself, is impressive and inspiring. I heard him yesterday at UC Berkeley's iSchool, and he speaks from his experience/heart. (I find the salutary effects of Hindu culture fascinating, in many ways, anyway). There are two + subjects with themes related to what he talks about: Ahimsa - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Ahimsa_-_Nonviolence_-_Pacifism_-_To_avoid_harming - and Peace and Social Justice Studies - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Peace_and_Social_Justice_Studies ... with an invitation to hear him (he's speaking at the Berkeley Friends' Meeting House tomorrow, 4/12), and to 'edit a page' at WUaS. (WUaS is like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware).

April 11, 2012

Dear Yoga friends, Regenerative Yoga, in Canyon, meets Saturday, April 7th, from 11 am - noon, at 86 Ridgecrest Rd. 94516 ...http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm ... http://scottmacleod.com/MacLeodYogaFlyerJan2012.pdf ... These classes explore what's wonderful & delicious in yoga.Namaste, Scott 415 480 4577 http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga :)



Western Meadowlark: World Univ & Sch Live Hangout on Air, News, Updates 3/25/19 * * * Ethnologue's living languages' number jumped to 7,111 (from 7097) in recent weeks * * * EXCITED to explore #BachDoodle where you can compose your own Bach-inspired tune w/ first ever AI-powered #GoogleDoodle with Scottish Smallpipes' Music on A & D chanters * * * Am curious when the robots our kids make will begin to teach us - & now in multiple languages with Scratch 3.0, & eventually in voice. Searched on 'Lego robots teaching people'


World Univ & Sch Live Hangout on Air, News, Updates 3/25/19



Dear Larry, 

Ethnologue's living languages' number jumped to 7,111 (from 7097) in recent weeks. I wonder where the adding of about ~14 further languages is explained - https://www.ethnologue.com/. Is there a blog entry or a tweet? Mutual intelligibility as simple definition of a way to distinguish between languages appeared in Wikipedia not too long ago, but I haven't found the blog or tweet source for such changes as this.

Sincerely, Scott


Dear Larry, 

Glad to have been in touch with Kate Chapman (with Lydia Pintscher), a senior Wikimedia Product Manager, and told her about WUaS donating ourselves to Wikidata for co-development (see this email thread) ... she hadn't heard about this ... so good to open this conversation with her. Perhaps WUaS will make some headway soon-ish with Wikidata ... 

It seems like Kate Chapman (and Lydia) will respond to us - which is kind of new - but shall I reach out to the TechCom committee Kate shared with us, before possibly reaching out to Jimmy Wales? (It seems like it would be helpful to have a beginning plan of where WUaS would like to head in connecting WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki as "front end" with WikiData / WikiBase" structured knowledge database, as "back end" in Wikipedia's 300 languages, and differentially from Wikipedia, which is already "integrated.' 

I think WUaS will plan to save students' data in Google Education re BPPE.

Sincerely, Scott

* * *

COOL: #BachDoodle you can compose your own Bach-inspired tune with first ever AI-powered #GoogleDoodle > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Johann_Sebastian_Bach - https://twitter.com/Google/status/1109208540831350785 -
https://twitter.com/EnrichmentForME/status/1109168429842550785 - https://twitter.com/GoogleAI/status/1108857661506781186 - https://twitter.com/deNutrients/status/1109131224809906177 - https://twitter.com/alyssa_barna/status/1109197491499646978 - @WorldUnivAndSch ~



EXCITED to explore #BachDoodle where you can compose your own Bach-inspired tune w/ first ever AI-powered #GoogleDoodle > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Johann_Sebastian_Bach - with Scottish Smallpipes' Music on A & D chanters - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1109508741370527744 - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1109509089132855296 Can we use MuseScore re its GHB?



EXCITED to explore #BachDoodle where you can compose your own Bach-inspired tune w/ first ever AI-powered #GoogleDoodle with Scottish Smallpipes' Music on A & D chanters> https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_smallpipes_and_borderpipeshttps://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1109508741370527744https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1109509089132855296 Can we use MuseScore re its GHB focus?

- https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1109511018407825408
- https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1109517912874741760


Celebrating Johann Sebastian Bach: Go behind-the-scenes of today’s Doodle below! -
https://www.google.com/doodles/celebrating-johann-sebastian-bach A GREAT model for @WorldUnivAndSch team building, artificial intelligence focus & outreach! https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Business_Management - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Artificial_Intelligence - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Marketing ~


* *

Hi Patti and Barbara,

Innovation-wise, think I'm going to see what emerges with BachDoodle AI - https://www.google.com/doodles/celebrating-johann-sebastian-bach - re my Scottish small pipes'"Honey in the Bag" CD in 2020. Have you seen Bach Doodle? (Peter Norvig just posted it in FB).

EXCITED to explore #BachDoodle where you can compose your own Bach-inspired tune w/ first ever AI-powered #GoogleDoodle with Scottish Smallpipes' Music on A & D chanters> https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_smallpipes_and_borderpipeshttps://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1109508741370527744https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1109509089132855296 Can we use MuseScore composing software which has a Great Highland Bagpipe (GHB) focus?


See, too:

- https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1109509089132855296

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1109514356868304897

(... and more about Bach Doodle on these Twiiter feeds as well ... and with some World Univ & Sch schools and ideas too).

Cool potential use of A.I. for composing .... and if it can engage MuseScore with its GHB range and planning ... wow ... could open worlds of innovation re upcoming CD. Or back to basics ... musical staff sheet music on paper ... re innovation ? I could be seeking to add some great harmonies (called 'seconds' in GHB piping music) that I'd dub over ... (Bach informed, and A.I. informed ... would be something totally new in bagpiping ... if they are beautiful)

(Further "Honey in the Bag" CD musings - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/the-sugar-bag-bee-other-bees-releasing.html).

Have you ever checked out Stanford CCRMA music events - https://events.stanford.edu/events/829/82908/ (https://events.stanford.edu/today/).

Musical cheers, Scott

* *

bagpiping & the grateful dead https://youtu.be/FXrf9Z67P4M& am liking at 2:30: https://youtu.be/MiQFha5I9_0 (which w amplification would work well w Scottish Smallpipes) https://youtu.be/ZXijxfctaVI& more subtly "St. Stephen/The Eleven (Aoxomoxoa outtakes, 1968)": https://youtu.be/I4Q3ziJIthc ~




2.17.07 208 Wharf Rat (ft. Jori Chisholm on bagpipes and Eddie Littlefield on pedal-steel)



The Grateful Dead - St. Stephen/The Eleven (Aoxomoxoa outtakes, 1968)


* * *

Am curious when the robots our kids make will begin to teach us - & now in multiple languages with Scratch 3.0, & eventually in voice. Searched on 'Lego robots teaching people'> http://blog.leapmotion.com/what-can-lego-robots-teach-us-about-math/& https://www.robot-academy.com/kids-build-the-craziest-contraptions-with-lego-robotics/& https://youtu.be/6xalCsfsBFI& https://youtu.be/81hctQt6Cp8 ~ AND re OzoBot Evo too ...




For Robotics: Lego train 60198 Cargo Train, & 60197 Passenger Train w Lego WeDo 2.0: https://youtu.be/9sZk4xPsLls & https://shop.lego.com/en-US/product/Passenger-Train-60197 & https://www.lego.com/en-us/themes/city/videos/remote-control-tutorial-video-dd45ede251d64b3797612102879858bb & https://youtu.be/bjcasrQeKqY & https://www.lego.com/en-us/themes/city/videos/train-tutorial-video-09fb164687fb43d09c837bd274fb2c8e & https://www.amazon.com/LEGO-Control-Building-Christmas-Exclusive/dp/B07BHFY9QD & https://brickmodelrailroader.com/index.php/2018/06/08/the-coming-of-a-new-era-in-lego-trains/ - @WUaSPress ~





For Robotics: Lego train 60198 Cargo & 60197 Passenger Trains w Lego WeDo 2.0: https://youtu.be/9sZk4xPsLls & https://shop.lego.com/en-US/product/Passenger-Train-60197 & https://www.lego.com/en-us/themes/city/videos/remote-control-tutorial-video-dd45ede251d64b3797612102879858bb & https://youtu.be/bjcasrQeKqY & https://www.lego.com/en-us/themes/city/videos/train-tutorial-video-09fb164687fb43d09c837bd274fb2c8e & https://www.amazon.com/LEGO-Control-Building-Christmas-Exclusive/dp/B07BHFY9QD & https://brickmodelrailroader.com/index.php/2018/06/08/the-coming-of-a-new-era-in-lego-trains/ - @WorldUnivAndSch ~





can i use scratch 3.0 with lego trains 2018?
Making remote control for LEGO Powered Up Train with Scratch 3.0 extension: https://youtu.be/Yg4Er-d_07E
Autonomous LEGO Powered Up Train with Scratch 3.0 extension: https://youtu.be/bBJqsCepCO4
Scratch 3.0 + Micro:bit https://youtu.be/31flOYYWbJw ~


Lego WeDo2 train - ------->>StreetView?



