Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Rhim gazelle: Bengali, Scots' Gaelic and Swahili World University & Schools * * Q & A and News at World Univ & Sch - 25 Nov 2019 with sound! * * Brainstorming-wise, what would, for example, Bengali language World Univ & Sch look like? Here are the ideas for Scots' Gaelic and Swahili WUaS, both planned in Scottish Gaelic and Swahili: . . . * In what ways too, with regards to speakers of Swahili on the Swahili coast of east Africa could World Univ & Sch reach out to Quakers particularly in Kenya and other parts there with many African Quakers? * * Minutes for Annual Meeting on Saturday, November 16, 2019 at World University & School Monthly Business Meeting


Bengali, Scots' Gaelic and Swahili World University & Schools on #Google https://local.google.com/place?id=13580134555851014887&use=posts&lpsid=8842282411396578904… (Languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages - and regions/nation states - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States…) https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Bengali_languagehttps://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Gaelic_languagehttps://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Swahili ~


* *

News and Q&A @WorldUnivAndSch today - https://youtu.be/iXUsekXXPDc> https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch. Come join the Monday conversation. Know of 17 year old high school students who speak English? Please invite them to study at MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch in 2020!


Q & A and News at World Univ & Sch - 25 Nov 2019 with sound!

World Univ & Sch's News and Q&A https://youtu.be/iXUsekXXPDc today > https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch. Come join the Monday conversation. Know of 17 year old high school students who speak English? Please invite them to study at MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch in 2020!


* *
Brainstorming-wise, what would, for example, Bengali language World Univ & Sch look like? Here are the ideas for Scots' Gaelic and Swahili WUaS, both planned in Scottish Gaelic and Swahili:

How best in the Scottish Gaelic language https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Gaelic_language to develop @MITOCW
-centric degrees @WorldUnivAndSch & wiki schools to CREATE CAREERS & benefit Scots with these STEM / Engineering / Humanities' learning culture opportunities? @celtscotued (https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages)

- https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1198283612707143680?s=20 -

Swahili languages esp. https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Swahili How best to develop @MITOCW-centric degrees @WorldUnivAndSch & wiki schools to CREATE CAREERS & benefit esp. Swahili coast speakers with these STEM, Engineering & Humanities' learning culture opportunities? (worlduniversityandschool.org)


(Languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages - and regions/nation states - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States)

Here's the beginning Bengali language wiki page -
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Bengali_language (planned in Bengali) and for online Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, M.D. and I.B. high school degrees too.

Cheers, Scott

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch

In what ways too, with regards to speakers of Swahili on the Swahili coast of east Africa could World Univ & Sch reach out to Quakers particularly in Kenya and other parts there with many African Quakers?

* *
Minutes for Annual Meeting
on Saturday, November 16, 2019
at World University & School
Monthly Business Meeting


- https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2019/11/minutes-for-annual-meeting-on-saturday.html

Arabian sand gazelle: Minutes for ANNUAL MEETING on Saturday, November 16, 2019 for A) World University & School and B) WUaS Corporation at WUaS Monthly Business Meeting

- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/arabian-sand-gazelle-minutes-for-annual.html

(Agenda & News ...
- https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2019/11/annual-meeting-at-open-wuas-monthly.html

- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/rosa-foetida-annual-meeting-at-open.html)


Gazella leptoceros (Slender-horned Gazelle) - IUCN Red List


Dhole (playful species): Scottish Country Dancing - and tele-medicine * If WUaS were to have the $5000 to begin licensing with CA's BPPE in January 2020, what 10 organizations would we seek to partner with? And what's the problem they're facing? * * * #Machinelearning holds great potential for improving risk prediction for patients * * * * * * A Tour of the RSCDS Offices https://youtu.be/7moe_Cqm064 12 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Country_Dancing … From WUaS Minutes, 'teleport' into Google Street View to Canyon CA 94516 - https://local.google.com/place?id=13580134555851014887&use=posts&lpsid=792871498435883844 … & tour @WorldUnivAndSch http://worlduniversityandschool.org headquarters from outside

Next: Oceanic dolphin: ... so awareness, sentience, perception, and feeling, ... as CONSCIOUSNESS, is a beginning philosophical definition * * * With #GoogleResearchFootballEnvironment a novel #ReinforcementLearning environment, am curious re #agents in what ways #anthropologists & #philosophers can begin to address questions of #agency 'action or intervention, esp such as to produce particular effect' anew * Could #agents here be #HarbinWarmPool soakers, #avatarbots of soakers, or all people as 'team' in #WarmPool NOW & coders & #RL Bot? ~ #ReinforcementLearning 'where agents control either one or all football players on their team' * * * Will this lead to #PhysicalDigital #avatarbots in #HarbinWarmPool with agency or 'intentional causality' so #AvatarAgency in #GRFE wi #RL in terms of #PhilosophicalConsciousness #Consciousness? And choosing to generate #LovingBliss?


Great to talk with you after Scottish Country Dancing last night. If WUaS were to have the $5000 to begin licensing with CA's BPPE in January 2020, what 10 organizations would we seek to partner with? And what's the problem they're facing (in these regards - ie what's their problem?), which WUaS could help them with?

And with regards to what you mentioned: A) Prison populations and online education, and B) Homeless populations and education, we'll all be able to wiki-add great online resources - open, free, highest quality, successful and creative (which prisoners and homeless create too) to the wiki side of WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects ...
and especially in all ~200 countries - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States 

So organizations WUaS would be interested in partnering with:

1) Stanford (and WUaS is already de facto through CC-4 licensing of MIT OCW, partnering with MIT, but WUaS would seek to partner much further with MIT in other ways)

2) MIT / Harvard

3) department of Education in California

4) department of Education in US

5) Scottish parliament (re free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric degrees to Scots in English, as well as eventually in Scots' Gaelic and possibly Scots too)

6) Quaker organizations? (FGC, NPYM, BYM, Quakers in Kenya, and on Swahili coast, especially to develop WUaS degrees in Swahili)

7) Google / Alphabet

8) IBM

9) Oxbridge

10) German universities / departments of Education

11) Japanese universities / departments of Education

12) Alphabet's / Stanford's / Duke's Project Baseline

13) Project Baseline

14) India

15) China

16) all ~200 countries (lack of free-to-student's MIT OCW-centric wiki highest quality online education may be some of their major problems)

17) organizations for each of all 7,111 known living languages (WUaS may have to create this:)

I'm not sure what each of their problems are ... time to begin to seek out ways to talk with them.


Blog post re some Ria Health / WUaS - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/tunicate-sea-squirts-tele-medicine.html - partnering? One problem-solving question re Ria Health might be how to pay its officers (per your observation 8 days ago that Ria Health officers haven't been paid yet) ... similar issue with WUaS, interestingly")

Cheers, and happy thanksgiving, Scott

WUaS is also seeking to build a smart team, and re, for example - https://riahealth.com/team/ . Thanks too to Bob Nix for connecting in LinkedIn.

Medical Schools - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School (beginning)

Teaching hospitals - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital (beginning)

* *
#Machinelearning holds great potential for improving risk prediction for patients


* * * 
A Tour of the RSCDS Offices https://youtu.be/7moe_Cqm064 
12 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh
From WUaS Minutes, 'teleport' into Google Street View to Canyon CA 94516

* *
 (& WUaS Corporation
@WUaSPress) are heading: Minutes from ANNUAL MEETING on Sat 11/16/19 Minutes
-https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/arabian-sand-gazelle-minutes-for-annual.html Planning ~200 Major Online Best STEM CC-4 OCW Univs
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States in 7k https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages ~


* * *

Scot Campbell
Nov 25, 2019, 3:49 PM (21 hours ago)
to Koh, Ants, me

What do you guys think of Wikipedia founder's new social media network, WT:Social - I like the concept.

Scott MacLeod
Nov 25, 2019, 4:06 PM (21 hours ago)
to scotrrrr@yahoo.com, Koh, Ants

Hadn't heard about it until now - thanks, Scott.

Competition with FB? - https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-50460243 ... even an approach to fundraising? ... Possibly build the Wikipedia users in 300 languages into a social network?

World Univ & Sch is seeking to create a Wikidata Q-item for each of all 7.5 billion people, brainstorming-wise, having donated WUaS to Wikidata (which is Wikipedia's "back end" structured knowledge database, and in Wikipedia's ~300 languages) in 2015 and received WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017 as a 'front end.' Not clear whether https://twitter.com/hashtag/WikidataQitem?src=hashtag_click will be a social network, - but for 4 reasons presently; see WUaS Annual Meeting Minute #2 - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/arabian-sand-gazelle-minutes-for-annual.html. See too the UBI label here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/UBI - for ex.

Will check out WT:Social further.

Thanks, Scott
- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch -

Scot Campbell
Nov 25, 2019, 4:41 PM (21 hours ago)
to me, Koh, Ants

Scott, perhaps set up an account and start working with some of your contributors? Let me know what you and they think of the service. Thanks.

Scot, WUaS doesn't have any contributors to speak of whatsoever yet, unfortunately. Our budget is so tight, and first goal is to license with CA's BPPE ... and as we do build out 'You at World Univ and Sch' - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University (conceptually for 7.5 billion people) and connecting this 'You at WUaS 'front end' with Wikidata Q item #s as 'back end' - for first 500-2000 matriculating undergraduates for free to students' online Bachelor's degree class in English re MIT OCW. Thanks, Scott


WUaS donating WUaS to Wikidata for co-development was a ginormous donation in itself .

Re fund raising am curious about Chris Mohr, Princeton graduate, and former clerk of SF Quaker Meeting - https://twitter.com/chrismsf/status/1196991795781128192?s=19 - now living in Philadelphia area, with both kids going to Quaker schools, and both parents - he and Robin - 'professional Quakers' (ot's an ethic I appreciate too). He's very smart, centered, and there's also potentially much money to be raised fundraising-wise at WUaS, and a 10% fund raising facilitation opportunity as well.

https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch -

* * * *
Scott MacLeod
2:20 PM (1 hour ago)
to Andrew, riely921, Sunheart, Scott, Henry, ngraburn, Kenneth, Nick, ken, Michael, Bede, Scott, Jim, Alden, david, Greg, John, Nelson, Dean, Peter, Abigail, David, David, Gary, Hugh, Jewel, Jonathan, Lillian, Linda, Janie, Sandy, Susan, Thomas, Larry, Wilson, chalmers, Robert, Hank, mcfaul, George, Frederick, Tammie, Bruce, Patti, Heather, Barbara, Tym, Donald, robert.byrne, Kurt, edsmythmd, Sid, Mainak, Mainak, Roland, Angela, Peter, MacLeod

Dear David (with physics degrees from MIT & Stanford) Nick, Greg Highlands (Dreadlock Cowboy), Sunheart, Riely, Professor Hennessy, Celts and Scots, and All,

https://youtu.be/iXUsekXXPDc< here, by the way, is a video about creating in the Scottish Gaelic language a CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, and to create CAREERS especially ... https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1199038736564011008?s=20 ... and which is a main idea at World Univ & Sch too.

Great to talk with you after Scottish Country Dancing in Berkeley last night, David. If WUaS were to have the $5000 to begin licensing with CA's BPPE in January 2020, what 10 organizations would we seek to partner with? And what's the problem they're facing (in these regards - ie what's their problem?), which WUaS could help them with?

So here are some organizations WUaS would be interested in partnering with:

1) Stanford (and WUaS is already de facto through CC-4 licensing of MIT OCW, partnering with MIT, but WUaS would seek to partner much further with MIT in other ways)

2) MIT / Harvard

3) department of Education in California

4) department of Education in US

5) Scottish parliament (re free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric degrees to Scots in English, as well as eventually in Scots' Gaelic and possibly Scots too)

6) Quaker organizations? (FGC, NPYM, BYM, Quakers in Kenya, and on Swahili coast, especially to develop WUaS degrees in Swahili)

7) Google / Alphabet

8) IBM

9) Oxbridge

10) German universities / departments of Education

11) Japanese universities / departments of Education

12) Alphabet's / Stanford's / Duke's Project Baseline

13) Project Baseline

14) India

15) China

16) all ~200 countries (lack of free-to-student's MIT OCW-centric wiki highest quality online education may be some of their major problems)

17) organizations for each of all 7,111 known living languages (WUaS may have to create this:)

I'm not sure what each of their problems are ... time to begin to seek out ways to talk with them.


Blog post re some Ria Health / WUaS - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/tunicate-sea-squirts-tele-medicine.html - partnering? One problem-solving question re Ria Health might be how to pay its officers (per your observation 8 days ago that Ria Health officers haven't been paid yet) ... similar issue with WUaS, interestingly").

Cheers, and happy thanksgiving, Scott

WUaS is also seeking to build a smart team, and re, for example - https://riahealth.com/team/ . Thanks too to Bob Nix for connecting in LinkedIn.

Medical Schools - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School (beginning)

Teaching hospitals - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital (beginning)

All the best, Scott
- https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch

Blogged about the above today: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/dhole-playful-species-scottish-country.html

When at the school of Celtic and Scottish Studies at the University of Edinburgh in 2003-2004, I was working on a Master of Science thesis about visiting virtual St. Kilda as nascent virtual online place to come, and re creating a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs for actual-virtual ethnographic project ... ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~ ...

Longevity 'label' and re my previous emails  https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/kangaroo-apple-building-from-alcoholism.html ...



Oceanic dolphin: ... so awareness, sentience, perception, and feeling, ... as CONSCIOUSNESS, is a beginning philosophical definition * * * With #GoogleResearchFootballEnvironment a novel #ReinforcementLearning environment, am curious re #agents in what ways #anthropologists & #philosophers can begin to address questions of #agency 'action or intervention, esp such as to produce particular effect' anew * Could #agents here be #HarbinWarmPool soakers, #avatarbots of soakers, or all people as 'team' in #WarmPool NOW & coders & #RL Bot? ~ #ReinforcementLearning 'where agents control either one or all football players on their team' * * * Will this lead to #PhysicalDigital #avatarbots in #HarbinWarmPool with agency or 'intentional causality' so #AvatarAgency in #GRFE wi #RL in terms of #PhilosophicalConsciousness #Consciousness? And choosing to generate #LovingBliss?

Next: Maize: BENEFITS @WorldUnivAndSch will likely develop (retirement etc) vis-a-vis our planned endowment … using traditional index funds (not the more costly ETF #IndexFunds), & in particular #SociallyResponsibleIndexFunds & in planning for all ~200 countries /languages * * * Keeping in the mind the extraordinary cost benefits of index investing, WUaS would explore, first in the United States, investing vis-a-vis cost in ... World Univ & Sch's ethics (and re investing too) head in a Friendly, Quaker, nontheist f/Friend, Unitarian Universalist, flourishing human culture, Law and US law and history-informed morality, as well as philosophical and moral relativist (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moral-relativism/) thinking ... ... with an invitation too to join the open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on 3rd Saturdays at 9am PT, hour-long, and electronically-mediated ...

WOW #GoogleResearchFootballEnvironment is a novel #ReinforcementLearning env where agents aim to master football. Modeled after football video games, it provides physics based 3D football sim where #agents control either one or all football players,learn https://research-football.dev/about -


Google AI
 We are happy to announce the v2.0 release of the Google Research Football Environment. The most exciting feature of this release is the Game Server, which lets your agent compete online with other researchers' models. Visit https://research-football.dev  and give it a try! https://twitter.com/GoogleAI/status/1137058715129925632


Wow #GoogleResearchFootballEnvironment is a novel #ReinforcementLearning env where agents aim to master football. Modeled after football video games, it provides physics based 3D football sim where #agents control either one or all football players,learn https://twitter.com/GoogleAI/status/1199453765272604672?s=20 -


With #GoogleResearchFootballEnvironment a novel #ReinforcementLearning env https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1199753845494013952?s=20 am curious re #agents in what ways #anthropologists & #philosophers can begin to address questions of #agency 'action or intervention, esp such as to produce particular effect' anew


Could #agents here be #HarbinWarmPool soakers, #avatarbots of soakers, or all people as 'team' in #WarmPool NOW & coders & #RL Bot? ~ #ReinforcementLearning https://research-football.dev/about'where agents control either one or all football players on their team'& https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1199753845494013952?s=20 ~


The promise of this novel #GoogleResearchFootballEnvironment wi #ReinforcementLearning env. re Qs of #PhilosophicalAgency #Agency here re #HarbinWarmPool soakers, soakers #avatarbots, or all people as 'team' as #agent https://research-football.dev/about is studying agency with #ML & #RL ~


Will this lead to #ActualVirtual #avatarbots in #HarbinWarmPool with agency or 'intentional causality' so #AvatarAgency in #GoogleResearchFootballEnvironment wi #ReinforcementLearning in terms of #PhilosophicalConsciousness #Consciousness? And choosing to generate LovingBliss?


Will this lead to #PhysicalDigital #avatarbots in #HarbinWarmPool with agency or 'intentional causality' so #AvatarAgency in #GoogleResearchFootballEnvironment wi #ReinforcementLearning in terms of #PhilosophicalConsciousness #Consciousness? And choosing to generate #LovingBliss?


Would eliciting #LovingBliss or  #NeuralCascadesOfPleasure neurophysiology (re X too) in #GoogleResearchFootballEnvironment be parallel to passing the ball re 'learn how to pass between them' in https://research-football.dev/about both A) brain & B) computer sciences-wise? #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital


Would eliciting #LovingBliss or  #NeuralCascadesOfPleasure neurophysiology (re X too) in #GoogleResearchFootballEnvironment be parallel to passing the ball re 'learn how to pass between them' in https://research-football.dev/about both A) brain & B) computer sciences-wise? #PhysicalDigital -


* *
Robotics' schools https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics (check out OCW) in all ~200 countries https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States online first - for learning /Programming, /Engineering, /Robotics, /CREATIVITY, as expression too of national identities / thinking, First in #PhysicalDigital Mindstorms EV3


Great to see 1st #PhysicalDigital focus: "The effect of digital physical activity interventions on daily step count: a randomised controlled crossover substudy of the MyHeart Counts Cardiovascular Health Study"re #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualEarth Thnx https://twitter.com/califf001/status/1182414666816991238!


Great to see high quality implementation science with digital technology.
 The effect of digital physical activity interventions on daily step count: a randomised controlled crossover substudy of the MyHeart Counts Cardiovascular Health Study


Baroque music
In ongoing learning about eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology, I've recently found the Boston Baroque live stream channel - http://www.bostonbaroque.org/boston-baroque-radio … & am observing subtle #lovingbliss #NeuralCascadesOfPleasure while listening to this very varied music https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/08/aconitum-blue-rocket-sending-love.html… ~


* *
Consciousness? #PhilosophicalConsciousness def.
#Consciousness ~ #Agency Choosing to generate #LovingBliss? #anthropologists& #philosophers
"To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! ... soak at Harbin"
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/chameleon-vision-poem-to-dance-or-pools.html ~


In my upcoming book and poem of the same name ~

"To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality"


"Subjective-Objective accounts,
1st person-3rd person scientific narratives ~
In the warm waters, with the Glasses,
Re visually observing,
And beginning to examine neural processing ~
as awareness,
perception, and
In the brain the mind, the BodyMind?"

... so awareness,
perception, and
feeling, ... as consciousness, is a beginning philosophical definition for me ...

Consciousness? #PhilosophicalConsciousness def. #awareness, #sentience, #perception & #feeling #Consciousness ~ #Agency Choosing to generate #LovingBliss? #anthropologists & #philosophers
"To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! ... soak at Harbin"https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/chameleon-vision-poem-to-dance-or-pools.html… ~



Maize: BENEFITS @WorldUnivAndSch will likely develop (retirement etc) vis-a-vis our planned endowment … using traditional index funds (not the more costly ETF #IndexFunds), & in particular #SociallyResponsibleIndexFunds & in planning for all ~200 countries /languages * * * Keeping in the mind the extraordinary cost benefits of index investing, WUaS would explore, first in the United States, investing vis-a-vis cost in ... World Univ & Sch's ethics (and re investing too) head in a Friendly, Quaker, nontheist f/Friend, Unitarian Universalist, flourishing human culture, Law and US law and history-informed morality, as well as philosophical and moral relativist (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moral-relativism/) thinking ... ... with an invitation too to join the open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on 3rd Saturdays at 9am PT, hour-long, and electronically-mediated ...

Next: Water on Mars: 'To Mars together @RZembo . . ." AND 'Astronauts to be . . . ' with #FilmTo3D App to write for #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital 1-1? @RZembo & in #RealisticVirtualUniverse @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics wi #ReinforcementLearning re #GRFE #QuantumComputing ~ * * * Wow! Are we going to be able to crowdsource #longevity #AgeReversal questions with millions of people having 'GenapSys Sequencer' piped INTO a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? think Google StreetView / Project Baseline - like with 6 billion smartphones and newly re 'GenapSys Sequencer * * * Mental health at WUaS: Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Psychotherapy & as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually OCW * * * World Univ and Sch seeks to create all museums of all time in all 7,111 known living languages in virtual reality as virtual museums - Think Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / Translate, conceptually; and each with their own wiki subject page for open teaching and learning to begin
Previous: Oceanic dolphin: ... so awareness, sentience, perception, and feeling, ... as CONSCIOUSNESS, is a beginning philosophical definition * * * With #GoogleResearchFootballEnvironment a novel #ReinforcementLearning environment, am curious re #agents in what ways #anthropologists & #philosophers can begin to address questions of #agency 'action or intervention, esp such as to produce particular effect' anew * Could #agents here be #HarbinWarmPool soakers, #avatarbots of soakers, or all people as 'team' in #WarmPool NOW & coders & #RL Bot? ~ #ReinforcementLearning 'where agents control either one or all football players on their team' * * * Will this lead to #PhysicalDigital #avatarbots in #HarbinWarmPool with agency or 'intentional causality' so #AvatarAgency in #GRFE wi #RL in terms of #PhilosophicalConsciousness #Consciousness? And choosing to generate #LovingBliss?

 will likely develop  (retirement etc) v-a-v our planned endowment https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Foundation … using traditional index funds (not the more costly ETF #IndexFunds), & in particular #SociallyResponsibleIndexFunds & in planning for all ~200 countries /languages

World Univ & Sch will like develop BENEFITS (retirement, etc.) v-a-v our planned endowment - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Foundation… using traditional index funds (not the more costly ETF #IndexFunds), & in particular #SociallyResponsibleIndexFunds & in planning for all ~200 countries /languages


World Univ & Sch will like develop BENEFITS (retirement, etc.) v-a-v our planned endowment - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Foundation … using traditional index funds (not the more costly ETF #IndexFunds), & in particular #SociallyResponsibleIndexFunds & in planning for all ~200 countries /languages


* * *
Keeping in the mind the extraordinary cost benefits of index investing, WUaS would explore, first in the United States, investing vis-a-vis cost in ...

Vanguard FTSE Social Index Fund Investor Shares (VFTSX)

Expense ratio
as of 12/03/2018

Save even more by investing in lower cost Admiral Shares.

Vanguard FTSE Social Index Fund Admiral Shares (VFTAX)

* *
TIAA-CREF Social Choice Equity Fund

* * *
Quaker Index Fund (QIF)

* * * *

World Univ & Sch's ethics (and re investing too) head in a Friendly, Quaker, nontheist f/Friend, Unitarian Universalist, flourishing human culture, Law and US law and history-informed morality, as well as philosophical and moral relativist (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moral-relativism/) thinking ...

... with an invitation too to join the open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on 3rd Saturdays at 9am PT, hour-long, and electronically-mediated ...

World University and School 

Minutes for Annual Meeting 
on Saturday, November 16, 2019 
at World University & School
Monthly Business Meeting

Sincerely, Scott



Water on Mars: 'To Mars together @RZembo . . ." AND 'Astronauts to be . . . ' with #FilmTo3D App to write for #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital 1-1? @RZembo & in #RealisticVirtualUniverse @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics wi #ReinforcementLearning re #GRFE #QuantumComputing ~ * * * Wow! Are we going to be able to crowdsource #longevity #AgeReversal questions with millions of people having 'GenapSys Sequencer' piped INTO a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? think Google StreetView / Project Baseline - like with 6 billion smartphones and newly re 'GenapSys Sequencer * * * Mental health at WUaS: Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Psychotherapy & as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually OCW * * * World Univ and Sch seeks to create all museums of all time in all 7,111 known living languages in virtual reality as virtual museums - Think Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / Translate, conceptually; and each with their own wiki subject page for open teaching and learning to begin

Next: Chimpanzee (playful species): LONGEVITY AGE REVERSAL * MIT Tech Review article with a Spanish scientist at UCSD, I think, who thinks we may be able to extend life span presumably past 122 another 30-50 years . . . Talk with you in 2132? :) . . * Are we going to be able to crowdsource #longevity #AgeReversal questions with millions of people having 'GenapSys Sequencer'? * * Didn't know you might be wanting a personal gene sequencer in a few years - like you didn't know you'd be wanting a personal laptop computer or a smartphone a few years ago, did ya? :) * Brainstorming-wise, am wondering if we'll each be able to sequence our own genome, and then would I be able to sculpt personally a solution to my "eustachian tube dysfunction" - re the little 'wound' in there - and with regards to MIT Professor Kevin Esvelt's Sculpting evolution & promoting responsive science, MIT Media Lab * Could be better to integrate this gene sequencer chip into a smartphone itself. How long does it take to sequence the genetics of my ear? :) ... and then sculpt it in there? :) * * * * FURTHER in an innovation vein, just found this: 'Aim' by @artefactgroup is a #selfdriving hospital envisioning an on-demand version of doctor visits * RE a bit further 'ELECTRICITY OUTAGE' ... check out mobile hospital concept at bottom here too
Previous: Maize: BENEFITS @WorldUnivAndSch will likely develop (retirement etc) vis-a-vis our planned endowment … using traditional index funds (not the more costly ETF #IndexFunds), & in particular #SociallyResponsibleIndexFunds & in planning for all ~200 countries /languages * * * Keeping in the mind the extraordinary cost benefits of index investing, WUaS would explore, first in the United States, investing vis-a-vis cost in ... World Univ & Sch's ethics (and re investing too) head in a Friendly, Quaker, nontheist f/Friend, Unitarian Universalist, flourishing human culture, Law and US law and history-informed morality, as well as philosophical and moral relativist (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moral-relativism/) thinking ... ... with an invitation too to join the open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on 3rd Saturdays at 9am PT, hour-long, and electronically-mediated ...

Space on the way to planet Mars ?

Astronauts to be https://youtu.be/F8DcgFDT9sc with #FilmTo3D App to write for #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital 1-1? @RZembo & in #RealisticVirtualUniverse @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics wi #ReinforcementLearning re #GRFE #QuantumComputing ~


To Mars together @RZembo & in #RealisticVirtualUniverse #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego & /STEM /Robotics #ReinforcementLearning #QuantumComputing incl #HarbinWarmPool in #RealisticVirtualHarbin ? & re https://youtu.be/F8DcgFDT9schttps://venturebeat.com/2019/06/07/google-open-sources-soccer-reinforcement-learning-simulator/https://twitter.com/rzembo/status/1137763790387326976
 #GRFE ~



Google open-sources soccer reinforcement learning simulator#MachineLearning #ReinforcementLearning #GRFE #Google via @VentureBeat https://venturebeat.com/2019/06/07/google-open-sources-soccer-reinforcement-learning-simulator/

. . . and . . .

Oceanic dolphin: A new genre of poetry: 'idea poem' or 'philosophy poem' - with regard to my upcoming book: "To the Dance or the Pools! ~ Virtually?" .... -#RichardRorty: ... so awareness, sentience, perception, and feeling, ... as CONSCIOUSNESS, is a beginning philosophical definition * * * With #GoogleResearchFootballEnvironment a novel #ReinforcementLearning environment, am curious re #agents in what ways #anthropologists & #philosophers can begin to address questions of #agency 'action or intervention, esp such as to produce particular effect' anew * Could #agents here be #HarbinWarmPool soakers, #avatarbots of soakers, or all people as 'team' in #WarmPool NOW & coders & #RL Bot? ~ #ReinforcementLearning 'where agents control either one or all football players on their team' * * * Will this lead to #PhysicalDigital #avatarbots in #HarbinWarmPool with agency or 'intentional causality' so #AvatarAgency in #GRFE wi #RL in terms of #PhilosophicalConsciousness #Consciousness? And choosing to generate #LovingBliss?

http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/oceanic-dolphin-so-awareness-sentience.html -

* * *
Genome Sequencer

george church

Congratulations Hesaam and team!


Wow! Are we going to be able to crowdsource #longevity #AgeReversal questions with millions of people having 'GenapSys Sequencer' https://twitter.com/geochurch/status/1199669550528258048?s=20 piped INTO a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? think Google StreetView / Project Baseline


Wow! Crowdsourcing #longevity #AgeReversal questions like with 6 billion smartphones and newly re 'GenapSys Sequencer' https://www.clinicalomics.com/news-and-features/small-sequencer-developer-genapsys-completes-90m-series-c-financing/ (Project Baseline's Topol on Board) INTO #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? in StreetView > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Longevity ~


* * *
Quick Question Regarding Health For A Project

Marian Miguel
12:34 AM (10 hours ago)
to me


I am contacting you because I’m doing a bit of research for a general health & mental health project I’m working on. I stumbled upon a page of your site https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org, I figured I would reach out.

I have been featured in Yahoo, ADAA, TheMighty, AMHCA, GoodMenProject, ThriveGlobal, HealthComU, etc... and as a result, the mental health & overall wellness of individuals & families has become something I'm increasingly passionate about. In short, I'm involved with a project that is looking to educate more individuals about mental health topics by possibly working with platforms like yours.

I decided to contact you because I noticed that you're linking to one of the leaders as it relates to health related topics, [ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychology ], so you might be open to what I have in mind.

If you'd be interested in hearing more, please let me know. If not, I understand and would understand if you don’t respond. Thank you for your consideration & time.



Hello Marie,

Thanks so much for your email, your interest and your inquiry. Yes, I'd "be interested in hearing more.'

For your thinking and sharing, these WUaS wiki subjects all will 'work together' -

Psychiatry: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry

Psychoanalysis: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis (and re Jacques Lacan MD)

Psychology: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychology

Psychotherapy: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychotherapy

And as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually MIT OCW courses or similar at the top of these pages, and wiki-teaching-contributions/edits in their middle sections. And while World Univ & Sch is wiki - so open for your teaching and learning (editable like a Wikipedia page) - WUaS may also seek to collaborate further with Stanford and other universities and colleges with regard to developing related WUaS mental health resources, courses, etc. eg https://twitter.com/StanfordHealth/status/1199951827183251456?s=20. I'm also interested in questions of cultural contexts and mental health, now newly online (and as an anthropologist), so would be interested in your thoughts about this as well.

What's a Twitter or LinkedIn for you so I can understand further where your coming from?

Thanks for reaching out.


- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch

- https://twitter.com/WUaSPress

- https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottgkmacleod/

Psychiatry: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry

Psychoanalysis: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis

Psychology: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychology

Psychotherapy: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychotherapy

Mental health at WUaS:
Psychiatry: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry
Psychoanalysis: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis
Psychology: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychology
Psychotherapy: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychotherapy
& as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually OCW




* * *

Hi Sandy and Ma, 

Enjoy your trip to the Westmoreland Museum today, Ma! I checked out the virtual tour here - https://thewestmoreland.org/visit/virtual-tour/ - and it's in Google Street View - https://www.google.com/maps/@40.3059922,-79.5448,0a,112.6y,252.7h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sAF1QipN2CK8IzJqVIRfkFD-iVToN_XQd4gCZHV5GmqyJ!2e10?source=apiv3 - and is ok, but not a proxy for visiting the museum.

As you may know, World Univ and Sch seeks to create all museums of all time in all 7,111 known living languages in virtual reality as virtual museums - Think Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / Translate, conceptually; and each with their own wiki subject page for open teaching and learning to begin, from - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Museums - think a Wikipedia page for a museum, and potentially with adding some MIT OCW courses about its art to it. Curiously this Museums' wiki subject is 'gone missin' from the WUaS home page - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ (although the Music School at WUaS main page is still there - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Music_School - and is also planned for ALL musical instruments and other musical wiki subjects - see page -  in each of all 7k languages - each a wiki subject page to begin for open teaching and learning to being. About 6 main pages have gone missing actually - Library Resources, Museums, Educational Software, Research, Hardware Resource Possibilities, WUaS Foundation - see below). 

So I'm curious how to collaborate with Google iteratively in making these virtual museums great and iteratively unfolding - for research, viewing enjoyment, cultural connectings, and so that people could print objects from them, for example, and so much more.

Sandy, brainstorming-wise, a related realistic virtual earth for museums' idea/question is how to add your place and its art in Limerick from 2000-2010, or whenever you owned it, to Google Street View for viewing ... and possible for a living avatar bot interactive museum. People could visit and ask your avatar bot about your art, or watch and see how you made art and also re your vision. Am curious if Google Street View 'museum' software emerged, how we might add all the photos and videos you have from Limerick to this and  make them come alive. This is kind of the idea for all virtual museums as well. 

Enjoy your trip to the Westmoreland museum today, Ma!

Love, Scott
(And thanks again for sharing the flowers!)

Although these are from the previous wiki, the endings still work with the new wiki above:
Admissions' Department: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School
Courses: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Courses
Subjects: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects
Languages: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Languages
Library Resources: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Library_Resources
Nation States: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States
You at World University: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/You_at_World_University
Educational Software: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Educational_Software
Museums: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Museums
Research: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Research
Hardware Resource Possibilities: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Hardware_Resource_Possibilities
Frequently Asked Questions at World University & School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Frequently_Asked_Questions
World University Foundation: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Foundation

Artists' perspective on Ancient Mars' water - 


Chimpanzee (playful species): LONGEVITY AGE REVERSAL * MIT Tech Review article with a Spanish scientist at UCSD, I think, who thinks we may be able to extend life span presumably past 122 another 30-50 years . . . Talk with you in 2132? :) . . * Are we going to be able to crowdsource #longevity #AgeReversal questions with millions of people having 'GenapSys Sequencer'? * * Didn't know you might be wanting a personal gene sequencer in a few years - like you didn't know you'd be wanting a personal laptop computer or a smartphone a few years ago, did ya? :) * Brainstorming-wise, am wondering if we'll each be able to sequence our own genome, and then would I be able to sculpt personally a solution to my "eustachian tube dysfunction" - re the little 'wound' in there - and with regards to MIT Professor Kevin Esvelt's Sculpting evolution & promoting responsive science, MIT Media Lab * Could be better to integrate this gene sequencer chip into a smartphone itself. How long does it take to sequence the genetics of my ear? :) ... and then sculpt it in there? :) * * * * FURTHER in an innovation vein, just found this: 'Aim' by @artefactgroup is a #selfdriving hospital envisioning an on-demand version of doctor visits * RE a bit further 'ELECTRICITY OUTAGE' ... check out mobile hospital concept at bottom here too

Next: Dolphin (playful species): Take me to the hospital, or Call me a hospital, Or be that rolling hospital ~ https://twitter.com/FrRonconi/status/1200839991737405440?s=20 ~ a Harbin warm pool in, in ... in virtual Reality? :0) * * * Hospital? YES #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords each a #WikidataQitem # for 7.5 billion @WorldUnivAndSch YES Soaking Meditation re psychotherapy? YES, Rotate for #TeleRoboticSurgery? YES, Medical School YES * * * Hippy Van with Bed & for Soaking in #RealisticVirtualHarbin YES, For #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital Harbin Hot Springs' comparative ethnography @HarbinBook YES & for Watsu water shiatsu * * * In your LANGUAGE: Individual University Dorm room wi Bed & Bath, Academic comparative STEM studies @HarbinBook YES * Fill wi #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning in your LANGUAGE @WorldUnivAndSch will sell @WUaSPress wi Hardware & Software given 1 billion cars in world
Previous: Water on Mars: 'To Mars together @RZembo . . ." AND 'Astronauts to be . . . ' with #FilmTo3D App to write for #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital 1-1? @RZembo & in #RealisticVirtualUniverse @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics wi #ReinforcementLearning re #GRFE #QuantumComputing ~ * * * Wow! Are we going to be able to crowdsource #longevity #AgeReversal questions with millions of people having 'GenapSys Sequencer' piped INTO a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? think Google StreetView / Project Baseline - like with 6 billion smartphones and newly re 'GenapSys Sequencer * * * Mental health at WUaS: Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Psychotherapy & as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually OCW * * * World Univ and Sch seeks to create all museums of all time in all 7,111 known living languages in virtual reality as virtual museums - Think Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / Translate, conceptually; and each with their own wiki subject page for open teaching and learning to begin

Hi Ma and Ed,

Fascinating from Harvard Genetics' Professor George Church - a gene sequencer we may be able to use from home, like a personal computer, or a smartphone, to sequence our own genome (not sure how it would work with other species) - and with its own chip (by one of his students, and soon to be publicly available):


Some related Tweets:

Are we going to be able to crowdsource #longevity #AgeReversal questions with millions of people having 'GenapSys Sequencer' https://twitter.com/geochurch/status/1199669550528258048?s=20 piped INTO a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? think Google StreetView / Project Baseline

- https://twitter.com/WUaSPress/status/1200238139647741952?s=20

Crowdsourcing #longevity #AgeReversal questions like with 6 billion smartphones and newly re 'GenapSys Sequencer'https://www.clinicalomics.com/news-and-features/small-sequencer-developer-genapsys-completes-90m-series-c-financing/ (Project Baseline's Topol on Board) INTO #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? in StreetView > Longevity wiki page at World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Longevity ~

- https://twitter.com/WUaSPress/status/1200239043725815809?s=20

And here's a MIT Tech Review article with a Spanish scientist at UCSD, I think, who thinks we may be able to extend life span presumably past 122 another 30-50 years :

This scientist believes he has found the elixir of life, and thinks we can extend human life span by another 30 to 50 years, at least.


The information technology revolution which I teach about - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html - has already been radically transformative.

Have blogged about this here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/water-on-mars-to-mars-together-rzembo.html

Talk with you in 2132? :)

Fondly, Scott


Water on Mars: 'To Mars together @RZembo . . ." AND 'Astronauts to be . . . ' with #FilmTo3D App to write for #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital 1-1? @RZembo & in #RealisticVirtualUniverse @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics wi #ReinforcementLearning re #GRFE #QuantumComputing ~ * * * Wow! Are we going to be able to crowdsource #longevity #AgeReversal questions with millions of people having 'GenapSys Sequencer' piped INTO a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? think Google StreetView / Project Baseline - like with 6 billion smartphones and newly re 'GenapSys Sequencer * * * Mental health at WUaS: Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Psychotherapy & as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually OCW * * * World Univ and Sch seeks to create all museums of all time in all 7,111 known living languages in virtual reality as virtual museums - Think Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / Translate, conceptually; and each with their own wiki subject page for open teaching and learning to begin


* *

A little humor:)

Didn't know you might be wanting a personal gene sequencer in a few years - like you didn't know you'd be wanting a personal laptop computer or a smartphone a few years ago, did ya? :)


https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Comedy. @WorldUnivAndSch
Translated? @sgkmacleod ~

6.5 billion of us out of 7.5 billion may have a smartphone in a few years! Incredible! :)

Brainstorming-wise, am wondering if we'll each be able to sequence our own genome, and then would I be able to sculpt personally a solution to my "eustachian tube dysfunction" - re the little 'wound' in there - and with regards to MIT Professor Kevin Esvelt's 'Sculpting evolution & promoting responsive science, MIT Media Lab' - https://twitter.com/kesvelt.