Common bluebell: Ongoing envisioning of my upcoming "Honey in the Bag" Scottish small pipes' CD in 2020 here


Hi Barbara and Patti, and All,

Get well soon, Barbara!

Ongoing envisioning of my upcoming "Honey in the Bag" Scottish small pipes' CD in 2020 here.


You all might be interested rhythmically, Scottish piping music-wise, in great piper Alasdair Gillies here playing Cabar Feidh in 4 different ways ...

Cabar Feidh - March, CabarFeidh - Strathspey, Cabar Feidh - Reel, Cabar Feidh – Jig
Alasdair Gillies


Cabar Feidh - March,
CabarFeidh – Strathspey – 1:50 – 2:50
Cabar Feidh - Reel,
Cabar Feidh - Jig

Am listening much too to Stuart LIddell - e.g. Inveroran (2007) ...

https://youtu.be/UO8yWFHFk8s - as I conceive of this "Honey in the Bag" Scottish small pipes' CD.


And here's Kenny MacLean playing the Piobaireachd "The Desperate Battle" -

https://youtu.be/sVJG2pUw3gY - (where he won the Gold medal in Oban in 1974 playing this), and I may play this too on my CD ... am engaging the structure currently of Stuart Liddell's traditional "Inveroran" in developing the tunes I plan to play ...


Am also listening too to the Grateful Dead and bagpipes, and there are two tunes here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/western-meadowlark-world-univ-sch-live.html - I like a lot (re Jori Chisholm and Bobby Weir), with bagpipe influences:

am liking at 2:30: https://youtu.be/MiQFha5I9_0  (which w amplification would work well w Scottish Smallpipes)

https://youtu.be/ZXijxfctaVI & more subtly "St. Stephen/The Eleven (Aoxomoxoa outtakes, 1968)": https://youtu.be/I4Q3ziJIthc ~

- https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1110280780301778945

- https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1110280941115600896


And here are two recent blog entries (among a few) which gather together some of the ideas in this email thread):

"The sugar bag bee: " - (with more about introducing folk rock element into this)

"Gobies: " (with the tunes and much more)

Would welcome your thinking with time (and re mic-ing and recording especially) ... and exploring folk rock (perhaps for another CD re Open Band) ...  about all of this :)

Musical cheers, Scott


The sugar bag bee (& other BEEs): Releasing my "Honey in the Bag" Scottish small pipes' CD in 2020 ~ re 'Brìghde Chaimbeul: The Reeling review – ancient Gaelic drones' thread * * * Some further small pipes'"Honey in the Bag" musings, Don't hear much great folk rock around the SF Bay Area these days (e.g. Jethro Tull's 'Bourree,' Steeleye Span, Fairport Convention, Pentangle - all from the '60s/'70s' chaotic dream of 'counterculture' ... and re rock and roll ... An emergent alternative culture then THAT generated an amazing music (how does a culture generate a music? :), Seems possible to play and explore folk rock building out of Open Band (Berkeley) creatively and as exploration, While "Hair," the musical (1967), isn't folk rock, I'll call it tribal rock and roll * * * Both Gordon Duncan and Stuart Liddell start strong, and almost kind of accelerate ... and they both pipe so so well, with such great GHB energy

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/the-sugar-bag-bee-other-bees-releasing.html -


Gobies: Scott MacLeod's "Honey in the Bag" upcoming CD Tune List, Scottish small pipes' GHB bagpipe music and tunes I like a lot * * * Brìghde Chaimbeul's debut CD "The Reeling" * * * Just searched on: Can I make a CD from recording to youtube? Seems so * * * Stanford Law Blockchain Copyright Exchange (BCE) presentation and re the entertainment industry ... Am curious how you'd envision suggesting using BCE for Brìghde Chaimbeul's debut CD "The Reeling" on a C Scottish small pipes' chanter which she just put on Spotify, Stanford Law Blockchain Copyright Exchange (BCE) presentation: I think the 'building blocks' of such a system would be a Spotify music streaming app and an Indiegogo crowd funding app, and then Jiarui choosing one of two main blockchain BCE systems available to him as coder

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/02/gobies-scott-macleods-honey-in-bag-cd.html -

* *

Stuart Liddell’s “Inveroran” tune list & structure

1             2/4 Marches   
Stuart plays the 2/4 marches: Centenary Jewel and 71st Highlanders.

2             Jigs 
Stuart plays the jigs: Inspector Donald Campbell of Ness, The Old Woman's Dance, The Atholl Highlanders, and The Cameronian Rant.

3             Air and Hornpipes   
Stuart plays the air Mairi Bhan Og, and the hornpipes: The Miniscus and Michael Grey.

4             6/8 Marches   
Stuart plays the 6/8 Marches: The Dundee City Police Pipe Band and The Braemar Gathering.

5             Piobaireachd   
Stuart plays the piobaireachd: The Lament for the Dead.

6             Strathspeys and Reels    
Stuart plays the Strathspeys: Susan MacLeod and John Roy Stewart; and the reels: Thomson's Dirk and Willie Murray's Reel.

7             Gaelic Airs and Reels      
Stuart plays the gaelic airs: A Mhoire Mhin-gheal, Fagail Bharraidh, and Tom an T-Searraich; and the Reels: Break your bass drone, Harris Dance, MacFadden's Reel, Alasdair Fraser's Welcome to Cape Breton and The Sheepwife.

8             March, Strathspey and Reel    
Stuart plays the march: The Abercairney Highlanders; the strathspey: Lady Loudon; and the reel: The Smith of Chilliechassie.

9             Jig and Waltz  
Stuart plays the jig: Troy's Wedding; and the watlz: The Viennese Waltz.

10           4/4 Marches   
Stuart plays the 4/4 marches: Murdo's Wedding, Flett from Flotta, Loch Ruan, and The Battle of Waterloo.

11           Jig and Hornpipe
Stuart plays the jig: The Blue Cloud; and the hornpipe: The Mason's Apron.

* *

The New York Recordings 1967
Pipe Major Donald MacLeod

6/8 Marches: The Cock Of The North, The Campbells Are Coming, The Pibroch Of Donald Dhu

Strathspeys & Reels: Devil In The Kitchen, Craig-a-Bodich, Loudens Bonnie Woods & Braes, Reel Of Tulloch, High Road To Linton, Mrs MacLeod Of Raasay

Slow Airs & Hornpipe: Cronan (Na Callaich), An Island Lullaby, The Man From Skye

2/4 Marches: 79th's Fairwell To Gibralter, The Atholl & Breadalbane Gathering

Piobaireachd: Donald Dugal Mackay

6/8 Marches: Colonel Robertson, Leaving Port Askaig

Slow March & Retreat March: Lochaber No More, The Banks Of The Lossie

Marches & Jigs: Wee Highland Laddie, The Meeting Of The Waters, Hen's March, Glasgow Police Pipers

Hornpipes: The Irish Washerwife, PM George Allen

March, Strathspey, & Reel: Donald MacLellan Of Rothesay, Delvinside, Miss Proud

6/8 Marches: The Invercharrow Highland Gathering, All The Blue Bonnets Over The Border

Piobaireachd: Cronan Na Caillaich (Old Woman's Lullaby)

Strathspey & Reel: Susan MacLeod, Thompson's Dirk

Slow Air & Hornpipe: Malcolm Ferguson, MacKenzie Of Torridon

Slow Marches & 2/4 Marches: Mist Covered Mountains, My Home, Mairi's Wedding, Dolan's Ass, Lord Panmure's March

6/8 Marches: The Highland Brigade At Waterloo, Dr. Ross's 50th Welcome To The Argyllshire Gathering

Piobaireachd: Pretty Dirk

* *

Some beats per minute GHB ideas ...

How beats per minute make a march upper and lower limits.

Cleg :hatoff:
John MacDonald
08-17-2004, 07:12 PM
If you play at 6/8 at pipe band pace then about 80-88. If you are doing regimental time 120 would be the absoloute maximum and it will not be comfortable or very sustainable

If you play a comp 2/4 then about 74 bpm will be what will bring the expression out but you may need to speed that up as well

Phil Lenihan
08-17-2004, 07:14 PM
This is what I have in my music binder:

2/4 solo tempo 63-66; band tempo 76-80
3/4 84
4/4 84
6/8 76-84
Starth. 120
Reels 76
Jigs 120

This should start a nice little exchange :eek:

Cheers! PHIL
08-17-2004, 07:34 PM
Thanks: We are playing Blue Bells of Scotland and when I hear it played on a Cd it sounds very fast like 120. It is a March but 120 would be really fast, :eek: I thought for a March.
Il GrandiSSSimo
08-18-2004, 12:59 AM
According to great piper John McLellan (Fifties-Sixties), these are the bpm's for different types of ceol beag music:

slow airs 52-58
6/8 marches 80-84
4/4 marches 84-90
2/4 marches 84-90
retreats 84-90
jigs 124-128
hornpipes 104-110 (wow!!)
reels 100-108 (gulp!)
strathspey 132 (not negotiable!)
competition 2/4 march 68-74
competition reel 84-92

Am thinking I'd like to begin with 6/8s ... a bit like Donald MacLeod above ...

So, here's Stuart Liddell below ... 'playing some 6/8 marches(Leaving Port Askaig, The 10th H.L.I. Crossing the Rhine, and Bonnie Dundee)' ...

Stuart Liddell Recital (1) - Ipswich Piping Society 2017




Prothonotary warbler: the BPPE licensing application will give WUaS a GREAT opportunity for WUaS to collaborate with the state of California, and in ways that will help World Univ & Sch a lot, after all these years * * * WUaS and Wikidata * * * Planned online medical schools, with online teaching hospitals, for online clinical care and research with financing questions, With regard to the companies you mentioned (Walmart, Nordstroms, and Amazon), I'm curious, brainstorming-wise again, how the WUaS Press/Bookstore might make all kinds of hospital technologies available, and in all 200 countries' official/main languages, and even in all 7000 living languages, if helpful


Dear Jonathan and Mary, (and Bob, Rob and Roland),

Thanks for your excellent Stanford Medicine presentations yesterday, and nice to meet you afterward -

https://twitter.com/HFMA_NCA/status/1110678472769208320. I'd like to ask a few further questions, and share with you about World University and School's planned online medical schools, with online teaching hospitals, for online clinical care and research. I'd also like to share with you about WUaS's online planned Press, Bookstores/Computer stores/Robotics' stores - and for hospital technologies as well. Both are planned in ~200 countries and potentially 7,111 living languages. WUaS is a university and wiki schools' internet platform, and is like CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare in its 5 languages, with Wikipedia in its ~300 languages - planning free-to-students' degrees in all 7000 living languages - with machine translation. 

Here are the beginning CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS Medical Schools https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School & Hospitals https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital. And re research, for example, here is an interesting wiki subject at WUaS https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Brain_Computer_Interface (with many more here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects) - to give you an idea of how wiki WUaS will work for students taking courses toward degrees, where they / we can also wiki-add resources. Check out the CC-4 MIT OCW on some of these pages.

You'll find Chair of Stanford Medicine's Bob Harrington MD's somewhat related Tweet (to the Tweet above with your names) -

https://twitter.com/HeartBobH/status/1110912795242045440 - right near yours here - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch - currently. Bob and I are in communication about CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World University and School of Medicine, and Stanford Medicine, - and since MIT doesn't have a medical school (or a law school), World Univ & Sch is seeking to emerge out of Stanford Medicine for OpenCourseWare or similar for online medical degrees in all ~200 countries' official / main languages. 

Jonathan, with regard to your slide "The Value Proposition: Speed to health at the lowest possible cost, (re these 3 variables: Health, Speed, Cost)," I wonder what you think about whether "Who defines value?" might further be the health care providers who create the information technology for this (including with regards to creating the machine learning and A.I.)? And, conceptually, further, I wonder if the information technologies that WUaS is planning - in part in a realistic virtual earth (am thinking in addition to Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / Tensorflow / Translate, and also at the cellular and atomic levels.  +) and with Stanford's/Duke's/Google's Project Baseline (think A) physical samples for 10,000 people who come into clinics, B) translated into data, and then into C) a pathway to health ... and then, potentially as I see it, into avatar bots in some years, and even for tele-robotic surgery, for example, ... and especially into online hospitals) -  and with Project ECHO (re MD specialists to rural populations in group video conferencing - with a mentoring aspect ... into online medical schools, defining online medicine anew) . See too, for example - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/04/lady-slipper-orchid-uscf-duke-univs-rob.html (and the "surgery" label here too) - where Rob Califf MD at Duke University is also a colleague and friend of Bob Harrington MD (and where Bob Harrington used to work as a cardiologist).

How to conceive of this further in the building out of such information technologies re this recent Stanford Medicine Tweet -

https://twitter.com/StanfordDeptMed/status/1111025603065475073 - and potentially with Stanford Medicine pilot programs in California, Oregon, and even brainstorming-wise online in each of all ~200 countries - re your specific knowledges, Jonathan and Mary? 

(Here are some Stanford video talks about Projects Baseline and ECHO, by Baseline's Chief Medical Officer Jessica Mega MD - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/11/mesic-habitat-stanford-surfacing-human.html - and by ECHO's founder Dr. Sanjiv Arora MD here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/06/torrubiella-stanford-grand-rounds.html - and with a compendium of related links here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/02/lithops-collaboration-between-stanford.html). 

Mary, in asking about your plans for artificial intelligence with machine learning re all the agencies you've worked with, I'm curious, again brainstorming-wise, how to explore building in to online hospitals for online clinical care and insurance+/health care finance relationships with such agencies and re artificial intelligence, and research. Might it be possible even to explore such hypothetical pilot programs to explore tele-robotic surgery emerging out of Stanford Medicine and their surgery simulations? And, Jonathan, with regard to the companies you mentioned (Walmart, Nordstroms, and Amazon), I'm curious, brainstorming-wise again, how the WUaS Press/Bookstore (a for profit general stock company as a legal entity) might make all kinds of hospital technologies available, and in all 200 countries' official/main languages, and even in all 7000 living languages, if helpful. 

So conceptually how to plan with this building out of the internet / these information technologies' ideas for creating value by creating a single realistic virtual earth / VR (Google-centric, am thinking again Google Streetview with time slider / Maps / Earth / Tensorflow / Translate – and at the cellular and atomic levels too, and with oceans and countries’ territorial boundaries/mapping/modeling – and especially for online great CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric great universities with medical (and law) schools for peoples in all ~200 countries' languages and with online teaching hospitals for clinical care in all ~200 countries official language including eventual tele-robotic surgery, for ex. – and with individuals as avatar bots, and species' avatar bots, and with evolutionary biology etc. for research and veterinary medicine, +). And would it be possible to work even with the medical wing of national security / the armed services re coding for such information technologies, - and how to plan for this?

(Jonathan, here's the Lake Oswego native cyclamen nursery I mentioned yesterday -  

Thank your for your very edifying presentations yesterday at Stanford Medicine, and very nice to meet you afterward. 

Best regards, Scott 

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Thank you very much Scott for your thoughtful email. Let me review and be in touch very soon!

Mary H. Syiek | Principal
Ironwood Health

I wanted to share a link to one example of how AI was used by my last organization (Molina Healthcare) and by many more payers. AI is key to the production of accurate Provider Directories https://medium.com/@caqh/can-ai-fix-healthcare-provider-directories-eb55c0616c78?sk=2a95a8062e7579e26ae2e4cecafd0351
In terms of how AI is being used by providers and payers in the treatment or care of patients I will refer you to my colleague Jon who is more familiar with the firm he mentioned Tuesday. That company ingests millions of lines of data to help predict which procedure a patient should be pre-authorized to receive based on predictive analytics. 
Best of luck to you in your research and projects!

Mary H. Syiek | Principal
Ironwood Health

Mary, and All,
Thanks so much for your 2 quick responses. Have blogged about this here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/prothonotary-warbler-bppe-licensing.html - with some further accreditation info below. WUaS's online medical school and online teaching hospitals for online clinical care and research would be licensed and accredited by different organizations, not CA's BPPE (which is for Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees in English in CA to start). All of this has AI and machine learning implications re Stanford Medicine and World University and School Medicine. Thank you.
Best regards, Scott

Thanks so much for additional info Scott!

Mary and Jon, 
Thanks for this timely and topical article. This gets into questions too of Electronic Medical Records, and also WUaS PLANs to code for learners / teachers in all 7111 living languages and 200 countries, as well as for all 7.5 billion people on the planet (as wiki learners / teachers at WUaS) and re medicine. All of this has relevance for health organizations and coding for payers and payees re AI and machine learning, Stanford Medicine / Google's Project Baseline potentially into online hospitals in many languages / Google's TensorFlow and World University and School. 
Best regards, Scott

And even for a single cryptocurrency with blockchain ledger backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, and perhaps distributed via Universal Basic Income experiments ... and re WUaS's plans to offer free-to-students' (seeking reimbursement for 200 countries' governments since in building on CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare in 5 languages, WUaS can't ask for tuition) online degrees (Bachelor, Ph.D. Law, M.D. and I.B. high school in all ~200 countries and ~7000 living languages) - so free-to-students' highest quality universal education - re coding for AI / machine learning and payee / payer financial health information. 