Could be better to integrate this gene sequencer chip into a smartphone itself. How long does it take to sequence the genetics of my ear? :)

I.T. revolution is a different kinda electricity outage! :)

X, S

* * * *
FURTHER in an innovation vein, just found this:

'Aim' by @artefactgroup is a #selfdriving hospital envisioning an on-demand version of doctor visits@nowthisnews#HealthTech #AI #AutonomousVehicles #AugmentedReality@alvinfoo @enricomolinari @chboursin @Julez_Norton @mvollmer1 @JoannMoretti @Fabriziobustama @ArkangelScrap


Methinks it'll be via Electronic Health Records re #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords & potentially first in Psychiatry
that we'll focus care
EHR with #SmartPhrases? -
https://twitter.com/leftbundle/status/1200629762277986304?s=20 ~


Mental health at WUaS:
Psychiatry: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry
Psychoanalysis: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis
Psychology: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychology
Psychotherapy: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychotherapy
& as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually OCW


RE a bit further 'ELECTRICITY OUTAGE' ... check out mobile hospital concept at bottom here too - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/chimpanzee-playful-species-longevity.html :0) ... and much more here as well, like #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords each a #WikidataQitem # for 7.5 billion @WorldUnivAndSch https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital ~


~ ~ ~

RE a bit further 'ELECTRICITY OUTAGE' ... check out mobile hospital concept at bottom here too - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/chimpanzee-playful-species-longevity.html :0) ... and much more here as well, like #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords each a #WikidataQitem # for 7.5 billion @WorldUnivAndSch https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital ~

Take me to the hospital, or
Call me a hospital 
Or be that rolling hospital ~
a Harbin warm pool 
in, in ... 
in virtual Reality? :0)



Dolphin (playful species): Take me to the hospital, or Call me a hospital, Or be that rolling hospital ~ https://twitter.com/FrRonconi/status/1200839991737405440?s=20 ~ a Harbin warm pool in, in ... in virtual Reality? :0) * * * Hospital? YES #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords each a #WikidataQitem # for 7.5 billion @WorldUnivAndSch YES Soaking Meditation re psychotherapy? YES, Rotate for #TeleRoboticSurgery? YES, Medical School YES * * * Hippy Van with Bed & for Soaking in #RealisticVirtualHarbin YES, For #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital Harbin Hot Springs' comparative ethnography @HarbinBook YES & for Watsu water shiatsu * * * In your LANGUAGE: Individual University Dorm room wi Bed & Bath, Academic comparative STEM studies @HarbinBook YES * Fill wi #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning in your LANGUAGE @WorldUnivAndSch will sell @WUaSPress wi Hardware & Software given 1 billion cars in world

Next: Vercors Massif: Open WUaS News Q & A - 2 December 2019, 9am PT - inviting you too to participate in this Hangout conversation Q & A * * * Barlow's "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" - https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence - and think it hints at why the Internet in all ~200 countries hasn't adopted a Constitution yet * * * What brought you to William Penn Charter School in 1976 in the first place? What Quaker contacts in Germany, Fritz, or similar, if I might ask? * * * Here by the way are MIT OCW Sloan School of Management courses - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/ - which WUaS will build its undergraduate class's free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees on. Please keep in mind finding French and German online students who might be interested in an online Business degree first in English at WUaS * * * Glad World University and School's YouTube channel is up and working again!
Previous: Chimpanzee (playful species): LONGEVITY AGE REVERSAL * MIT Tech Review article with a Spanish scientist at UCSD, I think, who thinks we may be able to extend life span presumably past 122 another 30-50 years . . . Talk with you in 2132? :) . . * Are we going to be able to crowdsource #longevity #AgeReversal questions with millions of people having 'GenapSys Sequencer'? * * Didn't know you might be wanting a personal gene sequencer in a few years - like you didn't know you'd be wanting a personal laptop computer or a smartphone a few years ago, did ya? :) * Brainstorming-wise, am wondering if we'll each be able to sequence our own genome, and then would I be able to sculpt personally a solution to my "eustachian tube dysfunction" - re the little 'wound' in there - and with regards to MIT Professor Kevin Esvelt's Sculpting evolution & promoting responsive science, MIT Media Lab * Could be better to integrate this gene sequencer chip into a smartphone itself. How long does it take to sequence the genetics of my ear? :) ... and then sculpt it in there? :) * * * * FURTHER in an innovation vein, just found this: 'Aim' by @artefactgroup is a #selfdriving hospital envisioning an on-demand version of doctor visits * RE a bit further 'ELECTRICITY OUTAGE' ... check out mobile hospital concept at bottom here too

Take me to the hospital, or
Call me a hospital 
Or be that rolling hospital ~
a Harbin warm pool 
in, in ... 
in virtual Reality? :0)

* ~ * ~ *

RE a bit further 'ELECTRICITY OUTAGE' ... check out mobile hospital concept at bottom here too - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/chimpanzee-playful-species-longevity.html :0) ... and much more here as well, like #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords each a #WikidataQitem # for 7.5 billion @WorldUnivAndSch https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital ~

Take me to the hospital, or
Call me a hospital 
Or be that rolling hospital ~
a Harbin warm pool 
in, in ... 
in virtual Reality? :0)


https://twitter.com/FrRonconi/status/1200839991737405440?s=20 ~

* * *

Scott MacLeod
12:45 PM (3 hours ago)
to Susan, Derrick, Edith, Sandy, Susan, Karen, Alden, Janie, Scott, Ann, catherinemuller57, Pete, Jennifer, Jen, Scott, MacLeod

Susan, Derrick, and Mark, and family all,

Susan, thanks so much for your wonderful care package of your book and DVD et al. I enjoyed your smart, hi-jinx, southern, skillfully-enacted theatrical explorations of your art and artistic vision on DVD at the Berkeley Claremont public library very much (and appreciate too what people say about it here - https://www.susanharvey.com/quotes3.html).

Derrick, Mark and all - I came across some Youtube videos (below) about Robert the Bruce today, which lead me to further explorations of an ancestor, I think, of some of us, Edward I of England (1239- 1307) of Magna Carta history (more videos below). As I understand it, it's through one of his progenitors, Sarah Bolles, and I think this is her Wikitree page - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bolles-66 (and I haven't yet looked recently, again, for Sarah Bolles' Ancestry.com page, Mark) - who married a Humphrey Chadbourne, that this family history exists - so, through the Chadbourne line (and my grandfather, Alexander Chadbourne Brown, who was Janie's father, and Alden's uncle). Both Humphrey, and son William Chadbourne, came to Maine in the early 1600s, one of them on the ship the Pied Cowe. (Looking for ever-improving history here - please read all this with a critical thinking historical minds:). I also haven't yet updated my related family history pages I've mentioned in this thread a few times, but will eventually. The 3rd Robert the Bruce video explores what I hope World Univ & Sch will help to facilitate in terms of a single realistic virtual earth for history and for STEM and everything, ever improving.

Interesting documentary I just watched (touching further on some of the above):
Edward I Documentary - Biography of the life of Edward Longshanks King of England

https://youtu.be/uBd3-GI2jaQ (Brief but interesting characterization of the Auld Alliance between France & Scotland here, around Edward I ... )

I've attached a photo of my mother Janet Kirkbride Brown MacLeod (one of this email's addressees) at the Magna Carta monument in England west of London from a trip she took in 2014.

My next and fourth book, "To the Dance or the Pools? Virtually!," of poetry, will be published soon - https://www.amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity - I'm glad to say, but visiting virtual Harbin Hot Springs doesn't seem like it will coincide with this book's publication (in the Academic Press at World University and School).

Happy first of December / Advent, and with very best wishes, Scott

Here too are the Minutes from the Annual Meeting for World University and School -

Arabian sand gazelle: Minutes for ANNUAL MEETING on Saturday, November 16, 2019 for A) World University & School and B) WUaS Corporation at WUaS Monthly Business Meeting

- for your enjoyment.

And please check the 'longevity' label in my blog from time to time, and, for example, yesterday's blog post with regards to a potentially revolutionary gene sequencing platform, which is fascinating in these 'longevity' regards  ...

Chimpanzee (playful species): LONGEVITY <> AGE REVERSAL * MIT Tech Review article with a Spanish scientist at UCSD, I think, who thinks we may be able to extend life span presumably past 122 another 30-50 years . . . Talk with you in 2132? :) . . * Are we going to be able to crowdsource #longevity #AgeReversal questions with millions of people having 'GenapSys Sequencer'? * * Didn't know you might be wanting a personal gene sequencer in a few years - like you didn't know you'd be wanting a personal laptop computer or a smartphone a few years ago, did ya? :) * Brainstorming-wise, am wondering if we'll each be able to sequence our own genome, and then would I be able to sculpt personally a solution to my "eustachian tube dysfunction" - re the little 'wound' in there - and with regards to MIT Professor Kevin Esvelt's Sculpting evolution & promoting responsive science, MIT Media Lab * Could be better to integrate this gene sequencer chip into a smartphone itself. How long does it take to sequence the genetics of my ear? :) ... and then sculpt it in there? :) * * * * FURTHER in an innovation vein, just found this: 'Aim' by @artefactgroup is a #selfdriving hospital envisioning an on-demand version of doctor visits * RE a bit further 'ELECTRICITY OUTAGE' ... check out mobile hospital concept at bottom here too

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/chimpanzee-playful-species-longevity.html ...

Robert the Bruce &
Battle of Bannockburn, Scotland
1 https://youtu.be/t3U1Xi_Odt0
2 https://youtu.be/JKKiClgiwSg
3 https://youtu.be/TwiWA6tH6qQ

Battle of Bannockburn - June 23-24, 1314 (First War of Scottish Independence)


Edward the first hammer of the Scots
Edward I Documentary - Biography of the life of Edward Longshanks King of England
Speak to Edward I
Who was Edward the first?

King Edward I Of England
Parents, Spouses and Children

The History of Sanford, Maine, 1661-1900

* * *

Hospital? YES #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords each a #WikidataQitem # for 7.5 billion @WorldUnivAndSch YES Soaking Meditation re psychotherapy? YES https://twitter.com/FrRonconi/status/1200839991737405440?s=20 Rotate for #TeleRoboticSurgery? YES
 https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital Medical School https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School YES


Hippy Van with Bed & for Soaking in #RealisticVirtualHarbin YES #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy For #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital Harbin Hot Springs' comparative ethnography @HarbinBook YES https://twitter.com/FrRonconi/status/1200839991737405440?s=20 & for Watsu water shiatsu https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Watsu_-_water_shiatsu @WorldUnivAndSch~


In your LANGUAGE: Individual University Dorm room wi Bed & Bath in #RealisticVirtualEarth For #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital academic comparative STEM studies @HarbinBook YES https://twitter.com/FrRonconi/status/1200839991737405440?s=20  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages Your country https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States @WorldUnivAndSch ~


Hospitals & Medical Schs on wheels? Dorm room too? Fill wi #ArtificialIntelligence in your LANGUAGE @WorldUnivAndSch will sell @WUaSPress wi Hardware & Software since there are an estimated over 1 billion personal cars on the planet re #RealisticVirtualEarth For #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital RESEARCH


Space ship to Mars too :) ... "_

* * *

WUaS - World University and School

to Nontheist-Friends

Glad we're keeping the friendly Quaker language of Thee and Thou in this unfolding Quaker Atheist too conversation, re - https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/16/opinion/sunday/pronouns-quakers.html - and especially with a focus on language, and civility too. In my experience, Friends/Quakers have invented, adopted and developed language to create their own sub-culture (e.g. First Day for Sunday, Meeting for congregation, Meeting House for Church, etc., which language I've mentioned before too among email NtFs), and which also opens possibilities for non-theistic Friends / atheist Quakers in new generative unfolding ways.

When Oxford Professor Bejan writes: "One might expect principled egalitarians like the Quakers to celebrate a linguistic process whereby all social ranks experienced an increase in dignity," I wonder too, to use her "Trans" example, how to defend against wrongdoing by LGBTQ in their new found 'power,' since Quaker distributed egalitarianism in Meetings can be co-opted and misused etc. to the harm of individuals and sub-groups, and in the name of religion via Meetings' religiosity. I think NtFs who may be thinking about such questions, and civilly too, may have an opportunity to add language to this conversation re both Quakers and Meetings, and re the alternative Friendly thinking re non-theism or atheism.

Appreciating, too, the linguistic legacy of Friendly and civil conscientious objection, and 'speaking truth to power' - in addition to thee-ing and thou-ing - with regard to possible cultural or societal developments, say, since Stonewall in the 1960s - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonewall_riots - and after its societal openings, - and when the LGTBQ community may be creating harm, for example (which I emailed A.B. on this list, and a number of other Friends) yesterday about. (Seems like networking civilly, and social movements too, against wrongdoing - as well as bringing in the law - might be a way, re Castells' book "Networks of Outrage and Hope," for example).

Thanks for sharing the article, and glad the NtF emailing list is an expression itself perchance of NtFriendly Theeing and Thouing as well.

NtFriendly greetings, Scott
- https://twitter.com/scottmacleod
- http://www.quakerquaker.org/profile/ScottMacLeod
- https://twitter.com/hashtag/NontheistFriends?src=hashtag_click
- https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtheistQuakers?src=hashtag_click

(I also think I've met the author of this article Teresa Bejan at some point - https://twitter.com/tmbejan - https://www.politics.ox.ac.uk/academic-staff/teresa-bejan.html - https://www.teresabejan.com - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teresa_Bejan - but can't recall where at this point).

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.


Thnx @tmbejan for keeping Friendly #Quaker language of Thee & Thou in this unfolding conversation https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/16/opinion/sunday/pronouns-quakers.html … & especially with a focus on #language, & CIVILITY too < https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nontheist_Friends_(atheist_Quakers%3F) … @WorldUnivAndSch #NontheistFriends #AtheistQuakers #NontheistQuakers #NtFs ~




Vercors Massif: Open WUaS News Q & A - 2 December 2019, 9am PT - inviting you too to participate in this Hangout conversation Q & A * * * Barlow's "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" - https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence - and think it hints at why the Internet in all ~200 countries hasn't adopted a Constitution yet * * * What brought you to William Penn Charter School in 1976 in the first place? What Quaker contacts in Germany, Fritz, or similar, if I might ask? * * * Here by the way are MIT OCW Sloan School of Management courses - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/ - which WUaS will build its undergraduate class's free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees on. Please keep in mind finding French and German online students who might be interested in an online Business degree first in English at WUaS * * * Glad World University and School's YouTube channel is up and working again!

Previous: Dolphin (playful species): Take me to the hospital, or Call me a hospital, Or be that rolling hospital ~ https://twitter.com/FrRonconi/status/1200839991737405440?s=20 ~ a Harbin warm pool in, in ... in virtual Reality? :0) * * * Hospital? YES #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords each a #WikidataQitem # for 7.5 billion @WorldUnivAndSch YES Soaking Meditation re psychotherapy? YES, Rotate for #TeleRoboticSurgery? YES, Medical School YES * * * Hippy Van with Bed & for Soaking in #RealisticVirtualHarbin YES, For #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital Harbin Hot Springs' comparative ethnography @HarbinBook YES & for Watsu water shiatsu * * * In your LANGUAGE: Individual University Dorm room wi Bed & Bath, Academic comparative STEM studies @HarbinBook YES * Fill wi #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning in your LANGUAGE @WorldUnivAndSch will sell @WUaSPress wi Hardware & Software given 1 billion cars in world

WUaS - World University and School

to Nicolai, VJ, Ajit, Mircea, Peter, Julian, Andrzej, Iulian, Mohamed, Milos, Ants, Koh, Joan, Tomato, org, Scott, Bill, Sainani, Fritz

Hi All, Universitians,

I hope this 2 Dec 2019 LightStream email finds you well. I'm a newby at LightStream video streaming which also Live Streams to Youtube, and LightStream appears to be in Beta too. But both Youtube recordings for today are here, however:

World Univ & Sch 2 Dec 2019 Q & A and News - Bachelor, Ph.D., Law & Innovative Medical Schools


And after a 2nd attempt -

World Univ & Sch 2 Dec 2019 Hangout Q & A and News


Am seeking to learn how to invite Hangout participants into the LightStream video conference platform itself - potentially for next week, 9 December. In the first video today I bring up Fritz's email question and my response toward the end as well.

Cheers, Scott
and here's the World Univ & Sch News Q&A from last week -
Q & A and News at World Univ & Sch - 25 Nov 2019 with sound! -



Hi Peter, Fritz, Kunal Shankar, and Universitians,

Monday morning Open WUaS Hangouts / News / Q & A at 10 am PT are working again!

World Univ & Sch is recording successfully to YouTube again - https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch - and thanks much to Peter Bothe for helping to set up the LightStream video streaming platform for this. And thanks, Fritz, for your connecting today re conversation. (Check out too Fritz's Quaker connections at bottom of today's blog post - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/vercors-massif-open-wuas-news-q-2.html - which has much too about these WUaS Youtube developments including the 3 recent WUaS LightStreams-to-Youtube from this Monday and last, - which now work! :) (World Univ & Sch is a bit Friendly or Quaker-informed). 

Recording to Youtube video is excellent for out-reach as well as branding. And I just re-Tweeted at WUaS Kunal Shankar's recent "The Hindu" - 
https://twitter.com/kunalshankar/status/1200645961350926336?s=20 - partly about branding to - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch. I met Kunal in the Berkeley Claremont public library recently, and he's a journalist, a researcher out of Columbia University's Journalism school in NYC, with a recent degree from there, and originally from India, living now in Berkeley with his wife. Kunal, and All, would you like to join a WUaS Monday morning News / Q&A / Hangout soon-ish? 

Cheers, Scott

See, too, the 'global university' label in my daily blog - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/global%20university?m=0 ... 

* *
Hi All,

Here's the link to the Livestream beginning now - https://studio.golightstream.com/greenroom/2XuwrppdTQ

WUaS News Q & A is still very much the Hangout idea. Fritz will participate today in the Livestream, and asks some good questions (below) where I respond as well.



Hi Scott,

Thank you for the great NEWS about LiveStream!

Here is a thought that was triggered from a good friend of mine in Grenoble who asked me if I could also participate in creating a new constitution! I would most likely be interested if we can imagine a constitution that embraces the ‘undeniably’ ongoing digital transformation as a wonderfully enabling toolset.

(Question:) How could we develop educational means that let many people become really curious about developing a 'digital serious game' proposing a virtual constitution the can be simulated with millions of open-minded as well as 'not-so-open-minded’ people (often guided by a more conservative mindset) to figure out the best possible dynamics of such a new constitution with the objective of ‘creating a truly sustainable human future for ALL’ people on our precious planet?

By the way, there is a 90+ percent chance that I can participate in today’s livestream… I would love to receive an invitation.



Hi Fritz,

I'll send you the live stream link I know of from LightStream which I'm a newby in. And let's take it from there.

I'm familiar with Barlow's "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" - https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence - and think it hints at why the Internet in all ~200 countries hasn't adopted a Constitution yet. From the course I teach "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html - I think this also has to do with how the information age and the Internet have developed since, say, the 1950s, and chips. If we are able, let's explore examples of games that came before which might be precursors to the game you have in mind. (By way of comparison, I don't think of Wikipedia in its ~300 languages with millions of people, or any of its technologies, like Reasonator as a game, for example, and while there is one Wikidata/Wikipedia game I known, it hasn't gained that much traction yet). Will begin streaming in 15 minutes.

Cheers, Scott

* *

My pleasure, Scott,

Yes, we somehow have to understand how you can 'let the participants in' and show up in the smaller video windows on the right of the main video window where you showed up. Is this perhaps a new path we could explore offline together?

On the other hand, it looks like the YouTube link below is complete.

I hope this 2 Dec 2019 LightStream email finds you well. I'm a newby at LightStream video streaming which also Live Streams to Youtube, and LightStream appears to be in Beta too. But both Youtube recordings for today are here, however: 

World Univ & Sch 2 Dec 2019 Q & A and News - Bachelor, Ph.D., Law & Innovative Medical Schools 



Hi Fritz, and Peter, (and Larry),

Glad you saw, Fritz, that I bring up your question at about the 9 minute mark here -
World Univ & Sch 2 Dec 2019 Q & A and News - Bachelor, Ph.D., Law & Innovative Medical Schools

To invite you into LightStream at some point in the future, I think I need to choose 'scene 2' in LIghtStream, which I set up some weeks ago thanks to Peter Bothe, but haven't used before. Am not sure how I'd invite your video stream for this, for example, into my LightStream 'scene 2' in these regards. Will seek to do this, and then perhaps we can test it in a few Mondays.

Have a good conference in Grenoble, France, next week.

Here by the way are MIT OCW Sloan School of Management courses - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/ - which WUaS will build its undergraduate class's free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees on. Please keep in mind finding French and German online students who might be interested in an online Business degree first in English at WUaS. You'll find the initial courses WUaS is planning to offer here in the Course Catalog - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/.

(What brought you to William Penn Charter School in 1976 in the first place? What Quaker contacts in Germany, Fritz, or similar, if I might ask? )


Glad World University and School's YouTube channel is up and working again!