Will add some of this to the blog entry. 

Sincerely, Scott


Jon and Mary, and All, 

One further question: Re your mentioning Walmart, Nordstrom and Amazon in your presentation, Jon, how do you envision these models working with regard to payer / payee health financing and your value proposition? 

Brainstorming-wise and conceptually re AI and machine learning, the WUaS Press / Corp (an educational services' bookstore / robotics' store/ / pharmacology company / hospital technologies' store (with an extensive research wing) + and especially as a for profit general stock company,) seeks conceptually with Google TensorFlow to generate a stock price in each of every one of ~200 countries' official languages, in the ones which have stock markets or emerging stock markets. At the end of each day, this would generate potentially 200 stock prices in 200 countries. 

WUaS in our law schools would also seek to offer courses in how other companies and teach how stock corporations could become listed on any number of stock markets too via TensorFlow. If TensorFlow were also providing the machine learning for a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of countries' central banks (think the Euro in 19 out of 28 countries, but newly as a single cryptocurrency with blockchain), this would conceptually make TensorFlow a remarkable generator of AI financial value. And all of this would affect health care financing from your knowledge-base as well.    

Jon, how further do you envision a corporation approach informing the value proposition you outlined 2 days ago. 

Thank you again for your very edifying presentations. 

Best regards, Scott

* * *

Dear Larry, 

It's funny that the BPPE licensing application will give WUaS a GREAT opportunity for WUaS to collaborate with the state of California, and in ways that will help World Univ & Sch a lot, after all these years ... yet it's a slog. Am posting item 12 below from - https://www.bppe.ca.gov/forms_pubs/approval_nonaccredited.pdf - to show you what I mean.

Re World Univ & Sch and connecting "front end" with "back end" re WUaS donation for co-development to Wikidata, and then getting WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki, I searched on "Wikipedia's MediaWiki as "front end" Wikidata/Wikibase as "back end" how does this work?" and found a conversation from 2017 re this here - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat/Archive/2017/01 ... Perhaps WUaS will develop more specific uses of WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki as "front end" Wikidata/Wikibase as "back end" as we do the CA BPPE licensing application and WASC senior accreditation process.

Am interested further in differentiating Wikipedia in 300 languages as "front end" with "back end" from WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki re "front end" with our potential Wikidata "back end" re, for example - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School ...

I think I'll begin with just 6 undergraduate degree programs, per your catalog of some years ago, and then think in terms of 6 Ph.D. programs initially for planning purposes, but see what emerges and how extensible this will be re CC-4 MIT OCW's ~32 departments online. Thoughts, ideas, questions?

And thoughts about item 12 below? (While some of the BPPE application is tuition oriented, I think WUaS will write in response to these questions, something like "Since WUaS is CC-4 MIT OCW-centric, and seeks to get reimbursement from departments of education of many governments, these questions are not applicable - like question 12.2 below ...) Thoughts, questions, ideas?

The CA BPPE app is a writing opportunity to create and realized WUaS further!

Sincerely, Scott

Identify and describe the educational program(s) the institution offers or proposes to offer.
If the educational program is a degree program, identify the full title including the name of a specific major field of learning involved, which the institution will place on each degree awarded.
List the following for each educational program offered:
1. The admissions requirements, including minimum levels of prior education, preparation, or training;
2. If applicable, information regarding the ability-to-benefit examination as required by section 94904 of the Code.
3. The types and amount of general education required.
4. The title of the educational programs and other components of instruction offered.
5. The method of instruction.
6. The graduation requirements.
7. If the educational program is designed to fit or prepare students for employment in any occupation, identify each occupation and job title to which each educational program is represented to lead.

To begin WUaS will offer 6 undergraduate degree programs - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk-V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P09LIk/edit#gid=1316151271 (http://worlduniversityandschool.org/) - and then think in terms of 6 Ph.D. programs initially for planning purposes, but see what emerges and how extensible this will be re CC-4 MIT OCW's ~32 departments online.

Electrical Engineering / Computer Science - EECS
General Science - GSCI
General Engineering - GENG
History - HIST
English - ENGL
Business - BUS

Similar to Stanford's eventually (and MIT's as well), but currently ...

Since WUaS is CC-4 MIT OCW-centric, and seeks to get reimbursement from departments of education of many governments, these questions are not applicable - like question 12.2 below

40 courses online over 4 years

Electrical Engineering / Computer Science - EECS
General Science - GSCI
General Engineering - GENG
History - HIST
English - ENGL
Business - BUS

Conference method - in Google group video Hangouts with graduate instructors teaching to the MIT OCW faculty in video for planning purposes.

Threads' approach in HarvardX / edX / JuryX - per Charles Nesson's recent course

See Reed College's graduation requirements

Ph.D. programs as employment for graduate students for one.



Saussurea obvallata: [Wiki-Medicine] Wiki Project Med in Tunisia * * * Looks like the new 2018 Lego Powered Up trains can work with Lego robotics like WeDo2 and thus with Scratch 3.0 drag and drop programming language, Robotics and Scratch from home, and in a realistic virtual earth - am thinking BRICK STREET VIEW in Google Street View * * * The idea of community isn't so much in the air as it was in the early '80s (when people were still talking about beginning hippy communes, and going back to the land' * * * Hamilton the musical is indeed revolutionary in an American way... as World Univ & Sch is quite radical too

Next: Kinnaur Kailash: Glad you'll connect with Sandy especially in seeing Hamilton! He's a child of the '60s like I am ... and we both are a bit hippy too (he had much longer hair than I did :), Saussurea obvallata: [Wiki-Medicine] Wiki Project Med in Tunisia * * * Realistic virtual Harbin / earth building still developing as ethnographic field site, and World Univ & Sch classrooms & STEM field sites for http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy?m=0 ... ~ Visit the virtual Harbin gate here http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~ February 2015: Big Sur coastline: Esalen and Harbin books, My upcoming (in 2015) book: "Naked Harbin: Harbin Hot Springs Actual/Virtual Ethnography – Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture & Clothing-Optional, Virtual Harbin,"

[Wiki-Medicine] Wiki Project Med in Tunisia

Dear Houcemeddine, Wikidatans and All,

Thank you for this information. And thanks for sharing about Wiki Project Med in Tunisia on August 18, 2018 in Skype with Nancy Gertrudiz in Mexico and myself then (which I web logged about here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/08/crossota-millsae-deep-sea-hydrozoan-one.html) and partly thanks to Denny Vrandecic, I think, too.

Thank you too for your emails at the time, Houcemeddine, and your interest in WUaS's online medical schools - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School - as well. WUaS has this fairly new WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki (2017) because WUaS donated ourselves to Wikidata for co-development in 2015. And soon this "front end" will connect with Wikidata / Wikibase as a "back end." So this "front end" - e.g. https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital - is where we'd likely add risk factors in your Aug 2018 presentation re Wikidata as a "back end" and in Arabic and in ~300 languages. And World Univ & Sch (which CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric in its 5 languages) is currently in communication with Stanford Medicine - e.g. see: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/prothonotary-warbler-bppe-licensing.html -  about related OpenCourseWare for WUaS's online medical schools (planned in ~200 countries' official / main languages) - since MIT doesn't have a medical school, and thus no OpenCourseWare.

I found the slide presentation which you just shared helpfully informative. Thank you again.

Sincerely, Scott MacLeod
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Scott_WorldUnivAndSch -


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.


Dear all,

I thank you for your efforts. I was recently honoured to participate to the annual meeting of Wiki Project Med. However, I found that there is a lack of knowledge of what we are doing for Wiki Project Med in Tunisia although I am a long-term wikimedian. Effectively, on March 19, 2019, it has been 10 years since I became a wikimedian. I also found that a part of my speech about why we gave up contributing to Medical Wikipedia editing was not clear. That is why I decided to share with you a file in which you can find how Wiki Project Med works in Tunisia and what we have done until 2019 for promoting medical editing and usage of wikis in Tunisia. This file is currently available in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikimedia_TN_-_Wiki_Project_Med.pdf. I invite you to read it and provide us comments about what we do.

Yours Sincerely,
Houcemeddine Turki (he/him)

Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Undergraduate Researcher, UR12SP36
GLAM and Education Coordinator, Wikimedia TN User Group
Member, WikiResearch Tunisia
Member, Wiki Project Med
Member, WikiIndaba Steering Committee
Member, Wikimedia and Library User Group Steering Committee
Co-Founder, WikiLingua Maghreb
Founder, TunSci

* * * 

Looks like the new 2018 Lego Powered Up trains can work with Lego robotics like WeDo2 and thus with Scratch 3 ... more opportunities for robotics and Scratch programming in multiple languages ... blogged about this here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/western-meadowlark-world-univ-sch-live.html ...

Robotics and Scratch from home, and in a realistic virtual earth - am thinking BRICK STREET VIEW in Google Street View - and with Scratch for programming are an ongoing focus. Please keep us posted if OzoBot Evo starts working with Scratch or if you find other great home robotics (toward free-to-students' online CC-4 MIT OCW-centric degrees in many languages).

Are you home in Colombia now, Bernardo?

Keeping in touch, Scott :)

* * * 

Community (radical too?)

Hi M,

Observations about life continue in email and blog ... and re "community"

Amthinking the Brooklyn street house (a 'Reed house,' a collective house, and kind of a "hippy commune") in Portland, Oregon (in which I lived on and off for a number of years), and Pendle Hill near Swarthmore College (but basically completely separate) in PA as community contexts where I met my wonderful friends) 

S was a Reed undergraduate in English (and then transferred to UW), and I may have just graduated, and A, was visiting a Quaker study center from the DDR at the time, (because the Berlin wall hadn't come down yet), and also was a bit without a clear career -  community context being important here in my interpretation of why and how we connected (and which was an active interest of mine at the time too - the idea of 'communities' ... create community at Stanford by communicating about this ? ... where Stanford also is so international, and where the idea of community isn't so much in the air as it was in the early '80s (when people were still talking about beginning hippy communes, and going back to the land' (and at Stanford I'm also a member of the general public creating CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch online, and which itself doesn't really have a community yet, even newly defined online). Both S and A were quite pretty (radiant even), around 23 yo, and with backgrounds / roots in G language-speaking countries - although Susan was from the state of Washington with grandparents I think in Vermont. Hmmm... attractiveness speaks to me ... 

So I ask myself, what community, besides Stanford, could I become part of around here, where I'd meet a smart wonderful 26 year old, or a 32 yo - re the above, and who was also still fairly 'clear' (i.e. un-crazed by 'city animals' or US 'city culture' ) re the above? Not necessarily a MD by any means ... so circulating ... networking ...

But I also think E.W. (S.S.W.'s wife) is perhaps a very relevant model here ... she who was around 35 or 36 yo and wanted to have a child, and Stuart in his mid-60s was happy to become a Dad. So on with circulating ...

Got a little further with the BPPE licensing application today (the writing of which doesn't inspire me) ... although daily blogging continues to. You might enjoy this brief new poem from 2 days ago 

Deep in the data set weeds,
We wade on,
Machine learning in Web

(Wild World Wide Web Wold Weedy Womb)

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/zostera-wild-world-wide-web-wold-deep.html - which is kind of funny, because I think it's what a lot a lot of top programmers are doing these days (esp. out of Stanford).

May head to Stanford CCRMA music event - https://events.stanford.edu/events/829/82908/ (https://events.stanford.edu/today/ ) - in an hour. 

Do you hear music or participate in a book group this evening? Hoping you're having a good weekend, Ma!


* *
Hi M, 

Nice to talk yesterday evening. I think of Pittsburgh having some anglophilic streams of thinking, maybe more so than in the SF Bay Area. In a related vein, here too are the 2 Richard Dawkins' Tweets I mentioned, which might interest you:

Another petition, I’m afraid, but very important for saving hedgerows. And birds.
I’ll be in the Oxford contingent, London, Sat.  All indications suggest this march will be EVEN bigger than last time
Leavers, if you think The People want Brexit you’ve nothing to fear from People’s Vote. Between Remain & No-Deal-or-a-deal-if-one-emerges

I guess these are both personalized examples - re Dawkins - of British democracy in action (re your interest in the political process too).

Am hanging up a new (very inexpensive, and therefore good value) wine glass rack with some line that I might use on Cuttyhunk for Turk's head brace-lets - https://youtu.be/0jtk1Uc4s_4 ...

Good WUaS live Hangout on Air - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/western-meadowlark-world-univ-sch-live.html - plus other bagpiping ideas with information technologies - re Google's new AI Bach Doodle. 

In beginning to save posts from my G+ Profiles (since consumer G+ is closing down) which process is also a bit of a slog, first re Yoga Mac Flower G+ profile - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/ashoka-tree-yoga-mac-flower-g-posts.html - I think I also got prepared further for the slog of the BPPE licensing application for WUaS.

SCD Open Band this evening - and re my upcoming in 2020 "Honey in the Bag" Scottish small pipes' CD.

What do you have planned for this week?  (What's your writing project?) Have a great week!


Hi M,

Wine glass rack is now suspended and is a good fit (I need to undo the
new line that's suspending the rack, and turn the rack around ... but
it's great over all), out of window site lines, and will free up
some counter and shelf space. I like it!

Am about to play small pipes a bit before heading out to Open Band ...

Blog post grows more interesting -
- with more and more Lego Robitics' Tweets ... now newly with Lego
Powered Up Trains ... that can also use the Scratch programming
language, and with Lego WeDo2.0 and Mindstorms' EV3 educational
robotics ...

How was your day?

L, Scott

Hi Ma,

What are you up to today?

Partner to be will possibly be someone I don't know yet ... someone completely unexpected .... On the other hand, ...

would it be possible to connect at Stanford and potentially in the Stanford bookstore (like taking with Heather McKay, who's married to David, near the two rolling carts with the $1 books' exchange - which are behind me from where I sit playing the keyboard and small pipes in Open Band - at the back of the St. Clement's Hall ? Then invite a new friend eventually back to Canyon, and then after beginning a family, move into a house next door along the ridge? Could happen ... still circulating ...

It's funny that the BPPE licensing application will give me/WUaS a GREAT opportunity for WUaS to collaborate with the state of California, and in ways that will help World Univ & Sch a lot, after all these years ... yet it's a slog. Am posting item 12 below to show you what I mean.

L, Scott

Identify and describe the educational program(s) the institution
offers or proposes to offer.
If the educational program is a degree program, identify the full
title including the name of a specific major field of learning
involved, which the institution will place on each degree awarded.
List the following for each educational program offered:
1. The admissions requirements, including minimum levels of prior
education, preparation, or training;
2. If applicable, information regarding the ability-to-benefit
examination as required by section 94904 of the Code.
3. The types and amount of general education required.
4. The title of the educational programs and other components of
instruction offered.
5. The method of instruction.
6. The graduation requirements.
7. If the educational program is designed to fit or prepare students
for employment in any occupation, identify each occupation and job
title to which each educational program is represented to lead.

* *

HAMILTON the musical 

Hi M,

Some good news, I think, below. Will check into "Hamilton" tickets in the $90-120 range - thank you again for these Xmas / birthday presents!

L, Scott 


Hi Ma, 

What are you up to today? How are you? 

Might explore the online "Hamilton" ticket route for a Wednesday in the next week or two ...  since it's pouring rain on and off here, and yet a walk from Berkeley to Rockridge BART in a sprinkle, and seeing "Hamilton" today, could be great because it's raining. 


Am curious about Islamic federation of charitable giving to other monotheistic traditions. Would like to further cultivate pacifist Muslim-related traditions ... possibly building out of the Friends' school in Ramallah, for example, taught in Arabic, and international baccalaureate too. Pacifism, peace movements and nonviolence groups exist in Iran, Afghanistan ... and pacifism in monotheistic religions are touched on here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacifism (search on Islam, for example).