Araucaria araucana: Thanks for your email inquiry, interest and intent to apply to and matriculate at MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, toward an engineering degree * * * Writings are a bit hippy-informed, as does seem to be your art re your lunacy observations> See too the Hippy Van with Bed and Bath, and as Dorm Room, as well as Fitting a Drum Set into the following self-driving hospital prototype * * * * * Single family tree - presumably for 7.5 billion people, and World Univ & Sch seeks to help with a Wikidata Q-item #

Next: Panamanian golden frog: World University and School is also seeking to develop Engineering courses and degrees in a realistic virtual environment and with actual-virtual, physical-digital home robotics - think physical Lego Robotics' WeDo 2.0, Mindstorms EV3, SpikePrime in Brick Street View in Google Street View with Time Slider / Maps / Earth - and also with the Scratch 3.0 drag and drop programming language * * * Ethics? - perhaps to Richard Rorty in terms of ethics - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rorty/ - as well, and re his liberalism, his focus on social justice, appreciative too of Rorty's 'social gospel' thinking * * * Added about 10 more poems from 2011 to my now nearing complete poetry book manuscript "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! .... " (2019) ~ Almost ready to send manuscript to the Academic Press at World University and School for printing / publishing via KDP ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ...
Previous: Vercors Massif: Open WUaS News Q & A - 2 December 2019, 9am PT - inviting you too to participate in this Hangout conversation Q & A * * * Barlow's "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" - https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence - and think it hints at why the Internet in all ~200 countries hasn't adopted a Constitution yet * * * What brought you to William Penn Charter School in 1976 in the first place? What Quaker contacts in Germany, Fritz, or similar, if I might ask? * * * Here by the way are MIT OCW Sloan School of Management courses - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/ - which WUaS will build its undergraduate class's free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees on. Please keep in mind finding French and German online students who might be interested in an online Business degree first in English at WUaS * * * Glad World University and School's YouTube channel is up and working again!

To Whom It May Concern: 

I would like to enroll in the Bachelor's Degree Program in Engineering. Do I simply apply via e-mail like this? Do you need my transcripts from my previous college, W.S. Community College? Any further data would be greatly appreciated!!! 

Edward L.G.

Dear Edward,

Thanks for your email inquiry, interest and intent to apply to and matriculate at MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, toward an engineering degree. Would you still be interested if you would matriculate in September? WUaS is in the process of beginning the licensing process with the state of California's BPPE, and developing our web sites further - for applying too. I think a free-to-students' Bachelor degree, in the process of licensing and accrediting, will be much more valuable to you than otherwise. Please let me know what you think, and if I, or Larry Viehland above, can answer any specific questions you might have. Thank you for your time. 

Scott GK MacLeod

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  
- World University and School

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* *
Thanks for your email inquiry, interest & intent to apply to & matriculate at best STEM OCW-centric wiki World University & School for free-to-students' Bachelor degree, toward an engineering degree - info@ worlduniversityandschool.org
https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch ~


* * *
Have you checked out the 'Google' wiki subject page for open teaching & learning @WorldUnivAndSch https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects& the Academic wiki pages? The best STEM OpenCourseWare here eventually for FREE CREDIT? Let's add resignation of founders / CEOs - https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/03/technology/google-alphabet-ceo-larry-page-sundar-pichai.html !


* * * 
Writings are a bit hippy-informed, as does seem to be your art re your lunacy observations> See too the Hippy Van with Bed and Bath, and as Dorm Room, as well as Fitting a Drum Set into the following self-driving hospital prototype

Scott MacLeod

to Susan, Derrick, Edith, Sandy, Susan, Karen, Alden, Janie, Scott, Ann, catherinemuller57, Pete, Jennifer, Jen, Scott, MacLeod

Hi Susan and Mark, and All,

Thanks for your emails. Yes, Susan, my writings are a bit hippy-informed, as does seem to be your art re your 'lunacy' observations> See too the Hippy Van with Bed and Bath, and as Dorm Room, as well as Fitting a Drum Set into the following self-driving hospital prototype here in this blog entry -

Dolphin (playful species): Take me to the hospital, or Call me a hospital, Or be that rolling hospital ~ ~ ~ a Harbin warm pool in, in ... in virtual Reality? :0) * * * Magna Carta history * * * Hospital? YES #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords each a #WikidataQitem # for 7.5 billion @WorldUnivAndSch YES Soaking Meditation re psychotherapy? YES, Rotate for #TeleRoboticSurgery? YES, Medical School YES * * * Hippy Van with Bed & for Soaking in #RealisticVirtualHarbin YES, For #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital Harbin Hot Springs' comparative ethnography @HarbinBook YES & for Watsu water shiatsu * * * In your LANGUAGE: Individual University Dorm room wi Bed & Bath, Academic comparative STEM studies @HarbinBook YES * Fill wi #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning in your LANGUAGE @WorldUnivAndSch will sell @WUaSPress wi Hardware & Software given 1 billion cars in world * Virtual space ship to Mars too :) ... * Drum set in here too * * * WUaS - World University and School to Nontheist-Friends Glad we're keeping the friendly Quaker language of Thee and Thou re Oxford Professor Teresa Began @TMBejan

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/dolphin-playful-species-take-me-to.html - from yesterday, and much more (it's another interesting blog post, ie see the one from the day before as well - 20 Nov 2019, re personal gene sequencers for 6.5 billion people :)

I've just added my mother's photo in front of the Magna Carta monument to this blog post as well.

Mark, brainstorming-wise, and re DNA in WikiTree, I haven't looked into this, but DNA Ancestry seems to do DNA samples well (as confusing as DNA can be, as well as brainstorming too, sometimes ... blog reads 'up':)!

Am not sure how WikiTree does with genetic samples, but they continue to have a stated goal of a single family tree (presumably for 7.5 billion people, and World Univ & Sch seeks to help with a Wikidata Q-item # for everyone, for a variety of other reasons too).

More developments, and individuals, from the Chadbourne line, I've discovered here in WikiTree ...







- http://scottmacleod.com/family.htm

- http://scottmacleod.com/ScottMacLeodFamilyHistory.htm

'Gordon K MacLeod MD' label - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Gordon%20K.%20MacLeod%20MD

'genes' label in blog - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/genes

- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/MacLeod-2524

Our Ancestry.com profiles -

Derrick Leigh -

Mark K MacLeod

Scott MacLeod


The Tudor symbolism of the horse harness certainly would not have been missed by Lt. Chadbourne’s wife, Sarah Bolles Chadbourne, who was a descendant of King Edward I (1272-1307). Sarah’s father, Joseph, was a gentleman, born at his parent’s estate of Oberton Manor, in Nottinghamshire, and one of the few gentlemen to take up residence in Maine. Joseph had been an early immigrant, a high office holder and a leading citizen of Wells. Bolles’s daughters were probably the only young ladies in Maine of known royal descent.  Humphrey Jr.’s marriage to one of the Bolles girls bolstered the claim of gentle status for himself and his descendants. The marriage also allied him with another prominent merchant family, for Sarah’s oldest sister was married to Major Charles Frost, another of the leading magistrates and merchants in southern Maine.



Panamanian golden frog: World University and School is also seeking to develop Engineering courses and degrees in a realistic virtual environment and with actual-virtual, physical-digital home robotics - think physical Lego Robotics' WeDo 2.0, Mindstorms EV3, SpikePrime in Brick Street View in Google Street View with Time Slider / Maps / Earth - and also with the Scratch 3.0 drag and drop programming language * * * Ethics? - perhaps to Richard Rorty in terms of ethics - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rorty/ - as well, and re his liberalism, his focus on social justice, appreciative too of Rorty's 'social gospel' thinking * * * Added about 10 more poems from 2011 to my now nearing complete poetry book manuscript "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! .... " (2019) ~ Almost ready to send manuscript to the Academic Press at World University and School for printing / publishing via KDP ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ...


Edward and Larry,

Edward, per your inquiry about World University and School:

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/araucaria-araucana-thanks-for-your.html >

Araucaria araucana: Thanks for your email inquiry, interest and intent to apply to and matriculate at MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, toward an engineering degree * * * Writings are a bit hippy-informed, as does seem to be your art re your lunacy observations> See too the Hippy Van with Bed and Bath, and as Dorm Room, as well as Fitting a Drum Set into the following self-driving hospital prototype * * * * * Single family tree - presumably for 7.5 billion people, and World Univ & Sch seeks to help with a Wikidata Q-item #

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/araucaria-araucana-thanks-for-your.html ...


Hi Edward and Larry,

WUaS will contact you when it's possible to apply and matriculate for free-to-students' licensing, online MIT OCW-centric Bachelor's degrees at World University and School. For your information, and in the meantime, please see:

MIT OCW - Engineering

MITx Courses and Related OCW Courseware

OpenCourseWare bundles for edX

MITx Courses on edX

MITx: Free online courses from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

World University and School is also seeking to develop Engineering courses and degrees in a realistic virtual environment and with 1-1 correspondence actual-virtual, physical-digital home robotics - think physical Lego Robotics' WeDo 2.0, Mindstorms EV3, SpikePrime in Brick Street View in Google Street View with Time Slider / Maps / Earth - and also with the Scratch 3.0 drag and drop programming language (and please check out this recent hour-long Scratch introduction - 
https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1201685428501270528?s=20 - and feel free to attend an hour of code next week online as well). See, too, the #hasttag - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?src=hashtag_click ...  

Licensing and accreditation will help WUaS build a much better platform in these regards than otherwise as well. 

Please let me know what you think, and if I, or Larry Viehland above, can answer any specific questions you might have. Thank you again for your time. 

Sincerely, Scott


- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  

- World University and School

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

By a realistic virtual earth environment for robotics, but focused on Lego scale, I mean something like this -

and re ... "realistic virtual environment and with 1-1 correspondence actual-virtual, physical-digital home robotics - think physical Lego Robotics' WeDo 2.0, Mindstorms EV3, SpikePrime in Brick Street View in Google Street View with Time Slider / Maps / Earth - and also with the Scratch 3.0 drag and drop programming language" ...

Realistic Virtual Harbin #RealisticVirtualHarbin For PLAY #RealisticVirtualEarthForPlay re #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital SpotMini ~ https://twitter.com/MIT_CSAIL/status/994979618963755009?s=20… with LEGO #LegoRobotics & in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics & for HOME  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics @WorldUnivAndSch ~


* * * 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019 

Hi Ma,

Are you doing alright? How are you?

I think I have ethics' inquiries heading in about 8 directions now (some of which I've touched on in this blog), having 'whistle-blown' in these regards in recent years. Cosmic Skeptic Atheist Alex (an Oxford graduate student in theology as an atheist, interestingly) helped focus some of these questions in recent weeks further for me (and re CA Quakers esp.), & re questions of somehow right and wrong ... and out here in curious California ... (and with an unfolding actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project continuing to develop as well - mostly in my blog these days). Blogged a bit after emailing the Nontheist Friends' email list about addressing, or thinking about, (LG...?) wrongdoing recently ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/dolphin-playful-species-take-me-to.html?m=0 (but 'ethics' isn't a label here ... since I keep running out of label space:). How to generate an ethics' conversation further at Stanford, 125 years into its history, for example (or in California too), I'm not sure I want to get into, but .. seeking to help protect potential victims (of the sex trade, for example) has much much merit, beyond questions of law, and scofflaws too ... curious world we live in ... I think it's the negative vortex (rogue-like?) aspects of culture in California which open possibilities for change and even learning or education ... and hippy counterculture, for example, probably happens any way ... and re further ethnographic research ahead? Am aware too that the Dutch address ethical questions as an identity or people differently from the English (Alex) from people in India, from peoples and nationalities with intense and in depth philosophical examinations of ethical questions. Am appreciative in these regards too of living in California (my ethnography writing, and thinking in general, at times goes to 'place' in my analysis in these regards ... perhaps to Richard Rorty in terms of ethics - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rorty/ - as well, and re his liberalism, his focus on social justice, appreciative too of Rorty's 'social gospel' thinking from his mother's father - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Rorty).

Looks like I'll have a lesson with Finlay on Wednesday in a week, I'm glad to say. Working on finishing up publishing my poetry book, - and may head to 4 free museums today in SF - https://sf.funcheap.com/city-guide/monthly-free-museum-days/. Time too to start playing a lot before 12/11/19, and after playing yesterday evening in Open Band, for example .... still seeking to bring my vision for "Honey in the Bag" album, and inspired daily playing, further into focus :)

What are you up to this week? Anyway ... :)

Love, Scott

Interesting name for a museum (given California's possible legacy of what I'll call, and perhaps have observed, rogue-like ethics, but perhaps as aspiration and linguistically, it's worth thinking about further ... :)

Legion of Honor
FREE First Tuesdays
FREE Every Saturday for SF Residents – Starting April 6, 2019
This exquisite Beaux-Arts building, located on a perch with an unbelievable view overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, houses a collection of 4,000 years of ancient and European arts. Special exhibition surcharges may apply.
– 100 34th Ave, San Francisco
– confirmed 11/17/19

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
FREE First Tuesdays
Multidisciplinary art center features exhibitions, performances, film/video and rotating art exhibits with a focus on contemporary and emerging artists from the Bay Area and beyond.
– 3rd and Mission, San Francisco – BART: Powell Street
– confirmed 11/17/19

de Young Museum
FREE First Tuesdays
FREE Every Saturday for SF Residents
One of the most visited art museums in the country, the de Young showcases a priceless collection of American art from the 17th through 20th centuries along with art from Central and South America and the Pacific, in addition to an impressive collection of textiles. Special exhibition fees may apply. The de Young also hosts a free “Friday Nights at the de Young” program which runs seasonally (typically in the fall).
– 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
– confirmed 11/17/19

Museum of Craft and Design
FREE First Tuesdays
After six years in Union Square and two years of pop-ups, the Museum of Craft & Design opened up their permanent location in the Dogpatch. Rather than featuring paintings or traditional sculpture, the museum showcases other types of artwork that range from furniture, kinetic sculptures, and jewelry.
– 2569 Third Street, San Francisco
– confirmed 11/17/19

* * * 

Good morning, Ma!

Very nice to talk last night again - and also about recording my upcoming of "Honey in the Bag" Scottish small pipes' album ... how to record without the bellow's sounds is an interesting question.

Added about 10 more poems from 2011 to my now nearing complete poetry book manuscript "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! .... " (2019) last night. So my manuscript is now about 146 pages long, longer than last years' book "Winding Road Rainbow" (2018) of about 100 pages ... Have drafted the Forward too, as well as some of the information at the back of the book. Almost ready to send manuscript to the Academic Press at World University and School for printing / publishing via KDP ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ... This volume will then include my poems from 2010 and 2011, whereas "Winding Road Rainbow ... " (2018) included most poems from 2008-2009, I think. And "Haiku-ish ... " (2017) included all of my short sweet Haiku~ish (of course:)! As I now read through this manuscript for the following themes ~Harbin, ~ virtual reality, and ~sequencing of poems, possibly as journey, - potentially too as VR develops with regards to how one might experience each poem (written in 2010-2011) newly in VR Glasses, for example :) These are interesting innovation ideas, as
well as some poems in these regards too.

Explore becoming friends? - if I spend more time in Cambridge, MA, in the New Year at Harvard and MIT, with
Eric Schilling and Zoe Bentley -


To help grow World Univ & Sch? -
Brittany Bir -

(Am meeting on Wednesday 12/11 at Schoolab's offices' Grand Opening in SF from 11-11, for a welcoming CEOs Jean-Claude Charlet and Matthieu Aguesse ... with great day long opportunities to talk with many Schoolab people about World Univ & Sch as well).

Here I be at Magnussen's Toyota Palo Alto and getting a 5000 mile service, on a 4th generation Prius c car that's working pretty well.

What are you up to today and for the rest of the week? (Will likely blog again partly about ethics!)


- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com



Red-eyed treefrog: Significance of the metaphor of 'virus' itself to the idea of meme * * * 'Memorial flowers for Gordon at the church today from the three of us' re questions of CONSCIOUSNESS in terms of writing, psychotherapy, Yoga and philosophy * * * How consciousness as awareness 'works' in brain (s) with processes of virality in social media is another related interesting question

Next: Kakum National Park (Ghana): ghetto intellectual™ @kzshabazz - "that's all you got, robot?" * "Watch Boston Dynamics’ humanoid robot Atlas show off its parkour skills #Robotics #AI #technology #ArtificialIntelligence" * Just searched on 'Lego Robotics in Ghana': ... * best @kzshabazz & @Julez_Norton to get MIT OCW into Ghanian language … so Ghanians & other Africans can make amazing robots, first with Lego? at Ghana WUaS ... & into New Zealand WUaS (eventually too) * * * France World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/France (not yet with much OCW, or in French) accessible from * "French is an official language in 29 countries, of which: 13 where French is the only official language: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, France, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Republic of the Congo, Senegal, Togo" * French language World Univ & Schs (planned in 29 countries where French is official language) & where all 29 major online universities in the French language will emerge or Bach. PhD, Law, MD & IB degrees * * * * Building on the ~2500 @MITOCW courses in English (+ in 4 other Langs) & creating NEW courses creatively, in what ways can WUaS facilitate giving graduate student instructors HarvardX THREADS' platform - https://www.edx.org/course/juryx-deliberations-for-social-change > Conference Method online * * * * Am curious @karen_brennan if #CreativeComputing could hold #CSEdWeek w #ScratchEdMeetup in Middletown, CA (California), near Harbin Hot Springs (@HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin) & to coincide with development of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?
Previous: Panamanian golden frog: World University and School is also seeking to develop Engineering courses and degrees in a realistic virtual environment and with actual-virtual, physical-digital home robotics - think physical Lego Robotics' WeDo 2.0, Mindstorms EV3, SpikePrime in Brick Street View in Google Street View with Time Slider / Maps / Earth - and also with the Scratch 3.0 drag and drop programming language * * * Ethics? - perhaps to Richard Rorty in terms of ethics - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rorty/ - as well, and re his liberalism, his focus on social justice, appreciative too of Rorty's 'social gospel' thinking * * * Added about 10 more poems from 2011 to my now nearing complete poetry book manuscript "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! .... " (2019) ~ Almost ready to send manuscript to the Academic Press at World University and School for printing / publishing via KDP ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ...

Scott MacLeod helianth@gmail.com

Wed, Dec 4, 6:38 PM (15 hours ago)
to RishiTarletonScottGoharair-l@listserv.aoir.org
Gohar, Rishi, Tarleton and AoIR,

While your questions and the book Rishi mentions touch on virality, I'd like to bring up the significance of the metaphor of 'virus' itself to the idea of meme ... I'm reminded of the rabies virus in these regards, which infects its host (am thinking, for ex., raccoon) to become aggressive and thirsty which microscopic virus infection leads the raccoon to bite another mammal, thus spreading the virus - or meme, perchance. It's a vivid example. 

Here's Dawkins who, I think, coined the word meme re gene in his 1976 book "The Selfish Gene" (p. 12?) - 

"Memes should be regarded as living structures, not just metaphorically but technically," writes Dawkins in "The Selfish Gene". "When you plant a fertile meme in my mind, you literally parasitize my brain, turning it into a vehicle for the meme's propagation in just the way that a virus may parasitize the genetic mechanism of a host cell. And this isn't just a way of talking -- the meme for, say, 'belief in life after death' is actually realized physically, millions of times over, as a structure in the nervous systems of people all over the world."

I'm not clear in the information age how social media memes could be newly studied "not just metaphorically but technically," but it's something  MIT OCW-centric wiki World University & School (in all 7111 known living languages) would like to examine re developing a single realistic virtual earth for brain science too - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/brain-and-cognitive-sciences/  (and at the cellular and atomic levels - am thinking Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth with TensorFlow, with avatar bots for species and their brains). In what ways could we begin to see how ideas in the brain stimulate neural firing - and with brain wave headsets, and dreadlock EEG headsets, for example, to begin - and from in front of our computers, especially? And for example here - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM?src=hashtag_click .

Cheers, Scott

On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 9:30 AM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:
Just searched on "Manuel Castells and virality" (am a Castellian in many ways with regards to the Information Age), and found: 

"Castells emphasizes that the idea is, we’re not alone in the world. These movements are organized by anyone, they achieve Virality through the connection of the minds." ... from ...  https://civic.mit.edu/2014/02/20/manuel-castells-the-space-of-autonomy-cyberspace-and-urban-space-in-networked-social/ -


Karine Nahon, in her recent book Going Viral (http://www.amazon.com/Going-Viral-Karine-Nahon/dp/0745671292) describes the constant process of virality in networked communication. In the movement context, anything you start in one place has the possibility of emerging in other locations. “Tunisia is the Solution” was a slogan across the Arab uprisings. The old slogan was “Islam is the solution.” In Syria people rose up saying “We’ll do it like in Egypt.” In Bahrain, the same: replicating. Castells emphasizes that the idea is, we’re not alone in the world. These movements are organized by anyone, they achieve Virality through the connection of the minds."

Seeking to 'viralize' MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, as well:

On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 10:13 AM Rishi Arora <rishigarora@uchicago.edu> wrote:
A few years old but big fan of this one - Virality: Contagion Theory in the Age of Networks (Tony Sampson)

From: Air-L <air-l-bounces@listserv.aoir.org> on behalf of Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 11:26:36 AM
To: Tarleton L. Gillespie <tlg28@cornell.edu>; Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>
Cc: air-l@listserv.aoir.org <air-l@listserv.aoir.org>
Subject: Re: [Air-L] Some questions by a student

Here's "Going Viral" in the ACM Digital Library -
https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2601815 - and a book review about it -

And here's "The World Made Meme" -
https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/world-made-meme - and a book review about it
- too.

I find Milner's definition of meme helpful - “multimodal texts that
facilitate participation by reappropriation, by balancing a fixed premise
with novel expression” (p. 14) ( in the above book review, and with regard
to the 'replicating cultural unit' idea in this 'meme' label in blog -

worlduniversityandschool.org (like best STEM CC-4 OCW / OpenCourseWare in
5 languages, with Wikipedia in 300 languages).

On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 6:26 AM Tarleton L. Gillespie <tlg28@cornell.edu>

> I would direct the student to the books Going Viral, by Karine Nahon and
> Jeff Hemsley, and The World Made Meme, by Ryan Milner.
> On 11/19/19, 6:33 PM, "Air-L on behalf of Gohar F. Khan"<
air-l-bounces@listserv.aoir.org on behalf of gohar.feroz@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Greetings,
>     A student asked me to provide my opinion on the following questions.
> Some
>     of these questions are easy to answer but others require independent
>     research inquiry (and data) to answer it.
>     I will appreciate your thoughts and possible responses to these
> questions,
>     if possible. Or perhaps share some articles which may have answered
> some of
>     your questions.
>        1. What is the ‘definition’ of a viral trend?
>        2. What qualities define a social media (viral) trend?
>        3. How are social media trends usually started?
>        4. How do social media trends become global trends?
>        5. What social media platforms display most of these trends?
>        6. How long do social media trends usually last for? Why?
>        7. What causes a trend to lose popularity?
>        8. What have been some of the most significant viral trends in the
> past
>        decade?
>        9. What were the more popular social media platforms in the
> beginning of
>        the 2010’s?
>        10. Are there any viral trends that have caused big changes
> socially,
>        either positively or negatively, in the past decade? If so, what
> trend was
>        it and what was the effect?
>        11. What viral trends do you know of from the past decade?
>        12. What are the current most popular social media platforms?
>     Thanks,
>     Gohar
>     --
>     Dr. Gohar Khan | Senior Lecturer of Digital Business | Undergraduate
> and
>     Graduate Convenor for Digital Business   |   School of Management &
>     Marketing  |  Faculty of Management  |  University of Waikato
>     Private Bag 3105  |  Hamilton 3240  |  New Zealand
>     | +64 7 838 4233  | gohar.khan@waikato.ac.nz  | office: MSB.2.32D  /
> Web:
>     gfkhan.wordpress.com
>     Check out my books on social media analytics and digital marketing
> analytics
>     _______________________________________________
>     The Air-L@listserv.aoir.org mailing list
>     is provided by the Association of Internet Researchers http://aoir.org
>     Subscribe, change options or unsubscribe at:
>     Join the Association of Internet Researchers:
>     http://www.aoir.org/
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> The Air-L@listserv.aoir.org mailing list
> is provided by the Association of Internet Researchers http://aoir.org
> Subscribe, change options or unsubscribe at:
> Join the Association of Internet Researchers:


- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric
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* *
Hi Gohar, and AoIR,

Thanks for your email as well an hour ago. I've explored this a bit in this blog entry - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/red-eyed-treefrog-significance-of.html - and loosely too in relation to ideas about consciousness (as awareness in a western Philosophy of Mind sense, but in other ways as well), and in the 'meme' label here.

How consciousness as awareness 'works' in brain (s) with processes of virality in social media is another related interesting question.

- https://www.amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity
Excited to announce that my book 'To the Dance or the Pools? Virtually! ~ ... in Virtual Reality' from @WUaSPress will be out this month - where in poetry I explore #Harbin, #Consciousness & in VR Glasses ~Artwork on cover is from a #VirtualWorld @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin ~


* * *

Memorial flowers for Gordon at the church today from the three of us

Scott MacLeod
9:48 AM (4 minutes ago)
to Janie, Sandy

Hi Ma, and Sandy,

Thought I might send these ideas to you, Ma, in the 'writing' email thread, but I think I'll do so in this thread.

Re consciousness, I think both in writing, as well as in talk psychotherapy, awareness emerges and that this can be so edifying. (Am exploring consciousness questions these days some - and am exploring even beginning teaching Yoga again here in Canyon on a Saturday or Sunday morning). Appreciating what we can learn from becoming conscious.

With writing, when a writer helps make a reader aware of something one hadn't thought of before, this can be fascinating, and perhaps a reason why people read even. (Am appreciative too of the freedom of the press in this country, and the legacy of libraries here and around the world - as well as the myriad of books there are these days. C'est incroyable! ... looked up etymology - https://www.etymonline.com/word/incroyable - so I looked up its meaning in English - : "too extraordinary and improbable to be believed").

With (licensed by state) psychotherapy (eg Lacanian psychoanalysis combined with John Money's writings too?), becoming conscious of something can lead to changing a behavior (which could be problematic for oneself or to others), or ways of thinking or feeling.

Yoga has long had a focus on consciousness too, but it's mired in conceptions of the divine, and religious narratives from India, and, yet, it also includes ideas for becoming aware or sentient, and even for creating well-being of consciousness. Am also appreciative that in India (historically too), philosophical questions of consciousness are bound with, in one way or another, moral or ethical questions, and in terms of well-being too (and I write this from California).

In my ongoing thinking about consciousness re questions in philosophy, (western philosophy of Mind, it's sometimes called), am aware of how challenging it is at this point to explain awareness knowledgeably, scientifically, - personally or subjectively too - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/chameleon-vision-poem-to-dance-or-pools.html?m=0. And am appreciative too that people are thinking rigorously about these questions.

Re Dad, am appreciative too that after he was impaired in Belize with the first (and then second! spontaneous) subdural hematoma, that we did Yoga together in Pittsburgh, and that he was able to find a state of meditation (eg he elicited the relaxation response) ... a kind of ease of consciousness.

So, am appreciative once again, Ma, of your sharing these flowers in memory of Dad - re consciousness in these regards too - and on behalf of the 3 of us, and in the Unitarian church, where Dad's memorial was held. Thank you.

Just some thoughts about consciousness on a Thursday morning in December :) Am hoping you're both having good weeks.

Love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com


Kakum National Park (Ghana): ghetto intellectual™ @kzshabazz - "that's all you got, robot?" * "Watch Boston Dynamics’ humanoid robot Atlas show off its parkour skills #Robotics #AI #technology #ArtificialIntelligence" * Just searched on 'Lego Robotics in Ghana': ... * best @kzshabazz & @Julez_Norton to get MIT OCW into Ghanian language … so Ghanians & other Africans can make amazing robots, first with Lego? at Ghana WUaS ... & into New Zealand WUaS (eventually too) * * * France World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/France (not yet with much OCW, or in French) accessible from * "French is an official language in 29 countries, of which: 13 where French is the only official language: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, France, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Republic of the Congo, Senegal, Togo" * French language World Univ & Schs (planned in 29 countries where French is official language) & where all 29 major online universities in the French language will emerge or Bach. PhD, Law, MD & IB degrees * * * * Building on the ~2500 @MITOCW courses in English (+ in 4 other Langs) & creating NEW courses creatively, in what ways can WUaS facilitate giving graduate student instructors HarvardX THREADS' platform - https://www.edx.org/course/juryx-deliberations-for-social-change > Conference Method online * * * * Am curious @karen_brennan if #CreativeComputing could hold #CSEdWeek w #ScratchEdMeetup in Middletown, CA (California), near Harbin Hot Springs (@HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin) & to coincide with development of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?


ghetto intellectual™
Dec 5
Replying to
@Julez_Norton and @WorldUnivAndSch
that's all you got, robot?


Watch Boston Dynamics’ humanoid robot Atlas show off its parkour skills #Robotics #AI #technology #ArtificialIntelligence



Dec 5
Replying to
Hey Kwame: As powerful as they are, they all run out of battery life quickly these days. Can we bring these two https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1063650773261664256?s=20 together competition-wise? What's happening with Lego Robotics with Scratch drag-&-drop programming in Ghana these days? Write paper together?


Just searched on 'Lego Robotics in Ghana':
 In what ways could we @kzshabazz & @Julez_Norton even set up #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital FLL competitions online with Lego Robotics?


And how best @kzshabazz & @Julez_Norton to get MIT OCW into Ghanian languages, eg  https://twitter.com/ishii_mit_BOT/status/1202362124493737984… so Ghanians & other Africans can make amazing robots, first with Lego? > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ghana & into New Zealand WUaS (accessible here eventually https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States…)


* *

Looks like there's even an #ActualVirtual, #PhysicalDigital GOOGLE scenario happening in StreetView here https://technologyreview.com/the-download/612426/google-is-closing-a-bipedal-robot-project-but-the-robot-revolution-is-far-from/ that could be adapted to Lego Robotics' scale, for far more design innovation ahead (e.g. by multiple Stanford students - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/11/flying-fish-robotics-schools-check-out.html :)


* * * *
France World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/France (not yet with much OCW, or in French) accessible from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States& where all ~200 countries major online universities in their official / main languages will emerge from) ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org ...


"French is an official language in 29 countries, of which: 13 where French is the only official language: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, France, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Republic of the Congo, Senegal, Togo" https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Countries_where_French_is_an_official_language.svg~


French language World Univ & Schs https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/French_language (planned in 29 countries where French is official language) < https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States& where all 29 major online universities in the French language will emerge http://worlduniversityandschool.org for Bach. PhD, Law, MD & IB degrees


* * * *
Building on the ~2500 @MITOCW courses in English (+ in 4 other Langs) & creating NEW courses creatively, in what ways can WUaS facilitate giving graduate student instructors HarvardX THREADS' platform - https://www.edx.org/course/juryx-deliberations-for-social-change> Conference Method online  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning ?


* * * *


Am curious @karen_brennan if #CreativeComputing could hold #CSEdWeek w #ScratchEdMeetup in Middletown, CA (California), near Harbin Hot Springs (@HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin) & to coincide with development of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?






Delta smelt (San Francisco Bay Estuary): Greetings from the Legion of Honor museum in San Francisco - a brief tour @WorldUnivAndSch introduction ~ info@ http://worlduniversityandschool.org ~ Planning ALL Museums in #RealisticVirtualEarthForMuseums * * * The @WUaSPress seeks to become listed on all ~200 countries' stockmarkets, and in their languages - esp. as a way to help small countries develop, - and via, brainstorming-wise, collaborating with a Google to write the software whereby companies can get listed on countries' stock markets, Much of my thinking is both Google/Alphabet-centric, as well as Stanford-centric re coding questions in this email thread, Jean-Claude, and re your connection as an alumnus of the Stanford GSB as well

Next: Sugarloaf Mountain (Massachusetts): GrowIng World Univ And Sch CAMPUS in Realistic Virtual Earth For Robotics for RESEARCH eg How to wiki-add Drawings from sKetchuP +Pics into SketchFab into Google Street View w TIME SLIDER w Second Life (but realistic) with Brick Street View for Lego Robotics w Scratch 3 . . . And How to get #VR of Hugh Gatt's flint-knapped blade https://skfb.ly/6LWJN - into Google Street View for Archaeology 1) when blade was made 10s of 1000s years ago, 2) where it was dug up, 3) in what collection it is now * * * See much, much need for excellent MD psychiatry (e.g. https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry) these days, and available easily online - and both excellent and very smart - and with psychiatrists from diverse backgrounds and religious & identity traditions especially - but especially science / medicine knowledgeable, and potentially licensed by each of ~200 countries' nation states/countries! . . . Perhaps AI psychiatrists will emerge with time ... and yet partly dramatically changing the nature of privacy and confidentiality in psychiatry (and in multiple languages), - For example, an AI psychiatrist wouldn't be a person, and so couldn't breach an analysand's or client's or patient's or 'call the sufferer of mental health disorders what you will' confidentiality or privacy (MD psychiatrist George Alexander's saying he's heard psychiatrists talk about their patients at cocktail parties), and, yet to protect others and so the state too could license and regulate effectively, recordings of sessions could be made as well . . . Am not clear what countries do psychiatry, and now online, best * * * Former US President Jimmy Carter's 1995 book of poetry "Always a Reckoning"
Previous: Kakum National Park (Ghana): ghetto intellectual™ @kzshabazz - "that's all you got, robot?" * "Watch Boston Dynamics’ humanoid robot Atlas show off its parkour skills #Robotics #AI #technology #ArtificialIntelligence" * Just searched on 'Lego Robotics in Ghana': ... * best @kzshabazz & @Julez_Norton to get MIT OCW into Ghanian language … so Ghanians & other Africans can make amazing robots, first with Lego? at Ghana WUaS ... & into New Zealand WUaS (eventually too) * * * France World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/France (not yet with much OCW, or in French) accessible from * "French is an official language in 29 countries, of which: 13 where French is the only official language: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, France, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Republic of the Congo, Senegal, Togo" * French language World Univ & Schs (planned in 29 countries where French is official language) & where all 29 major online universities in the French language will emerge or Bach. PhD, Law, MD & IB degrees * * * * Building on the ~2500 @MITOCW courses in English (+ in 4 other Langs) & creating NEW courses creatively, in what ways can WUaS facilitate giving graduate student instructors HarvardX THREADS' platform - https://www.edx.org/course/juryx-deliberations-for-social-change > Conference Method online * * * * Am curious @karen_brennan if #CreativeComputing could hold #CSEdWeek w #ScratchEdMeetup in Middletown, CA (California), near Harbin Hot Springs (@HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin) & to coincide with development of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?

Greetings from the Legion of Honor museum in San Francisco - a brief tour @WorldUnivAndSch introduction ~ info@ http://worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod Languages-World Univ: @sgkmacleod @WUaSPress) Planning ALL Museums in #RealisticVirtualEarthForMuseums >https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Museums ~




* * *
Spanish is an official language in 20 countries
French in 29
Arabic in 25 or 26
Chinese in 5 countries/territories
>https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States …
But beyond free-to-students' Bach. PhD, Law, MD & IB degrees in MAIN langs of ~200 countries, WUaS seeks to create wiki schs in 7k langs


WUaS seeks to create WIKI schools in 7k langs https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages  for FLOURISHING open teaching/learning beyond free-to-students' Bach. PhD, Law, MD & IB degrees in official/MAIN languages of ~200 countries: Spanish in 20 countries
French in 29
Arabic in 25
Chinese in 5 ...


* *

Again, (and from - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/delta-smelt-san-francisco-bay-estuary.html - and see just below):

French is an official language in 29 countries, of which: 13 where French is the only official language: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, France, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Republic of the Congo, Senegal, Togo https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Countries_where_French_is_an_official_language.svg…~


Kakum National Park (Ghana): ghetto intellectual™ @kzshabazz - "that's all you got, robot?" * "Watch Boston Dynamics’ humanoid robot Atlas show off its parkour skills #Robotics #AI #technology #ArtificialIntelligence" * Just searched on 'Lego Robotics in Ghana': ... * best @kzshabazz & @Julez_Norton to get MIT OCW into Ghanian language … so Ghanians & other Africans can make amazing robots, first with Lego? at Ghana WUaS ... & into New Zealand WUaS (eventually too) * * * France World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/France (not yet with much OCW, or in French) accessible from * "French is an official language in 29 countries, of which: 13 where French is the only official language: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, France, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Republic of the Congo, Senegal, Togo" * French language World Univ & Schs (planned in 29 countries where French is official language) & where all 29 major online universities in the French language will emerge or Bach. PhD, Law, MD & IB degrees * * * * Building on the ~2500 @MITOCW courses in English (+ in 4 other Langs) & creating NEW courses creatively, in what ways can WUaS facilitate giving graduate student instructors HarvardX THREADS' platform - https://www.edx.org/course/juryx-deliberations-for-social-change > Conference Method online * * * * Am curious @karen_brennan if #CreativeComputing could hold #CSEdWeek w #ScratchEdMeetup in Middletown, CA (California), near Harbin Hot Springs (@HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin) & to coincide with development of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/delta-smelt-san-francisco-bay-estuary.html -

* * *

The @WUaSPress seeks to become listed on all ~200 countries' stockmarkets, and in their languages - esp. as a way to help small countries develop, - and via, brainstorming-wise, collaborating with a Google to write the software whereby companies can get listed on countries' stock markets




WUaS Corp / Press seeks to become listed on all ~200 countries' stockmarkets, and in their languages - esp. as a way to help small countries develop, - and via, brainstorming-wise, collaborating with Google to write the software whereby companies can get listed on countries' mkts



The @WUaSPress seeks to become listed on all ~200 countries' stockmarkets esp as way to help small countries develop, - and via collaborating with a 'Google' to write the software whereby companies can get listed on countries' mkts. How @brittanydbir @rzembo best to talk more?



* *

Jean-Claude, Mathieu, Brittany, Cian and Larry, 

One further ginormous brainstorming before meeting you on Wednesday, - and which I just Tweeted to both Brittany, as well a Robert Z, who is the CTO at the Vanguard Mutual Fund Group in the Philadelphia area, I think. 

 seeks to become listed on all ~200 countries' stock markets, and in their languages - esp. as a way to help small countries develop, - and via, brainstorming-wise, collaborating with a Google to write the software whereby companies can get listed on countries' mats

Languages-World Univ: https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1203346651890348032?s=20


 seeks to become listed on all ~200 countries' stock markets esp. as a way to help small countries develop, - and via collaborating with a 'Google' to write the software whereby companies can get listed on countries' mkts. How
 best to talk further?


Much of my thinking is both Google/Alphabet-centric, as well as Stanford-centric re coding questions in this email thread, Jean-Claude, and re your connection as an alumnus of the Stanford GSB as well.

Looking forward to talking with you all of you on Wednesday, and meeting you, Jean-Claude! (I have neither Brittany nor Cian's email addresses, so please forward these to them, if possible!) Thank you.

Best regards, Scott

* *

How many stock markets are there in 200 countries?
 How could
 list on all 200 countries?




Sugarloaf Mountain (Massachusetts): GrowIng World Univ And Sch CAMPUS in Realistic Virtual Earth For Robotics for RESEARCH eg How to wiki-add Drawings from sKetchuP +Pics into SketchFab into Google Street View w TIME SLIDER w Second Life (but realistic) with Brick Street View for Lego Robotics w Scratch 3 . . . And How to get #VR of Hugh Gatt's flint-knapped blade https://skfb.ly/6LWJN - into Google Street View for Archaeology 1) when blade was made 10s of 1000s years ago, 2) where it was dug up, 3) in what collection it is now * * * See much, much need for excellent MD psychiatry (e.g. https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry) these days, and available easily online - and both excellent and very smart - and with psychiatrists from diverse backgrounds and religious & identity traditions especially - but especially science / medicine knowledgeable, and potentially licensed by each of ~200 countries' nation states/countries! . . . Perhaps AI psychiatrists will emerge with time ... and yet partly dramatically changing the nature of privacy and confidentiality in psychiatry (and in multiple languages), - For example, an AI psychiatrist wouldn't be a person, and so couldn't breach an analysand's or client's or patient's or 'call the sufferer of mental health disorders what you will' confidentiality or privacy (MD psychiatrist George Alexander's saying he's heard psychiatrists talk about their patients at cocktail parties), and, yet to protect others and so the state too could license and regulate effectively, recordings of sessions could be made as well . . . Am not clear what countries do psychiatry, and now online, best * * * Former US President Jimmy Carter's 1995 book of poetry "Always a Reckoning"


 CAMPUS in #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics for RESEARCH eg How to wiki-add Drawings < sKetchuP +Pics > SketchFab> https://skfb.ly/6LWJN> #GoogleStreetView w TIME SLIDER w SL w #BrickStreetView for #LegoRobotics w #Scratch3 -
https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1203734357501853696?s=20 -


How to get #VR of Hugh Gatt's flint-knapped blade https://skfb.ly/6LWJN - https://twitter.com/clmorgan/status/1202628882089857024 into Google Street View w time slider w SL #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology 1) when blade was made 10s of 1000s years ago 2) where it was dug up 3) in what collection it is now


Wonderful post from recent
Digital Heritage MSc, Hugh Gatt about combining artefact illustration, 3D scanning & photogrammetry. Well done Hugh.


* * *
Scott MacLeod
Sat, Dec 7, 1:32 PM (1 day ago)
to Ed, Barbara, Janie

Hi Ma, and Ed,

Time traveled far in the de Young museum last Tuesday, - to 1845-1900 east coast, west coast in painting ... Remington, Bierstadt, maple sugar camps in Maine, afternath of US Civil War,  Italy & France too - fantastic ... then New Guinea some 1300-1600 estimated ... incredible! ... then Vietnamese in art video in CA from 2006!