"Hamilton" is a complex story:


The play has two acts, telling Hamilton's story through major events in his life and American history. It tells Hamilton's life from beginning to end along with various other characters such as Marquis De Lafayette, Aaron Burr, John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, Angelica Schuyler, Phillip Hamilton and former presidents George Washington, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson.[15]

Act I[edit]

The musical begins with the company summarizing Alexander Hamilton's early life as an orphan on the island of Nevis ("Alexander Hamilton"). After arriving in New York in 1776, Hamilton meets Aaron BurrJohn LaurensMarquis de Lafayette, and Hercules Mulligan ("Aaron Burr, Sir"), and impresses them with his rhetorical skills ("My Shot"). They affirm their revolutionary goals to each other ("The Story of Tonight"). AngelicaEliza, and Peggy are then introduced ("The Schuyler Sisters"). King George then insists on his authority ("You'll Be Back"). During the New York and New Jersey campaign, Hamilton accepts a position as George Washington's aide-de-camp ("Right Hand Man"), instead of field command.
Hamilton meets, falls in love with, and marries Eliza Schuyler ("Helpless"), as her sister Angelica suppresses her feelings for the sake of their happiness ("Satisfied"). After the wedding, Hamilton, Laurens, Lafayette and Mulligan drink together, while the three poke fun at Hamilton for getting married. Burr walks in on the group, unexpected by Hamilton to be attending. Burr congratulates Hamilton on his position as aide to camp of Washington; Hamilton confesses that he would much rather have Burr's position on the battlefield ("The Story of Tonight (reprise)"). Burr reflects on Hamilton's swift rise while considering his own career as more cautious ("Wait For It").
Conditions are worsening for the continental army, and Hamilton's constant pleading to Washington for a command continue to be shot down. Washington grants a command to General Charles Lee, who is clearly unfit to be leading one. After being fired by Washington, Lee goes on a tirade against Washington, claiming him to be unfit to lead. Though Hamilton wishes to challenge Lee, he is commanded not to by Washington. Since Hamilton is unable to challenge Lee, Laurens does ("Stay Alive") and thus duels Lee, with Hamilton and Burr as their seconds. Laurens injures Lee, who in turn yields ("Ten Duel Commandments"). Hamilton is temporarily suspended by Washington ("Meet Me Inside") over the duel, and is sent home. There, Eliza reveals that she is pregnant with her first child, and asks Hamilton to simply slow down to take in what has happened in their lives ("That Would be Enough"). After Lafayette convinces France to get involved on the colonists' side ("Guns and Ships"), he urges Washington to call Hamilton back to help plan the final Siege of Yorktown. Washington agrees, but explains to Hamilton - who is convinced he should die a martyr and a hero in war - that he should be careful with his actions, because whatever he does will be known for ages to come ("History Has its Eyes on You"). Hamilton agrees to join, and reflects that he now has something to live for (a wife and a child on the way), and will give up on his efforts to die in war. At the Siege of Yorktown, Hamilton meets up with Lafayette to take down the British, revealing that Mulligan was recruited as a spy, helping them figure out what to do to trap the British and win the war ("Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)").
Soon after the victory at Yorktown, Hamilton's son, Philip is born, while Burr has a daughter, Theodosia ("Dear Theodosia"). Hamilton receives word that his friend Laurens has been killed in a seemingly pointless battle, and throws himself into his work ("Tomorrow There'll Be More of Us"). He co-authors The Federalist Papers and is selected as Secretary of the Treasury by newly elected President Washington. Angelica moves to London with her new husband ("Non-Stop").

Act II[edit]

At the beginning, Thomas Jefferson returns to America from being the U.S. ambassador to France ("What'd I Miss"). In 1789, Jefferson and Hamilton debate the latter's financial proposals at a Cabinet meeting. Washington pulls Hamilton aside, and tells him to figure out a compromise to win over Congress ("Cabinet Battle #1").
Eliza and her family - along with Angelica, back from London - travel upstate during the summer, while Hamilton stays home to work on the compromise ("Take a Break"). Hamilton begins an affair with Maria Reynolds, making him vulnerable to her husband's blackmail ("Say No To This"). Hamilton, Jefferson and James Madison create the Compromise of 1790 over a private dinner, exchanging Hamilton's financial plan for placing the country's permanent capital on the Potomac River. Burr is envious of Hamilton's sway in the government and wishes he had similar power ("The Room Where It Happens").
In another Cabinet meeting, Jefferson and Hamilton argue over whether the United States should assist France in its conflict with Britain. This decision is not subject to congressional approval, and Washington ultimately agrees with Hamilton's argument for remaining neutral ("Cabinet Battle #2"). In the wake of this, Jefferson, Madison, and Burr decide to join forces to find a way to discredit Hamilton in Washington's eyes ("Washington on your Side"). Washington decides to retire from the presidency, and Hamilton assists in writing a farewell address ("One Last Time").
John Adams becomes the second President and fires Hamilton, who publishes an inflammatory critique of the new president as a response ("The Adams Administration"). In the face of accusations of speculation of government funds by Jefferson, Madison, and Burr - and out of fear of his affair being used against him in his political career ("We Know") - Hamilton chooses to publicize his affair ("Hurricane") in the Reynolds Pamphlet ("The Reynolds Pamphlet"), damaging his relationship with Eliza ("Burn"). Their son Philip dies at the age of 19 in a duel with George Eacker due to a critical speech given by Eacker about Alexander ("Blow Us All Away"/"Stay Alive (Reprise)"), causing a reconciliation between Alexander and Eliza ("It's Quiet Uptown").
Hamilton's endorsement of Jefferson in the presidential election of 1800 ("The Election of 1800") results in further animosity between Hamilton and Burr, who challenges Hamilton to a duel via an exchange of letters ("Your Obedient Servant"). During the duel, both Burr and Hamilton fire at each other after ten paces, with Hamilton intentionally missing his shot. Hamilton dies as a result, with Eliza and Angelica at his side. Burr laments that even though he survived, he is cursed to be the villain who killed Hamilton ("The World Was Wide Enough"). The close of the musical is a reflection on historical memory and "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story".

Hadn't heard from B for what seems like almost a year or two (except of a Xmas card) in text this morning. 

Decided not to go to "Hamilton" today after all ... 

Nice to do supported head stand and shoulder stand yesterday ... :a kind of Yoga celebration)

L, Scott

- Scott MacLeod 


Hi M, 

How was your day? How are you? I didn't head to "Hamilton" today but I hope to soon. 

Am glad that Joyce Ajlouny is general secretary / head now of old Quaker American Friends Service Committee (since 1917) ... https://www.afsc.org/media-kit/bios/joyce-ajlouny ... https://www.afsc.org/story/afsc-announces-new-general-secretary-joyce-ajlouny ... Quakers are very fore-sighted ... and Joyce, whom I've met at Palo Alto Friends, was the Director at the Quaker Ramallah Friends' School, which she like her father/parents also attended. She brings a kind (of) Quaker / Muslim perspective to AFSC  ... and probably speaks and knows the Arabic-language and Islamic world's 26-27 countries better than most Friends or Americans, I'd think. (And re other Islamic countries, like Iran, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, etc. ... there's the U.N., Stanford, international law, and history ... )

Diverse world re monotheistic religions (CMJ) ... (am sad about the attacks on 2 Mosques in NZ in this connected world). Friends are in many countries and cities including http://quaker.org.nz/meeting/christchurch. Unitarians Universalists too - https://www.cinch.org.nz/categories/a-z/u/763/entries/3086 ... Sometimes familiar networks such as thee can help change the culture that gave rise to this massacre in Christchurch where 51 people died - as well as media attention ... 

.@AFSCSanDiego joined #SanDiego Muslim community in a candlelit vigil to remember the 51 lives taken in #Christchurch #NewZealand. Speakers delivered powerful statements against Islamophobia, white supremacy, & called to take action centered in revolutionary love.

...  I sense a kind of hippy-informed integrity partly thanks to meditation, but think s/he may have been 'through the wringer' with violence perpetrated against him/her, for a variety of reasons ... blah ... 

Diversity navigation re life and culture and religion and internet ... (Can't see in Google search that there are many hippies in NZ ... :)

L, Scott


Hi M,

Bringing someone here to Canyon, like S.S.W. brought E.R.W.s home to his home in northern NH / VT?

I brought Stefan Mueller, a German graduate student to visit Canyon in 2009 (but some people can find Canyon a bit possibly scary) ... and gave brought only a handful of other friends (relatively few in number) ...  To be seen ...

Am checking into "Hamilton: The Musical" tickets again.
Interesting talk at Stanford on health care financing and re possibly artificial intelligence and WUaS hospitals, and medical schools.

How was your day?


Hi S, 

And, yes, I am going to be able to see it too.  I am planning to  drive to Kennet Square, pick up Pe ...  We have tickets for Friday, April 5 and Sandy is planning to join us.  I’m so glad we’ll all have a chance to see it - so we can compare notes.  I, too, am trying to prepare by listening to Chernow’s abridged Hamilton bio. on CD’s and listening to the lyrics that I also borrowed from the library.  There’s another book I checked out of the library called Hamilton, The Revolution - by Miranda and someone else.  Has the lyrics in much larger print - and is annotated with fascinating comments about the lyrics and reasons for doing it the way they did.  You might try to get that book too - 

It’s finally in the sixties for maybe the first time.  And the cooper’s hawks have settled in next door - but much higher up - this time in Dennis’ tree.  

Hope you are having a good week.

L, M


Hi M, 

Thanks so much! Will seek to get and listen to C's Hamilton on the OverDrive Library App soon.

Have a great time in NYC at Hamilton, and say hi to Sandy and Peg! An adventure! Looking forward to hearing about this NYC-wise.