Good to have checked in, Ma ... Also just raised ethical questions today about Scottish Country Dance teacher D.N. and H.J.M., his wife, who's a lawyer ... maybe with regards to spurious and unethical letter from UCB law instructor / cad too ? ... good to have checked in ... see :

Sent this to E. S. & B. S. today -  Hello, Ed! How are you, and how is your week going? It was nice to see you recently. Was curious at Open Band while sitting on the piano bench next to Patti on R, and Barbara J on left, about what D.N. on right of P.C., said, looking at me (and possibly B.J. too), - something like "Do you hate us? Or you hate us, don't you? I was talking to Barbara?" ... when I replied I'm a learner at the piano - and about what he was referring to or meant? (Could he have been referring too to B. S., who hasn't been coming to Open Band for many months now?) Hoping D.N. hasn't, with H his wife, been doing anything spurious or illegal or unethical (and toward me, unbeknownst) ! I'm texting you, Ed, because we curiously met D and H in the park when we saw Bansai trees a few years ago. (And also re somehow re the email I sent you and about 7 Quaker friends recently). Friendly regards, Scott

Ma, 'Checking in' allowed me to say the spurious (false) letter didn't stand - and also that the Cal / cad law instructor VERY unethically betrayed me, - probably using letter as pretext (and personal crisis for my 'checking in' was probably recorded) ... did he send a framing letter? ... but WUaS Press/Corp later was able to incorporate (creating an amazing two wing organization planned in 200 countries, 7k languages at WUaS ). Love, Scott

And H and D could conceivably have helped write very unethical letter from Berkeley law instructor ...

Glad too to have suggested recently that the PM for pipe band in South San Francisco see a psychiatrist re another  unethical email to me. Hope he's getting professional psychiatric help for his projections / transferences ... too bad he's so unwell ... and was this partially caused by unethical actions of B.M. toward him as kid (speculative)? A lot of mental health issues here in Bay Area, Ma! ... and per your asking about my giving piping lessons to R.P., who I think graduated from UC Berkeley in engineering recently :)

(7 Dec 2019)...

And Ma, and Ed,

A little unsettling, having headed to the Tourism Studies' Working Group in the UC Berkeley Anthropology department yesterday evening (6 Dec 2019), - and in seeing N.G. Something about his ethics or morality concern me a lot - is he speculatively kind of heading a sex ring in the tourism studies' field in many countries, and idea-wise? ... and very unethically - and re Jim Spohrer's Tweet after not Tweeting (https://twitter.com/JimSpohrer) for a few days - https://twitter.com/ibrahimatlinux/status/1203037719137419264?s=20 (re the name "Haddad" here) - could N have had Dad whacked or injured even in Belize (and somehow in conjunction with Harbin / I..... too ... )? ( ... all quite speculatively).

I pulled a few poetry books off the public library shelf the other day, and one of them was Jimmy Carter's 1995 "Always a Reckoning," and am continuing to think about how an "ecology of life" including internet, symbols, religious traditions, ethics, and evolutionary biology, - and not really the karma idea, but with some kind of parallels "(in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences" (Apple dictionary) plays out with the "Always a Reckoning" idea (after Carter was US President in the late 1970s/ early 80s, with its own probably very confusing 'politics' of 'power' / web of interrelationships between actors, including navigating the harm people do to one another). Appreciating Carter's ethics, his 95 years of age ... and having read the first 2 poems in his book, his focus on life in Georgia (he was born in 1924) and with its focus too in 1st poem) race, and in 2nd poem) trading / barter ... all on a very human, rural, scale in Georgia many decades ago ...

The unsettling thing for me about my whistle-blowing at the SF Quaker Meeting a few years ago about sexual misconduct with children is/was the possible threat of force behind this at the time ... and how this plays out too in an ecology of life over time between peoples of different religious traditions' backgrounds. I see much, much need for excellent MD psychiatry (e.g.
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry) these days, and available easily online - and both excellent and very smart - and with psychiatrists from diverse backgrounds and religious & identity traditions especially - but especially science / medicine knowledgeable, and potentially licensed by each of ~200 countries' nation states/countries! Perhaps AI psychiatrists will emerge with time, and re Jim Spohrer's re-Tweet again, about aggregating open AI projects -

Ibrahim Haddad
To add new projects or modify existing entries:

- https://twitter.com/ibrahimatlinux/status/1203037719137419264?s=20 -

 ... and yet partly dramatically changing the nature of privacy and confidentiality in psychiatry (and in multiple languages). For example, an AI psychiatrist wouldn't be a person, and so couldn't breach an analysand's or client's or patient's or 'call the sufferer of mental health disorders what you will' confidentiality or privacy (MD psychiatrist George Alexander's saying he's heard psychiatrists talk about their patients at cocktail parties), and, yet to protect others and so the state too could license and regulate effectively, recordings of sessions could be made as well. Am not clear what countries do psychiatry, and now online, best in these regards, and now internationally as well.

What are you up to this weekend?

Hoping you had a good week as well, Ma, Ed and Barbara!

Seeking for World University and School to facilitate (good Quaker-wise too) great ethics, and in 200 countries' main languages, and online newly especially.

Fondly, Scott

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com


Just watched again, Zoe and Eric's Scratch Hour of Code Webinar from Monday 2 Dec 2019 -

https://youtu.be/tCMZckWp82w - and did the first 2 Tutorials that they show (in the first few minutes - mainly "Imagine a World" #2).

As I think about this further, and re Lego Robotics' WeDo 2.0 Tutorials which Lego kit I have and have done its Tutorials too, with enjoyment, am appreciative of Eric and Zoe's presence in video - and before that having seen the live presentation with interactive text chat in the side bar (which we can view again above) - even in video live streaming just a little over their Scratch Tutorials. Whereas I enjoyed the Lego WeDo2 Tutorials on their own, because they provided me an entree into making robots with Lego ... and hands' on as well.

Interestingly, as I started exploring the Scratch Tutorials beyond their video introduction eg through here - https://scratch.mit.edu/users/ScottWorldUnivAndSch/ - since I/WUaS have a MIT account for this, I had a slight experience of practicing the piano again when I was growing up - and a kind of related isolation, whereas I didn't have that experience with the Lego Robotics' WeDo2 Tutorials, and Zoe and Erics' warm and sincere and smart (and ethical) presence in the video (in whatever form) ameliorated this sense of 'alienation' ("the state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity to which one should belong or in which one should be involved") of doing the Scratch Tutorials alone ... so, it seems to me, there's room for development for the Scratch Tutorials further vis-a-vis the Lego WeDo2 Tutorials, and as good as the Scratch Tutorials are, and as significant an improvement over their not having been made (or what came before), as they are. :)

Just some writing analysis and thinking and observations re consciousness questions even. :)

How's your day going? And how was your weekend? Talk with you soon, perchance!

L, Scott

Hi Ma, Ed, and Barbara, 

Just blogged today about this ethics' email (and much more) to you here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/sugarloaf-mountain-massachusetts.html?m=0 - as well as started fairly recently an ethics' label in my blog - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethics?m=0 ... In the 'mind-reading' aspect of California culture (empathy-wise too) which seems more prevalent than in other states I've lived in, these lines of poetry from Nobel Laureate poet Seamus Heaney just popped up here https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch which I re-Tweeted, and possibly in this email threads' regards - 

As green sticks hissed and spat into the ashes
And whatever rampaged out there couldn’t reach us,
Firelit, shuttered, slated and stone-walled.

California culture re ethics raises interesting questions in these regards as well (and comparatively with Britain, east coast US and many other places ..)

Will blog too today re MIT Scratch Team's Zoe Bentley who is wonderfully engaging, and re questions of alienation even! :)

* * *

Sugarloaf Mountain: GrowIng @WorldUnivAndSch CAMPUS in #RealisticVirtualEarth with #BrickStreetView w #LegoRobotics w #Scratch3 * Gatt's blade https://skfb.ly/6LWJN >#GoogleStreetView * https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry * Jimmy Carter's 1995 "Always a Reckoning"
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/sugarloaf-mountain-massachusetts.html?m=0 ~



Oregon Coast Range: French educational incubator: Schoolab San Francisco * * * World Univ & Sch Open Q & A and News - 9 Dec 2019, World Univ & Sch is also seeking to develop our platform / web site - and in planning for English and French (Chinese and Spanish), potentially as pilot languages, and for 'You at WUaS' matriculating students to begin * * WUaS is exploring the possibility of facilitating a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, and distributed via UBI experiments via a Wikidata Q-item # to some of all 7.5 billion people on earth, brainstorming-wise

Next: hanging lobster claw (Heliconia rostrata): WoW! Is this https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1204400600185786368?s=20 the beginning of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego ROBOTICS #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics AND #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook too? That little VIRTUAL robot would 1-1 relate to a physical Lego WeDo2 robot! #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital ! * for #ScottishCountryDancing too? * Mars from the HarbinWarmPool VIRTUALLY in 2030s w VIRTUAL robot w 1-1 relate to physical Lego WeDo2 robot! #ActualVirtual! Is this the beginning of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego AND from doing #VirtualWatsu in #RealisticVirtualHarbin too? * * Virtual world - Wikipedia * * Art & Agency: An Anthropological Theory by Alfred Gell in PDF:- Good theoretical jumping off place for understanding how virtual worlds as art / information technologies might work, via anthropology ... * * * (When are we going to be able to travel on Semester at Sea in Virtual Reality in Google Street View with Time Slider in Google Cardboard - this year, in 1999, or in 2004? ! :0) * * * Schoolab SF French educational incubator ... Scottish Country Dancing - and tele-medicine? - 29 official French language-speaking countries
Previous: Sugarloaf Mountain (Massachusetts): GrowIng World Univ And Sch CAMPUS in Realistic Virtual Earth For Robotics for RESEARCH eg How to wiki-add Drawings from sKetchuP +Pics into SketchFab into Google Street View w TIME SLIDER w Second Life (but realistic) with Brick Street View for Lego Robotics w Scratch 3 . . . And How to get #VR of Hugh Gatt's flint-knapped blade https://skfb.ly/6LWJN - into Google Street View for Archaeology 1) when blade was made 10s of 1000s years ago, 2) where it was dug up, 3) in what collection it is now * * * See much, much need for excellent MD psychiatry (e.g. https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry) these days, and available easily online - and both excellent and very smart - and with psychiatrists from diverse backgrounds and religious & identity traditions especially - but especially science / medicine knowledgeable, and potentially licensed by each of ~200 countries' nation states/countries! . . . Perhaps AI psychiatrists will emerge with time ... and yet partly dramatically changing the nature of privacy and confidentiality in psychiatry (and in multiple languages), - For example, an AI psychiatrist wouldn't be a person, and so couldn't breach an analysand's or client's or patient's or 'call the sufferer of mental health disorders what you will' confidentiality or privacy (MD psychiatrist George Alexander's saying he's heard psychiatrists talk about their patients at cocktail parties), and, yet to protect others and so the state too could license and regulate effectively, recordings of sessions could be made as well . . . Am not clear what countries do psychiatry, and now online, best * * * Former US President Jimmy Carter's 1995 book of poetry "Always a Reckoning"

Jean-Claude, Mathieu, Brittany, Cian and Larry, 

Thanks, Cian, for connecting on L.I. and with your email. 

WUaS is exploring the possibility of facilitating a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, and distributed via UBI experiments via a Wikidata Q-item # to some of all 7.5 billion people on earth, brainstorming-wise. See, for ex. - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/UBI - and if WUaS develops with Schoolab SF after the Grand Opening, one question will be how best to plan to build 'You at WUaS' - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - as Wikidata Q item #s (lists of citizens, for ex.?) in each of 29 countries out of ~200 countries, where French is an official language. (I touch on some of this in today's World Univ & Sch Open Q & A and News - 9 Dec 2019 -

World Univ & Sch is also seeking to develop our platform / web site http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - and in planning for English and French (Chinese and Spanish), potentially as pilot languages, and for 'You at WUaS' matriculating students to begin, and re https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/

As I emailed Larry, the chair of the WUaS Board yesterday: "the bottom half of the World Univ & Sch home page has gone missing - has been hacked - and so the donate button is gone too (and am thinking about making an end of year request in the last WUaS Monthly Business Meeting Agenda and News for 3rd Saturday 12/21/19).

Six of the twelve main WUaS Subjects / Areas have gone missing too - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - including "Library Resources" and "Museums," for example. 

Any suggestions or thoughts for making the web page more secure, so it can't be hacked in the future, including FTP upload-wise? 

Thank you.

Sincerely, Scott"

Looking forward to talking about some of this on Wednesday at Schoolab SF International's Grand Opening (https://www.linkedin.com/events/schoolabgrandopeningevent/) as well. 

Best, Scott - 
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Law (Check out other WUaS academic subjects - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - to see the MIT OCW courses which will eventually be for credit, and in French esp.).

* * 

Summary of World Univ & Sch Open Q & A and News - 9 Dec 2019


World Univ & Sch Open Q & A and News - 9 Dec 2019

WUaS News Q & A #WorldUnivAndSchNewsQandA newly in #LightStream >http://youtube. com/WorldUnivandSch Mon 12/8/19 at 10 am P Topic: Your Questions / ideas
@WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress online Universities in https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States
@ScottMacLeod ?>info @ http://worlduniversityandschool.org ~


WUaS open News Q & A from today in #LightStream, in which you can participate in the conversation https://youtu.be/wh7R35jt_dQ on Monday mornings at 10a PT from your time zone #WorldUnivAndSchNewsQandA >http://youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress 200 online Univs




hanging lobster claw (Heliconia rostrata): WoW! Is this https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1204400600185786368?s=20 the beginning of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego ROBOTICS #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics AND #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook too? That little VIRTUAL robot would 1-1 relate to a physical Lego WeDo2 robot! #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital ! * for #ScottishCountryDancing too? * Mars from the HarbinWarmPool VIRTUALLY in 2030s w VIRTUAL robot w 1-1 relate to physical Lego WeDo2 robot! #ActualVirtual! Is this the beginning of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego AND from doing #VirtualWatsu in #RealisticVirtualHarbin too? * * Virtual world - Wikipedia * * Art & Agency: An Anthropological Theory by Alfred Gell in PDF:- Good theoretical jumping off place for understanding how virtual worlds as art / information technologies might work, via anthropology ... * * * (When are we going to be able to travel on Semester at Sea in Virtual Reality in Google Street View with Time Slider in Google Cardboard - this year, in 1999, or in 2004? ! :0) * * * Schoolab SF French educational incubator ... Scottish Country Dancing - and tele-medicine? - 29 official French language-speaking countries


WoW! Is this https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1204400600185786368?s=20 the beginning of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego ROBOTICS #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics AND #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook too? That little VIRTUAL robot would 1-1 relate to a physical Lego WeDo2 robot! #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital !


SCD WoW! Is this https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1204400600185786368?s=20 the beginning of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego ROBOTICS #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics AND for #ScottishCountryDancing https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Country_Dancing too? That little VIRTUAL robot would 1-1 relate to physical Lego WeDo2 robot! #ActualVirtual~


LEGO Education
Today we are breaking it down 💃 to the official
 theme-song, “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work.” Grab your dancing shoes and your teammates to show us your best take on the LEGO Minifigure dance✨! #FLLTEAMWORK


Mars from the HarbinWarmPool VIRTUALLY in 2030s w VIRTUAL robot w 1-1 relate to physical Lego WeDo2 robot! #ActualVirtual! Is this https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1204400600185786368?s=20 the beginning of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego AND from doing #VirtualWatsu https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Watsu_-_water_shiatsu in #RealisticVirtualHarbin too?


* *

Virtual world - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Virtual_world
A virtual world is a computer-based simulated environment which may be populated by many ... Such devices are characterized by bulky headsets and other types of sensory input simulation. Contemporary virtual worlds, in particular the ...


virtual world is a computer-based simulated environment[1] which may be populated by many users who can create a personal avatar, and simultaneously and independently explore the virtual world, participate in its activities and communicate with others.[2] These avatars can be textual, two or three-dimensional graphical representations, or live video avatars with auditory and touch sensations.[3][4] In general, virtual worlds allow for multiple users ... 

* *

This is a good theoretical jumping off place for understanding how virtual worlds as art / information technologies might work, via anthropology ...

Art & Agency: An Anthropological Theory by Alfred Gell in PDF:
book review: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/146195710400700211
-https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Anthropologyhttps://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Art @scottmacleod  @HarbinBook ~


* * *

Semester at Sea in Virtual Reality in Google Street View with Time Slider in Google Cardboard 

Semester at Sea Alums too ... 

Galletta, Dennis
7:54 AM (5 hours ago)
to Scott, Scott, Autumn, karen.burns.wg86@wharton.upenn.edu, haileynicole@me.com, me, Janie

Yes, thanks Autumn! It's great to keep in touch with our fellow alums!


Dennis F. Galletta                      Professor of Business Administration
University of Pittsburgh                     Director, Katz Doctoral Program
282a Mervis Hall                                          AIS LEO and Fellow
Phone +1 412-648-1699                       Katz Graduate School of Business
Fax +1 412-624-3633                                    Pittsburgh, PA  15260
E-mail: galletta @ pitt.edu                 homepage: www.pitt.edu/~galletta

Scott MacLeod
Mon, Dec 9, 1:02 PM (23 hours ago)
to Autumn, karen.burns.wg86, galletta, haileynicole, me, Janie, Scott

HI Autumn, Karen, Dennis and Semester at Sea friends,

Thanks so much for your nice Xmas card, Autumn - received here in Canyon 94516 recently. Re "The ornament of a house is the people who frequent it" (Ralph Waldo Emerson), I just found this on Twitter in Scottish Gaelic which seems somehow quite relevant

Facal an Latha | Word of the Day

loinnearan - decoration

Dè seòrsa loinnearain a bhios tu a' cur air a' chroabh Nollaig? | What sort of decorations do you put on the Christmas tree?


#Gàidhlig #Gaelic #WordoftheDay

- https://twitter.com/LearnGaelicScot/status/1203698266115903488?s=19

Karen, do you happen to speak Scots' Gaelic, by any chance? :)

Appreciating your card, Autumn, and am in the process of drafting my Seasons' Greetings' email - so stay tuned as well!

Thanks too, Dennis, for your message on my blog a few weeks ago. (I recently removed all comments, FYI, since this wasn't a very generative space for conversation - but thanks nevertheless very much).

Happy Semester at Sea sailing!


WUaS Minutes from annual meeting - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/arabian-sand-gazelle-minutes-for-annual.html?m=0 -
- https://www.amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity -
- http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Semester%20at%20Sea?m=0 -


Scott MacLeod
9:10 AM (3 hours ago)
to Dennis, Autumn, karen.burns.wg86@wharton.upenn.edu, haileynicole@me.com, Scott, Janie, Scott

You're welcome, and thanks, Dennis, as well!

(When are we going to be able to travel on Semester at Sea in Virtual Reality in Google Street View with Time Slider in Google Cardboard - this year, in 1999, or in 2004? ! :0)

Best wishes, and Seasons' Greetings,

Languages-World Univ

* * *
Schoolab SF French educational incubator ... 

Scottish Country Dancing - and tele-medicine

Scott MacLeod
9:01 AM (4 hours ago)
to david

Hi Dave,

Nice to talk last night after SCD. Am thinking you overlapped with John Hennessy, since he arrived at Stanford in 1977, I've read/heard (https://www.linkedin.com/in/davedeacon/).

Schoolab SF (see, for ex. - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/oregon-coast-range-french-educational.html?m=0) just emailed and invited us to invite colleagues from the L.I. page - https://www.linkedin.com/events/schoolabgrandopeningevent/. Would you like to go together to the Schoolab SF Grand Opening (it's from 3pm - 11pm tomorrow, Wednesday, 12/11/19), and with Ria tele-medicine networking in mind - re Ria Health in the 29 official French language-speaking countries (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/delta-smelt-san-francisco-bay-estuary.html?m=0), brainstorming-wise (and re World Univ & Sch's online medical schools and teaching hospitals too)?

Will seek to learn what problems Jean-Claude, Mathieu, Brittany and Cian are seeking to solve on Wednesday at the Grand Opening, Dave! (I've met Mathieu, Brittany and Cian, and am looking forward to meeting Jean-Claude at the Opening). :)

Best regards, Scott


Oregon Coast Range: French educational incubator: Schoolab San Francisco * * * World Univ & Sch Open Q & A and News - 9 Dec 2019, World Univ & Sch is also seeking to develop our platform / web site - and in planning for English and French (Chinese and Spanish), potentially as pilot languages, and for 'You at WUaS' matriculating students to begin * * WUaS is exploring the possibility of facilitating a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, and distributed via UBI experiments via a Wikidata Q-item # to some of all 7.5 billion people on earth, brainstorming-wise

http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/oregon-coast-range-french-educational.html?m=0 -


Delta smelt (San Francisco Bay Estuary): Greetings from the Legion of Honor museum in San Francisco - a brief tour @WorldUnivAndSch introduction ~ info@ http://worlduniversityandschool.org ~ Planning ALL Museums in #RealisticVirtualEarthForMuseums * * * The @WUaSPress seeks to become listed on all ~200 countries' stockmarkets, and in their languages - esp. as a way to help small countries develop, - and via, brainstorming-wise, collaborating with a Google to write the software whereby companies can get listed on countries' stock markets, Much of my thinking is both Google/Alphabet-centric, as well as Stanford-centric re coding questions in this email thread, Jean-Claude, and re your connection as an alumnus of the Stanford GSB as well

- http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/delta-smelt-san-francisco-bay-estuary.html?m=0 -

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.




Ring-tailed lemur: Good to have headed to the Schoolab SF Grand Opening Party from 3-11 yesterday. Networked with French Consul General, and another Consul General of Denmark for 4 years until recently (and a Vietnamese Consul General)

Previous: hanging lobster claw (Heliconia rostrata): WoW! Is this https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1204400600185786368?s=20 the beginning of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego ROBOTICS #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics AND #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook too? That little VIRTUAL robot would 1-1 relate to a physical Lego WeDo2 robot! #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital ! * for #ScottishCountryDancing too? * Mars from the HarbinWarmPool VIRTUALLY in 2030s w VIRTUAL robot w 1-1 relate to physical Lego WeDo2 robot! #ActualVirtual! Is this the beginning of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego AND from doing #VirtualWatsu in #RealisticVirtualHarbin too? * * Virtual world - Wikipedia * * Art & Agency: An Anthropological Theory by Alfred Gell in PDF:- Good theoretical jumping off place for understanding how virtual worlds as art / information technologies might work, via anthropology ... * * * (When are we going to be able to travel on Semester at Sea in Virtual Reality in Google Street View with Time Slider in Google Cardboard - this year, in 1999, or in 2004? ! :0) * * * Schoolab SF French educational incubator ... Scottish Country Dancing - and tele-medicine? - 29 official French language-speaking countries

Dear Alden, Dick, Lucy and Ma,

Speculative, - Warren / Buttigieg or Biden/someone vs not-Mitt-Romney since he's dropped out of running in 2020, and Democrats win Senate? (Partly re impeachment process)?

Good to have headed to the Schoolab SF Grand Opening Party from 3-11 yesterday. Networked with French Consul General, and another Consul General of Denmark for 4 years until recently (and a Vietnamese Consul General). Good to have connected too with what could become a team for the beginning growth of WORLD University and School - CEO and co-founder Jean-Claude Charlet, Cian Mitsunaga (a lawyer and a 'sweetie':), Brittany Bir and Mathieu Aguesse. I met CEO Jean-Claude for the first time, and like him. I had met Brittany, Cian and SF CEO Mathieu a few weeks ago there on the 11th floor of Schoolab SF's new offices.

... I think Schoolab SF and the French Consul General could see WUaS as a great GREAT new business opportunity in many ways ... and esp re the 29 official French language countries out of ~200 in the world. ... and possibly re WUaS facilitating a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, and re all 7.5 billion people on planet, each a Wikidata Q-item number (since WUaS donated ourselves to Wikidata as 'back end' structured knowledge database in Wikipedia's ~300 languages in 2015, and received the front end WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017), - and distributed via Universal Basic Income EXPERIMENTS partly to alleviate poverty ... as well as WUaS plans to create 2.2 million careers in all 200 countries and 7011 known living languages.

How are you? And what are you up to this weekend? :)

Fond regards, Scott


Th. Nov 14, 2019

Bonjour Jean-Claude, Mathieu, and Brittany (whose email I don't have),

Thank you for the invitation to the get together this Friday at SF Schoolab International. Does Schoolab engage CC-4 MIT OCW's Sloan School of Management / Business - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/ - in any way, en Anglais? FYI World Univ & Sch, of which I'm the founder, seeks to offer free-to-students' online Bachelor degrees FIRST IN ENGLISH as WUaS accredits with the state of California (BPPE), then MIT OCW-centric business degrees in French.

One 'value proposition' I could see in communicating further incubator-wise is Schoolab's Founders' and Management's connections (https://theschoolab.com/en/about/team/) with your universities in France and their relationship to the French government. Since World Univ & Sch seeks to build from the 'gold mine' or 'mother lode' of Creative Commons' 4 licensed MIT OpenCourseWare (in its 5 languages), where CC-4 licensing says users can, with MIT OCW, A) share it, B) adapt it, C) but non-commercially, WUaS cannot ask for tuition from students - so online WUaS will be free-to-students - but WUaS will seek reimbursement from governments (eg federal, state, local, etc) per student per year; this could extend to all 29 French speaking countries (planned in French - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/French_language).

So, for example, since you -

Jean-Claude Charlet
SCHOOLAB CEO and co-founder

went to ...

- Stanford University Graduate School of Business - Business Administration

- Université Paris La Sorbonne

- ESSEC Business School - Business Administration

... WUaS would like to explore developing networks with these great universities and related governments (eg state of CA in Sacramento, Federal Government in Washington DC, the French government in Paris, etc), and all via the internet.

Similarly, Matthieu, Audiencia's Business School (your alma mater - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mathieuaguesse/detail/contact-info/) could benefit from Wolrd Univ & Sch's MIT OCW arrangements. If WUaS could get, over time, French students interested in MIT OCW-centric management degrees, in English and French, and if then WUaS could get reimbursement from the French government due to the CC-4 licensing, and Schoolab's ESSEC, Sorbonne and Audencia's connections, I suspect that people affiliated with French World University and School would do very well for themselves, for example, too.

This would extend to Colombia, (and Uruguay, too, and with regards to Brittany's recent trip there), and with respect to

Ana Maria Zuluaga
Co-founder at Schoolab San Francisco
EHESS - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

And WUaS seeks to create online Colombia and Uruguay World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - in official / major languages there. Here's the Spanish Language with subject at WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Spanish_language - planned in Spanish, and informing major online MIT OCW-centric WUaS Universities in all Spanish speaking countries (21?).

World Univ & Sch seeks to offer online Bachelor, Ph.D., Law and Medicine (M.D.) degrees as well as I.B. high school degrees, all online and accrediting, and in ~200 countries' official / main languages.

And while WUaS seeks to offer online Business Degrees at the Bachelor and Ph.D. levels, based on MIT OCW Sloan courses - see WUaS'a 6 present undergraduate majors in the course catalog here ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - WUaS hasn't matriculated any undergraduate students for this yet. World Univ & Sch is seeking an online undergraduate class of 500-2000 English speaking students from all 200 countries in the autumn of 2000. WUaS website development in multiple languages will be a major part of this.

I see another 'value proposition' with regard to translating of MIT OCW into French, for example, and job creation as well as knowledge generation for France, and in French-speaking countries. For example, these French universities above, and faculty translators too (learning new courses to teach in French), could benefit from the knowledge in MIT OCW for their own universities. (Againn, this could extend to all countries with French as their official languages too, so in Africa, for example, and for reimbursement too - as well as for knowledge generation).

WUaS is very digitally focused, so not seeking office space, yet I'd like to invite you to Monday Morning 10 am WUaS talk sessions if you might be interested - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1188152443386777601. Could WUaS explore interviewing you here, Jean-Claude, for example?

And for your information too, WUaS is 2 legal entities: A) World University and School, a non-profit 501 c 3 tax exempt charity, and B) the WUaS Corporation / Press a for-profit general stock company. Both are planned in each of all ~200 countries, and in 7111 known living languages, and both are not yet financially operational to speak of. Here are the most recent Minutes to give you more information about WUaS:

- https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2019/10/minutes-for-world-univ-sch-monthly.html

- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/10/scintillant-hummingbird-minutes-for.html
(and Larry Viehland, above, is chair of the Board, as well as CFO, acting, on both wings).

Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow evening Matthieu - and Jean-Claude if you happen to make a cameo appearance via Skype in the middle of the night :)

à Bientôt, Scott

Please see the MIT OCW here -

https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Business_Management - eventually for credit, and then in many languages

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.


Th Dec 5, 2109

Scott MacLeod
Thu, Dec 5, 11:08 AM (7 days ago)
to mathieuaguesse, Jean-Claude, Larry, Scott

Bonjour, Jean-Claude,

Looking forward to meeting you at the Grand Opening! And looking forward, too, to talking with you about MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School planned in each of all ~29 French-speaking countries (out of ~200 in world). (Larry Viehland above is the chair of the Board at WUaS, as well as current CFO, and is also the acting Chair of the Board, and acting CFO of the WUaS Corporation / WUaS Press; WUaS is comprised of 2 parallel legal entities; see - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/arabian-sand-gazelle-minutes-for-annual.html).

And are you at all in communication with the Stanford Basic Income Lab, and (French) Stanford Philosophy Professor Juliana Bidadanure and its Faculty Director - https://basicincome.stanford.edu/?utm_source=BIL+Newsletter+Fall+Quarter+2019 ? CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School is exploring facilitating Universal Basic Income experiments, and for all 7.5 billion people on planet earth, each a Wikidata Q-item #, and Wikidata Q-item # for 3 other reasons to begin - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/arabian-sand-gazelle-minutes-for-annual.html. I know Juliet a little from Stanford UBI talks as well.

Et connaissez-vous Guillemette Fenain (née Renault) de Croissy-sur-Seine (car il peut s'agir d'un tout petit monde)? (C'est une vieille amie qui vit peut-être maintenant en Bretagne / Brittany).

Best regards, Scott

(https://lnkd.in/gKJQYbe - which, in addition to online Bachelor, Ph.D., M.D. and I.B. diplomas in French, for ex., is planning to create online MIT OCW-centric Law Schools - https://lnkd.in/gVJZUdd - also in ~200 countries' languages - https://lnkd.in/gpKDeBU - https://lnkd.in/ggrBf9W too, and wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7111 known living languages!)





From 1st Schoolab SF event on 11/15/19:



Bonjour Brittany, Just shared this email about Schoolab incubation and re MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School with Jean-Claude and Matthieu - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/rosa-chinensis-schoolab-san-francisco.html and which is to you too, FYI, but I don't have your Gmail address. Looking forward to talking further on Friday! Cheers, Scott MacLeod


Schoolab San Francisco

400 Montgomery Street

11th Floor

San Francisco, CA 94104


Sat. Dec 7, 2019

Scott MacLeod
Sat, Dec 7, 11:18 AM (5 days ago)
to mathieuaguesse, Jean-Claude, Larry, Scott

Jean-Claude, Mathieu, Brittany, Cian and Larry,

One further ginormous brainstorming before meeting you on Wednesday, - and which I just Tweeted to both Brittany, as well a Robert Z, who is the CTO at the Vanguard Mutual Fund Group in the Philadelphia area, I think.

 seeks to become listed on all ~200 countries' stock markets, and in their languages - esp. as a way to help small countries develop, - and via, brainstorming-wise, collaborating with a Google to write the software whereby companies can get listed on countries' mkts

Languages-World Univ: https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1203346651890348032?s=20


 seeks to become listed on all ~200 countries' stock markets esp. as a way to help small countries develop, - and via collaborating with a 'Google' to write the software whereby companies can get listed on countries' mkts. How

 best to talk further?


Much of my thinking is both Google/Alphabet-centric, as well as Stanford-centric re coding questions in this email thread, Jean-Claude, and re your connection as an alumnus of the Stanford GSB as well.

Looking forward to talking with you all of you on Wednesday, and meeting you, Jean-Claude! (I have neither Brittany nor Cian's email addresses, so please forward these to them, if possible!) Thank you.

Best regards, Scott

Languages-World Univ: https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/


Mon, Dec 9, 2019

Jean-Claude, Mathieu, Brittany, Cian and Larry,

Thanks, Cian, for connecting on L.I. and with your email.

WUaS is exploring the possibility of facilitating a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, and distributed via UBI experiments via a Wikidata Q-item # to some of all 7.5 billion people on earth, brainstorming-wise. See, for ex. - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/UBI - and if WUaS develops with Schoolab SF after the Grand Opening, one question will be how best to plan to build 'You at WUaS' - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - as Wikidata Q item #s (lists of citizens, for ex.?) in each of 29 countries out of ~200 countries, where French is an official language. (I touch on some of this in today's World Univ & Sch Open Q & A and News - 9 Dec 2019 - https://youtu.be/wh7R35jt_dQ - https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch).

World Univ & Sch is also seeking to develop our platform / web site - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - and in planning for English and French (Chinese and Spanish), potentially as pilot languages, and for 'You at WUaS' matriculating students to begin, and re https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/.

As I emailed Larry, the chair of the WUaS Board yesterday: "the bottom half of the World Univ & Sch home page has gone missing - has been hacked - and so the donate button is gone too (and am thinking about making an end of year request in the last WUaS Monthly Business Meeting Agenda and News for 3rd Saturday 12/21/19).

Six of the twelve main WUaS Subjects / Areas have gone missing too - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - including "Library Resources" and "Museums," for example.

Any suggestions or thoughts for making the web page more secure, so it can't be hacked in the future, including FTP upload-wise?

Thank you.

Sincerely, Scott"

Looking forward to talking about some of this on Wednesday at Schoolab SF International's Grand Opening (https://www.linkedin.com/events/schoolabgrandopeningevent/) as well.

Best, Scott -
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Law (Check out other WUaS academic subjects - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - to see the MIT OCW courses which will eventually be for credit, and in French esp.).

(scottmacleod.com& worlduniversityandschool.org)


Heliconia latispatha (expanded lobster claw): Lego ROBOTICS into #GooglePoly w #FilmTo3D App in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego @SorenJuulJ ? re #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital * * * How best to code #AR #AI #ML #ARVRinEDU in #RealisticVirtualEarth #VR #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM?


Lego ROBOTICS into #GooglePoly w #FilmTo3D App in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego @SorenJuulJ ? re #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1129348406760099846& https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1204400600185786368?s=20 How best to code #AR #AI #ML #ARVRinEDU in #RealisticVirtualEarth #VR #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM?







hanging lobster claw (Heliconia rostrata): WoW! Is this https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1204400600185786368?s=20 the beginning of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego ROBOTICS #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics AND #RealisticVirtualHarbin @HarbinBook too? That little VIRTUAL robot would 1-1 relate to a physical Lego WeDo2 robot! #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital ! * for #ScottishCountryDancing too? * Mars from the HarbinWarmPool VIRTUALLY in 2030s w VIRTUAL robot w 1-1 relate to physical Lego WeDo2 robot! #ActualVirtual! Is this the beginning of #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego AND from doing #VirtualWatsu in #RealisticVirtualHarbin too? * * Virtual world - Wikipedia * * Art & Agency: An Anthropological Theory by Alfred Gell in PDF:- Good theoretical jumping off place for understanding how virtual worlds as art / information technologies might work, via anthropology ... * * * (When are we going to be able to travel on Semester at Sea in Virtual Reality in Google Street View with Time Slider in Google Cardboard - this year, in 1999, or in 2004? ! :0) * * * Schoolab SF French educational incubator ... Scottish Country Dancing - and tele-medicine? - 29 official French language-speaking countries

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/hanging-lobster-claw-heliconia-rostrata.html -



Chimney swift (Chaetura pelagica): Schoolab SF meeting and re QI Ethics (re A.I. Ethics, and machine learning ethics too) * * Lego at the molecular level and into Google Poly (a library of 3D objects) * * * hacking of http://worlduniversityandschool.org - how to make more secure? * * * Courses for our first undergraduate class, and email to edX President and MIT Professor of EECS Anant, Agarwal ... re The_College_at_World_University_and_School

Next: Chesapeake Bay: In an "Online Psychoanalsysis" thread, in the DC area during the holiday period?, Here's the 'Jacques Lacan MD' blog label, here too is the beginning 'Psychoanalysis' wiki subject, without courses yet (or avatar bot psychoanalysts for that matter), at World University and School (see, too, the /Psychiatry (MD), /Psychotherapy and /Psychology wiki subjects, not yet with much CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare) - and planned in all ~200 countries' official / main languages eventually. * * Next book, 4th book, coming out any day now: "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality" and here's a draft of one the closing poems, with the same name, and with a focus on consciousnes * * * re SINGLE family tree questions in WikiTree, presumably for 7.5 billion people on the planet * WUaS is seeking to plan for, brainstorming-wise, coding for all 7.5 billion people for the following reasons: i) wiki Universitians in 7,111 known living languages, and matriculated students in all ~200 countries, ii) Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records, with genetic therapies, and for molecular tele robotic surgery, for ex., iii) Universal Basic Income (UBI) experiments (and to alleviate poverty), and to DISTRIBUTE a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, iv) a single family tree for genealogy research as in WikiTree, Peter Norvig, you're a Bayesian statistician * * do physical Bitcoin coins access web?, how do physical Bitcoins work?

Thursday, December 12, 2019


Great to meet you yesterday evening!

Here's the IBM CSIG talk I mentioned re AI ethics:

"Z-inspection: Toward a Process to Assess Ethical AI" -
31 October 2019 11:30am US EasternRoberto ZicariEthical AI Due DiligenceGoethe University FrankfurtSlidesRecording

And here are some thoughts about this, and in some ways with regards how the market could play a role (vis-a-vis the neutral Consumers Union "Consumer Reports" magazine, as idea and example) - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/kea-where-are-object-database-systems.html (but in many other ways too) - and perhaps from an American perspective (and some further thoughts from a Harvard Law BKC panel with the President of Germany - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/northern-gannett-virtual-college-stem.html). 

And this just came into my email box from Harvard Law BKC too - https://mailchi.mp/cyber/the-buzz-504729?e=d21d1ecc31 - relatedly - 

Public opinion lessons for AI regulation
Baobao ZhangTuesday, December 10, 2019
https://www.brookings.edu/research/public-opinion-lessons-for-ai-regulation/ .

Looking forward to meeting you again at some point. 

All the best, Scott
And here's the "Human Rights'" wiki subject at WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Human_Rights -with some MIT OCW courses, which will eventually be for credit, and in many languages, per your Stanford HANDA human rights' focus - (https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects) - and to give you an idea of how WUaS will work in many countries' official languages, and for credit. 

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Kea: "Z-inspection: Toward a Process to Assess Ethical AI" - Much of following communication relates to ethics' thinking in conversation with Prof. Roberto Zicari's IBM CSIG talk * * * Where are Object Database Systems going? - Google Poly ?, Heart device monitors, Self-driving automobiles, Adult robots? Ethical AI * * * Consumer Reports' approach to AI ethics, if you will, and in lieu of 'inspections.' * * * Quaker SPICES - Simplicity - Understandable and Explainable AI, Peace - non-harming (1:55 minute), Integrity - Trust, Community - Citizens, Equality - minimize the risk of bias, Stewardship - businesses and citizens - as an ethic to mediate ETHICAL AI as process

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/kea-where-are-object-database-systems.html -


Northern Gannett: VIRTUAL college STEM laboratories in #GooglePoly wi #MachineLearning to prepare WUaS BACHELOR students for PHYSICAL Ph.D. chemistry laboratories * * * Create 'lovely and lyrical' ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy as a new form of 'writing' even :) . . . I don't think such a lovely and lyrical book has been written about St. Kilda, Scotland (re my Univ of Edinburgh Master's thesis on virtual senses of place) . . . Ethics' questions seem 'operative' here - I hope in my whistle-blowing that California law will be observed with regard too to the sex trade re these questions (re Stanford too?) * * * NO World Univ & Sch Monday TALK Q & A News TODAY 1/11/19 10am PT due to WIFI issues * * * Annual Meeting for World University and School meets this Saturday at 9am PT, electronically-mediated, at open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting * * * No Open Band at St. Clement's in Berkeley, playing for Scottish Country Dancers, this evening due to Veterans' Day. And is anyone heading to hear Northumbrian piper Dick Hensold and Irish guitar-player Patsy O'Brien this Thursday * * * Hoping wiki WUaS will turn the education electricity on - and in all ~200 countries and 7111 known living languages online with MIT OpenCourseWare-centric degrees and wiki schools for open rocking teaching and learning - for FREE UNIVERSAL EDUCATION

- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/northern-gannett-virtual-college-stem.html -


Since you're the former general consul of Denmark, these Tweets may also interest you:

Lego at the molecular level and into Google Poly (a library of 3D objects) -

Lego at molecular level - and into Google Poly too re #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital ? https://scientificamerican.com/article/molecular-lego-2007-09/ re
best STEM CC OCW degrees in 5 langs, how to code #ar #ai #ARVRinEDU #RealisticVirtualEarth #VR #BlockchainForRoboticsSystems
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/12/rainbows-in-culture-freud-and-lacan.html #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego
As field sites?