Could be great if I connect further with ... (and kind of like Peter and Sue too), if she could possibly be interested in moving back to PGH in some years and even to raise a family - re in a nice house (which could appeal) in a somewhat safe and civil city.

Hamilton the musical is indeed revolutionary in an American way... as World Univ & Sch is quite radical too.

L, Scott



Kinnaur Kailash: Glad you'll connect with Sandy especially in seeing Hamilton! He's a child of the '60s like I am ... and we both are a bit hippy too (he had much longer hair than I did :), Saussurea obvallata: [Wiki-Medicine] Wiki Project Med in Tunisia * * * Realistic virtual Harbin / earth building still developing as ethnographic field site, and World Univ & Sch classrooms & STEM field sites for http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy?m=0 ... ~ Visit the virtual Harbin gate here http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~ February 2015: Big Sur coastline: Esalen and Harbin books, My upcoming (in 2015) book: "Naked Harbin: Harbin Hot Springs Actual/Virtual Ethnography – Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture & Clothing-Optional, Virtual Harbin,"


Glad you'll connect with Sandy especially in seeing Hamilton and re = https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/saussurea-obvallata-wiki-medicine-wiki.html ! He's a child of the '60s like I am ... and we both are a bit hippy too (he had much longer hair than I did :)... and while "Hamilton the musical" expresses a kind of American 1776 revolutionary spirit musically, and re its historiography, it does so by focusing on many of the revolution-informed freedom-seeking issues and thinking of the student and youth movements of the 1960s & '70s ... so, in 2015 & 2019 it re-generates a kind of American freedom-thinking and social justice trajectory in new ways for this decade - and creatively ... As the oldest continuous constitution continues to inform our US legal system ... kinda cool ... potentially in the way it touches us personally and feeling-wise ... and without the violence in the air around some revolutions against unjust systems or unjust governments (re nation states too) ...


Saussurea obvallata: [Wiki-Medicine] Wiki Project Med in Tunisia * * * Looks like the new 2018 Lego Powered Up trains can work with Lego robotics like WeDo2 and thus with Scratch 3.0 drag and drop programming language, Robotics and Scratch from home, and in a realistic virtual earth - am thinking BRICK STREET VIEW in Google Street View * * * The idea of community isn't so much in the air as it was in the early '80s (when people were still talking about beginning hippy communes, and going back to the land' * * * Hamilton the musical is indeed revolutionary in an American way... as World Univ & Sch is quite radical too


* * *

Hey Scot, Koh and Ants,

Just saw this Richard Dawkins' Tweet about Univ of Cambridge taking back invitation to Jordan Peterson to speak:
My Letter to the Editor, in today’s (London) Times. https://t.co/YnZ3lbdUNO

... to circle back to the question you asked a year ago, Scot ... Don't know the full context.

But he's still not my rock star ...

How are all of you? And how's baby Midori, now getting bigger?

Hoping you're enjoying the spring weather and the spring itself.

Realistic virtual Harbin / earth building still developing as ethnographic field site, and World Univ & Sch classrooms & STEM field sites for http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy?m=0 ...

Friendly cheers, Scott

February 2015:

Big Sur coastline: Esalen and Harbin books, My upcoming book: "Naked Harbin: Harbin Hot Springs Actual/Virtual Ethnography – Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture & Clothing-Optional, Virtual Harbin," Exciting - Google Earth Pro Now Available Free, Hoping we can explore and build a whole virtual earth world interactively with realistic avatars eventually in digital goggles in Google Earth Pro with OpenSim/Second Life ...



Petunia 11: Musical-Aphilo (Scott MacLeod) G+ posts

Previous: Kinnaur Kailash: Glad you'll connect with Sandy especially in seeing Hamilton! He's a child of the '60s like I am ... and we both are a bit hippy too (he had much longer hair than I did :), Saussurea obvallata: [Wiki-Medicine] Wiki Project Med in Tunisia * * * Realistic virtual Harbin / earth building still developing as ethnographic field site, and World Univ & Sch classrooms & STEM field sites for http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy?m=0 ... ~ Visit the virtual Harbin gate here http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~ February 2015: Big Sur coastline: Esalen and Harbin books, My upcoming (in 2015) book: "Naked Harbin: Harbin Hot Springs Actual/Virtual Ethnography – Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture & Clothing-Optional, Virtual Harbin,"

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Happy 4th of July and re MIT ... Golden Eagle: Brexit ... British Exit - Climbing Out - Aussteigen (which hippies did) from society, BREXIT adding new directions to developing EU society, Independence and Freedom in the Information Technology Revolution and the Network Society, Castells: "La rebelión de las masas," A vote by the people (of England) against globalization ... how to enfranchise workers/the people?, Other European Nation States next?, Developing independence and freedom of nation states - and the people in them - in the information age as legal and political connectedness continues to grow in new ways (and between nation states) thanks to the web ... In what ways will WUaS and a film-realistic, interactive virtual earth for STEM research in all 7,943 languages and with TIME SLIDER further help understand such unfolding developments? https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/07/golden-eagle-brexit-british-exit.html
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How to model this at the atomic level in a virtual earth/cosmos re https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/06/yellow-winged-darter-very-small-nano.html?
The ATLAS experiment has granted MIT Media Lab researchers unique access to a live feed of particle collisions detected at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest particle accelerator, at CERN in Switzerland.

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Marine biology: ALL, OPEN, FREE - in all 8k languages - Library Resources, Museums, wiki schools in all Languages and universities in all Countries ... at CC World Univ & Sch, ... but film realistic and interactive like in Google Street View with OpenSim, conceptually ... and with ALL books - that you can read - in ALL libraries - WITH TIME SLIDER - and ALL objects of art in all museums and places - WITH TIME SLIDER ... and for music making, and science and wiki STEM research, again in all 8 k languages ... and for modeling the brain and experimenting digitally with it, Think I'd like to network with these folks at MIT and re "Featured video: Building a really big brain" ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/07/marine-biology-all-open-free-in-all-8k.html ...
Marine biology: ALL, OPEN, FREE - in all 8k languages - Library Resources, Museums, wiki schools in all Languages and universities in all Countries ... at CC World Univ & Sch, ... but film realistic and interactive like in Google Street View with OpenSim, conceptually ... and with ALL books - that you can read - in ALL libraries - WITH TIME SLIDER - and ALL objects of art in all museums and places - WITH TIME SLIDER ... and for music making, and science and wiki STEM research, again in all 8 k languages ... and for modeling the brain and experimenting digitally with it, Think I'd like to network with these folks at MIT and re "Featured video: Building a really big brain" ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/07/marine-biology-all-open-free-in-all-8k.html ...
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More than 50 students, postdocs, faculty, and staff assembled a 200-lb replica of a grad student's brain.

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How could World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org - help?
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Started a new Bagpiping - "Collection" at https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/89fmaB - re the Music School at World University and School ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Music_School ... and the many Bagpiping wiki subject pages - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Bagpipe_Tutorials - at WUaS for open teaching and learning and online musical-jamming (as we move beyond "lag")
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Miss Elspeth Campbell - March
 ... https://youtu.be/Nu66rcZZ-_w ... :) (but Scott MacLeod is no long playing the GHB)
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Never heard whether you like Raga or not but Nikhil Bannerjee's music can be great ... lyrical raga !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrrogF-lLTA&index=2&list=RDXrrogF-lLTA ... on Pandora.com as well :) It's just so beautiful :)) (To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Raga and http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga)
Never heard whether you like Raga or not but Nikhil Bannerjee's music can be great ... lyrical raga !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrrogF-lLTA&index=2&list=RDXrrogF-lLTA ... on Pandora.com as well :) It's just so beautiful :)) (To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Raga and http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga)
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To Copyright and Europe wiki Subjects at World University and School to help further wiki-define these realities ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Copyright ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Europe ... and in our Law Schools http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Law ... planned in all 204 countries'main and official languages.
To Copyright and Europe wiki Subjects at World University and School to help further wiki-define these realities ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Copyright ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Europe ... and in our Law Schools http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Law ... planned in all 204 countries'main and official languages.
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To the Computer Science, Modeling, Virtual Worlds, and Biological Engineering wiki subjects at WUAS http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects ...
Researchers at CSAIL and Dartmouth College presented a new compiler for analog computers.