Lego ROBOTICS into #GooglePoly w #FilmTo3D App in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego @SorenJuulJ ? re #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1129348406760099846& https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1204400600185786368?s=20 How best to code #AR #AI #ML #ARVRinEDU in #RealisticVirtualEarth #VR #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM?

- https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1205237936725213185?s=20
- https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1205260857183285254?s=20
- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1205237728251498496?s=20
- https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1205261622047981570?s=20
- https://twitter.com/WUaSPress/status/1205261932929748992?s=20

Great to meet you at Schoolab SF, Soren!

Best, Scott

* * *
Friday, December 13, 2019

Dear Larry and Peter, (and Jim, Takeshi, and Tarun), Dave and Bob (Greetings!), 

Am not clear how MIT OpenCourseWare-centric wiki World Univ & Sch will develop IT-wise still. 

Brainstorming: Bob Nix who is CTO of Ria Health - https://riahealth.com/team - (where his brother is CEO) - with regards to Dave Deacon who is COO of Ria Health, and a Scottish Country dancing friend, comes to mind re WUaS IT development.  Dave is a Scottish Country dancer on Monday evenings in Berkeley who went to MIT as an undergrad too, Larry and Jim (in physics and EE), AND went to Stanford for a PhD in physics in the 1970s, and Bob, whom I haven't met, went to Yale in CS as undergraduate or for Ph.D. Dave came up to me last Monday after Scottish Country Dancing, near my keyboard, to talk a bit about World Univ & Sch and WUaS's heading to the Grand Opening of Schoolab SF, the French educational Incubator, or innovation studio, after I had gone up to Dave 3 times over 3 weeks after SCD to talk about WUaS and Ria. (I subsewquently invited both Dave Deacon and Bob Nix to the Schoolab SF Grand Opening, but they didn't attend. I think that, having gone to MIT, Stanford and Yale, they would also, hypothetically, eventually attract great computer scientists who know machine learning, for example, to help develop WUaS IT-wise with time. 

So, combine Ria Health's approach to tele-medicine and alcoholism with WUaS's planned online medical schools and online teaching hospitals in ~200 countries' official languages - and possibly even re Stanford / Duke's Alphabet/Google's Project Baseline, and also Project ECHO? You'll find some of my correspondence and brainstorming with Dave re Ria and WUaS here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/tunicate-sea-squirts-tele-medicine.html - including : 

"Brainstorming-wise, and with regards to successful interventions for your addiction and alcoholism patients, I wonder if you/RIA might be able to network with Project Baseline, and use getting your patients into a Project Baseline clinic IDEA, or similar, (your own clinics? ) to give their physical samples of blood, sweat, tears, saliva, stool, etc., and do a cardio exam in a clinic (or eventually even from home), where Project Baseline would then turn these physical samples into data ... to chart a path way to health for them. This is the idea behind Project Baseline as I understand it but best to 'brush up' on your Project Baseline knowledge for yourself, from Youtubes or similar) ...

So if your patients could be 'incentivized' to change their drinking habits and by getting on a cardio machine (and to exercise) initially, in the name of contributing to science and a study, and get into the clinic too, they might be incentivized to change their alcoholic behavior - a kind of educational approach too - and then you might be able to show further results, and thereby help you get RIA into the value chain (ie financial reimbursement loops). Your Stanford and MIT links might help you find your way into openings in Project Baseline study, created by Alphabet / Google / Verily / Stanford / Duke University 10,000 person project / study (and Project Baseline may already be showing results among alcoholics - re data to show Anthem etc.).

More about Project Baseline and Project ECHO here from 2017 -
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/12/chiricahua-national-monument-projects.html (and sprinkled throughout my active blog as well)."
So I can seek to talk with Dave again this upcoming Monday, but WUaS is still seeking a startup CTO, and Bob Nix may well be busy with Ria Health, as its CTO. But WUaS is still seeking a lead I.T. developer. (Takeshi, would be interested in talking about this?)

Developing World University and School IT-wise is an amazingly creative CS opportunity, and beginning with our home page, and especially with regard to making it secure re this email thread: "hacking of http://worlduniversityandschool.org - how to make more secure?"

Sincerely, Scott


Hi Scott,
Thanks for update.

Mozilla's Common Voice projectis making good progress - and hopefully will help with speech technology for 1000 top languages of the world in coming years.

WUaS should be able to have a good technology foundation by around 2025 - which is my estimate of when there will be open source AI for 1000 top languages.   So hang in there!!!

Best wishes for the holidays and and a happy new year 2020!

Thanks, -Jim

Jim Spohrer, PhD
Director, Cognitive Opentech Group (COG)
IBM Research - Almaden, 650 Harry Road San Jose, CA 95120(o) 408-927-1928<spohrer@us.ibm.com>
(m) 408-829-3112<spohrer@gmail.com>
Innovation Champion: http://service-science.info/archives/2233

Scott MacLeod
11:34 AM (4 hours ago)
to Jim

Thanks, Jim,

Am hanging in there ... but occasionally am frustrated by lack of developments, growth, IT coding, monies for licensing, students, hiring of faculty, etc ...

Seeking to get World Univ & Sch growing, and just about to publish my 4th book "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually ... " in the Academic Press at World University and School, and with regards too to:

WUaS Universal Translator https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/WUaS_Universal_Translator seeks to be in Glottolog's 8,506 entries in languages https://glottolog.org/glottolog/language & Ethnologue's 7,111 known living languages https://ethnologue.com https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLanguages >Academic
@WUaSPress ~

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1205542500720447488?s=20

With best regards, and Season's Greetings,

Lego at the molecular level and into Google Poly (a library of 3D objects) -

Lego at molecular level - and into Google Poly too re #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital ? https://scientificamerican.com/article/molecular-lego-2007-09/ re
best STEM CC OCW degrees in 5 langs, how to code #ar #ai #ARVRinEDU #RealisticVirtualEarth #VR #BlockchainForRoboticsSystems
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/12/rainbows-in-culture-freud-and-lacan.html #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego
As field sites?

Lego ROBOTICS into #GooglePoly w #FilmTo3D App in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego @SorenJuulJ ? re #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1129348406760099846 & https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1204400600185786368?s=20 How best to code #AR #AI #ML #ARVRinEDU in #RealisticVirtualEarth #VR #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM?


Jim Spohrer
12:26 PM (3 hours ago)
to me

Your digital workers are coming to help you in the years ahead!!!

(with two charts)

Thank you for your encouragement, Jim,

And wow, a digital worker could be a billion times cheaper in 60 years - is I think what chart 1 suggests!

And perhaps World Univ & Sch can seek to add consciousness to the AI leaderboards in some years re 'awareness,''sentience,' feeling,''perception' (and a main focus of one of the concluding poems in my upcoming book, with regards to western Philosophy of Mind conceptions of consciousness!), and per chart 2.

Thank you! - Scott

* * *

Hi Tanya, (Anant and Larry - greetings, Anant!)

Thanks for your email and with regards to your "If we are in need of me finishing for accreditation I need Finance Theory and Introduction To Lean Six Sigma" at MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch, for a free-to-students' online Bachelor's degree as an undergraduate Business major per our Course Catalog - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk-V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P09LIk/edit?usp=sharing from http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ .

Anant, Tanya, is in World Univ & Sch's very first matriculating undergraduate class (albeit not yet licensing, or accrediting), and she is seeking to finish 2 courses for her degree. The MIT OCW for one of these courses didn't work out for her. So I'm including you in this email, as WUaS seeks to begin first licensing with the state of California's BPPE (and then potentially to accredit with WASC senior). How might WUaS and edX explore collaboration?

Tanya: I just found on this MIT OCW into MITx page - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mitx-related-courseware/ - the following

"15.415.1x Foundations of Modern Finance I"
https://www.edx.org/course/foundations-of-modern-finance-i ...

Then, not finding any MIT OCW / MITx Intro to Lean Six Sigma COURSES, I found in edX this:

"Six Sigma and Lean: Quantitative Tools for Quality and Productivity"

Am not sure about what you might need to know beforehand (15.415 says it's advanced, and Six Sigma doesn't list any pre-reqs, but the course lasts for 6 months)

Then I found in MIT OCW:

Finance Theory I

Introduction to Lean Six Sigma Methods

So, let me communicate with Larry, and look into

A) collaborating with edX for MIT OCW > MITx  ... and with regards, too, to

B i) WUaS licensing with CA's BPPE, then
B ii) accreditation (with WASC senior?) ...

C) finding some further possible edX MIT OCW courses relating to the 2 courses for you to graduate with, possibly after WUaS begins accreditation ... (which would increase the value of your Bachelor's degree significantly).

It could be the autumn when you begin classes again, re the above ... or you might be able (and WUaS is still seeking the initial ~5,000 dollars to begin licensing, as well as annual licensing and accreditation fees after this).

Please let me/us know what you think about these possibilities, Tanya, and how you might like to proceed (in conversation, if that's helpful).

(Anant, how might we best communicate about some of this as well? WUaS is seeking to matriculate our 2nd undergraduate class in English in the autumn of 2020, and for students from all ~200 countries, for a 4 year degree - and hopefully with very high retention rates. WUaS is seeking 500-2000 students, as WUaS begins the licensing and accreditation process from California. In what ways could WUaS collaborate with edX in these regards as well. Larry Viehland, above, is the chair of the WUaS Board, and MIT alumnus too!).

Thank you! And looking forward to communicating further about all of this.

Best, Scott
- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch -

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University


Chesapeake Bay: In an "Online Psychoanalsysis" thread, in the DC area during the holiday period?, Here's the 'Jacques Lacan MD' blog label, here too is the beginning 'Psychoanalysis' wiki subject, without courses yet (or avatar bot psychoanalysts for that matter), at World University and School (see, too, the /Psychiatry (MD), /Psychotherapy and /Psychology wiki subjects, not yet with much CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare) - and planned in all ~200 countries' official / main languages eventually. * * Next book, 4th book, coming out any day now: "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality" and here's a draft of one the closing poems, with the same name, and with a focus on consciousnes * * * re SINGLE family tree questions in WikiTree, presumably for 7.5 billion people on the planet * WUaS is seeking to plan for, brainstorming-wise, coding for all 7.5 billion people for the following reasons: i) wiki Universitians in 7,111 known living languages, and matriculated students in all ~200 countries, ii) Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records, with genetic therapies, and for molecular tele robotic surgery, for ex., iii) Universal Basic Income (UBI) experiments (and to alleviate poverty), and to DISTRIBUTE a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, iv) a single family tree for genealogy research as in WikiTree, Peter Norvig, you're a Bayesian statistician * * do physical Bitcoin coins access web?, how do physical Bitcoins work?

Next: Bog turtle: PREFACE to the book of poetry, "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual Reality" * * * Greatest Museums in DC? ... Sometimes, it's fun to see art and objects in museums as if we could travel into their virtual world :) ... An ever-improving all-museums-ever-online-in-a-realistic-virtual-earth ... moving toward an experience of visiting the physical museum * * * Berkeley Scottish Country Dance Holiday party ... nice to talk with you, Alex! ... Develop ONLINE schools of STATESMANSHIP at Scotland World Univ & Sch & in ~200 countries from Law Schs AT WUaS ... Seems important for a potentially independent Scotland to have trained statesmen / diplomats / foreign service / international relations people ... Independence for Scotland and Catalonia?

Sid Mazumdar
5:50 AM (5 hours ago)
to me


Will you be in the DC area  during the holiday period? Please let us know.


Sent from my iPad

Scott MacLeod
8:30 AM (2 hours ago)
to Janie, Tym, David, Larry, Brig, Caleb, Rosemary, Mary, Henry, Karen, Marti, Mainak, mazumdarp, Pin

Hi Pin, Tym, David and All,

Nice to get your email, Pin!

It looks like my mother and I will get to DC in the late afternoon on Thursday, 12/26/19, and be staying at Days Inn in NW DC, close to where my 2nd cousin, Karen Leighty and family, live, and with whom we'll do much in DC. Pin - a possible visit (lunch, tea, dinner?) in Baltimore on our way back on Sunday the 29th (with Mr. and Mrs. Mazumdar, Marti and Pat and families too if also in the Chesapeake Bay area) - or meet in DC, before?

David, and Tym, get together on Fri, the 27th, or Sat, the 28th, and possibly re multiple museum visits together, and other urban adventuring-forth in DC too, and with families? (David - a visit to Sidwell Friends' Meeting House, for example - might there even be a cafe there which could be open over the Christmas holidays?:)

Looking forward to seeing you! :)

With very best wishes, and Season's Greetings (holiday letter to come)!

Here's the 'Jacques Lacan MD' blog label (which is fairly new) per this email thread
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Jacques%20Lacan%20MD
And here too is the beginning 'Psychoanalysis' wiki subject, without courses yet (or avatar bot psychoanalysts for that matter), at World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis (see, too, the /Psychiatry (MD), /Psychotherapy and /Psychology wiki subjects, not yet with much CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare) - and planned in all ~200 countries' official / main languages eventually.

Next book, 4th book, coming out any day now: "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality" and here's a draft of one the closing poems, with the same name, and with a focus on consciousness too -

Chameleon vision: Poem ~ "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality"

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/chameleon-vision-poem-to-dance-or-pools.html?m=0 ... https://www.amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity ~

* * *

WUaS - World University and School
10:28 AM (52 minutes ago)
to Markus, Denny, Larry, Peter, Aleš, Magnus, Peter, Lydia, MacLeod, Scott, Chris

Chris, Aleš, Markus, Denny, Lydia and All,

Magnus Sälgö just connected with me again in Telegram (see below) re SINGLE family tree questions in WikiTree, presumably for 7.5 billion people on the planet, and I wanted to share this with you, as well as let you know why else World Univ & Sch is seeking to develop, brainstorming-wise, with 7.5 billion people. I'm sorry that I don't know Bayesian statistics in these regards>

WUaS is seeking to plan for, brainstorming-wise, coding for all 7.5 billion people for the following reasons:

All 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item number (or PIN in the Wikidata ecosystem or similar) for

i) wiki Universitians in 7,111 known living languages, and matriculated students in all ~200 countries,

ii) Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records, with genetic therapies, and for molecular tele robotic surgery, for ex.,

iii) Universal Basic Income (UBI) experiments (and to alleviate poverty), and to DISTRIBUTE a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (where the Euro is in 19 out of 28 EU countries, and backed by their central banks in one way or another) ... and potentially with UBI experiment recipients able, for example, to mine the "Mine Pi" cryptocurrency (as a mineable single cryptocurrency), developed by Stanford graduates, by clicking on the 'lightning button' brainstorming-wise. (See, too, European Central Bank head, Christine Lagarde here -
Watch again: Lagarde on digital currencies

https://twitter.com/ecb/status/1205225680453210112 )

iv) a single family tree for genealogy research as in WikiTree (https://www.wikitree.com, and see too World Family Tree - https://www.geni.com/worldfamilytree), and for aggregating DNA samples too (see item 2 again).
(See, too, the WUaS Annual Meetings' Minutes https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/arabian-sand-gazelle-minutes-for-annual.html )

Magnus is raising quality and "verifiable in reliable sources" questions re approximately 600,000 entries that were recently added to WikiTree, and how bots didn't work out very well.

I'm including Peter Norvig here too since he may have great knowledge about how to explore proceeding with single WikiTree family tree questions with genetic data - and for all 7.5 billion people on planet earth, as well as re the above WUaS questions. Peter, you're a Bayesian statistician, aren't you? Whom else? Markus?

Thoughts, ideas, questions, clarifications ... ? Thank you.

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch
- https://twitter.com/WUaSPress
(Although I've included Magnus Sälgö in this email again per below, I'll leave him out of subsequent emails per his request)

(See, too, re planned reimbursement questions from all ~200 countries re MIT OCW-centric WUaS at what it costs to go to Stanford or MIT per student per year + here -

Tunicate (sea squirts): Tele-medicine, Chief Operating Officer (COO) brainstorming. Per your Qs about 501c3 World Univ & Sch's biz plan, looked up A) tuition at Stanford $47,940 USD 2016–17 . . . tuition at UC Berkeley In-state $13,509 USD, Out-of-state $40,191 USD 2016–17 . . . tuition at MIT $ 48,452 USD 2016–17 . . . Telemedicine and a specific condition: Alcoholism - Approaches for Scotland too . . . and re all 7.5 billion people as well? * * * Aleš and Chris, Magnus in Sweden just shared your emails with me, and we've been talking about planning presumably for all 7.5 billion people per WikiTree planning for 'growing an accurate single family tree' . . . IF NOT Wikidata Q-item for 7.5 billion, then WUaS P-item for all 7.5 billion people? . . . WUaS is seeking to plan, brainstorming-wise, for all 7.5 billion people for these reasons, to begin: All 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item number for 1) wiki Universitians in 7,111 known living languages, and matriculated students in all ~200 countries, 2) Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records, with genetic therapies, and for molecular tele robotic surgery, 3) Universal Basic Income EXPERIMENTS (and to alleviate poverty), and to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks 4) a single family tree for genealogy research as in WikiTree, and for aggregating DNA samples too

WikiTree LiveCast - Chat with Aleš Trtnik, Data Base Errors Project
The Future of Genealogy, WikiTree and Collaboration (with Chris Whitten)

14 Dec 2019 (from SF Bay Area)
Thanks, Magnus - From WikiTree - https://www.wikitree.com/ - "Welcome to The Free Family Tree, growing stronger since 2008.
Together we're growing an accurate single family tree using DNA and traditional genealogical sources" ... Am curious how WikiTree is planning for a SINGLE family tree re dealing with large amounts of data (which machine learning thrives on), based on their history since '08. About 600,000 entries of 7.5 billion people on the planet is .008 %, and this seems like helpful quantification re aiming for 7.5 billion people in a single family tree, but I don't know Bayesian statistics which seems like it could help further significantly - and potentially with issues of verifiability esp. Mathematics can clear up messes, - especially if museum and university peoples could help with this. World Univ & Sch which donated itself to Wikidata in 2015 and received WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki as a consequence in 2017 aims for 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item # (or similarly named, such as PIN - like Personal Identification Number in the Wikidata system) for 4 reasons initially (see: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/arabian-sand-gazelle-minutes-for-annual.html). Will email that thread from a few weeks ago about all of this. Tack! Magnus

13 Dec 2019 (from Sweden)
Magnus Sälgö, [13.12.19 22:18]
Here you can read in WIkiTree the frustration people feel when someone in WIkidata start add all people in a familytree that has bad quality
* https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/951698/bot-import-of-the-peerage-data-in-wikidata-good-or-bad-news

Project chat WIkidata:
* https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat#unknown_(?)

Comments oin the bot creators page:
* https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User_talk:GZWDer#Feedback_of_WikiTree_community_on_The_Peerage_import

Magnus Sälgö, [13.12.19 22:19]
The creator of WIkidata spoke yesterday and said
""explains that Wikidata, like Wikipedia, aims not to decide what is true but to share what is verifiable in reliable sources."

your case with "all people" will not satisfy "verifiable in reliable sources"—> you ask for a mess.....


Arabian sand gazelle: Minutes for ANNUAL MEETING on Saturday, November 16, 2019 for A) World University & School and B) WUaS Corporation at WUaS Monthly Business Meeting

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/chameleon-vision-poem-to-dance-or-pools.html?m=0 -

* *

do physical Bitcoin coins access web?
Without internet, there is no connection to the blockchain to validate the transaction. However transaction can be done offline, by giving the private keys of a bitcoin address. This is how physical bitcoins work - https://www.quora.com/Does-the-receiver-of-bitcoin-need-an-active-internet-connection-to-eventually-receive-the-money ~


Physical Bitcoins by Casascius
"As of 11/27/13, I suspended sales of items ... "
Casascius Bitcoins are physical coins & each one is worth real digital bitcoins. Bitcoin are an open-source peer-to-peer "cryptocurrency" you can send over Web without bank or middleman https://www.casascius.com/ ~

how do physical Bitcoins work?
A physical coin is something that exists in real world that has the public key & private key on it. You can then import these keys into bitcoin wallet to spend. Network will confirm that private key matches the public key https://www.quora.com/How-do-physical-Bitcoins-work




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