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This wouldn't happen in Scotland I'm sure ... To Scotland World University and School http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Scotland  ... and http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Play ... Planned in many languages ... including Scottish ones ...
Originally shared by Scott MacLeod
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To Network_Society and Artificial_Intelligence ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Network_Society and http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Artificial_Intelligence .. planned in many countries' main languages ... lots of interesting sociological thinking ahead here ... and re multiple languages
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To Interspecies_Communications & Affection http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Interspecies_Communications & http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Affection … What species is this - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Species ? A new species identification app at WUaS?
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To Robotics and the Music School at WUaS … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcIT-mQuga0… FROM HOME, in a course too potentially ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Robotics& http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Music_School ... Planned in countries' main languages for accrediting CC best OCW degrees ...
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Great: Harvard's Dr Dana Charles McCoy's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxpnjndL2ss Executive function in children To Brain Science, Experimentalism, Consciousness + http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Brain_and_Cognitive_Sciences & http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Brain_and_Cognitive_Sciences :) Great online experiment potential here, in all languages, and especially in the U.S., Africa ... In what ways could we study eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Loving_Bliss_(eliciting_this_neurophysiology) - as high executive function?
Great: Harvard's Dr Dana Charles McCoy's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxpnjndL2ss Executive function in children To Brain Science, Experimentalism, Consciousness + http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Brain_and_Cognitive_Sciences& http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Brain_and_Cognitive_Sciences :) Great online experiment potential here, in all languages, and especially in the U.S., Africa ... In what ways could we study eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Loving_Bliss_(eliciting_this_neurophysiology) - as high executive function?
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Marx's Das Kapital 1st edition selling for $90,000 bodes well for my Actual Virtual Harbin Hot Springs' Ethnographic Book http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html… in new Academic Press at World University and School ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html… Posted this to @scottmacleod on Twitter recently ... https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/728384575555043328 ...
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Petunia 10: Musical-Aphilo (Scott MacLeod) G+ posts



Yay, Shannon! ... To "Naked Harbin Ethnography" ... http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html ...
https://plus.google.com/+ScottMacLeodRainbow/posts/MrQ53Ts21fA ...

Will check into the Harbin conversation in FB further and again after I get my Harbin book indexed ... you seem sporadic in FB ... Castells was suggesting that the sociological evidence in the 1990s for sociality increasing re the internet existed, contrary to those pundits who were suggesting that the internet was alienating us (probably a Marxian theme) ...

ain't nuthin' like soaking in the Harbin warm pool live, tho ...

Jaima, Scott

Yay, Shannon! ... To "Naked Harbin Ethnography" ... http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html ...
https://plus.google.com/+ScottMacLeodRainbow/posts/MrQ53Ts21fA ...

Will check into the Harbin conversation in FB further and again after I get my Harbin book indexed ... you seem sporadic in FB ... Castells was suggesting that the sociological evidence in the 1990s for sociality increasing re the internet existed, contrary to those pundits who were suggesting that the internet was alienating us (probably a Marxian theme) ...

ain't nuthin' like soaking in the Harbin warm pool live, tho ...

Jaima, Scott

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Inspired, too, much by the Grateful Dead (pre-1980) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PAhw0P3CNA - (as well as Stuart Liddell's wondrous piping e.g. "2014 Stuart Liddell Concert 3ème partie Théâtre Kemper 20 dec 2014" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1tUuBSQC2k ), how to synthesize best of both ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Grateful_Dead... (with http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Scottish_smallpipes_and_borderpipes) ? Hmmm ...
Inspired too much by the Grateful Dead (pre-1980) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PAhw0P3CNA - (as well as Stuart Liddell's wondrous piping e.g. "2014 Stuart Liddell Concert 3ème partie Théâtre Kemper 20 dec 2014"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1tUuBSQC2k ), how to synthesize best of both ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Grateful_Dead ... (with http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Scottish_smallpipes_and_borderpipes) ? Hmmm ...

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To China_Law_School_at_WUaS (Harvard?) http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/China_Law_School_at_WUaS & to Experimentation and Chemistry http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects... All planned in Mandarin ... CC MIT OCW is in Mandarin Chinese too ...
“My lab’s goal is to really provide molecular insight” about membrane proteins, says Mei Hong, professor in the MIT Department of Chemistry.


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Interactive 3D Mandela (!) and Meditation art? http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Mandala ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Art ... planned in countrirs' main languages ...

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"Rainbow Family: "ED's Proposed Rules for Online Learning Present New Compliance Challenges," Just posted in these regards yesterday something on WUaS's Twitter feed, WUaS heard back directly from Wikidata's Lydia Pintscher about WUaS developing in Wikidata a few weeks ago, WUaS is planning for a) student applications in all countries' main and official languages, b) matriculating students and their transcripts for free CC Bachelor, Ph.D., law, M.D. degrees, and I.B. high school diplomas, (again in all countries' main and official languages), and c) accreditation probably with WASC senior, and incubated by the University of California., Not for profit, 501 (c) (3) WUaS's model is still a kind of MIT or Stanford model (with their great STEM ethoses)" yet online"

"Rainbow Family: "ED's Proposed Rules for Online Learning Present New Compliance Challenges," Just posted in these regards yesterday something on WUaS's Twitter feed, WUaS heard back directly from Wikidata's Lydia Pintscher about WUaS developing in Wikidata a few weeks ago, WUaS is planning for a) student applications in all countries' main and official languages, b) matriculating students and their transcripts for free CC Bachelor, Ph.D., law, M.D. degrees, and I.B. high school diplomas, (again in all countries' main and official languages), and c) accreditation probably with WASC senior, and incubated by the University of California., Not for profit, 501 (c) (3) WUaS's model is still a kind of MIT or Stanford model (with their great STEM ethoses)" yet online"


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To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Beings_Enjoying_Life ... How to ride and code this (and with music-making) in specific ways for "Beings Enjoying Life" open teaching and learning at WUaS ... ? :) Planned in many languages ...

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To Peace_and_Social_Justice_Studies wiki subject page at WUaS ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Peace_and_Social_Justice_Studies ...
"Our struggle for freedom & justice was a collective effort. #MandelaDay is no different" ~ #NelsonMandela speaking at the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Johannesburg, South Africa, 30 June 2009 #‎LivingTheLegacy‬ ‪#‎MadibaRemembered‬‬


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To Database_Systems and Wikidata_databases_and_ecosystems ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Database_Systems ... and ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Wikidata_databases_and_ecosystems ... planned in many languages ...
New software from researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory could make databases much easier for laypeople to work with.


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So much great piping here ... check out about 1:12 ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EBM-_pDRNQ ...

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MMmmm :) the great Stuart LIddell ... check this out after about the 2 minute mark especially ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHH1grZoPsY ... To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Highland_Bagpipe ...

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Enjoyed watching Tristan Boyer Binns in Boston talking about Yoga & especially restorative yoga ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6mH2vcQfjs ... To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga
Enjoyed watching Tristan Boyer Binns in Boston talking about Yoga & especially restorative yoga ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6mH2vcQfjs ... To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Yoga

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World Champion Piper Jack Lee .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOW_TmbrTt8 ... To Great Highland Bagpipe wiki subject ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Highland_Bagpipe ...
at World University and School ...

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World Champion Piper Jack Lee Bagpipe Concert with Isle of Maui Pipe Band Player
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEvBpBmMscE ... To Scottish Small Pipe wiki subject ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Scottish_smallpipes_and_borderpipes ...
at World University and School ...

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Great - Stanford online medicine ... .To the online teaching hospital at WUaS ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Hospital ... https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=puIn5OvarbY ..... and ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Medicine ... and http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Data ... at World University and School, with its Medical Schools - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Medical_School - planned in all ~204 countries main and official languages ...
Great - Stanford online medicine ... .To the online teaching hospital at WUaS ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Hospital ... https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=puIn5OvarbY ..... and ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Medicine ... and http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Data ... at World University and School, with its Medical Schools - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Medical_School - planned in all ~204 countries main and official languages ...



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Great - Stanford online medicine ... https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=puIn5OvarbY ... To the online teaching hospital at WUaS ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Hospital ... and http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Medicine ... and ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Data ... at World University and School, with Medical Schools - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Medical_School - planned in all ~204 countries main and official languages ...

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Check this event out ... :)
Hi Everyone - I thought it a good move to post about the Hitchin Community Hub within the Hitchin L4G Community ..... The hub launches tomorrow in the Sun Hotel (Thursday 14th July) and you will find some information about the day, below. There will be three L4G events running throughout the day as well as a range of workshops and activities based around Personal; Business and Community development. Come along and join us.

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Slow motion oops ... but kinda a two-fer
Don't you hate when that happens :)
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What have we here?
Originally shared by Info WorldUniversity
Learn how Travis CI uses our cloud platform to make continuous integration easy and accessible to all. Listen to the latest +Google Cloud Platform Podcast: https://goo.gl/FjylEi
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This is possibly in India - would sheepies do this in Scotland, as well - To http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/India or http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Scotland World University and School ...

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